Maintainers Volume 16

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  • Jenny, you look AMAZING! And what a sweet thing for the store to do. Well deserved!

    Thanks for the video suggestion scorbett, I will try one out tomorrow morning as it's supposed to be 29F here around wake up time.

    Sticking to my usual yogurt and granola tomorrow. Found some Pecan Pumpkin butter that's pretty reasonable in the carb count so counting it as part of my fruit and going to mix it in to the yogurt . Going to get adventurous on Sunday and make something more involved like the baked french toast. Yummm
  • thanks ladies. I think we all deserve some free swag for all the hard work.

    I showed my daughter the before pic and she didn't believe it was me. How quickly they forget.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend and finds some "me time"
  • Jenny your photos are amazing! You look so fit and lean....and so much younger. You have inspired me.
  • Greeeaaaat photo before/after Jenny! WOW! Jealous of your LuluLemon's but had decided to boycott them and Starbucks a long time ago as they are both too 'chichi trendy' in my books, lol. Very nice that they acknowledged your hard work though. How unexpected!

  • Jenny!!! Wow-you are so fit! Such an amazing transformation. You oughta post this in daily thread so all those peeps struggling with staying OP can see just what hard work and dedication can bring. So happy for you!
  • Jenny: You look beyond amazing. I agree with the others, you are not just thin but look incredibly fit.

    You're glowing, keep it up!
  • Hello friends!

    I've missed everyone!!!!!

    Jenny.....You are looking AHHHHHHHHHMAZING! Wow! So good to see more pics of someone I've gotten to know. What a fab gift. You are certainly wearing the fruits of your running do look fit!

    Scorbett......THanks for the video tips. I have been using some YouTube Zumba videos (mostly Linda Edler) - but need to change things up some.

    PishPosh.....I think you were discussing issues with working out and trying to decide on a gym. My best advice, if you are looking at joining a gym, is to do a trial month. I got a VERY cheap Groupon for a local gym (thank goodness), and I just cannot make it work with my schedule. They don't offer childcare on Monday mornings or Fridays (when I have my 4 year old), and the classes that I want to attend are during the times I have to drop my kiddos off at school or in the evenings when I am seeing patients). No big deal....I realize that it's not a good fit for me at this time. Glad I didn't drop hundreds of dollars on it! For my crazy life, working out at home has got to work for me!

    Hawaii.....You have such an uplifiting spirit. Thanks for you honesty and continued encouragement on here!

    Slipfree....So glad that you had a better day at school. One day at a time, right? I really hope you can use this weekend and the upcoming Thanksgiving break as a time to refuel your reserves. You are doing amazing not turning to food!

    Tyranny.....With that much working out, I'd say you definitely aren't eating enough! I am eating a little under 1700 calories a day and have a very sedentary job. My best suggestion is to up your calories gradually so your metabolism really takes hold.

    Liana......You DO sound busy! I can't wait to hear about the wedding and see some great pics or you and your hubby!

    I know I'm missing lots on here.....thinking of all our maintainer friends!

    Today, I was surprised to see the scale up 1.5lbs from yesterday (but, sheesh, I KNOW this happens)....gotta blame too much salt as I was in my ratios for everything else. It's hard not to let the scale rule our mood.

    I got out all my billing for November yesterday and am now working to start packing for our trip. Ugh, packing for myself is easy. Packing for the WHOLE family is a chore! We decided we are going to ship a box to ourselves containing a lot of our bulky winter gear as we are flying. So, I have to get that ready this weekend as I am working two times as much this week fitting in clients because of the holiday week.

    Thanks for all the advice on swimsuits! I DID order a suit off Land's End as they had some of their last season suits on clearance. I got a cute swim mini skirt (ugh, the only extra skin I am dealing with is on the hips/thighs) and a nice UNDERWIRE tankini top for $60! Here's hoping it comes in time and that it fits! It was so weird ordering a size 6.

    I also had another out of body experience doing a bit more warm clothes shopping for winter/our trip. I ended up buying size small fleece pants. When I started IP in April, I was in size L in the exact same brand. Being a pear shape such as I is SO weird to wrap my head around this as I have been very fit in the past and still wore a large pant size (since I would run 5 miles and follow up with a trip to McDonalds).

    Anyway, I am still trying to mentally prepare for my trip. I think I may get a box of IP BBQ crisps to send in our shipping box. I'm sure that protein is going to be one of my biggest challenges on our trip. I don't even crave chips in everyday life, but I suspect I will more when everyone around me is munching on Pringles and Doritos. I know I can buy shakes and protein bars there. to start doing laundry for the trip (and then the trick will be hiding all the clean clothes I plan to pack so that fam doesn't wear them again before we go!).

    Take care's a cold one here and tomorrow....snow's a-coming! Stay warm all!
  • Love the picture Jenny! Awesome. You look so fit and happy! The store recognizing your efforts is so sweet. And how great that they genuinely support healthy living.

    Slipfree - very happy to see that at least you received an apology. Hope things get better with the kids. Stress is no fun.

    Tyranny: so funny about the apple. A great choice for sure but also love how much you enjoyed it. Getting fruit back is truly a yummy part of maintenance.

    Hawaii, I totally agree, the forum is so helpful. I had gotten away from it and that was perhaps part of the backslide. I need to also get back into regular exercising. You are so dedicated. I am only so-so with it but I realize it's necessary.

    Thanks for posting about the walking videos Scorbett. I has forgotten that I could get those online. Makes it a little easier in the winter.

    happy Saturday/weekend to all. (Brrr, it's cold out)
  • Jenny - you look GREAT! What an accomplishment!!!!
  • Thanks friends for the lovely compliments. I think I'm the fittest I've ever been in my life and perhaps the happiest/proudest of my self in terms of achieving health goals.

    Liana- the wedding sounds like fun and huge! Have a great time this weekend.

    Eve- great deal on the bathing suit mini skirt! Sounds like you have got this trip all figured out. Smart to ship the winter stuff along with some snacks.

    My run this morning was supposed to be 16 but was happy the group shortened it to 12 and then had a nice coffee after. It was -1 out with some snow flurries.

    I have been so fortunate to have met such a lovely group here on 3fc and a great group of running friends. I think about what makes previously overweight people successful in keeping their weight off and in Refuse to Regrain they stressed the importance of being part of a group.
    thank you all for being apart of my group.
  • Right back at ya, Jenny! I think that continuing to be involved here is vital to my maintaining. If I am not posting and reading, it is very easy to lose focus. Cheers to your run in this frigid weather!

    Liana, looking forward to seeing the redesigned dress. Hope you have a wonderful time at the wedding.
  • Brrrrrrrrrrrr Jenny! You are talking C right? I just looked up a conversion chart so I could better understand the temps everyone is discussing (I remembered water freezing is 0 in Celsius....but not much else). We had a high of 32F here past two days....pretty cold here for this time of the year!

    Yes.... think having a group is super helpful and key!
  • Jenny! What great photos & what an inspiration to see them - so glad you posted! You do indeed look fit & glowing - & healthy.

    Vis-a-vis supportive groups: here is an article from MFP (look for 'the #1 habit....' - also several other interesting articles to browse):

    Slip - there are not many who can stick to teaching over the years & keep their hearts open, as you seem to have done - you have my utmost respect. And I am willing to bet that many of your parents feel similarly. The students come to it much later.

    Tyranny - you described your love-moment with the apple sooo perfectly - my first P3 breakfast on my first IP round included an apple cut up in yogurt - never has an apple produced such a near-orgasmic moment! Almond butter on same apple is also grand.

    Slip & Chip & Ruth Ann & all of us who have difficulty taking care of ourselves: the airline safety speech always instructs that 'those travelling with small children or others who may need assistance should put on their own oxygen masks first.' Translation: we can't adequately take care of anyone else effectively if we can't keep ourselves breathing.

    Ruth Ann - I am sorry to hear that your Thanksgiving plans have changed, but maybe the time to regroup is exactly right for now.

    Liana - I so admire your willingness to step right up to whatever task presents itself. Enjoy the wedding & I hope it brings you some measure of filling up your energy & joy tank.

    Jenny - my walk-to-work was good, but very cold! I think more energy gets burned from shivering than walking! Had to invest in a pair of fleece-lined leggings for under my running pants (not gifted, though ).

    I will curb my running for a bit, as I have strained a muscle which is now affecting one leg, so walking & yoga are the ticket for the moment. Now is probably a great week to start into Aquacises, though.

    Eve - sounds like you have this trip totally under control. Glad you have found your bathing suit & hope it arrives & is perfect!

    I have not posted my meals for the past couple of days, as I have been more erratic & they are not a good example. No further UP pounds, but not down either. Had 2 'I care but not that much' days. Back on track today, though & I look forward to restocking the frig today & prepping some food for those feed-me! times (usually after work).

    Not getting enough decent sleep is a major trigger for me - & I don't always realize that I am so tired. But last night I fell asleep in my recliner, then got up & went to bed, giving me almost 10 hours sleep - Wow!

    Beautiful-but-freezing day, so I can walk into town for groceries & solve both food & exercise requirements.

    Sending you all some huge gratitude for hanging in & sharing the journey.
  • I can't believe it's Sunday night already, how is it that the weekend goes so fast and the week so slow.
    Eve - yes Celsius and it will only get colder. I think it will take some getting used to.

    Westwillow - thank you! I will have a look at the article you linked.good idea on the fleece linners. You are out West if I recall so Your Winters must be hard. I hope your leg is feeling better, good idea to switch to swimming and yoga. Sleep is so important, I'm glad you got a solid 10 in. I find I'm asleep shortly after my kids some nights.

    P1 Monday for me tomorrow, nothing that off plan this weekend but a few extra snacks and higher carb/fat meal. I find I'm not getting all my water in with the temperature getting colder. Time to add some lemon or drink more herbal tea. I've prepped my rotini and veggies for tomorrow and am kinda looking forward to the crispy pancake.

    Hooe everyone has a great start to the week
  • The wedding was great fun, and here are the dress before/after pix. Had a bit of extra material left over so DH got a matching pocket pouf, lol. Everyone was up dancing - they had a great DJ that knew just the right mix of slow stuff (Chris de Burgh's Lady in Red - a favorite of mine) and moving beats (Pitbull & Kesha's Timber - also a favorite, lol).
    During the speeches the bride's mom read out a list of the qualities the bride had written when she was 11 that she was going to look for in a husband. It was rather moving as she had a good head on her shoulders already and had chosen things like he must treat his friends & family with respect, put God first in his life, have a sense of humour, treat her with respect and try to understand her, etc. I think she picked the right one. His whole family is very sweet. We look forward to getting to know him a little better yet this winter.
