Sugar Busters Weekly Support Board 6/2-6/8

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View Poll Results: What is your favorite type of sit down restaurant to eat at?
American (Burger Joint,BBQ, Country Fare, etc.)
Middle Eastern
Oriental (Chinese,Japanese,Thai, etc)
Spanish (Cuban, Mexican, etc.)
Other European
Other (explain in your post if you'd like)
Voters: 25. You may not vote on this poll

  • This is the
    where all of you who are following this WOE, or are thinking about doing so, are welcome to come join in and be a part of our wonderful group.

    Other than finding support and friendship on this board, we also try to do something during the the week to add a little difference to our board.


    Please take some time to check out our extensive recipe boards. Our RECIPE BOARDS can be located at the link below:

    Look for our QUARTERLY RECIPE BOARDS to post your favorite recipes and to see the most recently posted recipes. Recipes from the quarterly boards will be archived in proper categories at some point.

    We have SEVEN INFORMATIVE BOARDS!!!! Please take a few minutes to visit them! New information is continually being posted, so please make sure you visit them often!!! The boards are listed below as well as the link that will take you to the boards:

    SB 2002 BIO BOARD
    SB 2001/2002 PHOTO ALBUM BOARD

    We also have a SB WEEKLY EXERCISE BOARD that you can log your daily/weekly exercises on which is located on our weekly support board:

    Then there's our latest addition to the SB BOARDS which is called OFF THE EATEN PATH This board is for everything NOT related to SB. You can use this board to post questions or comments on just about anything (okay, within reason). A book you recommend, a cleaning tip, a great website deal, etc. etc. Here's the link:

    NEWBIES! (aka new members) If you would like to REPLY to any of our threads, please hit POST REPLY not NEW THREAD, then type your message in and hit SUBMIT REPLY. If you need to edit your reply, just click on edit located in the body of your post and make changes as you need to, then hit SUBMIT NOW.



    Will post my usual morning post sometime later, but wanted to make sure I got our
    done early in the morning, so here's my contribution for MM, there's 2 of them to read today, and I REALLY like the first one:


    A small effort, over time, can make a big difference. Anyone can make a slight improvement, and soon those slight improvements can add up to an enormous advantage.

    How can you live today just a little bit better than yesterday? There are thousands of great possibilities.Too often we strive for sudden, dramatic changes, and almost as often are disappointed when they are beyond our reach. Yet the little improvements, the ones no one notices, are the most reliable and consistent way to move ahead.

    Sure, it takes discipline, but so what? Discipline is nothing more than desire that has become smart and has learned what works.

    Reach for the big dreams, to be sure. And do it by taking small steps forward at every opportunity. Today is one of those opportunities to take a small, yet significant step. Take it now while you can, and tomorrow you'll indeed be thankful you did.

    -- Ralph Marston


    No one is ever assured of success. Every undertaking carries with it some risk. Yet even though there is no assurance of success, some people are confident enough to get started. Some of those are confident enough to keep going in the face of obstacles and disappointments. And some of those are confident enough to persist until the success is actually achieved.

    Where does confidence come from? It comes from experience. Being confident comes as a result of acting confident. What would you do today if you were confident of success? Do it. What first step would you take? Take it. How would you sit, how would you walk, how would you greet other people, how would you act if you were confident of success?

    Act that way and the confidence will come. Yes, confidence takes a little blind faith at first. Soon enough, however, that confidence becomes real, supported and confirmed by actual experience. Act confident and you'll begin to be confident. Be confident and you'll have what it takes to bring your goals into reality.

    Ralph Marston

    Have a wonderful day, and a fabulous week!!!!!

    SB since 3/22/00
    Reached goal 6/10/01




  • Good Monday Morning to All!!!!

    Well today is MONET's first day of work. She's already there working her little behind off. Sending out good thoughts your way, M. Hope this works out for you and that you enjoy it. You are such a bright sunny spot for those who know you!!!

    DEB, love the It Adds Up Motivation. I just went back to that one on his page and re read it this morning before I got here today. I guess we were on the same wavelength. I did not get around to calling Shirley this weekend. My family reunion is this coming weekend. And I have lots to do before that. It's not here in town, so my niece is coming to stay with "the girl" while we head east. That means the house has to be clean and the refrigerator has to be full. Plus I decided to make a piece of jewelry for the cousin we are staying with. Plus I'm putting together a picture collage on the computer of all our relatives who have passed on. I'm waiting for some pics from my mom and another cousin to arrive in the mail. Thank god I don't have any evening meetings this week.

    Okay, here's the thing. That exercise board is way too slow. We didn't even get past page 1 last week. So I am upping the ante. GET MOVING!!! And post it!!!! I hope that doesn't sound bossy. But I promise you will feel so much better. I know a few of you (BOB and FILLISE) aren't exactly in the right place to exercise, so they have a good excuse. But come on for the rest of us, what's your excuse???? Is it a good one? Is it a medical one???? I would just like to see a lot more people on their reporting how they have incorporated daily exercise in their lives. It really helps me to get on there and read what everybody else is doing. It's motivating. Who's with me???? Let's do it!!!

    Have a great week!
  • Good Monday
    Good Morning all

    I was very bad over the weekend. Too many parties with nothing SB to eat. I was ok Sat with dinner, but then they has STrwbwrries w/ romanoff sauce for dessert. Never in my life will i be able to resist that!! Yesterday I was good, but it was a challenge. All they had at the grad party was ahmburgers, menonite sausage (YUMMMMM), chips, potato salad and baked beans. I ate 2 sausages without buns and watched everyone else eat chips It was worth it, though.

    So, you all have permission to call me a dumbie for not posting exercise and water on the chart. I for got it was there. And I didn't know that I could journal here, too/ I've been doing it on I will try it today.

    Well, Selah is getting bored in the other room by herself. We're going for a walk now so that I can post my exercise
  • Good Monday Morning Everyone

    Was able to get out there and get in my 4. 5 miles I haven't been able to exercise for one reason or another for so long it was hard to do, but I did it. Took me 57 minutes and it was brutally hot out there. Two minutes after I walked in the door it started to pour, perfect timing. I'm cooling down now before I have to get in the shower and take a class to go to yoga today.

    NADINE, ELI'S sister is preparing to leave as I type. She decided to stay another night and is leaving on a 1:20pm flight back to Toronto.

    MICHAEL had the MIAMI CHILDREN'S FILM FESTIVAL on Saturday. He didn't win the best documentary which was his category for his main piece submitted but he did win the RISING STAR award for his piece which I guess is that they see the potential in him all around. The one that won WAS very good I have to say. At first he wasn't happy as they only showed the winners pieces in their entirety and his film was only shown for 2 minutes and not even a good part of the film either, but after they had already announced the winner of the documentary and then all of a sudden they announced an award for him, he got better. One thing about MICHAEL, he doesn't lose well at all and we tried to tell him that he didn't lose anyway, he's definitely a winner because his film is going somewhere. THEN, they announce BEST ACTRESS award and the lady is going "ANNA SHAR, I can't say this last name" and I just yelled out SCHARNAGLE, which is MICHAEL'S friend who starred in his other piece called SELF that they didn't even show a second of, which the whole thing is like 3 minutes. Sorta stupid because no one got to see why she won the best actress award! We stopped by her house on the way home and she was sooo surprised.

    After the ceremony which was being taped by PBS. MICHAEL was interviewed by them. He had been interviewed by them before and this was a follow-up interview. It's for a new show about things going on in Florida and I was told they would contact us when it's going to air. That it should be available to all the Florida PBS stations to see so if you are in FLORIDA, I'll be letting you guys know when it's released so you can watch for it in your local areas.

    He got some wonderful praise and feedback from the judges and at the end was quite happy and pleased. Have some pictures that I will try to post later.

    Okay, NADINE just left and I'm having to get in the shower so I'm going to have to continue this and get in all my replies later on. I'm hoping I will be able to get back on this afternoon before I have to p/u MICHAEL. LAUREN is staying after school today and I have to go to her FRESHMAN SHOWCASE tonight. Tomorrow I have a board dinner at 6:30pm but the day is free, at least I think it is

    Hope you all have a wonderful fantabulous week!!!


  • Hi everyone!

    I am so far behind on the personals, I apologize! I slept most of the weekend. The early PG exhaustion rearing it's ugly head! AND, I think I'm getting morning sickness. I was eating my scrambled eggs and got about halfway through when it just started tasting weird and I had to give the rest to DH. So I only listed one egg for breakfast!

    On the OP side, I made this wonderful Zucchini Lasagna last night - you use zucchini instead of noodles. DH loved it! Said it was just like the "real" thing.

    My menu for today:

    B:2 celery stalks with 1 tbsp peanut butter
    1 egg w/ 1 tbsp hot n' spicy mayo

    S: hard boiled egg (if I can eat it!)

    L: 3 oz. chicken dark meat with 2 cups lettuce w/ 1 tbsp dressing and red wine vinegar, zucchini lasagna (1 serving)

    S: SF jello

    D: Tuna melt w/ cheddar & tomato on 1 slice SGWW bread
    1 c. steamed broccoli w/ lemon juice

    S: 3 oz. grapes

    Any suggestions/opinions? I think I need to add one more fruit.

    On another note (still baby related - sorry!) we finally picked our names!!! For a boy: Colin George. Girl: Evelyn Estelle.

    Gotta run, this is a busy week for me at work! Hugs!

  • Monday
    Hello everyone.

    It's raining here. I'm so tired of rain. It rained nearly the whole month last month. I was looking forward to a nice clear pretty day, of course I didn't watch and see what the weather was supposed to do, but I was planning on washing my dirty car. I got it all cleaned out and washed on the inside last night. Poor thing, I'm sure if cars could think and talk it would have been telling me for 6 months now to clean it out. When hubby takes it all the time, it becomes his own little personal trash can, and he won't lift a finger to clean anything out of there either. He says that it's my car and I should be the one to clean it, but he's the one who messes it up. I just don't get that one.

    Ok, I have no excuses now for not exercising, except that I totally hate doing it and I'm extremely lazy when it comes to that, and neither one of those are good excuses, so I'm gonna start the treadmill today. It's sitting here beside me now and the key to it is in my dresser, so I've got to get off my fat butt and get on that thing. Does my move count as exercise? I mean I was walking a lot and lifting a lot of stuff and moving stuff around in here after we got moved in. I'm just wondering about that.

    I have to tell y'all that I've been wearing size 18 jeans for a few months now, and oh my gosh it felt so good to get out of those 20's, but now I can put on my size 16 jean shorts and wear them pretty much all day, and when I sat down here to post, I noticed that the muscles in my upper arms are getting to where they can be seen now too. If only these boobs would start shrinking!

    Ok, I'm off to put on some shoes and get my butt on the treadmill. I'll be sure to post it when I'm done. I'll talk to y'all later.

  • Good Monday Morning all:

    I will be heading out soon to take my daughter to swim lessons and then I am going to the gym to workout. Remember how I was sick last week with some type of stomach bug, well I am still weighing in at 133. I was as low as 131.5 the morning after the yucky night I had (prior to that, I was fluctuating between 135-136). Maybe my body was getting ready for a whoosh anyway.

    I am being really good about exercising, but just never post it. I workout 3-4 times a week, so I better go post it on the exercise board. I will do that later (promise).

    Kim: Sounds like you have a lot to do to prepare for this reunion. Have a blast; sounds like fun. It sounds like you have put a lot of thought into the presentation for the family; I'm sure everyone will be delighted!

    Talitha: It is so hard to stay on plan when you are at parties. Don't beat yourself up; at least you rebounded Sunday.

    Debelli: You should be so proud of Michael. What an honor to receive the Rising Star award. That's great!!!!

    Jenn in MN: Wow, finally picked names It nearly took us up to the due date to decide for sure. Morning sickness really stinks, but seems to be a good sign of a healthy pregnancy in progress.

    Well, that' is for now....better run.

    I will check in later, and hopefully be able to post more than once a week. I justs get so busy.
  • Quickie,

    I'm here, barley. Hasn't been a good weekend and the week isn't starting out any better. Back is much better. It should be after a shot, massage, hot ultrasound, and hot moist treatment. Pain meds and muscle relaxers made me deathly sick.

    My dad is worse, it is just a matter of time I think and pray. I hate to see him suffer so much. It is so hard on my DSis, to have to be there constantly. He is not eating at all, his kidneys are almost shut down, the pneumonis is no better and his heart is giving out. I pray the good Lord takes him soon.

    It is crazy here at work. I'm trying to work ahead in case I have to leave. Plus it is a bad week.

    Eating was not good over the weekend. Either the wrong things or nothing at all. Still have no appetite.

    I haven't had time to read the posts. I really hate missing out on them. I need them to keep me going. Hoperfully, I will catch up soon.

    Bob, you really need to come to Ky and go to my pain Doc. He'll fix you up in no time.

    Have a great day.

  • Hi I am pretty new
    Well I have been reading your posts but not posting. Sad but true I have done SB in the past kind of. I did do Atkins but found it to restrictive and higher fat. Now I am trying to stick to SB.

    I hope you dont mind if I jump in. My name is Katie I am 37 married with 2 dds 8 and 9. I live in Ontario Canada and work full time. I am 5 10 with a large build and currently weigh 182.5. My goal is 170 at this time. I was 196 starting Atkins. I like that SB is something more reasonable and hopefully something I can do for life. All the meat and higher fat is sometimes hard to take with Atkins. I work full time and I have a thyroid problem. I lost the right side ( papillary microcarcinoma) but am doing well. I am having knee surgery on July 8th and am worried about gaining weight. I exercise alot so I guess I can join that thread to. My goal for June is to go to Curves 4 times a week and the treadmill 3 times. I think this month I should see some body fat go.

    Okay that is it for now. I hope to get to know you all better

  • HI KATIE!!! I'm fairly new too, and I read the boards before I started posting. Gives you a feel for what kind of community this is ( and this is a good one!!) My sister is doing Atkins and trying to lure me to the dark side, while I wave my yummy fruits in her direction, and my brown rice Glad that you decided to post, this is a wonderfully supportive group of people!!
  • Thanks
    Arcayne. I toooooooo missed the fruit. The pasta and rice I can leave behind but fruit, yogurt and a good no sugar bread or even trisquits were really missed. I am hoping that this works for me. We shall see.

    Thanks again and good luck.
  • Be back later (or tomorrow probably) but wanted to get this post copied over here for replies

    Junior Member

    Registered: Jun 2003
    Posts: 1

    sugarbusters weight loss

    How much weight and in how long have you all lost on sugarbusters? When can I expect to see some results. Also, what is the rule with instant sugarless fatfree pudding? Thanks!
  • Monday Suppertime
    Whew, looks like we made it through that Monday again. Way to go, you all!!!

    My eating has been right on target today. Thank goodness for small favors! And I even got an extra walk in at lunch. There's a little store a couple of blocks away and I talked a co-worker into walking there and back with me. Had on my pedometer and it was a 2,600 step walk. So far I'm at 8044 steps for the day. Hoping to go for another walk tonight with Paul when he gets home from work.

    The reason for the evening walk is that I have sad news about Miss Maddie. I can't remember what I've told you all, so if I repeat myself, please forgive me. Her back leg (the left one) has been giving her trouble. It started out last summer with a dragging sound when she walked. We couldn't figure out what it was. Well, it's gotten steadily worse since and she cannot get traction on the floor with it, especially on wood and linoleum. Well, our regular vet referred me to a surgeon. We went on Friday. Paul took time from work to meet us there. The surgeon did a VERY thorough exam and diagnosed her with Degenerative Myleopathy. There is no known cure and the prognosis is not good for her. She will eventually be paralyzed in her back end. UGH!!! I have been a wreck. Between crying jags, I have started looking for info on the web. It seems to be very common in German Shepherd Dogs. I will talk to our regular vet tomorrow and see what she thinks we should do. In the meantime, one article I read from a guy at University of FL (let's hear it for FL!!!) said that exercise will help them keep their strength. If she gets to the point where she needs a wheelchair, it's even more important for her front legs to be strong. Sorry to take up so much space talking about something that has nothing to do with SB, but I just wanted to let you know where we were at our house.

    Okay, here are some quick replies:
    JACKK---Feel better soon. Sorry to hear you've had so much bad stuff. And so sorry to hear about your dad. I'll keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.

    CATHLAUR---I checked in at the exercise board and was PLEASED to see that one of our new members was already posting there. Good job!!!!! This is a good group to hang with. Some really great people. You'll learn a lot and get tons of support.

    PANCH---Glad to know you have been exercising. Getting to post to that board is an added bonus. Take time and BRAG about yourself and your accomplishments. It really helps me to hear that others are doing well with that.

    JECRITES----WTG!!!!!! I am so proud of you for getting on that TM and getting busy!!! That's great! Remember, if it's difficult at first, give it a few days and it will seem easier. You'll see. Just give that metabolism of yours the boost it needs!!!!!

    JENN---Hope that nasty old morning sickness doesn't get you down. Have you started craving anything weird yet? Hang in there!!! Your zuchhini lasagna sounds wonderful!!! You must be a great cook!!! I love your name selections. Is any of it family/friend based?

    DEB---Hey, sometimes losing really sucks. Poor Michael just has such an attachment to his piece. Bless his heart! Do you think the PBS interview will appear all over the country or just at your local station. Has the Debelli Hotel gotten empty all of a sudden??? You'd better get some more reservations . . . you won't know what to do without a guest.

    TALITHA---What are Strawberries with Romanof sauce? Sounds yummy. Sounds sinful.

    Gotta go. Reunion projects are calling.