New Year - 30 pound challenge!

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  • I had a crappy week in still at 241
  • Still dancing around 172...But at least clothes are feeling a bit bigger. Hoping for a woosh one of these weeks after my body gets used to extra exercise, although I don't think I'm retaining a lot of water at this point.
  • 161.8 on Monday. 3 pounds down from last week! Why do I feel like this is just the "whoosh before the storm"
  • I don't think I'm going to meet my end of october goal but hopefully if I keep going well enough for new years!!
  • Was in TOM last week...still down 0.6 lbs, so I can't complain. I am starting cardio today so hopefully I will see a bigger loss in the next few weeks.
  • Soooo pleased my scale is moving again...181 this week WITH TOM as well so hoping for an even nicer number next week :P Starting to get in the swing of this challenge!
    Loving it!!
  • Ok... I'm not doing well... it's official, BUT I'm NOT giving up!

    The first few weeks ARE NOT indicators of how the rest of this is going to go! So, I'm here, and I'll continue to be here, and soon I will find the motivation and the push to get going! It WILL happen!
  • Noooooo I'm plateauing! Not a pond lost all month
  • Just started the challenge late last week so I didn't really loose anything...yet - but I starting this week strong and I am already feeling much better. Today I went out to lunch and a bunch of people were getting all of these huge delicious looking lunch entrees and I had a's the little things.

    Not sure if this is where to post it - but does anyone have any tips on staying accountable on the weekends? Those are always my downfall & I would appreciate any ideas.
  • I know how you ladies feel! This week will be a better week for us

    Lets do it gang!
  • This is a lot harder than I thought..I had a bad week and gained 2 lbs, im determined though and making this week worth it. hoping for a better weigh in next Monday.
  • This week is bad! I only lost one darn pound! I want this monthly time to go away! So angry right now! I needed to vent!
  • I lost 1.4 this week....Well better than nothing.
  • Lost about 0.5lb this week, but that includes having contracted freshens flu (ergo no exercise) and going out for a friend's birthday dinner. Cold is clearing up so hopefully the scale will be kinder next week *fingers crossed*

    Keep at it girls! Xxx
  • I am doing okay with the weight loss. I'm at 220 right now, and I need to be at 218 by November 1 if I want to stay on track.

    Good luck to everyone! next week will be better