1 Year / 100 lb Buddy - May '06

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  • TIRZAH and RYANMI!!! This group is wonderful and supportive!

    I'm just popping in for a minute, but will do personals a little later. I don't know what I've done, but all the sudden, my ring finger on my left hand hurts really bad and I can hardly bend the very tip because it's very stiff. My DH thinks it's arthritis, but who knows. I did get a new digital camera today, and still trying to figure it all out. I am NO GOOD with anything technical, so I don't understand yet how to even get a new picture on here for my avatar. Talk to all of you a little later.
  • WOW! I got busy and didn't check in yesterday and we have three new ladies. That's awesome!! A great big WELCOME to Shawn, Tirzah and Michelle. I so look forward to getting to know you ladies.

    Shawn...I'm following WW as well. I consider walking at the zoo and chasing after babies exercise. Good for you getting back on program.

    Tirzah...WOW! You have done so much all ready. Congrats on your one year of sobriety and loosing 50 pounds!

    Michelle...Look forward to getting to know you better.

    Tina..X-Men 3 was pretty good. It wouldn't of matter anyways, I just wanted a place to cool off for a couple of hours. It was so hot here Saturday and yesterday. I broke down and turned on the central air yesterday. It ran all day and the house never got below 80. Today is much nicer.

    Robbin...Congrats on the 1 or 2 pound loss. I'd take the 2 pounds, you earned it with all that rowing you did last weekend. Hope you get you car fixed tomorrow, bummer you didn't have air for the weekend.

    Linda...Glad you got some sunny weather for the weekend.

    Michelle...Sorry you are having a cold, damp, rainy weekend. My son and family went to the coast for the weekend. Haven't heard how it went, but I'm sure my grandkids were cold and complaining.

    I have had a good weekend and I have been good with my eating and exercising. Spent most of the day sewing and I just about have the first row of kids sewed on. Tomorrow, I'm going to clean up my sewing room and then get back to working on the quilt since I won't be home on Wednesday through Monday. Have appointments on Wednesday and Thursday. Friday is the start of my hubbys days off, so we are going to Fargo. The weekend we are at Devil's Lake for a car show.
    Have a great night and I'll check back tomorrow.

  • Thanks Michelle and Cheryl. This group is so lovely already. I'm excited to be a part of it!

    Michelle, I hope your finger is okay

    Cheryl, way to go on a good weekend!!!
  • My Goodness...talk about feeling welcome! Thanks sooo much to all of you!

    Today was actually good for me. I had some ice cream tonite tho-left in the freezer and I couldn't throw it out! But...I just had a little and I was light on the calories today so I don't feel too terrible, and when it's gone, there will be no more! It was so rainy and dreary here that I just relaxed and took a nice nap this afternoon-guess I'll be up half the night now, but that's ok, because I brought TONS of work home with me to do over the long weekend, and have yet to start any of it yet!!!

    Michelle, what kind of camera did you buy? I have an old Kodak that I was looking at updating, but I may wait-seems everytime I want to buy a new digital camera, a better one comes out the net day! Besides, I am not really a photographer to begin with...although I would like to be, and a new camera may be just the inspiration I need? Hmmm...something to ponder...

    Linda, Ryanmi is just fine! You can call me whatever, it makes no difference to me at all...just happy to be a part of the group!

    Shawn, thanks so much for the compliments about my kitchen! Yes, I LOVE IT!!!! I actually just moved into my new place in January, and finished the kitchen at the end of February...it is my absolute dream kitchen (for the space, size, mind you...) and I couldn't be happier with it, or with the rest of my new place for that matter! I actually re-decorated the whole place when I bought it-paint, carpet, etc...I do have pics of the whole place if you'd like to see...

    Cheryl, Thanks for the welcome-I look forward to getting to know you as well!

    Tirzah, yes, you are right my friend, we will have a LOT of fun together!

    OK...off to the pile of work...
  • Hi girls!! Welcome to our group! I know you will find a lot of great advice, support and inspiration here.

    Tirzah, I hope you'll be able to leave the hurt and pain in the past where it belongs and begin transforming yourself on the inside out. Congrats on the loss so far, as your signature says...one day at a time. Sometimes to get through some days it can take as little as one moment at a time. Just remember when it gets to those days that we're here for you!

    Michelle, (you're actually our 2nd Michelle ) Great job cleaning out your cabinets! You're truely making a fresh start. You are wise and smart that way...not too long ago I had an incident with Lays Smokey Bacon chips that were in my pantry FOR my daughter. Well lets just say there commercial was right..."betch can't eat just one!" It's best to put all temptations outta sight, outta mind. I wish you all the luck with your dinners. Have you tried the Lean Cuisine pizzas? I have a weakness for pizza but if you're determined, those Lean Cuisines can help the craving.

    Linda, LoL @ blushing! Wow, those facts are sure eye opening. Thanks for sharing.

    Michellerp, ouch...hope your finger gets better soon. Maybe it crying out for another ring...Pssstt...If that excuse passes by your husband let me know! LOL! Have fun figuring out your new camera.

    Cheryl, wow girl you've got some heat! And you've got a busy week planned. Glad to hear you've stayed on project throughout the weekend.

    I had a pretty good day. Our power was again for a few hours this afternoon, just as I was about to get on the treadmill. No notification at all! So I decided to go jump on the trampoline and mow the lawn to get some calories burnt. Hope it worked!

    I gotta get my daughter bathed for school tomorrow. Hope your having a great evening ladies!

  • Hi Tina Way to improvise!!!! That's awesome
  • RYANMI...My new camera is a Nicon. It's small, slim and so cute! I'm just very frustrated trying to figure everything out. Just like the picture I had for my avatar looked so clear and large, until I uploaded it here and then it shrinks down and looks a little blurred. Oh well, hopefully it gets better!
  • CHERYL...Our weather has completely done a double turn! It was sunny all day and about 70F. It's suppose to be nice this whole week. I love weather like today and would take it year round! I know when we have gone to the coast when it's been raining, it's no fun at all!

    TINA...I don't think I'll be getting a new ring any time soon; I just have a band right now, but great idea! My finger is still sore, and it's a little harder typing.

    Sorry, sorry, sorry I've been MIA!!!

    Been such a busy few weeks - I do read the posts but don't have time to sit and write tons of personals, then it seems selfish to just post about me so I end up not posting at all!!

    Bad news - I didn't end up meeting my pre-holiday goal of 167 - the first mini goal I haven't met so far Still at 168 I did most of it.

    I go away tonight until Sunday. I will be drinking, I will be dancing, I won't be calorie counting and I won't be taking my scales although I will try not to be TOO silly. Hopefully I won't end up putting on any more than maybe 4 pounds.

    Welcome to Shawn, Tirzah and Michelle!!

    Congrats to all the fantastic losers we have on here. - May ahs been a slow month for me - only lost 5.5 lbs compared to the 13, 9, 8.4 and 8.6 I have lost from Jan to April. Still, it's still an average of 1.375 per week and it's better off than on!

    Well, I have tons to do before we go so TTFN and I'll be back on Sunday!!
  • WOW!!! Go away for a few days and miss a lot! Has taken me almost an hour to catch up on the reading so may not get much on personals but here goes!

    Liza Hang in there girl!!! I love the "Thinspiration"! It is so hard to see the other side when you are caught in the depression you are fighting, but it is there, I promise!!!!!

    Robbin I would absolutely die with a broken AC, I do home health PT and with temps averaging between 80-90 right now, I would offend most patients to say the least. Congrats on the loss for the week!

    Michelle I know what you mean about your mom dragging you down. You are doing the right thing, sometimes you have to back off and do what is best for yourself! Love the pic it is so nice to put faces with names, pretty! Congrats on the 3# loss, that is fantastic!! Is your finger doing bette?

    Tina You go girl!!! Love the black dress the loss you have made is amazing! Definitely qualify as thinspiration! I know what you mean about the arms, i think they look fine but that is one of my issues as well!

    Tracey Glad to see you pop in and hope you do so again! I know what you mean about figuring out life, me, everything! I hope south beach is working for you and we see you again soon!

    Lois Congrats on the 1.5 pound loss!!! Keep up the good work!

    Linda Don't be so hard on yourself girl!! You look good! Hope you are doing well at sticking to plan, i too fight the too much of a good thing problems!

    Cheryl Your quilt is beautiful, can't wait to see a close up when you get it done! Movies to escape the heat sounds good! X -Men probably wouldn't have been my choice though. We are probably going to try to take the kids to "Over The Hedge" this week.

    Robsia 1# off a mini-goal can be so frustrating! But you have the right attitude, focus on the ones you did lose not the 1 you didn't! Have a great trip!

    Tirzah, Ryanmi, Shawn So glad you are joining us!!! This is a great group of supportive women!
    Tirzah wow, beating addicition and losing 50# that is absolutely amazing!
    Shawn twin 20 month olds has got to be keeping you very busy! The fessing up that you are trying to do something can be so hard, the fear of failure is hard to deal with, but with all the support you can get here you will be successful!
    Ryanmi Good job on cleaning out the house girl! Sometimes it is hard to throw out things that we really like but it's well worth it!

    Well ladies I am now running late and really gotta go so will try to drop in later and give an update on me. I resisted the smores and campfire biscuits this weekend so feeling pretty strong! Ya'll have a fantastic day and will check in later! Oh yeah, almost forgot! Thanks for all the compliments on the picutre!! Don't feel very pretty right now so it is nice to hear!
  • Robsia, it's nice to meet you I hope you have a wonderful time. And hey, 168 is soooo close to 167, that's a victory!!!

    Elem, thank you for the welcome I"m looking forward to getting to know you better. Seems like our goal weight is similar and I'm really looking forward to cheering you on!!!!!

    Ladies, I wish you a great day. I'm off to work. I'll check in later today. I just want to say again that I'm thankful for you! I can tell already how much this is going to support me as I go for my goals YAY! Have a great day.

  • Happy Tuesday!
    Good morning buddies! Taking a few minutes before I go down and trek away on my treadmill. I love these quiet moments when my daughter is in preschool makes me just want to sit down and say "ahhhhh", but you know that can't happen when you're trying to lose weight. The exercise must go on as they say...oh...not exercise, show...yeah right....I knew that! Well in my new world it's exercise!

    Tirzah, thanks! I had to think of something. Seeing I was pretty lacksy-daisy this weekend. I was too taken up in my step-sons grad that I allowed no time for it. My bad!

    Michelle, I was looking at cameras at Costco, particularly camcorders. I was not only amazed at how small they've gotten but the digital cameras as well! I was holding one that I was sure could fit into my credit card holder! Okay...well...that was bit of an exaggeration but it was TINY! Drats about the ring! LOL! Maybe you need to get some finger weights and work that thing out! hahaha!

    Robsia, girl...you better keep coming around. Personals or not. I for one love reading all the progress you're making. It is inspirational! I'm getting excited that I'm getting a little closer to ONE-derland and I remember the day that you got to announce that you were. I'm living for the day my dear! Have fun on your holiday, but in the same time don't do anything you will regret later!

    Erin, woo HOOoo! I'm proud of you girl. Resisting campfire yummies. You certainly have more strength than you give yourself credit for. Awesome! Thanks for the compliment BTW. I got the dress at Penningtons, do you have that in the US?

    Well I'm off to the races! Have a great day ladies. Make it a good one, stay strong and be powerful. I'll check back later!

  • Good Morning, chickies . . . From the sounds of things some of you are having some very hot weather. If I could get the jet stream to run backwards, I'd send you some of our cool. It's only about 17C (63F) at noon today, but it is beautifully sunny. I just love it like this. Amazing how stuff picks up again now that the weekend has moved into history. Hope everybody had a fun time.

    Michelle . . . Glad to hear the finger is at least a little better. Hopefully it will soon be good as new. Don't sweat the new camera . . . you may remember how upset I was when I first got mine. Now it feels like an old friend. Just keep practicing and it will fall into place.

    Cheryl . . . good luck with the cleaning up and the sewing down.

    Ryanmi . . . Wow, great work practicing portion control on ice cream. It's one of my major problems . . . portion control in general and ice cream in particular.

    Tina . . . great going girl, One of the many reasons you are doing so well. Faced with your power outage, I would probably have decided on a nap.

    Robsia . . . you've been missed. Missing that mini-goal by one little pound is nothing to be ashamed of. Look how well you've done overall. Have a great vacation and don't forget we love to hear from you even if you don't have time to do personals.

    Erin . . . Congratulations on avoiding the s'mores and the biscuits. I know the biscuits would have done me in.

    Tirzah . . . Just keep on doing the good stuff, kiddo.

    Nothing too exciting for me . . . I did laundry and got some crocheting and some quiltmaking stuff done. Have been doing fine with the eating but not so fine with the exercising . . . heh, you all know that it's not one of my strong points.

    Here are a few more FFF to think about . . . these are aimed at making sure we remember to read those labels . . .

    . . . Multigrain doesn't always mean Wholegrain. Some brands of multigrain bread have more calories and less fibre per slice that 2 chocolate chip cookies. . . Sometimes Veggie/Fruit-based chips are no better than regular Potato chips. One brand of banana chips packs as much fat into 1/3 of a cup as there is in a Big Mac. . . A fruit "leather" touted as being 'made with real fruit' has about the same calories and nutrients as 24 jelly beans. . . The average granola bar has fewer nutrients and more sugar and trans-fat than a strawberry pop-tart.

    Have a great day gang. Keep moving and shaking and heading in the downward direction. See you soon.
  • Hi Ladies,

    I'm still here and still have not gotten my replacement monitor Had to call them again and they are insuring me I'll get the "box" to send this one back in in 2 - 3 days, then it will be another 2 - 3 days before I get the replacement... sigh...... all I can do is wait.

    On a brighter note... I'm down 3 lbs. from last weeks weigh in. Yay! ! ! It has been hot as heck here! ...in the 90's, that goodness for AC

    I see a couple of new faces? ...I'm sure you love it here... I do, just having puter problems right now. When things are back to normal with this I'll be able to do personals and getting to know you ladies. I'm missing you all!

    Congrats for any and all losses and NSV and for everyone who needs it

    Hope everyone is well and I'll let you all catch me up when I get the new monitor.

  • Hi Chickies!!! Man I love this group. It's so supportive and warm.

    Tina, I hope you had a good time sweating away on the treadmill

    Linda, so you're an artist are you? My mom quilts, crochets, sews, knits and does crafts. I LOVE watching her work!! She's making a quilt for me now and I'm so excited. I think it's amazing to see people create something out of a material and their hands. VERY cool.

    Lois, Hi!! Nice to meet you Congrats on your 3 lbs! That's wonderful!!! I hope your puter problems are taken care of soon.