Thin4Life - March 29/04

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  • Well, before I leave for the day, I thought I'd chime in. Well, it looks like I'm the oldest!! I'll be 50 this month. It's hard to believe. I liked some of ABBA's music, but I'm with Susan, I liked hard rock (and still do). I often listen to the Classic Rock station in Orlando.

    I've had a good day OP. I had light waffles, OJ, and coffee for breakfast. Then I had a great salad at lunchtime with a couple crackers. I ate a little lite trail mix for a snack, but forgot to bring my apple to work today. I usually eat an apple every day. For dinner, I plan to eat more of the veggie soup.

    Tonight I have play rehearsal; it's coming along. It's so strange; I can remember the full pages of monologue, but then I can't remember little one-liners.

    lala, I really like Thai food. Sqlserver reports, huh? Sounds interesting. : )

    I'll write when I return from Nashvegas!!
  • Hi from home. Sitting here in my jammies with my coffee. I have a tanning session today and will probably do a run too, although it may be inside because it's going to start raining today and keep raining until Monday

    Pam: I stayed at H10 Bavaro, but had a similar experience to yours. The poverty is unbelievable and I felt enormous guilt for the way we live. The resort was beautiful, but like I said, not my kind of vacation. I like to see a bit of the country I'm visiting.

    Domina: Do you ever tune in to Boomer Radio on the internet? I listen to it at work sometimes - Good tunes! Have a great weekend with your friend.

    lala: Why, you're just a youngster! I envy your chat with your doctor. I can never just chat with mine; she's not bent that way - all business. I should look for another, but it's a daunting task.

    Hi Melissa.

    I went over points yesterday but don't feel too badly about it because I am exercising. Today's another day, and I'm back on track.

    Have a good weekend all. See you next week.
  • Good morning everyone,

    I am home for a little while this morning..have a meeting outside of the office at 9:00. I'm a little tired because once again I stayed up much too late last night reading The Davinci Code. Honestly, I am enjoying the book so much I can't put it down. Have any of you read it yet? Hopefully I will be having a pretty uneventful day at the office. I would really like to sign off on budget work, and turn it over to the accountants for "financial review". Looking forward to seeing Mamma Mia this weekend, I really enjoy going to New York.

    Lala yup you were in my neck of the woods. I live in a little town just outside of Amherst. Very nice college area with some terrific schools such as Smith, Mount Hoyoke and Amherst College. Stockbridge is a beautiful little town in Berkshire County, about an hours drive from my house. We always spend a weekend at the Red Lion Inn there during leaf peeping season and of course, go to visit the Norman Rockwell museum. Where did you end up going to college?

    Susan yes after that particular vacation I came home and was very thankful for everything I have. Actually, we are trying to plan our next "nice" vacation. The last time we left the country was in the fall of 2000. We went to Greece and Turkey. Hope you have a nice OP weekend.

    Hi to Domina and Melissa hope you both have a nice weekend also.

  • Good morning! Happy Friday!!! This has been the longest week ever! I think it's because it was so nice and warm on Monday and then the rest of the week has been gloomy. It's still cool & rainy here today *sigh*

    I like all types of music--Def Leppard, AC/DC, Skynryd, Jimmy Buffett, etc. I'm not into country though.

    Lala: Your doctor sounds like mine, I looked around for a new doctor before I turned 40 and she's been great. The last time I was in, just before London, she told me about her trip there. I also feel very comfortable talking with her about health concerns. I had my cholesterol checked and with all the good eating I do it's still around 219. Doesn't make sense to me since I don't eat all the fried stuff I used to before WW. In any case, she's not worried about it.

    Susan: I wouldn't worry about being over points one day, especially with the running you're doing. It sounds like you're on your way with getting back on track. Keep up the good work!!

    Domina: Enjoy your trip!

    Pam: I have a 19 and soon to be 13 year old sons..they keep me hopping. I still can't believe my son is almost done with his freshman year of college! I haven't read the DaVinci Code but I've seen a lot of people reading it. I enjoy reading. I was in MA once, for a brief visit, when our basketball team made the Division II playoffs--we took a bus to Springfield. We figured it out we were on the bus more than we were in Springfield! It was a fun trip. I'd love to visit the area again and see the sights. Enjoy the show! You'll have to let us know how you liked it.

    No major plans for the weekend--WW tonight, meeting tomorrow, and then work another meeting on Sunday morning. In between I'll do some house stuff that I've been neglecting. Have a great weekend everyone!