Thursday Chat 6/24

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  • Morning all. I've got a few minutes extra as DH is making me breakfast. How sweet is that?? He's going STRAWBERRY picking w/the girls today. So pray for no rain He's also going to get some fresh beans.
    My appt for my foot is today. So hopefully I figure out what's wrong with it instead of them saying something stupid like "well, it's just sore, rest it for a few days." Who can just sit around and do that???
    Hope you all have a great day!!!
  • Mornin Brenda: Good luck at the doctors. Hopefully it is nothing...just rest I went strawberry picking once with my mom....we had a blast.

    Well I am down 1 pound today..... that it will stay through the weekend. My official weigh in day isn't until tomorrow so I am not changing anything. My real worry is that we have an anniversary party to go to on Sunday night and it is at an Italian restaurant!!!! What the heck am I going to eat? Stay calm can do this.
  • Brenda: Hope your ankle heals soon!

    Jane: Congrats on the pound!

    Well, this week has been hectic! I have a huge project at work, and I'm trying to move. It's a double pain that my office is in my apartment so I have to move that, too. I'll be so happy by Monday evening -- everything will be done!

    Eating has been going terribly. I'm eating LC stuff, just not the "right" things. Meals lately have consisted solely of peanuts or LC cheesecake. Thank goodness last night I made dinner for DH and had tilapia, asparagus and Cesear salad -- at least I had some good nutrition this week! It's just easy to grab something and run.

    Hope everyone is having a great week!

    Take care,
  • Good morning skinny chickies!!

    GREAT JOB Jane yippeeee on the pound!

    B- hope the dr's appt goes well.

    Urgh....I am so sore today, I went back to the gym yesterday and worked my hiney off!! 10 miles up hill on the bike and then weights, whoooohooo but I slept like a baby last night! Doing well with my OP, I have been trying to mentally chart my carbs because I am tryting to ween off the food log. I find that i rely on food log too much and then if i am busy and don't do it then I cheat, so I have to learn to be good even w/o food log! we will see

    Happy Thursday

    LOve TG
  • Sneaky Jina!!! Hi girl
  • Good morning!

    Brenda - I'm glad you're going to the doctor! Let us know what they say.

    Jane - Congrats on the pound! And no worries about the Italian place. Most serve more than pasta.

    Once again I spent the afternoon sanding away at my project. Because I think that it's lead-based paint I'm taking off, I wear a mask, but my throat is still bothering me. I looking forward to getting through this part of it!

    DH had an adventure yesterday. He does public safety at a local mall. Yesterday, they were taking a 12-year-old kid into custody and the kid started fighting them when they got him up to the office. Well, the bugger turned and BIT my husband! He broke the skin a little, so they sent DH to the hospital just to be safe. DH got to come home after the hospital, so that was good, but he was all bummed out because while he was at the hospital, Gene Simmons from Kiss was at the mall and he missed it. Poor baby!

    Well I'm off to get me some coffee and advil (TOM)! Have a great day!
  • Sneaky Jina and TG! I was wondering where everyone was!

    Jina - Where are you moving to? I hope things can slow down for your soon!

    TG - I do much better when I log my food, too. I keep saying I'm going to get doing that again, but then I forget. Bad me!
  • One more!

    Leenie - Thank you for the advice! That's the stuff I'm working with now. I triple glove when I'm working with it and all the work's being done on my back porch (aka no kids, no pets, just spiders and they can die) so it sounds like I'm doing what I shoul be
  • Jina: Just get through the move and then go back to concentrating on your eating. Moving a home and an office has got to be tough.

    TG: 10 miles and weights! WOW. You rock! I log all my foods into FitDay for the pc and I find it keeps me honest (for the most part ) but some days I feel I need to do it on my own so that I can learn what is acceptable and what isn't. Believe me I do better when I log it!

    Star: Did you see Leenie's post last night about her talking to her husband? He had some good ideas on stripping. Sorry about your DH. Human bites can be bad. Keep an eye on it......your new better than perfect eyes that is!!!!!
  • Never mind.....we must have been posting at the same time
  • Funny aren't we?
  • Good morning all! Lively bunch already.

    Star - I work for a boy's home where biting and spitting is common place. Yuck. Your poor husband. Luckily I'm in finance, away from all that. Coudn't pay me enough to deal with that.

    Okay guys, I'm having a serious lack of motivation. I was on vacation all of last week and even though I started eating OP again this week, I'm sooo unmotivated. I've found myself having one small snack of off program stuff at least once a day. It's not causing any weight gain because it's small, but still, no loss either.

    What do you guys do when your motivation is tanked? I need something to boost/motivate me!!! I'm not even exercising either. Maybe if I can force that into gear the rest will fall into place. Any helpful self-motivation tips? Large kick in the rear desperately needed...
  • LOVE2C135: I don't know if I have any real words of wisdom or not but I can tell you something I did yesterday.....I was dying for some chips....any kind would do. I waited and waited for the feeling to go I took my fifty cents and started walking down to the vending machine and got about half way and made a quick about face! I just decided that I wasn't going to do it. Simple as that.

    I have decided that I am in control and if it takes me a year to lose all my weight then so be it. I just keep trying. Now I can be honest and say that I have had my slip ups.....and I have.....and I would kill for a pizza......but as long as you TRUELY come to believe that this is a way of life now not a diet then it really becomes easy and the slip up don't mean that much. I mean you slip on other things in your life don't you? Say the wrong thing...wear the wrong thing etc....and you learn your lesson and move on. So why should dieting be any different?
  • Quote: but he was all bummed out because while he was at the hospital, Gene Simmons from Kiss was at the mall and he missed it. Poor baby!
    OH MAN! I would be bummed too! I LOVE KISS! I am comiserating with him! But I hope his arm is fine! What a brat (I could use another word here but since he is only 12.. I wont!)
  • Good Morning.

    Brenda: I hope everything goes well at the Dr.’s office and you get some answers.

    Jane: Congratulations on losing one pound. That is great. I am crossing my fingers for the pound to stay away permanently.

    Jina: Good luck moving. I hope everything goes smoothly and as planned.

    TG: Way to go for going back to gym. It feels good, doesn’t it?

    Star: I see that you made it to 120s. Congratulations. That is so great. Now you are a single number from goal. Way to go.

    K: I hope that you had a great vacation. As for motivation, it is kind of wired, but somehow I don’t think about it anymore. When I first started I was thinking okay if I made it to this weight on this day I will get this or treat myself to this. But now, automatically I eat healthy stuff, I don’t crave sugary stuff, I don’t feel the need to eat everything in sight, I make sure that I am drinking 120 oz water, I make sure that I have at least one hour of physical activity (which can be just walking to and from work, 3 miles) and just go on. Somehow in the past 11 weeks I have learned that this is for life. I want to follow this for the rest of my life. I am not looking to reach goal so that I can go back to my old habits. I like to reach goal, sooner rather than later of course, but I have no intention of changing anything. For the past four weeks my weight has been changing between 144.6 and 144.8. At some point I got concerned that why I am not losing. There were days that I have gotten frustrated. But now I have accepted it. I am not changing anything. I am going to continue eating in the healthy calorie range and hopefully I will lose again. So somehow my motivation is that if I started eating unhealthy I am going to lose control. But now that I have control why mess it up.

    Anyhow, got my blood test back. My cholesterol is above normal at 219. They didn’t test my bad cholesterol, but my good cholesterol is 41, normal but very close to borderline. I have a question for you guys, when you test your cholesterol do you do it fasting or not? My doctor got my blood in the afternoon, so I am curious to know if I had it done in the morning, after a night fasting, would I have gotten a normal number. Considering I had egg salad for lunch the day I had my blood test. I have to go see her in a few weeks regarding my white blood cell count so I am going to ask her. My white blood cell count is a bit too high, which has concerned her and she wants to test it again. But everything else was okay, my thyroid test and Red Blood Cell count, everything.