*-100 lb. Club ~ September Daily Weigh In Thread -*

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  • Hi guys.. Sorry I've been MIA.. I have been weighing everyday just not getting on here. I hit the vein in my ankle with the weed wacker a few days ago and it put me out of comission for a few days. Man did it hurt. My weight has been so weird the last week. Not sure what's up with that.

    Week one:
    Week 2
    1:308 Blah.. TOM will be here anyday..
    Week 3
    Week 4

    SW- 310
    GW- 295
    Good luck everyone!!
  • today's weight: 142.4 lbs

    @sassyangies; i hope your recovery is going well! just thinking about it hurts!

    so i have this problem with two of my dearest friends. all three of us are in this weight loss journey together to be fit and healthy.
    i'm self-motivated and can stick to a weight loss plan easily (then again i've also been doing this for a few years). however, the other two girls are having a hard time staying on plan. i've tried setting up challenges for us, a weight loss group, offering advice, etc. but the other two girls always just lose focus and end up sabotaging themselves and feeling bad for themselves.

    and physically getting together is nearly impossible to do. girl 1 (we'll call her Kathy) is in pageants and always has an extracurricular activity going on. so her schedule is pretty booked to just go out to a gym together.

    girl 2 (we'll call her Suzie) is one of my good friends from new york. she particularly has a hard time focusing on living a healthier lifestyle. she's only 14 and lives with her grandmother who is a traditional Puerto Rican abuela, cooking pork, rice, and beans nearly every night.
    well, Suzie told me yesterday that she's starting to take up smoking because she "read online that it suppresses appetite." and i had to give her this good ol' lecture on why it's a bad idea to even get started because it's so hard to stop afterwards.

    now, both of these ladies are VERY intelligent. they're just not motivated or focused. i can tell how badly they want to live healthier, but life gets in the way and they're left hating themselves for some things they can't control (environment, food bought, etc)

    i've tried to be (and still remain) a positive rock for them. when they need advice, i'm there. when they need to vent, i'm there. it's in no way a burden for me and i thoroughly enjoy being their "big sister".

    any advice on how i can approach their bad cycle of being motivated at the beginning and then losing it all after a few weeks? any helpful websites that can help them?

    thanks, ladies!
  • Ciao: I don't really have any advice for your friends, because I think their desire to live healthier has to be something that they're doing for themselves. If they aren't ready and willing and committed, I really don't know of anyone or anything that will make them. I hope someone else has some ideas, but I've never been successful at dragging someone along on a weight loss journey they weren't committed to going on, and I've certainly tried. They have to figure out why they want to lose weight and be healthier for themselves. Then, they probably have to figure out what's stopping them. Maybe they can make a list? Reasons why they want to be healthier and reasons why they don't? Maybe it will spark something inside of them?
  • today's weight: 142.4 lbs

    detoured a little bit because i binged a few days ago. but back on track! and thank you, Quantum Sheep.

    things are slowly getting better for them.
  • I was down to 238 but with TOM and lifting yesterday I am 239.5 today. I am just going to ignore it for now. I have an IUD so I dont always know when my TOM is as I seldom bleed. TMI I know. I am working 12 hours today so no exercise.

    Have a great day ladies.
  • today's weight: 141.4 lbs

    we did a tough workout yesterday so a significant drop was expected. i hope you ladies are doing great!
  • today's weight: still 141.4 lbs

    it's making me anxious being so close to the 130's, yet so far!
  • Morning folks. I haven't checked in for a few days but I see I am not the only one. I hope everyone is doing all right.

    I mentioned a few days ago tht I was, once again, struggling with overeating and binging. Well, I have been perfectly on plan thus far this week - three days in a row. So that is a good thing. I upped my calorie target a bit so that my plan would be a little less restrictive, but that seems more to be a psychological difference - I didn't actually change how much I eat in an on-plan day, if that makes sense.

    I've been holding at 158 this week as well. Not quite where I would like to be - I would like my maintenance range to be below 155, but it might be time for me to accept that may not be feasible.

    So, I am trying to think of myself as in maintenance and get control over the binging behaviors. If I do manage to drop the maintenance range a little bit, that would be okay with me.
  • carter, good for you for being on plan 3 days straight. We all know how hard it can be to go back on plan after bingeing behaviours, it takes a lot of mental strength. Just keep telling yourself that you are in control of food, and not the other way around. It's one day at a time, one choice at a time.

    I haven't totally shaken the cold that I caught last week, but this morning I feel much less congested, so plan is to try exercising tomorrow and see how that goes.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Hi Ladies. I dropped 2lbs earlier this week but have been static since. I did not exercise yesterday but will get back into the swing today. I was exahusted from work on tuesday.I was so busy I did not get to eat or drink right. I was 600 calories below goal after dinner and only wanted to sleep. I work Per diem (2x a month) and stay at home with my kids the rest. I will be increasing next month to help with bills.

    Carter good job getting back on plan.

    Martine I am glad you are feeling better. Colds suck. For some reason allergies have been getting me this year. Not the same but I feel for you.

    Ciao I hope you see a 3 in the near future.
  • today's weigh in: 142.4 lbs

    the scale has been flip-flopping between 141/142 lbs all week. time to break this ice! i wanna see 140 next week and i'm gonna work my butt off!

    i'm thinking of taking this week off and not weighing myself daily. just to see how it goes! and who knows, maybe i'll get a surprise and be in the 130's.

  • Good luck with the break, Ciao. Waiting for those milestones is the worst! I remember going something like 11 days without a chance when I was on the verge of dipping below 200 for the first time. It was maddening!

    Today I am happy to report another day on plan, and a drop to 157. I am doing my best to take it one choice at a time and practice my "not today" philosophy.

    Good luck and good strength to everyone today.
  • thanks, carter!

    i'm scared for tomorrow's weigh in (the only weigh in this week for the halloween challenge).

    i had a 5k race today so i've been loading up on carbs and recovering with protein.

    but, to make it worse, i ate pizza tonight (the day before weigh in) so i thoroughly do not know what to expect. sigh.
  • Ciao, good luck with your weigh in. The 130s are so close, you'll be there soon!

    carter, good work on resisting the urge to binge. I know how hard that can be.

    I've been all over the place with my eating, so my weight is bouncing around quite a bit. I weighed in at 134 this morning, which was a pleasant surprise. I'm still hoping to get to 125 by year end, but I'm going to have to be more consistently on plan for that to happen.
  • Sorry I'm late posting this....I've been away for a long time and really need to get going again and I didn't want to wait until October to start posting. Hopefully posting weight for all to see will give me the kick in the butt I need to get going.

    WEEK 1

    WEEK 2

    WEEK 3
    16: 308
    17: 307.5
    18: 308

    WEEK 4 to end of month