1 Year / 100 lb Buddy - May '06

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  • sorry-duplicated AGAIN!
  • to the group Shawn we love new faces and always welcome someone to join us on our journey. Everyone here is very supportive and careing.

    Well ladies today is my "official" weigh day and the scales were nice and not nice at the same time. During the week I had snuck on the scales a couple of times including yesterday. As of yesterday I had a 2 pound loss for the week but as for today my "official" loss is only 1 pound. But ya all know I will take anything cause a small loss is still a loss.

    I'm not sure if I will be able to post again before Tuesday so if I cant I wish you all to be big loosers for the next couple of days.
  • Good Morning, chickies . . . Another dull, damp day in Nova Scotia, and right now I'm freezing cold. Forecast says it's going to get up to 23C (about 73F), but that feels kind of hard to believe right now.

    Robbin . . . Wow, what a disappointment about the car. Hope it is soon ticking along in a cooler frame of mind. Congratulations on the loss, though. Whether it's one or two doesn't matter. It's the direction that counts. Thanks for the compliment, BTW. However, I do have some grey hairs, they mostly show up around my temples if my hair is pulled back. I think those 'highlights' are beautiful on dark hair. On red hair, they just sort of look 'dusty'.

    Shawn . . . Here's a great big welcoming for you. Glad to have you join us. We do have fun around here and that seems to make the trip down the long, winding road so much more enjoyable. Hope we'll be seeing less of you, more often.

    Michelle . . . Good Morning; Good Morning; Good Morning. Sorry, I just couldn't resist.

    Have a great Sunday everybody. Just keep doing the right stuff and the rewards are sure to follow. See you soon.
  • LINDA...Thanks SO much for the triple good morning LOL! When I tried to enter that post last night, the system froze up, so I went back and tried it again, and then again, and now I can see what happens when I do that! It's a rainy chilly day here also with it only being in the 40s. Just a week ago, it was 98 degrees, so what a huge difference! I have my heat on right now.

    ROBBIN...CONGRATS on your 1 pound loss! Every pound is one towards your goal!!! I'm so sorry to hear about your episode with your AC and hope you get it fixed VERY soon! Have a fun weekend!
  • CHERYL...Your quilt looks very pretty! You're lucky you can do projects like that, because I have no talent for things like that at all!

    TINA...Your arms DO NOT look big; don't even think that girlie! CONGRATS on your 2 pound weight loss! You are doing SO good!!! WOW, I just realized 50 pounds since January ~~ WAY TO GO!!!
  • Happy Sunday!
    Good morning chickie poohs! I'm happy cause we've got sunshine today! And of course I've maintained my two pounds lost even though I didn't get any exercise in yesterday. I'm glad all that dressing up is over...LOL!

    Cheryl, oh my gosh...that quilt is gorgeous! You have got a wonderful talent. Hope you had a good time in town and cooling off at the movies. How did you like it? (the movie that is..)

    Linda, thanks for the pep. You know once you try to be so good and you slip up once or just a little you think your whole plan is gone to the pits. I guess we all keep learning from experience. Thanks for the compliment as well.

    Robbin, thanks! Don't worry you won't be long before you are at the 50lb. milestone aswell. Congrats on your loss! You're doing so good! Wow...that sucks about the AC and the payment mix up. Hopefully it's all and will be straightened out and cooled down soon!

    A great big to you Shawn! I guess you have already have figured out that this is a great compilation of ladies. We try, we cry and we triumph. I'm really looking forward to getting to know you. Welcome once again!

    Michelle, sometimes the world wide web can be a little tricky! LOL! Thanks for the congrats! and the little boost. It's interesting how we see the worst in ourselves and others don't.

    Well I'm off...hubby's day off and I'm taking avantage of him...I'm mean ..IT. hahaha!

    C-ya girls!

  • Hi ladies! I just wanted to check in. We went to my in-laws for the day (a little over an hour drive), and had such a great day! We took my babies (20 month twins) to the local zoo (small, so not crowded), rode the train around the park, and then played in the park. It was so much fun! I had planned to workout this evening when I got home, but we're all pooped... I guess walking around the zoo & chasing babies was my exercise for the day!

    Food-wise, I did fairly well today, considering. I didn't tell my DH that I was getting back on plan -- 1st mistake. He made my coffee this morning with REAL sugar... theres two WW points I didn't have to use! I'm a few points over for the day, but I feel like I did well overall ~ for my first day back on plan!

    Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! I am so glad to be here!
  • Good morning! It's awfully quiet in here today. But I guess it's our turn (us Cdn.s), last weekend we weren't around much either. Hope you are all enjoying the day and family. Behaving yourselves.

    Shawn, definitely if you've walked around the zoo all day that would be a great calorie burner. I hope you're able to get around to telling your hubby that you're getting back on track. That way he won't be sabotaging you without knowing it! Keep up the great effort!

    C-ya chickies! Have a great one!

  • Quote: Shawn, definitely if you've walked around the zoo all day that would be a great calorie burner. I hope you're able to get around to telling your hubby that you're getting back on track. That way he won't be sabotaging you without knowing it! Keep up the great effort!
    Well... ... the reason I didn't tell him is that I wasn't sure if I was committing to this or not yet... I wanted to still have an "out" if I changed my mind... he's put up with me starting & stopping for YEARS now, so if I wasn't really ready, I didn't want him to nag on me (which he really doesn't anyhow). I decided to count up my points late last night, and I had to ask him what he put in the coffee so I could count it... so he knows now.

    He made cinnamon rolls for breakfast (NOT lowfat), so I only had 1 (for 4 points!)... he apologized for making something "bad" that I couldn't really eat... so he's aware now... which means I'm committed again. LOL
  • Shawn, I know exactly how you feel about not telling family that you're going to "try again". I couldn't really find it in myself either to say it and watch the "yeah right" expression that you see but not hear. It's embarassing and disheartening when you want something so bad but don't have the power to follow through and when that's in front of people you love you feel as though you've let them down...again. I told everyone about a month before I started..coming January 2nd I'm going to start a new weight loss journey. That gave me plenty of time to mentally prepare but when it came around to the day I still didn't know if I was really going to stick with it, up to or past the 20lb. mark. That's usually how far I get and fail. Lost the drive to thrive. I have this great group to thank for keeping me on track, they've really help me keep my eye on the prize and now that I've come this far I have no doubt that this is something I can do! Glad you come out of the "closet" with your new found faith in yourself. It's nice to have someone in "real life" backing you.
  • Intro!
    Hi! The Lovely Tina invited me to join this thread and I'm excited to do so Thanks Tina!

    I'm Tirzah (Tears-ah), I'm 24 and single, no kids yet but I cannot wait to have them! I've been overweight most of my life. When I was in highschool I lost a bunch of weight and enjoyed the "normalities" of being an average size girl. I loved to shop, date, go out, dance, and just have fun without being self-concious about my body. It was a blast and I enjoyed that for a few years. Then when I was 19 I went through a bad break-up followed by an abusive and destructive rebound relationship. It was just a bad situation and it brought lots of emtional pain into my world. Pain that I didnt know how to deal with. So, I drank...a lot. And I began to eat, and eat...and eat I pretty much was numbing out any way I could just to get by. I didnt pay attention to what I was doing, I was just surviving. This went on for quite a while I'm sad to say. I put on the weight I had previously lost and added another 80 lbs or so.

    Eventually I got out of that situation but the pain stayed and I continued to eat and eat and it just got out of control.

    Finally last year I had a wake up call. One day I just went "Whoa! What am I doing to myself?!?". I realized I didnt want to live like that so I resolved to change my life. I stopped drinking, started therapy and started to become active again. I've healed a lot and recovered from most of it. I've been sober for a year, I've lost 50 lbs so far (in the past 7 months) and my heart and soul have healed tremendously

    I'm really excited to continue my journey of healing and health. I've got 92 lbs left to go and I'm pumped about it! My plan has been and still is eating less and more balanced and exercise. It's a plan I am confident I can use for the rest of my life.

    I'm really looking forward to getting to know you all and supporting you on your journeys I feel so thankful to have found this forum....it's amazing.

    Thank you!
  • Yes, Tina, Thanks so much for the invite-I'm Michelle. I just found this forum as well, and the folks I have met so far have all been WONDERFUL!!!!! I actually started watching calories and walking a bit last fall, and had dropped between 30-40lbs, but ended up on steroids for the last three months, and gained almost everything back! So I am back to square one!

    I actually just finished cleaning out my cabinets, and throwing out crappy foods! Actually, I didn't have that much...I usually do OK for most of the day, but dinner is where I really struggle-after working all day, the last thing I want to do is cook...it always seems so much easier to order out or stop and get something-usually a pizza! I've stocked up on frozen dinners and plan to try and cook over the weekends so that I have food during the week...we'll see how it goes!

    Anyway, that's a bit about me-just looking to feel better and be in better shape! And make some new friends in the process-YAY!!!

    Thanks again for the invite Tina-

  • Hi Michelle! I'm new here too, but welcome to the group! The ladies here have made me feel right at home, and I know they'll do the same for you! BTW, I check out your myspace ~ LOVE your kitchen!! The red looks fabulous!

    Tirzah ~ glad to see you here, too! Seems like we'll be hanging out alot together!
  • It certainly has been quiet around here this weekend . . . Not that I can find fault with everybody being out taking advantage of good weather and a holiday weekend . . . Hope Memorial Day was good where you live, chickies.

    Here in Nova Scotia, the weather is still trying to decide what it thinks it will be. It has mostly warmed up to the low to mid 70s (23C) but the sun has been playing hide and seek most of the day.

    A great big for Tirzah. Glad to have you with us. Wow, you've been making some pretty impressive changes in your life already. Congratulations on ditching the alcohol and the 50 lbs.

    Another great big for you, Ryanmi. Glad to have you with us. We already have a Michelle (Hi Michelle ) so I guess we'll have to call you Ryanmi, unless you'd prefer Michelle2.

    Anyway, whatever we call you, girls . . . I sincerely hope we'll be seeing less of both of you, more often.

    You made me again, Tina. Hope your DH enjoyed being taken advantage of. Wow your comments to Shawn, really ring true. I'm sure we've all seen that 'Oh Yeah' kind of look. Hurts a lot more than the 'looker' can ever realize.

    Good for you, Shawn. All the zoo walking is great exercise and now that you've got your DH on side things will be even better. Sounds like you've taught him some good habits (bringing coffee and making breakfast).

    Here's some FFF (Fascinating Food Facts) to think about today . . .

    . . . North Americans spend three times as much money on soft drinks and six times as much money on alcohol as they spend on milk . . . Cola (because of the caffeine and the sugar) creates a stronger physiological dependency than either smoking or alcohol and is harder to give up . . . The Coca-Cola Company purchases more sugar than any other company in the world and sugar supplies 99% of the calories in a regular coke . . . Soft drinks account for one-quarter of all sugar consumed in North America.

    Have a great day moving and shaking and heading in the great downward direction, gang. Here's a dose of to help keep our feet on the long, winding road. See you soon.
  • Shawn and Michelle, it's great to see you here!!! YAY! We are gonna have fun together

    Meowee than you for the warm welcome and interesting food facts!