LWL #139: April 12 - 18

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  • Hi all,

    Quick post to let you all know I'm thinking about all of you!!!! Getting slammed at work today AND tomorrow, but am taking Friday off to take the crew to a cool science museum in Ohio. Incidentally it's supposed to be in the upper 60s on Friday so that MIGHT have a bit to do with my decision. I didn't workout this AM. I demonstrated a full split for the girls yesterday and sort of pulled something. I will be at the gym tomorrow for sure. Oh yeah, eats are STILL clean.

    Ilene - you were right about the water. The scale has dropped 4 pounds since Monday morning so I am going to keep chugging away.

    Dip - Make sure you make some PC time for us next week or will we HAVE to deal with you, knowadimean?

    Peace. Love and SOULLLLLLL! Tiki
  • Happy Wednesday y'all!
    How y'all doin'?

    Tiki! OWOWOWOW full splits!!! Yeow! Take care, girl!!

    Dip - I promise I WON'T discuss Deadwood til you've seen it (except with my hubby of course... ) Just saw Episode 4 again yesterday. LOVE that show.

    Anne - on creatine - I've taken it in the past and had good results, but I'm personally a bit gunshy about it now since there's some, um, disturbing stuff coming up about it. Most of it is just ancedotal, but until I know for sure, I'm going to stay away from it for now, personally.
    Sounds like you're doing awesome!

    G. Jessica - let me see if I can find that sports bra thread for you...I believe this is it:


    As for me - I'm going to try and scoot outta here early again today. last day for awhile as my boss is returning tomorrow and it's back to the grind! I want to ride this afternoon if possible. I'm a bit tired for some reason today - have a slight headache (no, I didn't drink yesterday!). I did manage to get to the gym and do legs this morning. Hopefully I'm not coming down with a bug or something! I hate being sick!
  • Hello all!

    I too fight the depression, it's no fun. I have to agree that exercise truly does help.

    Are you all sitting down?!? I went RUNNING yesterday! I could not believe how far I went. I'm going to have to drive it for a measurement but just from approximating it I think it was a mile and a half. I've never been much of a runner, but wow! I was pretty happy.

    Cindy, if you are in Colorado or if I'm in New York we will have to go golfing. Where the boys are 2004!!! I'm learning this year and wondering where I can get clothes that don't suck, so if you have any suggestions, please let me know!!!!

    Mrs. Jim, I'm glad you are getting over your *feeling delicate* phase. I'm sure you are bright eyed and bushy tailed today?

    While we're talking sports bras - Title 9 bras are too short for me, they dig into my shoulders big time. Anybody got any other favorites? Thanks!

    Gotta get to work....
  • Hi y'all! Just got back again after a chaotic day. The b* decided it was time to throw this gg off the deep end of the pool and put me on to French-speaking customers... Thank God I had a script. The customers were so nice (if only all customers could be Belgian), only one said " you must be Dutch speaking". I think it must have been hilarious to hear my reeelie dutsh exxent at work, I heard some otherwise really nice colleagues hiccupping....

    Way to go on the race, Jack!

  • Cats!
    I’ve literally spent hours today making plane reservations for DD and myself and a very furry cat to fly to NM in May (when DD moves there for grad school). The reservations for the humans were just the usual hassle of finding cheap fares, but that cat!! We need special reservations for the cat to fly with us and of course, there's a fee. And the cat has to pay “pet rent” in the new apartment. But DD wouldn’t consider going without him and I’m sure he’ll help with some of the loneliness of being thousands of miles away from anyone she knows. Still ...

    Plus I just had to have my dryer repaired yesterday. It wouldn’t dry and the repairman discovered that the vent pipe was clogged with …. yep, tons of cat fur. Very expensive kitty. Tell me again why we have cats? Was it to lower our blood pressures or something like that??

    Great picture, Jack! Isn't he a handsome , ladies? I’ll have to come cheer you on at The Great Race in May but I don’t think I’ll be joining you in running this year. Maybe next year.

    Congratulations on the running, Jennifa! Isn’t it addictive?

    Anne — I’ve never taken creatine either, though my workout partner (guy) has. He says it makes his muscles look bigger because it pulls water into them. I’m not sure if that’s right, but if so, it's probably not a look I’m after. My partner gains weight on it, but that’s a positive thing to him.

    Thanks for the web site — I’ll check it out.

    Tiki -- WTG on the clean eats. Sounds like you got all of the bad stuff out of your system for a long, long time.

    Don’t get sick, Karen!

    Hey Ilene — did we go to the gym today? What did we do, huh? huh? Was it awesome?

    Dip, JC, GG, Cindy, and Nola and the rest of the gang!
  • Hi all
    Jack- I was wondering why the dishes have been rattling lately. You've been running in this mess? I can hardly bear to go out to get the mail. Everytime I have to go outside the pouring increases, and it seems like all the parking spaces close to the gym are always full the heavier it's raining. Good for you on the race. A cuple of my friends are running it here in Phila, but my knees just don't run anymore.

    Tiki- A full split? yowch! I don't think I ever did one. Be careful

    Just got back from doing back and shoulder s at the gym and everything is still burning. Learned a new exercise for rear delt: cross cable straight arm pulls with the cable set at shoulder level. I almost lost my nose on the first rep until I figured out that I had to back up a foot fro the cable You don't use a handle at all, but just hold the cable above the little ball at the end/ Clear as mud, eh?

    Eating has been terrible- I NEED to get back on track and now. But I really don't feel like it.

    Hello to everyone,

  • Yep! Jack is a HOTTIE!!!

    I am running the race for the cure here in Detroit. Trying to get a few friends on board as well!

    Cats - I love them, but am allergic. My DD really wants a pet. Maybe I can find a nice short hair, no dander - having, non blinds swatting, food stealing one that I won't want to kill after a few months.

    Mel - get back on track. Right now!

    Peace. Tiki.
  • G'day!

    Mel - Get back on track!

    Meg - I was a cat in my former life.... and love em to pieces. Nothing more relaxing than a purring furball in your lap at the end of the day, or in our case, waking up to 2 cats in our bed purring to wake us up to be fed!

    Gotta blaze.... crazy day here at the office....
    Have a good one everybody!
  • Hello L&GWL

    Meg --  don’t be disappointed but I haven’t gone to the gym in 2 days!! Yesterday I was just too dang tired! It was cold and damp out so I came home and curled up with a good book... White Oleander by Karen Fitch, what a good book... I got it at the library on Saturday. It’s in large print, and I love reading in that print because of my eye problems, and along with the reading glasses, I can actually stay awake ! Today we went to the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario for an appointment with D for her knees... And I was pleased that they said the same thing as the doctors in town here, and Yay for that, she may outgrow it and that’s a good thing! But as we are talking to the family, many cousins on DH’s side have knee problems... so it’s all DH’s fault! NOT moi!
    Tomorrow we are there tho... We may do shoulders and abs, k? And some running....

    Jenn -- On running, I love running too... Next year I may try a 5k myself...

    Jack – I kind heard the rumbling in Eastern Ontario too! How cool is that, I could also see that great smile beaming in the sky too it looked like the Northern Lights... Great AV BTW!

    Anne – That recipe looks very good... I may try that for a change of pace.... on the compliment! It feels so good doesn’t it? That site is excellent too, I was just reading up on ground flax seed... It’s very healthy girls...

    Tiki – So good to hear about the 4# lost, whew!!

    Mel – I’m with Tiki and Nola, get back on track... I had a difficult time yesterday too after the weekend, but today was all good! So c’mon!! We're waitin'...

    Hi Nola!!

    Well gotta go surf some more forums...

    Later all....
  • Hey Hey all.....

    Just checking in but VERY busy - ya think that because I am leaving they would be taking things off me not giving me more! The boss is trying to milk the life out of me for the next few weeks!

    Workouts and food back on track after Easter break!

    Miss you ALL very much! Much love....

  • Tiki - Are you going to CoSi? I'm from Cincinnati. We all remember the coolest science museum in Ohio.

    Girls, I did four miles today on the track walking and running after my step aerobics class. My quads are jelly and I am soooo pooped.

    My eating has been very clean. I'm sooo happy. I don't even care what the scale says, I'm doing great.

    School is keeping me super swamped. I have another speech due on Wednesday and I had a research paper due this week but I got an extension. Whew!
  • Morning, all! In brief as I’m off to the gymn.

    Jack – nice picture! Now, this shooting hoops business. I think it’s basketball. And I’ve read you need explosive power for that. Is that what fuelled your words to the brothers-in-law?? And do you find you’re better at it now you’re lighter and fitter?

    Tiki, MrsJim, Jennifa, everyone – thanks for the DD and HH stuff. We’ll just keep on practising then! And the splits! Crikey, I could never do them even at primary school. MrsJim – meant to say that I hope you and Jim can organise a business class visit to London. There are so many musicians knocking about, living there, passing through that I’m sure you’d have a ball.

    Diolch, JC! (Thanks, JC!) Actually, I’m English living in Wales but thanks for your help in sorting out the cultural and geographical do-dahs! Good luck with the move!

    See you later.
  • Hey Ladies,

    I'm starving so I'm here til the timer goes off, my new breakfast treat is in the oven. I've been eating so well this week, its awesome. I've lost so much water weight since Sunday, like 3 pounds. Yikes! Its raining here in NH (again), but I have high hopes for this weekend, its supposed to be v. nice. And only 8 days til Florida!!!! I'm so psyched, we're going to Marco Island and then to Tampa to Busch Gardens, my son is going to have a blast (& so am I). My Mom & of course, hubby, are coming too.

    Mel - Just do it! The first day of getting back on track is the hardest, so just get through it and then brag about it to us tomorrow.

    Hey Meg - Sounds like its a good thing the cat is moving to NM. I'm so allergic to animal hair that I cannot even be around people who have it stuck to their clothes & my ds is the same way. So, no cats here. How's the healing going?

    Hi Nola - get to work! Just kidding.

    Ilene - I LOVED that book. It was great. I've been reading a lot of Barbara Kingsolver's books, although I really only loved The Poisonwood Bible. Also, Sue Miller's books were interesting and fun to read. I'm always on the hunt for good authors, I read like crazy. Now get your butt to the gym & burn up your abs and shoulders.

    Jess - you're doing awesome, keep it up!

    Tiki - Yeah, I'm sure you're gains were mainly water. Don't you feel better being back on track? I know I'm so relieved. I scared myself on Easter.

    Hi JC, GG, Jack, Silverbirch & everyone else! Hey Dip!!

  • OMIGOSH - I just LOVED the Poisonwood Bible. Laughed, cried, got angry went through every single emotion imaginable while reading it.

    Ilene - I skipped two gym days this week too. The crew came home last night and we sat up playing cards til after midnight. However my eating is very much on track.

    Last night I got mad at my son's dad. He told me he HAD to get DS back to me yesterday afternoon so I told him to drop him off at cheer practice between 5:30 and 7PM. At 8:45, when DD called to be picked up, DS was still MIA (missing in action, Silver). Turns out they were out playing video games, eating, etc. If I had known that I could have hit the gym last night. I was so mad, I tried to justify eating a bad food, but instead, gave him the earful he deserved. The argument in my head was funny. Glad good sense won the fight.

    Yeah Goddess, it is to CoSi that we are traveling. Crew has been there, I have not. I can't wait.

    Hiya to everybody that is too busy, on the water, inaugurating people, training people, recovering, changing diapers, working, chilling or whatever else and hasn't had time to post yet.

    Peace. Tiki.
  • Thanks, Tiki! I only know AWOL (absent without official leave).

    I'm glad good sense won too! You sensible person, you!
