Full Time Working Stiffs!!

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  • Hi eveyone, I hope you all had a great mother's day.

    Kerry, don't worry about falling off track for a couple days. Life is too short to get all uptight about it. And besides, you got to work on your tan. That must mean you have sun where you are. We have rain and more rain in the desert. I really miss the sun.

    Lori, I also hit Wally's world today but only after I'd been to Costco. That's the place I really gasp at the total.

    Kim, way to go on staying on the SB diet. The first couple weeks of any diet is tough but you're close to finishing that phase one. Are you going to like phase 2 better?

    Well, I had a more eating type of weekend but didn't do too horrible (unless you look at today's nutritional content - that was bad - calories weren't too high). DH and I had our 22nd anniversary and we clebrated in Reno (where it was also cloudy in the desert but since it's not too far away I didn't hold a lot of hope for warm sunshine). We had a great italian dinner last night and I didn't eat all my food. This morning, we used the hotel's health club and I rode an exercycle. Then we lounged in a spa. It was a great way to start the day. Anyway, calorie wise it wasn't too bad. Could have been better if I was perfect, but since I'm not, c'est la vie.

    Between the anniversary and mother's day, I have oodles of flowers. At costco, I got 24 roses and a lead crystal vase to hold them all. They are gorgeous. Then I got a fuschia plant from DH and a cyclemen (sp?) from DS and his girlfriend. I just adore flowers so it was a perfect weekend.

    I have tomorrow and Wednesday off this week, except for an inservice that I'm presenting on Wed. afternoon. Pretty soon I will be through all my leave time and I'll have to work at least four days a week. But for now, it's use it or lose it and I'm not generous. I'm not going to work for free so I'm using it. I don't know what I'm going to do tomorrow, but Lori, be assured that I will be taking a nap. I just love naps. Eating healthy and exercising haven't changed that.

    Talk to you all later.
  • Good Morning Chickies !!!

    Another Monday yuck! But the scale was so nice to me this morning I'll have to enjoy the day. 2 & 1/2 lb. loss. Man, I thought I wasn't going to make my Memorial Day goal when I hit that platue, but the chances are looking way better! I wanted to go through my clothes in my closet, but I spent the weekend clearing brush with DH. So, maybe this weekend!

    Marie, I don't blame you one bit, use the days up!!! I know I would!!! Congratulations on the 22nd aniversery! That's great, I've never been to Reno and with the renters moving out soon, I may not be vacationing to far from home again this year! I want to at least drag the kids to the beach, we have never taken them to the beach and I think they would enjoy it!

    Kim, phase 2 is a day closer everyday! How did last night go?

    Kerry, remember butt back on the wagon today!!! It's a new week and you're going to be making a fresh new start. (hope this is motivating enough, it's 6am and I'm sleepy)

    Well TOM has come and gone this week, that has to be one of my favorite things that working out has helped! TOM dosen't hang out as long and isn't near as heavy!

    Ok, I'm going to get ready for work, chat with you all later!!!
  • Back on plan
    Well I HAVE to get back on plan and if that means logging all that I eat everyday again, that's what I have to do. The scale did not look pretty this morning, but I am not doing an official WI until the middle of the week. TOM is fast approaching and I am surely holding some water weight from my awful eating these past few days. I'll probably have to move my ticker in the wrong direction, but hopefully not too much. I'm wondering if I'll make the Memorial day goal of 140 now That sux!!

    I'm feeling really down about this. I don't know how I could have gotten so off track. I'm going to kick my own butt Lori! I must be held accountable. No more thinking I can add the calories up in my head and be ok. No going over 1400 if I don't work out. No more regular Cokes or Klondike bars BAD BAD Kerry!!! No more skipping the gym almost every day I'm supposed to go. I gotta get my act together and stop being satisfied with how I look and KNOW that I can look and feel better.
  • I did it!
    Believe it or not, I resisted temptation last night. I can't believe it myself. There was so much food last night.....bakery cake with whipped icing, chips and rotel, ice cream, sugar cookies (my favorite), and I resisted every bit of it. I stuck with my grilled chicken, salad, and blackeyed peas. After work, I went to the gym and did a step aerobics class. I know I can do it now. 5.5 more days! I mainly miss my Fiber 1, oatmeal, and blackberry yogurt. I can't wait!

    Marie-Happy Anniversary!!!!

    Lori-Congrats on the 2.5 pound loss!!!! I would so love to be 143!

    Kerry-You just have to forget about yesterday and focus on today. I know that from experience. It will be harder to get back on track if you are beating yourself up. Today is a new day. You can do it!
  • Hey everyone!!! Just caught up on everyones post since Saturday. Yesterday was a great but hectic day. My darling hubby at the age of 35 graduated from college!!!!!! Wooooo Hooooo!!!!!! He has worked so hard to get this done. It is really hard when you work all day to find classes at night, but he did and now he is a college graduate!

    We went out to dinner at our favorite mexican place and I had the best seafood enchiladas!!!! They were worth every point!!! And if WI is bad on Thursday...oh well. I agree with some of you ladies about taking this diet thing to seriously!! I am always so uptight about my points, but yesterday I did what I wanted and I don't feel guility at all!!!! ( thats a big step for me)When I started this journey I knew it would be a long one (life long actually) and I have to let myself endulge once in awhile as long as I stay focused and get back on plan. I enjoy good food!!! Of course, that helped me get to where I am but life is too short to never have the things we love!!! I guess it is all about moderation. Well anyway I need to give the kids a bath before bedtime and I just wanted to pop on quickly to check in. Enjoy the rest of the evening!!!
  • Hey All!!! Remember Me??????????????????

    I thought my life was crazy before, but now insane is nowhere close!!!!

    My Father is in the hospital in Nashville, Tn, airlifted out a couple of weeks ago after his heart stopped. He has coded (as in code blue) again twice since he has been there. He is going to have a defibrillator implanted tomorrow.

    My days have been driving back and forth, I am taking turns with my sisters staying at the hospital. So needless to say, my computer time is lacking! It is almost 9 pm here now, and I am still in Lexington, an hour and a half away from home. I just decided that I will get a room her tonight, do some work in the morning before the 5 1/2 hour trip to Nashville.

    I am very happy for all the weight losses! You gals are doing great! I think when I actually find my way home to the scale, I will be pleased, since my clothes are really starting to hang on me. (Maybe it is because I don't have time to change, and they are just all stretched out!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

    Bear with me girls, I will be back someday, but I really did want to take a minute to let you all know why I have been MIA!

  • Joetta - I am so sorry about your father. We have missed you around here and had no idea that things were so rough for you. You and your family are in my thoughts and I hope that things improve. You are really running yourself ragged - take care girl. (((Hugs)))

    Paige - Congrats to your hubby!! Graduating college is such a great accomplishment at any age, but I think especially for non-traditional students. I have one here in my house working on his BFA and it can get tough and he's not even working FT. Tell him I said Congrats and Hooray!!

    Kim - You are doing great!! Keep it up! You're my inspiration right now to kick my butt back in gear, get back on plan and be GOOD. I don't think I could do SB though so I have to count those calories.

    Marie - Happy Anniversary! What a wonderful way to celebrate - spa time!! Yeah! And Italian is my favorite dinner for celebrations. As kid I always celebrated my birthdays at Olive Garden.

    Lori - It sounds like you are doing GREAT!! I am so jealous! I bet you will make the Memorial Day goal - no problem!! Keep it up!

    I stayed under 1400 calories today and worked out HARD for 30 minutes. I did 1.5 miles on the elyptical and 1 mile on the bike and worked the abs. I just have to keep it up too!

    See you tomorrow chickies!
  • Good day!
    Today has been a really good one. I'm feeling so much better since I've started eating differently....like a new and improved person. The scale showed I've lost another pound also...WoooHoooo! I love it!

    Paige-Congrats on DH finally graduating. That's great! Your seafood enchil. sounds delicious. That's the great thing about WW is those Flex points. My problem was that I always ate about 60 of them instead of 35. I know that if you work the program it definitely works for you though. I'll probably go back to counting points in July after my vacation is over with. WW is a lot more fun than SB. If I wasn't so cheap I'd join and go to the meetings. I'm sure the extra support helps.

    Joetta-That defibrillator will help. Isn't technology wonderful? I'm so glad he's there in the hospital while he's having those problems and they're able to shock him. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I'll do my best to answer. Cardiac nursing is my specialty. Hang in there sister! I laughed so hard about the clothes being stretched out. You could always find a stand up scale in the hospital to weigh on. I almost always step on one when I see them in the hallway of the hospital I work at. They're probably the most accurate too.

    Kerry-Olive Garden is my favorite!!!! We don't have one here, but that's where we usually eat when we go to Memphis which is about an hour away. It's a real treat for me. It sounds like you're back on track and doing wonderful. You girls will both make that 140 goal. You can do it!
  • Good Morning Chickies!!

    Yesterday was very hectic, I haven't cleaned house in way tooo long!! So I stoped at my old house and made DH dig up the septic tank (real monkey wrench in his plans), made me late getting home. Tossed dinner together, cleaned both bathrooms (with the kids help) and didn't work out until 10pm. I crawled in bed at 11 and just fell over! I'm still tired this morning and got up early just to talk to you girls! I do agree, you have to cheat every now and again or you would never stick to a healthy life style. As soon as I hit 140 were having pizza! I'm planning to cheat on Memorial day weekend, then back on track till the 4th of July!

    Kerry, glad your back in the swing, and don't beat yourself up! I know how I am, I can't let myself stay in a rut to long or I won't get back on the wagon. As long as I keep working out, I can usually swing back easily!

    Joetta, it is great to hear from you! I hope your dad is doing better! My dad got a difibulator at the beginning of this year, but they are giving him too much blood pressure medicine to slow his heart down and he is not very active anymore. They say his heart will last longer, but it has taken a real toll on his quality of life.

    Paige, Mexican sounds sooo good about now, I used to love Chi-chi's, but they went out of business since the whole hepititus thing here in Pittsburg.

    Kim, way to go on sticking to your plan!!! Before you know it you'll be at 140!!! I do agree WW is a great plan, but like you I cheated my flex and reg. points away in a matter of minutes every day, then felt stuck like I couldn't eat and couldn't figure out how to fix the problem for the week.

    Ok, it's getting late and I have to get ready for work! Chat with you all later!!!
  • 150!!!!
    Just a quick post to let you all know that I hit the 150 mark this morning. I get to add an angel. I'm doing the happy dance!
  • Sorry I've been gone so long. I don't have as good an excuse as Joetta, though. Joetta, I'm thinking of you and your dad at this time, and sending hugs and good wishes.

    I'm expecting a call soon, so I can't stay. But it's great to catch up on your posts. Way to go, everyone, for keeping on track, or for climbing back on!

  • Hi all,

    Joetta, my prayers are with you and your father. I hope the implant will help tremendously. I know it must be scary.

    Paige, tell DH congrats from Oregon. I was a non-tradional student and I swear I got a lot more out of it then my classmates did. I think going when you've matured is the best way to do it.

    Kim, way to go on staying with SB. You're doing great and congrats on doing the happy dance.

    Lori, go to sleep early tonight and get some rest. Sure sounds like you need it.

    I had a blah day at work, but now that I'm home, I'm quite happy. I love my house and surfing to 3FC. I struggled with food today - nothing satisfied me. But here's the good news, I didn't keep searching for the perfect food - I gave up. So I didn't overeat, I stayed on plan even though it was a struggle. I think that I made some major progress with that.

    That's about it from here. Take care and I'll chat with you tomorrow.
  • Hump Day!
    Congrats Kim!! Way to go on the SB!

    Judy - Good to see you We understand being busy busy!

    Marie - Nice job passing on the cravings for something you can't identify! Nothing is the best choice in those circumstances.

    Lori - I couldn't imagine giving up some of the foods that you do! Good for you!! I really can't sacrifice like that or I obsess. Although I have stayed away from the chocolate for a couple weeks.

    Well for the sake of sanity I am making some changes to my goals. It seems that I am truly back at 145 and not budging My goal is to shoot to get down to 135 by the time DH & I take a vacation in August. For now that is my end goal and then I'll work to maintain and possibly get below 135 to 130. I must admit that I am VERY happy with how I am looking, esp after working out. Even though I've put on a few lbs again, my tummy is looking more toned and my legs are looking lovely I don't know that I am meant to get skinny again, but just thinner. I may change my mind down the road, but for now this all seems doable and like it will make me happy also I think it will be more manageable in the long run.

    So that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
  • I'm still managing to stay on program. I definitely have fewer cravings. Only 3.5 more days of Phase 1. I'm surprising myself, can any of you tell? Usually I have no willpower. I can't wait until the scale is in the 140's! That is what is keeping me motivated. I'm not going to the gym this morning. My legs are still sore. I think I'm eating too few carbs. It will help Sunday when I can start adding in fruit.

    Lori-Pizza sounds so good! Pepperoni pizza is my favorite food in the world. I plan on having some the last week of June while I'm on vacation. I'm afraid to eat it before then, because I definitely don't want to have to start Phase 1 again.

    Judy-welcome back!

    Marie-Great job staying on plan!

    Kerry-145 is still awesome! You can definitely still make that 140 Memorial Day goal.

    Have a great day!
  • I just love that little fellow on the bike. I just had to add that in there.