Daily Accountability/Lifestyle Change - August 2014 - Everyone Welcome!

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  • Hi NaughtyNibbler. Sounds like this is a great thread for you to post in ! Glad you are here. Maybe i will call you NN. If that's okay. I like the word naughty. Sometimes thats what I say I have been when I cheat. Naughty. BTW, today I was..... drumroll.... naughty.
    Again, Glad you are here

    Ian, senna can be really good for those days when we are a bit, shall I say, backed up. Its all natural.

    Keljipa, glad your little guy, Hunter is doing better.

    Novangel I bet you look amazing in your bikini, come Nov. I can see you work hard at it.

    Okay I had one of those days where I was eating to manage stress. The scale showed my weight was where it sould be for maintence. First I had homemade garlic croutons from the health food salad and hot food bar. I added to that some of their blue cheese. Then I had 3 Amish peaches. And.... popchips with cheese. I still wanted to eat more. But will have my usual dinner of chicken sausage and salad. The cocoa powder and lemon protein ice are a staple of my diet. Anyway, tomorrow will have to be a diet day.

    Wishing you all a good supermoon night. Very intense full moon, to put it mildly
  • Hi Everyone!

    Good job having fun with friends but keeping things in moderation.

    Ian Have your tried the warm water w/lemon in the AM. Some people have this daily and it helps to keep things moving along.

    NaughtyNibbler Hi and welcome to the check-in!

    kelijpa Cody has to take a combo of heartworm and flea control table. It's big, too. I have to put it at the back of his throat and then rub his neck. That seems to help. I normally have to put meds down Cody's throat. I'm glad Hunter is doing better.


    Waving Hi all around!
  • Total Approx 1350 Calories +

    Breakfast (400 Calories + coffee)
    spritz oil in pan
    egg 70 cal
    egg whites from carton 60 calories
    Vegetable of choice
    1/8 cup feta cheese 40 calories
    Rudi's Whole Wheat English muffin 130 calories
    1 teaspoon pumpkin butter 25 calories
    juice 75 calories
    coffee w/sugar and cream

    Lunch 100 calories
    Iced coffee w/sweet 'n low & half and half 50 calories
    sample from grocery store 50 calories

    Dinner (850 Calories)

    Chicken salad wrap 400 calories
    steamed carrots/zucchini X 2 = 200 calories
    fruit cup 100 calories
    shared small cup of dark chocolate gelato w/DH 150 calories

    KCM's Start Here Cardio Sculpt and Leg Work w/8's
    TJ Cardio Party Mix 2
  • Diana Thank-you so much for the encouragement. Two days in a row back on track and feeling much more motivated & focused than in recent weeks.

    B vanilla whey shake/coffee; coconut oil
    L egg salad on cucumber "baguette"; big salad/veggies WF vinaigrette
    D Wild Alaskan salmon burger, minced shallot; summer squash medley/red onion/evoo; steamed bok choy/chicken broth
    S choc protein shake

    Have a great week everyone
  • Diana right back atcha
  • E- C25K

    B- milk and tea
    L- falafel, pita, zucchini, tahini sauce.
    D- carrots + hummus, pot pie, 1 tbsp butter.
    S- a handful of pirouette cookies, 4 small taffy pieces, 1 white chocolate candy.

    Didn't do as well as I'd like today. I mean, I think technically speaking I was in my calorie range, but I didn't feel like I had as much control as I'm comfortable with. I easily could have overeaten badly today. I only didn't because I think I was too distracted by things I have to get done. I had cravings most of the day, which is never fun. Nothing too awful, but not easy. I ate almost nothing I planned, which is one way I trip up a lot of times. But overall it was okay. I was busy and didn't eat lunch until way later than normal, which is where the problems started (I got too hungry). I'll try to avoid that tomorrow.

    Hope everyone else's day went well.


    Diana3271: Thanks! That's definitely something I don't do as well with. Hopefully I'll get better.
  • Good Morning, Everyone!

    Last night I added on: Tamilee Webb's Total Body Stretch (standing)

    Calories for yesterday: 1350 +
    Weigh In: 167.2 (TTOM)
    Down: .8

    Have a great start to your week!
  • Well, it's Monday. Back on Warrior mode.

    TOM is over and my energy level is going back up although it's been gloomy outside for a few days. I wish there was something I could do to combat the TOM fatigue because this happens every month and it totally throws off my motivation and takes days to get going again. I really, really loathe TOM. My next life I'm coming back a man. End of story.

    Just a few more minor things and our wedding stuff is done.
  • Hi all! I'm not sure if it's too late too join but here goes!

    Aug. 11
    Breakfast: half a toast with cheese, two slices of pork cold-cuts, cucumber, home made 1% milk cappuccino
    Lunch: Salad with cucumbers, tomatoes, olive oil and balsamic vinegar, small piece of cheddar cheese, nectarine and a small slice of coffee cake
    Dinner: chicken with tomato sauce on polenta, cup of blueberries

    happy with this log so I'm brushing my teeth and hoping I won't get hungry later!!
  • Quick Post! Good news about Cody!

    Pathology results: Benign tumor and the margins were clear from where it was removed! It was probably an overgrowth of cells from the ear flaring up and inflammation
  • Wonderful news!!!!
  • Whew! Lots of catching up. Welcome to the new folks and that's great news about Cody, Diana. I know that was stressing you out.

    We had a wonderful (short) camping trip. A great campfire, played on the beach, snuggled into our tents at night, ate too much. My fav photo is our dog, Luke, snuggled in all the bedding in our giant tent. He normally needs to be leashed or he'll wander off but he was cold and stayed snuggled in for quite a while in the morning. Made me laugh.

    Food today-

    Peach oatmeal
    Two bacon
    Coffee with milk

    2 chicken drumsticks.

    I think that will do it for my "fast" day (543 cals). Weightlifting today.
  • cute, coolmom!

    up 2 water pounds, as usual after the weekend. wait, it might be 3. whatever! rode 25 miles yesterday and going to ride 20 tonight after work.

    B - belvita breakfast biscuits
    L - leftover Thai curry fried rice w/chicken
    D - we grilled a bunch of meats last night - bison franks, sirloin kabobs we made ourselves with yellow and red bell peppers, and filet mignons. We'll probably have kabobs and brown rice tonight.
    S - 1 kiwi fruit
  • Just checking in quickly from h*ll. I got better in a day or two, but Auggers just got sicker and sicker, and is now in hospital where prelim tests are suggesting possible leukaemia (very common in kids with Down). Hoping it's not, though!!!!
  • First week of actual weight loss on my new diet plan... and got TOM. So lost a grand total of one pound. Yippee and a long sigh.

    B - bran flakes with skim milk and a cup of strawberries. With tea.
    L - hard-boiled egg, mustard, and spring mix sandwich with a short nonfat latte.
    D - honey-mustard chicken and mashed sweet potato (yummmmm).
    Snacks so far: multigrain rice cakes.