Beck Diet For Life/Solution – January 2014 – Support, Discussion, Buddy/Coach

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  • weigh-in day

    *credit* weighed in on my official weigh-in day today and saw 267.6. Great. -2.4lbs this week. I think the fitbit is doing something intangible for me as if nothing else, it's keeping my head turning back towards my body stats: calories, steps taken, sleep hours, activity levels. Just seeing it here on my wrist I know it's a visual reminder of my goals for myself. So, I'm 48% to my first 5lbs off goal and my day of seeing two movies back to back at the theatre. I actually find that reward super motivating.

    I've just completed one of my cabinets and the 2nd one is complete except for the legs that I forgot to put on. I actually attached the legs that were included and wondered if I had simply bought the wrong thing--getting those extra legs then I wondered why my first finished cabinet looked a lot lower than I remembered the one in the store - duh-needs those legs. So I have to tip it over, carefully, now and add those legs than I am completely done except for inserting the shelves which I am waiting to do as I am not sure what I am housing in those cabinets just yet. Much much much more to do but it is happening. *credit*

    Ok taking a break-off to drop off my mom's laundry at her residence.

    Have a good Saturday everyone.
  • Got the book and finished writing my Advantages Response Cards!
    Also, I set reminder alarms on my phone so I would read them twice a day
  • Good day yesterday - we went to a matinee of The Book Thief, and for some reason, that movie really crushed me emotionally. I cried through more than a few parts and referred to the rest of the theatre to DH as hard-***** since I didn't hear anyone else sniffling and schnuffling. That said, it was very good if anyone was wondering

    Another day of two meals with breakfast and dinner yesterday, but kept snacking a bit more than I needed to at night. Credit for logging everything into MFP. Today's credits include shoveling snow for a bit, trying to clear off areas before the next round comes in tonight. DH is working tonight. I made his dinner earlier and boy, it is hard for me to make a meal at a non-meal time and NOT eat some, especially one I really like. I ended up taking a few pieces of penne and having it with my dinner and counting it. Not a nutritious-eating day, and aiming to wrap up the eating early tonight.

    Trying to think of credits because I typically think of the fails - ordered a well-reviewed yoga dvd to get started back with that, and am looking forward to it. Figured I'd haul out the mat tonight and just do a few of the poses and stretches, and see if there are some options to stream.

    Welcome, Moebug! I was going to say I checked the pink Beck book out several times before buying my copy, but sounds like you're all set!! Great job and good to have you on board.

    We have one month until heading out on a cruise for DH's birthday - our first. I wish it were now and we'd skip this snowstorm coming in tonight/tomorrow. I sent DH off with hand warmers, double everything clothes-wise, and made him promise to just stay in a hotel there if it was dicey driving. I said I'd rather he just hole up there, get some food and sleep and not waste hours on the road trying to get here.

    Congrats, OneByOne, on the loss this week! In an earlier post when you wrote that your DH was home and off to get a screwdriver, I initially thought that, instead of tackling Ikea furniture assembly, you were relaxing with a cocktail once he got home. ha. Oops. My hat goes off to you with the Ikea projects. I love that store and found this that I want on our next visit: ... I'm not sure that I NEED it but saw it in an ad on tv and thought, wow! What a nice addition to a kitchen drawer. Ha!

    Streak = 2 (yesterday and today)
  • Questions...
    I'm getting a little ahead of myself but I have a few questions... One of the diet plans I plan on doing is The Wheat Belly Diet. This diet does not place a big emphasis on calorie counting. Does everyone here count calories?

    Also, did you wait the full two weeks before starting to do your diet?

  • My 100% OP streak count is 4.

    Exercise was shoveling off the last of the snow because that will make it easier to handle the several more inches that we’re getting in the next 18 hours. And a walk because DH is on the mend. He may even be of some help with this new system’s snow. Which will be good because they are now predicting a high of 0 degrees on Monday. Several short sessions by both of us will be the best way to deal with it.

    I had to talk myself down from buying too much fruit at the store this morning. I’m not sure what was up with that. I may need more fruit because it could be a week before I get to the store again. But being snowed-in does not mean that I’ll be eating more fruit per day. Some part of me seemed to think that extra servings of fruit was exactly what the situation called for. Oh well. A better instinct than what I might have gone for in the past.

    WI: +1.15 in kg, Exercise: +60 175/1400 minutes for January, Food: 100%op, Read my Advantages and Responses: yes

    Welcome, Moebug! Day 6 of the Beck Diet Solution will ask you to select a diet coach. I use this group as my coach. The collective wisdom is miraculous (since you were looking for a miracle ) and it's available 24/7.

    bethfromDayton: this feels like a break-through for you with your parties. So great to see!

    BillBlueEyes and onebyone: I'm looking forward to Saving Mr. Banks and expect to thoroughly enjoy it as a completely fictional story. I didn't catch it, until Bill did, but I think I wouldn't mind being among the cranky old people who can be so interesting.
  • Moebug - I keep coming back to counting calories for my diet, because I tend to lie to myself when I don't. I did ww about 15 years ago and did well with that, focusing mainly on fat and fiber. Now my goal is to stop counting calories and eat when I'm hungry and stop when I'm NOT hungry, rather than full. But I do well with that and then eat more of something just because I like it, so I realize I need that limitation. But there are folks who do South Beach Diet, Weight Watchers, and other programs in this thread.

    Kitchen is CLOSED - thank you GardenerJoy for that from a year or so ago. It's cleaned up and lookin' pretty and I don't need anything else. When you close it, is it closed for hot tea as well?
  • Moebug: there are lots of different diets we do using the Beck principles. I think few of us count calories although many of us use them as a helpful guide.

    I think I waited most of the full two weeks before I started the diet, but that was mostly because it took me that long to decide what I was going to do. In the end, I invented my own diet and that took some time, too.

    You wouldn't be the first to start earlier than two weeks, though, especially with all the energy of the New Year to propel you.
  • nationalparker: the tea room is always open (don't tell me my brain that it's the same thing as the kitchen).
  • tomorrow I'm going to start eating sitting down at the table! Woo hoo!!

    I just realized something, I do mSt of my eating sitting on the couch, laying in bed, driving in the car. I'll probably lose a bunch of weight just by eating at the table!
  • This last week have fallen off the wagon and gained two lbs. so I am starting again tomorrow.

    Credit: still counted calories and held myself accountable even with the Christmas candy and red velvet cake. Christmas candy is almost gone. I am going to start giving it away.

    Starting exercise Monday when the kids go back to school. I have one more week left before I start my class. Have to put Christmas stuff away and get house back together. Feeling anxious and that makes me want to eat. I was doing so good living with my hunger and then I started eating Christmas stuff and haven't stopped. But I am going to get myself together.

    Hope you all have a good night.
  • Hi Coaches

    I have had an on-plan day and have been at home today so no challenges. It is nice to be in an environment you can control. I have logged everything into MFP - I have had to raise the Carbs level but you only have a choice between 5% or 10% on MFP so at the moment I am trying to sit in the middle

    A discussion board I regularly read presented a discussion on "Personal capital" for 1st January:
    "The New Year offers, in some sense, capital for personal change. It comes with its own energetic motivation, its own contemplative structure and its own collective momentum. How are you going to use that capital this year? How can it encourage you to reclaim your most vitalized self, your optimum life?"

    This sentiment has lead to all sorts of action and thought that seems to be more sincere than most years. I do truly feel energised and mobilised this year - maybe because there are only so many chances left

    Credit for:
    Logging on
    Logging all food
    Eating on plan and planning tomorrow
    doing strength exercises
    fitting in steps
    No sugar and no wheat

    maryann - fermenting is discussed a lot in paleo and primal communities and a whole lot of other places! It is becoming a bit mainstream I think. Lots of research with diabetic kids and bad gut flora or dysbiosis which fermented foods are proposed to help with. Glad you saw the references I included. Your diet sounds interesting - similar restrictions.

    Onebyone - thank you for the link to Harlan Ellison - now I have to see the movie of course if only for Emma Thompson

    bethFromDayton - great typo - in one sweep you loose 20pounds :-). Credit for being totally truthful with logging your food - even if it wasn't what you wanted to admit to on a normal on-plan day. Credit for recognising that it changed your behaviour this year

    gardenerjoy - will keep you all posted on the fermenting front. It is definitely nice to use the NY energy to promote change

    Pamatga - feel free not to mention me at all in posts - personals can lead to not posting and not being accountable and I want you to keep posting for yourself

    Veganasaurusrex - tabula rasa indeed - it is a lovely feeling isn't it. Credit for avoiding Macdonalds fries - mamoth indeed. Ikea is a fine distraction and I will need to go back so more exercise! I identify with the problems about non-work days. I am on holidays at the moment and even getting my steps in is hard if I am working on projects at home. Work has plenty of opportunities for gratuitous walking

    Moebug - WELCOME - you have been getting the story from others and I notice you are buying the book so you are on your way. Keep coming back!

    ForMyGirls - credit for slaying the ice-cream sabotaging thought demon! Credit. Yes - the "bugger it" demon is a strong influence in the sabotaging thought department but I ignored it!

    CeeJay - not thinking about food is a fabulous idea - I too have gotten into distracting myself. Getting up and doing something else. I will try the "I just need to not do it right now" - to keep it simple and to focus on now - great advice

    Silverbirch - so glad to help and I hope you have a fabulous 2014!

    BillBE - The more I read about fermentation the more I realise it has been around for ages. Sauerkraut in a can is either soured with vinegar or has been fermented - all we get imported in Australia has been pasteurised to wipe out the friendly bacteria that would repopulate the GIT of those with problems. I would love to be able to get Bubbies pickles - which are fermented not vinegared - but they aren't allowed into the country. Interestingly vinegar is also a ferment if it is made with a "mother' culture - but most isn't anyway. Of course wine and beer are fermented so it is a persisting tradition - but dying in commercial applications

    Onebyone - congrats on being down in weight! It must be all that work over putting together IKEA furniture.

    Nationalparker - have been looking forward to the "Book Thief" so thanks for a review!
  • Team points of 140 - my personal streak is 31. Yay.

    I spent many hours today cleaning the **** out of my kitchen - one of those clean all the nooks and crannies cleans. It looks fab. And it is nice to stop and remember that one of my ARCs is 'having energy to clean the house properly' and notice that I did today! I really like when I see the ARCs coming true :-)

    Credits: - stopped in at my folks for a cuppa - there was some slice leftover from a previous guest. I had a small piece as I could afford it after all the exercise cleaning - but didn't have a second piece, which while still probably within the calories for the day wouldn't have made it any more fabulous an experience. Nice to see that the pleasure of the taste doesn't require a big serving. Thought my way around my big life stress asserting a presence in my life briefly today after a couple of blessed weeks in the background. Didn't let it wind me up, which was good. Well done me.

    Moebug - I did wait the two weeks to start the diet - though I had changed a lot of my habits and was probably doing it informally before I officially started. It meant that the start day didn't feel like a big change. I would probably encourage you to wait because I think it gave me time to really cement the habits, which I think makes it so much easier to stay on track. And as I write this I realise it was probably actually a bit more than two weeks because a couple of the steps took more than a day.

    Diet wise I have been a bit of a gypsy - I started on a high protein diet (and Aussie one called the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet). It was a good place to start because the high protein meant less hunger - but it was pretty expensive and I also found that I wasn't getting the energy kick I expected from weight loss. SO then I changed to the DASH diet but found I wasn't losing much weight so it has kind of morphed into calorie counting. Seems to be working well for now. I am glad I did the other 2 first though because it helped me set up a framework for what is an appropriate balance of different types of foods - I think if I had come straight into calorie counting I would probably have thought "whacko - so if I don't eat too much meat I can have icecream everyday!"

    And finally before I move on - I am 6 months in and as far as I am concerned Beck in combination with 3FC is the miracle "diet" that is curing me of overeating!

    LosetoAll - well done for checking in and committing to getting back on track!

    Onebyone and gardenerjoy - if you like cranky old people I thoroughly reccomend checking out two UK docos / TV shows called Grumpy Old Men and Grumpy Old Women. Personally I like the Women one best but maybe that's just because that's how I want to be when I grow up :-)
  • Sunday
    Diet Coaches/Buddies – Eating was on plan, including snacks, CREDIT moi with the streak going to 46. Food around here is icky for three days as DW prepares for a GI track X-ray. The prep is that awful three days of eating only the foods that we've tried to eliminate from our lives: white bread, white rice, no fruits, no vegetables. At dinner last night I had my normal salad while she just drooled. The white rice tasted OK after I drowned it in soy sauce. Glad this is only short term.

    DW and I walked around a favorite birding spot, Mt. Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge. The sun was out, sky cloudless - to give the illusion of a warm day. My fingers, however, knew the true temperature to keep time bounded. We saw loads of White-throated Sparrows, Juncos, and Blue Jays. The treat was to spot a Wild Turkey perched in a distant tree - so unexpected that we had to hike around and about to get a better view before we identified it. The two resident Coyotes trotted past us several times without concern. On their part that is; I keep telling myself that they aren't interested in me. A later walk, CREDIT moi, on city streets was fun window shopping because so few people were out.

    onebyone – I know that feeling of having left over parts. I had that once when rebuilding my car's carburetor in my basement. Recovery required some serious backtracking.

    Cranky Old (gardenerjoy) – "A high of 0 degrees on Monday" is sorta freighting. I find myself feeling the desire to 'stock up' on food for most any excuse.

    Cheryl (seadwaters) – Yay for "energised and mobilised." I do like the "Personal capital" thought. [Had to read your Buddies pickles link to get reminded that 'brine' does not include vinegar - duh!]

    maryann - I just love the thought of having a whole pig in the freezer - because it tweaks my desire to have HUGE servings of pork.

    nationalparker – The Book Thief is on my list - it was the movie I wanted to see but the show times weren't a good fit. Glad for the positive review even though I'm not fond of tear inducing movies. (At least, not since Shane, LOL.)

    ForMyGirls - Neat that all that "****" is out of your kitchen. Super Kudos for achieving your own ARC for energy for housecleaning. Congrats for reaching your six month point.

    LoseToAll - Welcome fresh start. It's easy to fall into the Christmas-eating syndrome - putting Christmas away is a good new beginning.

    Valkyrie1 - Kudos for the "walking, hiking, and bike riding" as well as for that fast recovery.

    Moebug - Yep, as others have said, we're all Coaches to each other and invite you to be a Coach to us. (It's 'Coaches' in the Pink book - Beck's first one - and 'Buddies' in the Green book - Beck's second one.) This is, indeed, the place for accountability; just post your status - both when on plan and when drifting. If you feel like it, would you care to share some of your Advantages? Since I lost my chunk of weight before I discovered Beck, I didn't have to make the decision to wait. My take is that the wait is intended to force us to focus on the behavior changes with the concern that if we just plunge into dieting we might not respect how difficult the simple strategies are to weave into our lives. Doesn't it just explode the mind to realize where we've been eating all this time?

    Readers -
    day 9 Select an Exercise Plan

    what are you thinking?
    Use the following helpful responses to common sabotaging thoughts to create inspiration for making additional cards.

    Sabotaging Thought: I don't want to exercise.
    Helpful Response: I shouldn't go by whether I want to exercise. If I want to lose weight and keep it off, I need to exercise. There are also lots of other benefits to exercising. I might be making this into a much bigger deal than it really is. I can do this.

    Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Beck Diet Solution (Pink book), pg 111.
  • Snow is falling rapidly. It's beautiful. I worry way too much about the little birds of "mine" in my trees. We added a very large, 8-9' evergreen to our yard this year, and I love seeing the birds seek shelter in it. Have put out more seed/dried fruit/nuts for the critters. They're saying tomorrow the wind chills will be around -55. Is this typical Canada weather to where you're going, "yeah, so what?" OneByOne? You are so hardy.

    Weight is still at ticker; waiting to drop back into the 160s - loved that glimpse right before the new year and working to get back there. I'm hungry today. Started with an apple and tbsp peanut butter, but I've waited an hour and still hungry.

    Credits: stayed out of the kitchen, despite closing it down early last night. Though the allure of a "tea room" (thank you GardenerJoy) was great, I stayed busy.

    Bill - Your birdwalk through the cemetery sounds so peaceful. I enjoy our coyotes here ... love to hear the young vocalizing. Well, not when they've "got" something. Great job on the 46 streak. I cannot imagine anything possibly getting you off track now.

    ForMyGirls - Wow - 6 months is a great anniversary for you and Beck What are the top CBT behaviours that seem to help you the most?

    Lexxiss - I have enjoyed reading of the progress of the rentals - good news with the one newly rented. Thanks for keeping us posted.

    Seadwaters - I'm impressed for your note that you were in control, because you were at home. Some days I find myself MORE challenged when I'm home because I have more options. A good reality check for me. Thank you.
  • So I ate my breakfast at the table fairly slow with no distractions! What a concept I haven't eaten anything else which is unusual because usually I would be popping nuts in my mouth, eating cheese sticks, chips, spoonfuls of peanut butter, etc. These are two credits I will give myself!

    I'll tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Maura and I am 48 years old. I have been sober in AA coming up on 27 years. Pretty much since I put down the drugs and alcohol, food has been an issue. I have done almost every diet/food plan out there. I could probably stand to lose 20-25 lbs. More so than losing the weight is the mental obsession that I want to live without. Eating pretty much dominates most of my thoughts!

    Bill - my advantages are
    1. I won't be obsessed with food
    2. I will feel better about my appearance
    3. I won't be so self conscious
    4. I won't compare myself to others (as much)
    5. I won't be afraid to step on the scale.

    I have been loosely following a food plan that seems to work for me (which fell completely to the wayside during the holidays!) so I think sticking to that is a good plan for me. One of my big things is not planning my food out. That is another area I would like to improve on.

    I feel so hopeful about this and am really grateful that I found you guys!
