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  • Hi, that is the way i did saturday nite. i ate to much. so this morning not up the 2 lbs. its like 1 1/2 so i hope today and tomorrow i will break even or lose an ounce. lol I know what you mean. but we got to live to. if we get right back to being good then that is what counts. so go for today we can do this. your so close. I did good yesterday am eating less bread and starches now. have got the sugar and milk down to pat. now working on starches and all. trying to get this wt off while its garden season and it goes fast. ha i did it last year lost 24 lbs so got that much plus to lose now. so really trying. walked this am. and got ex bike yet to ride ... have a great day its a NEW one. LaDean
  • Hi LaDean,
    How did your weigh in go at TOPS today? I just came home from eating my favorite, fried clams. On Sunday that restaurant will be closing for the summer and I just had to get my last feed in. Since this is a holiday weekend, I'll start over again starting Tues. I am still walking. I've taken Lacee a couple of times even though she's awful on a leash.

    Have a good evening.
  • Aleka, sounds good. i am not much on any kinds of fish. but i do not blame you for wanting to eat there for the last time. if it was my favorite and closing i would do the same. i am not strict on any plan right now. went back on phrase 1 of the sbd one but count calories and jsut do my thing alot. as long as i am losing i figure its ok. i like to take plans and work them around me. no one of us are the same. good luck tuesday. i weigh in on friday am. so i had a slice of toast tonite with jam and p/butter on it. i was not going to eat . but i get ucky feeling if i do not have something. have done good today. scales are same as last week. so if a bit of loss or even a turtle. i will take it.. oh is neat lacee can go with you. tuffy never was trained to a leash and hes scared to death of them. goes wild. lol so we jsut walk around the property here and all. have to exercise his little leg he drags it. some days are better getting around. just thankful we have him. well hey talk to ya in the am after tops. LaDean
  • Hi LaDean,
    I don't usually like fish, but I will eat shell fish sometimes. That's good you are mixing things around by going back to phase 1 of SB diet. How did your weigh in go at TOPS? Hope it well.

    Have a great holiday weekend.
  • ALEKA, lost -1.25 lbs. i was so happy. went back and this was my 10 week no gains. i was a week ahead of me. lol I am so proud of me. want to pinch me sometimes to see it all this is real. i can see it though and that i love. feel it also. have more engery. Yes i like to do different things. even do it with exercise to. good luck to you now. your doing good. wish i only had as much as you do to reach goal. yehhhhhh you will do it we can together. LaDean
  • Hi LaDean,
    Congratulations on your weight loss!!! That's fantastic losing for 10 straight weeks! You will get to your goal soon I'm sure.

    I am still muddling over which diet plan I'm going to follow. I'm reading the SB Diet book again and hopefully can make up my mind what I want to do. If I do the SB Diet I will start with Phase 2 rather than Phase 1 or I will combine the 2.

    Are you doing anything special this weekend? We're staying pretty close to home. We live in a summer area and the traffic is awful, which is something we're not used to. Enjoy your weekend.
  • aleka, thanks so much. that helps me so much the kind words and the little icons. i loved them. your doing good to and you will get that plan together for you. i just take one and work it around me. sometimes i go off it but hey that is life. no one is alike so to take a plan and follow it throughly is not for me. I have been trying to tell the gals on diettalk that are on the sbd that make if fit for you. a book can give you the plan. but you have to work with it. sometimes i take a couple plans i like and go from there. oh well i am sure you will make it work for you to. you have done so good. no we have no plans for weekend. we just stay in to off the roads and all. just to many out there . so i have washing to do today. will get my walk in this morning in another hour. tuffy just got up and so i stayed up. Hey have you see Mars. i have every nite with the bicolnars . i love it. course anything in sky facinates me. lol well hey you read the plans and go for it. its just like you were doing i think mostly. i keep caloreis with mine to. I just went on phrase 1 again. but its cause i wanted a boost. never thought i would lose like i did this week. so thanks again for coming in and chatting. it means so much to me. LaDean
  • Happy Labor Day, LaDean!
    Hope that you're having a good holiday weekend. We'll be celebrating the summer people going home later this afternoon. It's nice to see them arrive around Mem. Day, but it's also nice to see them leave. We'll have some peace and quiet. There will still be a few people around, mostly retired people and people who usually vacation in Sept. In a few weeks we'll have the influx of "leaf-peepers" who come in busloads. Starting tomorrow I'll be going back to Phase 1 of the SB diet. I will see how long I can last with it before I switch to Phase 2. Lacee says "WOOF" to Tuffy. Lacee is still in bed, she's not a morning dog.

    Enjoy your day today.
    ALEKA, i am so glad your going back to the SBD i sure like it. just do your best. that is all i do. saturday at buffet the fruit was so good. so i just had some. then other things. so now back to schedule. this is my 7th day on it. so go to be good rest of week. Have a HAPPY LABOR DAY ALSO. tuffy is standing her pawing my chair. do not know what he wants. hes a morning person. says woof lacee get up. lol well hey have a great day. glad we have this room to chat in. lol/// LaDean
  • Hi LaDean,
    How did you weekend go? Were you able to stick to calorie counting? I ate whatever I wanted before starting the SB diet on Tues. I did well Tues. with phase 1 eating. Today I'm eating phase 2, and will alternate between the two every day. I feel better eating the phase 2 way.

    I did my walk yesterday morning without Lacee. I took her later in the afternoon for a short walk down our road. Those long walks are too much for her. I've noticed she was having trouble climbing the stairs a day or two after the long walks. If she would walk on a leash like a "normal" dog instead of pulling, she's probably be ok. I just can't seem to get her out of that habit.

    Didn't do my walk this morning, as I had a Dr. appt. earlier. Will take Lacee sometime after lunch.

    Have a great day.
  • Aleka, i had my walk. hey that sounds neat doing the phrases like that every other day. I am glad its going ok for you. No i got off phrase one over the holiday. had bread. and some fruit. but yesterday i never and today have not. so got to stick to it. then 2 weeks are up when i go to Reno. then i can have the buffets just watch them. which i love them for that reason. down there its eating 3 meals and not much snacking no time. lol so that helps me. tuffy is not a leash dog. so he just walks around the lots and house here. enough for him. dragging his little leg he tires out. but i have to take him so he can keep it built up some. still no feeling in it at all. but he does good. so thankful i have him. so i would just give lacee small walks. there little legs are so short and all. good for you walking.i had mine this morning also. have not rode ex bike yet. canning tomatoe juice again. there sure coming on this sun and all. sure tastes good in winter. well you can do something before end of day. I stuck to calorie counting and done pretty good. i do them as it helps me. good luck on your plan. i am a true believer we have to take a plan and work it around us... good for you. have a great day. LaDean
  • Hi LaDean,
    How did your weigh in go today at TOPS? Hope it went well. I was without internet service all day yesterday and most of today. It came back about an hr. ago. We had an awful thunder storm Thursday morning about 3:30 am. Our cable was out on our TV, and they also our internet server. The TV came back yesterday early afternoon, but unfortunately not the internet.

    Have a wonderful evening.
  • Aleka, i turtled yesterday. i forgot to come in i think. hate to hear about the storm and all. i hate thunder storms. we are due rain tonite. we been busy all day getting things done. got wood all in from lot on patio. so will stay warm this winter. ha then we picked tomatoes. he got yards mowed and my dalias all bad ones off. now got roses to do. but not enough hours. i got laundry done yesterday. has been so hot all hot all week. i am ready for the rain. believe me i will be out in it to. had a nice walk this morning. my partner was gone for weekend so i put my music on and out i went. was cool and had a good one. not as long but enough of one. glad your back online. have a good week. LaDean
  • good morning, scales are still up but got 2 days. i am so tired of this. seems like i had a good weekend. i think its water. have no idea. but working my b??? off anyhows. and then last week lost it and no count of tops. oh well is life i will except it and go on. it will come out i guess. maybe its meant to be so i do not get so sure of myself and not try. Hope your day is going good. have a good one my walking still at it. all dressed ready to go now. nice and cool had some rain. my kind of day. LaDean woof to lacee
  • Hi LaDean,
    Don't get discouraged with your progress. You will have these little setbacks from time to time. You really are doing fantastic with your weight loss. Maybe next week you will have a big loss. Just keep plugging along.

    Took Lacee for a little walk this afternoon. She was tired by the time we got home. Lacee says "WOOF" to Tuffy.

    Have a good night.