Sugar Busters Weekly Support Board 2/24-3/2

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I'm like a camel, I hardly ever drink water!
16 ounces or less (2 glasses)
16-32 ounces (2-4 glasses)
32-48 ounces (4-6 glasses)
48-64ounces (6-8 glasses)
64-80 ounces (8-10 glasses)
80-96 ounces (10-12 glasses)
96 ounces or MORE! I'm a walking water tank!!!!
I haven't a clue!
Voters: 35. You may not vote on this poll
  • Wednesday Morning!
    Morning all!

    Another gray day here, but while I was out yesterday I saw my first tulip trees and red buds in bloom! Spring is on it's way--bout time!

    Eating was ok yesterday. I picked up a bunch of Carb-o-lite bars yesterday to keep in my purse for times I get stuck.

    Sol--I'll have to remember that Mother's Day poem! It turns out my Dad forgot it was her birthday and by brother called and said they hadn't bought her present yet, so I got ALL the brownie points for getting the flowers there on her birthday!

    Mary--Yup major flubbo! Thank goodness those evil little bites are gone! I have grapes, apples, orgnges, and cheese for snacking now! Have fun with the sick little ones--I hope he's better now.

    Heartmom--um, I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one that visits the bathroom A LOT during detox! It should be enough to make us not want to go through it again--right? Glad the water weight is off--keep it going!

    Jackie--May 9th--not very long when you think about it! I would love to hibernate the entire month--all I want to do is sleep anyway! I hope you haven't got any of that nasty weather--ick!

    BOB--I think you can count the pool as exercise--especially if you do a few laps when Kate is all finished! Miss Belle says hey! She's sitting with me supervising my work this morning.

    SEF--Hey--us grouchy people need love too!

    Kim--yeah that Sarah Lee is a real B***h! I try not to invite her over very often because she is always so destructive when she is here! HAH!

    Deb--Some years we actually get spring here--some years we move right into summer. Either way as long as it gets WARM, I'll be happy.

    Linworth and tranquil--Congrats on the losses! WTG and keep it going!

    Mel--Glad to hear that the scale is headed down for you as well!

    Monet--where did you go for the retreat? It sounds like some nasty bug is going around your house--be careful it doesn't get you!

    Next week is Ash Wednesday--the beginning of Lent. For those of you who observe this period this is a good time to recommit to this WOE and to avoid all inappropriate foods as you Lenten observance. It is also a good time to commit to a daily or weekly schedule of exercise and reflection. Iwill be doing it and invite anyone who wants to to join me in the commitment!

    Have a good day everyone!

  • Quivondra--we were posting at the same time. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you with CUNY--it sounds like a great program!

  • Monet-I missed you. Where was your retreat? Glad you are back safe and sound.
    Mel-WTG on the loss.
    Rosalie-1 pound is not bad at all.

    I just went to the store and bought a bunch of WW stuff, meat, cheese, fruits, veggies, etc. So $168 later I am ready for the week. I think groceries cost more every week. It sort of scares me and makes me feel fortunate that I have enough to eat.
  • Quiv-It sounds like you will have no problem finding a grad program with your GPA and the GMAT. WTG on the losing. Do you like your Pilates class?

    Fillise--Where do you get your carbolite bars. Your Lenten plans sound interesting. If you don't mind, let us know how it goes. I think the time for reflection sounds good.
  • Good morning all. I'd love to report that WIW is an exciting day for me, but it's NOT I have not been at my lowest weight for some time now. Although I'm not where I was last week, I'm still up to 141 which is 8 lbs above my lowest weight. I need to regroup & refocus. Somedays I do very well, but I fail continuously. What to do??? I quess I need to start journaling again. Maybe that would keep me accountable. Just some thoughts.

    It's still damp & cold out, so no walking today. I will however try to get the Leslie Sansone walking dvd done today. Have to go back to work tomorrow so I need to make some plans for lunch. Got to go.
    > Eleven people were hanging on a rope under a helicopter,
    > ten men and one woman. The rope was not strong enough to
    > carry them all, so they decided that one has to leave,
    > because otherwise they are all going to fall.
    > They were not able to name that person, until the woman
    > held a very touching speech. She said that she will
    > voluntarily let go of the rope, because as a woman she
    > is used to giving up everything for her husband and kids,
    > or for men in general, without ever getting anything in return.
    > As soon as she finished her speech, all the men started
    > clapping their hands.......
  • BOB-I love reading your Friday Funnies all week!!!
    Melf-I need to journal too. Maybe that should be our challenge for the week.
  • Checking in- I'm on day 3 of the 10 day detox- I'm at a new low of 206!! Woohoo!! The one hundred's are sooo close- I feel them calling my name,lol. If you gained this week, just pick yourself back up(I'm good at this) and remember your're in this for the long haul. Today, I get to eat lean meat- I think I'm going to cook some chicken tenders and shred them up in a big salad for lunch. And have chicken and veggies for supper. Tomorrow is Boogie's PC appt in Jackson. If you don't mind please say a small prayer that everything will be okay with his enlarged liver and pressures being high- so that he won't have to be cathed. And I normally don't do this, but I'm upset by the news- when we went to Pennsylvania for Boogie's surgery- there was another family there also from MS, who also had a little boy(his name is TY) who also has HLHS(like Boogie). Anyway, they had been there for 7 months- he wasn't doing good and was listed for transplant(the surgeries didn't work for him). I have often wondered about him and if he got to go home. Well, I just found out that they have been there all this time and they were going to get released to go home soon and poor TY contracted pneumonia. They say he's sooo swollen and the docs say there's nothing else that can be done. He's such a cute baby. PLEASE say a prayer for Ty and his Mom Val and Dad Bill McGehee. This is such terrible news.
  • Just a quick post from the frozen tundra of Texas!!! Well, on Sunday, it was 80 here. Monday night it started sleeting and we never got above 30. This is so crazy. Schools were closed yesterday and most businesses were closed. We're finally starting to thaw out and I did get to work this morning. Yes, this is an official Southern girl's whine about the cold. Lyn, I know you guys had problems too, I hope you were smart and stayed indoors.

    WIW, still the same, nothing good there to report.

    Sol - wanted to give you my 2 cents on the breakfast ideas. Sometimes, I'll make cheese toast with a slice of ham on it. This morning, I had an apple with some cheddar cheese. I'm usually looking for something quick that I can have either on the way to work or once I get here. I don't really like eating when I first get up for some reason.

    Sorry, I don't have time to post much more. The office is a zoo today. I'll try to catch up later.

    Stay warm everyone.

  • Hi,

    I am still only able to type with the one hand. I am so ready for Friday’s Dr. ‘s
    appointment to see how things are going.

    Melf: You are such the angel to call me last night. I can hardly wait to see how the
    new puppy is melting your hearts.

    Deb; DH and DD did find the Shelton Chicken Pot Pies. I think we will be able to fix
    them in a few days. DD fixed and left us with a lot of food we need to eat up first. I am
    happy that you are back into the exercise. Maybe soon I will join the challenge.

    Fillise: The Greek salad recipe is one Solshine gave us when we were in FL. It is
    wonderful and I used more chicken than the recipe called for.
    Solshine: Dare I ask, what is Swiss Kriss? I am fine with my walking, it is this one hand
    typing that is bad. Fillise (see above) asked about the salad. Is it on the board. If not,
    could you post it? We did get the icy weather but we are able to stay inside. When we
    need to go out Fri., it should be clear. Now, You, don’t overdo too soon.

    Sef: I am so happy to see you posting but sorry to hear you are still not feeling well.

    Quilter: what a great loss!

    Arm is hurting, so, it is time for a pill and bed.

    Again, to all, thank you so much for your well wishes,
  • Good afternoon.

    Forgot to tell you all DH came home last night with a box of GS cookies, Samoas, my favorites. Plus I bought about 8 more boxes from ny nieces. I don't think they will bother me though. I have never cheated with sugar only other foods.

    No big plans for the night, UK plays Tenn tonight. Sorry Bob, sure hope the CATS win. I think they will beat TN, but not FLA next.

    Bob, loved the joke. Scarry that most of it is true.

    Deb, ok, got in your 3 days, but keep it up. Let's run this challenge for a month. Hope you & Eli have fun today.

    Mel. Hooray for you 3 lbs is awesome. I knew it would start moving in the right direction. :bc:

    Monet, we always miss you. Congrats on the 1 lb. Sorry to hear DH is now sick. But glad your DD doesn't have mono. Sometimes there are no good choices and we have to do the best we can do. Controlling those times and not letting them go into binges is the key.

    Rosalie, Glad you are still under 200. That in itself is something to be proud of. The pork roast came seasoned. It was pretty heavy and DD said it was hot, but I didn't think so. it really was good.

    Quiv, good luck on getting accepted. Hey any exercise is better than nothing. Hope you feel better soon.

    Fillise, Count me in on the Lenten observance. Last year I couldn't give anything up sicne I had already given everything up. Maybe this year I will give up my SF icecream and maybe eating between meals or after dinner.

    Melf, just think about what you really want. Focus yourself on that goal and take small steps getting there. You have done great and will continue to do so.

    Linworth, good idea on the journaling challenge.

    Heartmom, WTG on your new low. Yes those 100's will be yours very soon. Prayers for Boogies test and also for TY.

    Trish I was wondering about you and Yellow when I heard Texas got hit with a big storm. Crazy weather everywhere. Maybe it's Elnino again!

    Yellow, glad you are getting better daily. Wondered if you all were snowed in today. Take care of yourself.

    Have a great night everyone. Don't forget to exercise.

  • This is a shorty!!!

    Getting ready to leave for the pool exercises...Hope this helps her...everyone keep those fingers and toes crossed!!!

    LIN...Glad you like my Friday funnies....I have to put them on when I get them or I forget.....I have CRAFT disease sometimes

    JACKIE....Not a ROUNDBALL FAN , but Kate will be doing enough yelling for both of us....GO BIG ORANGE!!!! BEAT THOSE CATS!!!! ....Actually, I enjoy TUBBY when I pass through the room if a game is on...and YES YOU CAN BEAT've done it once, and BY GAWD.....YOU CAN DO IT AGAIN!!!!

    DEBBIE....NO, I didn't get the email, wouldn't post your joke....
    No fog, but plenty of humidity!

    Better get going....I'll be back!

  • Hi all. My second week on this board. I actually exercised a few times last week, but my eating was bad. I have at least stayed mostly away from potatoes, but it's harder to avoid refined flour when you eat out a lot, as I do. Well, that's a habit I need to break anyway.

    Anyhow, I'm down a pound from last week. Funny, the week I didn't exercise I lost 3 pounds!

    Thanks for all the breakfast ideas. I usually have oatmeal made with milk or cold cereal (Shredded Wheat) & a piece of fruit.

    It's frigid cold here, though, so I'm not sure how much exercise I'm going to get in. It's hard for me to get exercise when I'm not walking, but I'll try to get in some Pilates later tonight.

    meliris~ I get the same way about food now. So sad that they encouraged your nephew to do that. But people think it's cute when little kids get food everywhere...

    BOB~ Great joke!

    Tranquil~ A lot of seniors see retirement communities as a last stop before a nursing home. They don't want to give up their independance, or their house in a lot of cases.

    Also.. it doesnt just start with one cheat... its like I have something that isnt a good choice.. and then I either get taken over with cravings that are so intense I cant refuse them or I start to rationalize with myself and I convince myself its ok to eat what I want because (said in a 2 year old voice) DAMMIT I DESERVE IT!
    Meesh, I'm the same way. It starts with one little thing, and I rationalize that it can't be too bad, and it just snowballs from there.

    2. Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down.
    I seriously disagree with that. What kind of a friend would I be if I got rid of people if they were depressed or having a hard time? I think I understand the reasoning behind it, though.

    Debelli~ I'm going to print out that carb article. Thanks for it! I only have a problem with weight the week before my TOM. I seem to gain 2lbs without fail & lose about 4 the next week...

    Trishaloo~ My mom's in SA. She said it was icy and cold there too. Yucky, huh? South-central Texas sure has been having weird weather since I moved away. Maybe I should come back so it can return to normal.
  • Night Night
    I am exhausted....had to work through lunch - worked till 7 pm and I am ready to hit the sack!!!! If it does not rain in the next 1/2 hour I am going to get my excersize in no matter how tired I am....otherwise, it will be tummy crunches and bed....

    Sorry to not post to all -

    Today I ate 2 tiny sausage patties for breakfast, salad for lunch, and dinner was a s/f hot dog (just nuked it nothing on it, no bread), 10 triscuits with some sharp cheddar cheese - and later I am going to help myself to some sf pudding I made with skim milk....

    Take care all!

  • WHEW!!!

    I had a bigger workout than Kate I was in the pool with her and the therapist was up on the ledge telling me what to have her do!

    We go back on Friday and then next week we start the three days a week workout...

    It helped my knee being in that warm water and doing the exercises..I'm still going to have to make an appointment to get a cortizone shot...the last one lasted five yrs..I can have two more before I have to have surgery..

    I'm off to piddle around the house...President Shrub is on and I think it was totally useless to interupt regular programing to listen to a speech made at a dinner...
