*Over 50 and Getting Healthy #21*

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  • Hello

    OHHHHHHHHH {{{{{Charlotte}}}}} that doesn't sound good at all. I wish it were better news. You will be fine though, there is stength in prayer. Yes, you have the right idea Charlotte, you get really solid on all seven steps one at a time and starting cutting back on sugar and eventually you will lose the desire for sugar. Substitue sugar isn't allowed, because it spikes you and crates a craving for sugar, so does caffeine. But you baby step through the whole process and only move when your body tells you you are ready for the next step. One gets really connected to oneself and gets good at sensing what ones body needs. I read something interesting in SARP the other night. Most people with arthritis cannot tolerate wheat, it aggravates the arthritis symptoms. White flour is out, we have to only eat healthy whole grain bread. I wonder what we will come up with for your brown Charlotte. If we ask Kathleen, (the books author) she will help us.

    There is a thread on the RR website, where you can go for support and ask questions and people on the program for a long time will help you work through any food or mood problems you are experiencing. I used to go there a lot, and found good support when I was a newbie. Sometimes Kathleen chimes in and helps with the problems, you can tell it is her because she has a potato symbol after her name.

    Yes, Sheila, the accountant comes every month and checks up on things, and that dang general ledger better be right or he goes off the deep end. He got delayed at another firm in town and is coming back on Monday, so I will be seeing him on Monday. Actually he is a very nice likeable person. OB is as obnoxious as ever. I try not to think of him. And avoid him like the bubonic plague. You have a good plan for your health when you move, it is always good to have a plan. You will do well in RR, since you are an excercise nut. Excercise is lacking in my program. Actually they call it movement. Just so happy for you Sheila, that spring has arrived in Seattle.......not.....you are such a brat to keep rubbing it in. Just kidding, I really am happy for you all the time.

    Hey Diane, Curves....thats pretty darn good. So glad you are feeling better then. You didn't tell us what was for supper. Something good I'll bet.

    Ok, Sunny time to get on back here, you know we are worried about you.

    Well, it is 10:00 again, funny how fast that rolls around. Survivor Thursday tomorrow, suppose to be interesting, they are put on an island without anything but the clothes they are wearing. I can see there are going to be some pretty owly people with that one. Sounds pretty darn inconvient to me.

    Bye for now...Bonnie
  • I am here gals...
    Good evening everyone,

    I am so sorry to concern you all --- I haven't been well. I just wrote to Bonnie and then thought I would take a moment and stop by myself. I have been very ill with my gut - it all caught up to me after my birthday (I guess I cannot spurge at all). I have been good since then, but I still got sick. I have been on rice protein drinks the last 3 days and will stay on till I feel better. I told Bonnie that today was my first really good day. I will try to stop in tomorrow to catch up with each of you, okay. It sure doesn't take long to fall behind. Thank you for not forgetting about me It's nice to be missed... I feel a little weepy & over-sensitive when I am ill like this.

    I did get my office all cleaned before I got sick

    Hope all is going well for everyone...
    Thinking of you everyday & miss you!!
    *God Bless*
    Love you gals!

  • Hi,

    Just a short note to say hi to everyone, and I'll be back next week to read up and post. Am shutting off the computer and packing everything up so we can be out of here tomorrow.

  • Well Bluet...tomorrow's finally Friday for you. I sure do wish you liked your job better. I've got to where I dread Monday, because you've got to go back to work. Gee......I need a life! No, really...I do think about you. It's suppose to rain here all week end. I hope the sun shines for you.
    I'm going to start researching the kinds of foods I need to eat that help with RA, & the ones to avoid. So when we start the program, I'll be more educated on it.
    The Remicade has kicked in & I'm feeling a lot better. My neck hurts a lot, though, especially when I take the stupid collar off.

    SunnyD...So sorry you've been sick. I had a feeling that you were. Get better soon.

    Sheila...looking forward to your next post....from your new home!!

    Talk to all of you tomorrow. Have a good evening.
  • Oh darn, now where is Diane? Everyones here but Diane. Well little Texas Star hope you are feeling ok tonight.

    Charlotte that is a good idea to check on what would be good for your RA food wise. You will be a step ahead when you all start. You can substitue wheat with brown rice pasta, Wasa crackers or oatmeal. The potato plays a large part in the RR plan, and the potato is also a trigger for people with arthritis, so we will have to watch that and find a sub for the potato if it bothers your arthritis. My job has it ups and downs, just like most jobs, but I have to say the management in this place is unique. Thank you for your concern, you are a real Sweetheart Charlotte. I am so glad you are feeling better, we always miss you when the Remicade starts wearing off.

    Sunny, thank you for the personal email, I was getting worried that you weren't going to answer my pm. I thought perhaps something happened back home and you had to travel there. I have been meaning to tell you Sunny, since I got steady on the RR program, I have rid myself of IBS. I think it was getting rid of the sugary stuff and I used to drink a lot of diet Pepsi. Now that I eat three meals a day with two planned snacks of protein and whole grain bread and a vegetable the IBS is pretty much gone. Get better soon, we miss your posts!!

    Sheila, well you probably won't post until next week, just the same I wish you all the best in your move ( I bet it is really exciting in a way) Looking forward to hearing how life is in Covallis.

    Have a wonderful Friday everyone...........Love....Bonnie

  • Good Morning Gals,

    First off... I want to send my BEST WISHES out to Sheila as she makes her move... I am so very sorry I wasn't here during this last week. I missed so much Sheila, Would you send us your NEW ADDRESS in a PM when you get a moment & are back up on the computer?? I have something I wanted to send to you I too look forward to hearing from you after you are into your new home

    Sheila, (In case you can read, but cannot post) As for the snow here... most times it melts and then snows again, but lately it's been pretty cold and the snowing has been rather light, nothing has melted lately. It looks really pretty today Sunshine and snow all stuck to the trees --- really pretty. I too am so very happy to hear that your Dr. did not find a murmur!

    Your poor furry babies!!! It will take time, but they will adjust to your move. I will say a prayer that all your furry babies that they will adjust to their new home without too many problems. It is so very hard on them because they don't understand that kind of change & then the 'stress' makes them ill... animals like routine. *Prayers* for you, your hubby, your DF and all of your furry kids as you make this big move!


    Not much to tell from my corner of the world... pretty much have been on the sofa or in bed the last few days. I did get my office cleaned and I got several cards made for all the February Birthday's & Anniversaries before I got real sick. When I start to spasm like I do - there's not much "sitting" for me... I have to lay on my side with a heating pad on my tummy to calm it down. I am feeling so much better today and as each day passes.

    OHHHHHHHHHHHHH... ... I almost forgot!!!
    Our Valentine's Day!!

    Joe came home with a dozen beautiful yellow roses and a DvD of the movie *The Notebook* (starring James Garner) for my gift. What a Beautiful *Love Story* ladies!!! I love, love, love James Garner!!! I wonder if he's really as caring as he is in his movies?? I enjoyed him in *Ya Ya Sisterhood* too - another great movie (that I got as a gift from Joe)! Have any of you seen the movie *The Notebook*? It's sad, but at the same time leaves you with this "ain't LOVE Beautiful* feeling. I highly recommend the movie to rent or buy... you will watch it again and again!! So, to say the least, Joe & I had a beautiful Valentine's Day together


    Hi Bonnie, You are too funny!!!! I still watch those Rock Hudson & Doris Day films!!!! So you are not alone there... And my sister-in-law always loved Doris Day --- she loves to sing with her because her voice was lower --- me too

    As for that program *Radiant Recovery* you have mentioned sounds better and better to me everyday! I have gotten through the detox stage now I think... it's been a week this past Wednesday that I have been off sugar. Today I will have my rice protein drinks again and then we'll have our fish dinner tonight. I have been feeling so much better since I have been on them and so I think I will stay on the drinks till I lose the pounds I put back on in my splurging in the last two months. You see, I don't think it was just my birthday splurge that got me ill --- I think that it was an accumulation since December! And it just catches up with me. I will have to do more reading on the program you have mentioned and maybe by the time Sheila settles in to her new home we can all give it a try? In the meantime... I think I am well on my way...

    What did you think of the way they changed *Survivor*?? I thought they made it very interesting!!! Didn't you?!? Voting off 3 people right off the bat like that... I was glad to see Wanda the singer get voted off, she was rather annoying... nice person I am sure, but annoying.

    And *CSI-Vegas* Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!! The whole concept of that show was rather sick, wasn't it? I didn't even know that fantasies like that existed and I think I could have gone my whole life without knowing that Why do I watch it? Cuz it's a good show! Like Sheila --- I too like the interaction between the characters and the way they find out the answers. Even next week looks like they will be getting into allot of the "Vegas" lives - gross! I just may have to rethink my watching it if they continue with this line of stories... The rhino & elephant story in last weeks show bothered me allot!!!! I adore animals and hate to see any form of cruelty!! I recorded my other shows & haven't seen them yet... just couldn't stay awake past 10:00 last night.

    *American Idol* My little country girl pick is still in the last 24 and the *Clay* look-alike blonde spiked hair guy with glasses is too. I will get their names when I see it again next week. This is my favortie part when the good singers a remaining and you get to hear them by themselves.

    Hi Angel, Thanks for the prayers You always make me SMILE --- I love your sense of humor! Loved the hiney on the bike Cute!

    As for your friend, Connie... what a super gift idea!!!! I have never gotten my nails done - never! What a treat that had to be for her! You did real good!!! I love trying to think of different ways to give gifts too... it is very easy to get caught up in giving *Gift Cards* isn't it. Although, with all the teens I still give $$ or GC's - it's safer And her party sounded wonderful too --- so glad that it all went so well and that she had such a good time.

    Iraq Hackers!!!! You are not kidding!!!! So glad that you don't have them on there any longer, but how scary!!

    I was wondering if you just might not ache so much if you did stop eating those doughnuts in the morning... there is so much sugar and fat in those and I am sure that they add to your pain. I know that it adds to mine! That's why I wanted to mention it to you... it may be something to think about giving up for the benefit of your health, find something a bit better for you in the mornings with your cup of coffee Just a thought... I sure do not want to offend you, but I do care (very much) and know that those buggers are so not good for your arteries much less anything else in your body. I honestly cannot remember the last time I had a doughnut, although... I have longed to take a huge bite into a custard one (did I really say that?! ) Do you know that there has been many studies prooving that sugar has caused allot of people health problems. It depletes the body of oxygen and that's why after you have something with sugar in it you will feel it in the parts of the body you hurt the most and feel sleepy. That's what happens to me anyway. Not that sugar - per say - is bad for you, I think it's the abuse of it that is... again, everything in balance. Balance? What's that? All done I think I went off like I have because I have just gone through so much myself... so please, don't be offended by what I had to say --- I think I just spent all this time reminding myself of why I need to watch while I wrote this to you

    Well, you still want some snow??? I'd be glad to send some your way! We got another 6 inches here where we live in the last 2 days. And we went from 60* on Tuesday to 18* this morning!! We get our hopes up for nice Springlike weather and then 'Mother Nature' goes nah nah... it's still Winter... remember!?

    I totally know what you mean with being a bit "sad" after a bout of being ill --- I felt that way too! Pain really works on your moods, doesn't it!?! I am so sorry that your thumb does have to do with your spine... how long do you have to wear that collar??? What a pain in the neck did I really say that... sorry I do hope that you are doing better today... I know that you will never be totally without pain, but you do have good days and bad ---- I hope that this is a *Good Day* for you

    Hi Diane, I am so sorry to find out that you are so ill with that darn disease, emphysema!! What will the Dr's do for you to help??? Will you be okay??!!?? I really don't know much about the disease...

    As for the weight-gain since Christmas, me too! I gained 7 lbs and have lost 3.5 of them, but cannot seem to get the last few off again. I would help allot if I would get back into my walking again on a regular basis! I did well when I walked regularly. Hope you do well too. *Prayers*


    Well, I guess I will sign off for now... I have a few more cards to finish up before Sunday. So many birthday's this month

    Love you gals!

  • Good Sat. Morning girls, hope you have an exciting week end planned. I don't have much going on here except tomorrow is my 53rd. birthday so the kids are coming over and we are going out to breakfast which will be nice.

    Sunny interesting thing you wrote about the sugar which I didn't know that it depletes oxygen and makes you pain worse. I have been consuming massive amounts of sugar lately so today I am going to try to ween myself off. I have such a bad hip and leg that hurt all the time am anxious to observe and see if it will help. I also need all my oxygen I can get. I am so glad you are feeling better, I have exercised three times this week and did pretty good and felt so much better mentally. This mental thing getting used to having a disease is hard but I am trying hard also.

    Hi Charlotte bless your heart you are going through so much and I want you to know I am praying for you.

    Sheila I know you won't read this until you get there but I am wishing you alot of strength and energy during your move. I hate to move such a big job, but it is the only time I get rid of alot of clutter.

    Bonnie you are so sweet calling me a little Texas star, wish that little was true. I know you are glad it is the week end and I hope you have a great one.

    Love you girls have a wonderful day....Diane
  • *Happy Birthday, Diane!*
    Good Morning Diane,

    about the sugar... just try to do it with one small difference a day, okay. Otherwise it may be too overwhelming for you to do. Not only does sugar deplete you of oxygen, but it causes inflamation. That's also why it makes you ache more. Try to eat natural sugars from fruit (especially apples) when you get a craving and it will help you to get through the sugar withdrawals. Exercise is also a great way to make changes and you are doing very well in that catagory... give yourself a pat-on-the-back there Keep up the good work, Diane and your 53rd year will be a much healthier one, you'll see

    As for tomorrow...

    ♪♪ TO YOU...
    TO YOU...
    DEAR Diane...
    TO YOUuuuuuuuu! ♪♪

    I hope you have a *WONDERFUL DAY* tomorrow!
    The Bestest year ahead!


  • hi everyone.
    i think i might be new to this thread. if i'm not that's fine by me. hope this finds all of you doing well this week. i lost 4 lbs this last week. that was one of my hightlights. my husband took me to see "million dollor baby". it's a good movie. funny, thoughtful and sad. the actors are all great. i don' know how eastwood produces, directs and acts all at the same time. the man has a gift. brought me carnations. they are one of my favorite flowere. these were courgeous. yellow with red around the edges.
    sunny i'm with you on CSI. i was just telling my husband the other night when we were watching it. that is starting to get really wacked out in some of there stuff lately. i didn't even watch it last week. the first few minutes of the start were enough for me. i've watched since it began. but i will find something else if this keeps up. i've watched the survivor since the second one. got hooked and have enjoyed for the most part. well everyone have a good weekend. stay true to yourself. treat yourselves well.
    kind regards,
  • Welcome Mary glad you stopped in, this is a great bunch of ladies here hope you enjoy it.

    Aaaawwwwww Sunny thanks for the birthday wishes so very thoughtful of you. Also thanks for the advice on sugar, bad thing today daughter is making me a cake, but I could pass it up...yel right. I will have to work really hard on sugar withdrawal, but really want to start eating more healthy. Unfortnately I have always taken my health for granted and things have got to change now in every aspect of my life.

    Girls have a wonderful day I plan to.

    Luv ya, Diane

  • DIANE!!
  • How cute Charlotte thank you so much. You are such sweeties.... I had a wonderful day with my kids, the weather was 75 out and sunny. We sat outside for the longest and enjoyed the sunshine, rain is coming in Tues. and rain the rest of the week so it was good to get outside.

    I hope you all had a great week end, got to go and watch Desperate Housewives, talk later.
  • good afternoon ladies,
    thanks for the welcome diane. i hope your weekend went well with you fine ladies. i lost another 4lbs this week. thank you very much. still doing the water, healthy food choices, gettig blood sugars under control. would some one send me information on what all the abbrivations means. thank you. i sure would appriciate it. did any of you fall off of your plan? how many reached their goals? if you made your goals how did you reward yourself? this is hard work but i know that in the end it will be well worth it. to be healthy and able to move would be just fabulous. life is so wonderful that i don't want to spend another day being unhealthy. to go to the store and by something outside of the womens section is a great motivator. have a wonderful day and treat yourself well this evening.
    kind regards,
  • Good Evening,

    First of all I want to wish Diane a very Happy Birthday. Sorry, I am a little late, but I wish all the best just the same. I hope you enjoyed your day and your daughter's cake that she made for you.

    Then, I would like to welcome Mary to our group. I hope you like us and decide to stay, we will always be here to support you in your weight loss plan or any other way that your need our cyber help. Congratulations on losing another 4 pounds.

    I am sorry I was gone all weekend, I was really busy. Friday night I decided that "I" would do something about the dirty carpet in the front office at work and stayed until 8:30 cleaning with a product call Host and a machine driven brush. The dirt was really giving me a dickens of a time, so after about the third or fourth time of going over the carpet, I decided to go home and try again on Saturday. I was exhausted when I got home Friday evening. Saturday morning I went back to work and cleaned the carpet again. There were still some dirt stains in the walk areas so I put some of the compound down in the walk ways rushed home showered and changed and drove to Green Bay to watch oldest Grandson play in a basketball tournament. I had grandaughter that lives next door with me. After the tournament we drove home, and grandaughter decided she wanted to play at Grandma's house for awhile. Then around four o'clock I took her home and went back to work and cleaned the floor for the last time. The carpet looks better, than before, but still could look better yet. On Sunday we had a big snowstorm, but I was on to be sacristan and DH was chairman of the snowshoveling committe for church, so off we go to church at 6:30 a.m. DH to snow shovel and me to get everything ready for 8:00. Then I had to wait around for the 10:00 service because the snowstorm outside was relentless and the guys had to keep the sidewalks shoveled. We were able to go home around 10:30, DH and I had some breakfast read the paper and then took a nap. I stayed in for the rest of the day and let the snow storm do it's thing outside. DH had to go back to church and help shovel the sidewalks around church one more time. This morning the roads were trecherous again for driving to work. So that was my fantastic weekend.

    Diane, I envy the fact that you could sit outside in 70 degree weather, I just can't stand winters anymore.

    Sunny, did you watch Idol tonight. The boys were really playing it safe, weren't they? A little disappointing I think. Do you call in and vote? I hope the girls are braver tomorrow night. I can't even talk about last week's CSI. That was the most absolute revolting CSI to date. You are right, one could go their whole lifetime and not even have to see that show or know about it. According to the previews, I don't think I am going to be too keen on this weeks show either. Did you happen to get all this snow that we got too? It was heavy wet stuff too, not that light fluffy stuff.

    Charlotte, how are you feeling? Was your weekend busy too? Is everything ok with the station's website?

    Sheila, hope you are going to be back soon. Hope your new apartment is getting settled and isn't overwhelming you. We miss you.

    Have a great Tuesday everyone...........love Bonnie
  • Hello Everybody,

    I'm new here. This site feels a bit awkward to me. I don't even know if I'm doing this right. I'm 52, and have well over100 lbs. to lose. I'm hoping to find other ladies over 50 to communicate with. I love these young girls, but the issues of losing weight change over 40, and especially over 50. Don't you think? It used to be for looks. Now it's a serious health issue. Plus, during menopause, it just doesn't come off that easy anymore. So, I hope that I'm on the right thread. If I'm not, could you please redirect me. Thanks.