Any ideas for a low cal night out drinking?

  • Hi everyone!
    This seems to be my one vice, I can do well all week, but as soon as I embark on a night out all is lost! Any ideas for some low cal but tasty cocktails or drinks? And no I can't stomach g&t's!
    I figured if I can at least get my pre-drinks low cal, then only have 1 or 2 out (I love jager and red bull but can't find a single bar that sells the low cal energy drinks) then several hours of dancing should just about even me out.
    Any ideas?
  • have you ever tried flavored vodka and club soda? it's light, sorta refreshing and tasty (i think). per 1 oz is about 60-70 calories and club soda should be zilch. i'm not into diet soda, but rum & diet is popular. or you could do citrus vodka & diet.

    wine isn't so bad so long as you don't drink the whole bottle. same with champagne.

    basically just shy away from juices, sour mix, cream and complicated drinks with many ingredients. simpler is better.
  • I have Absolut Mandarin in soda water with a splash of cranberry and a lime. So yummy and hydrating since they serve it in a pint glass at the place I go to. It's a mouthful to order but it's wonderful.
  • re:
    I don't know if you like beer, but there's a couple of "ultra" beers that are 100 calories a bottle. Those are easy to count then.. until you've had 6.

  • chanced upon absolut mandrin at the local booze store last night so I gave it a go with some soda - think its a new fave! Thanks everyone!
  • Black vodka with diet 7-up or gin with tonic light and extra lemon....yummy..those are my current favīs
  • I just stick to diet soda when I go out. I'm not against drinking, but A. I don't like spending the $ on alcohol in the first place. B. if I'm concerned about calories, then why would I drink alcohol?
  • I go for a whiskey & diet coke when I'm calorie counting.
  • Could you just have regular drinks, but drink fewer of them by alternating alcoholic drinks with water or Diet Coke?
  • Quote: Hi everyone!
    This seems to be my one vice, I can do well all week, but as soon as I embark on a night out all is lost! Any ideas for some low cal but tasty cocktails or drinks? And no I can't stomach g&t's!
    I figured if I can at least get my pre-drinks low cal, then only have 1 or 2 out (I love jager and red bull but can't find a single bar that sells the low cal energy drinks) then several hours of dancing should just about even me out.
    Any ideas?
    4 ounces of champagne is 90 calories. I hope you and William have a good time dancing.
  • Well, any excuse to drink champagne! (;
  • Vodka and diet coke.