2012 Challenge

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  • Hi all, Tera and Mary, just hope back on board. Thing is, you can never give up. You try to give up and when you decide to weigh again, you have even further to go. I know you can both be strong. Lucinda, way to go on your eating, especially at a party.

    I wasn't in control of my food choices yesterday at a funeral - all comfort foods were brought. But I had just a little and it was lunch and dinner combined. I added everything I ate with the high cal types of the foods. I'd say I finished at 1500 cals. I'd done the HIIT training on my treadmill and hiking the dogs for 1.5 miles. Today is my day of rest and "freer" food day but I have a feeling I will end at 1500 cals. Who knows. We did go walking the dogs in about 4" deep snow. That is more of a workout and it was wonderful to kick at the powder.
  • Happy Sunday Evening!

    Here is today's menu:

    Breakfast: 1/2c fiber one, 1/2 unsweetened almond breeze, a little flax, one apple with pb2
    Lunch: zucchini, onion and celery stir fried, 1/2 of mom's cabbage rolls
    snack. 160 cals chester cheese puffs
    Supper: roasted pork loin, roasted potatoes, broccoli, skinny cow bar
    Evening Snack: chocolate pudding yogurt, 1/2c almond breeze with 2tbs whole flax seed and a sprinkle of ground flax.

    1277 calories, 170 carbs, 47 grams fiber. 72 oz water

    I enjoyed the day with ds, dgs and football. Even though my carbs are a little high, I have had lots of fiber and my blood sugar has been on the low end all day.

    Marie, it seems as if funeral lunches are full of traditional comfort foods. Lots of caseroles and carbs. It makes sense, cheaper than veggies and comfort foods. It sounds like you did well. And of course, I bet it was fun to be out in that new powder with the snow dogs.

    Tera, how did the party go? Did you enjoy the games?

    Lucinda, great job on the party. Those little victories mean so much.

    Mary, hope you had a good Sunday.

  • I had a good Sunday but did go over on carbs...think I had 14 carb servings and my calories were high at about 1631. I edited this as I think I miscalculated.
  • Yesterday was fun and delicious but total calories were 2600! Oh well. I enjoyed the games but I was rooting for the wrong teams. That's okay, i am not really vested. I just like hanging out with my men.

    One good thing I did for my diet yesterday was I made homemade chicken soup for my lunches this week. It is so good. Besides the chicken, I simmer it with onion, celery, carrots, green peppers, turnips, tomatoes, garlic and Italian parsley. I had it for lunch today with an avocado. It was so yummy. Total calories today were 1516 so far. I may have a pear later. I also went to the Y tonight for a 60 minute step class.

    Marie-The snow sounds wonderful. I really miss it living in the South. Congrats on stickin' your calorie level again.

    Rie-160 calories cheese puffs? Those were the football snacks! You are a rock. Awesome.

    maryea-1631 sounds good to me. Hang in there.
  • Went out to dinner w/ my dh and our 2 youngest children. I drove the waiter crazy by ordering a salad that met my diet restrictions. It was yummy and within my calorie allotment!
  • Hello friends!

    Here is today's menu:

    Breakfast: 1/2c fiber one, 1/2 unsweetened almond breeze, a little flax, one apple with pb2
    Lunch: green salad, 1/2 tomato soup
    snack. atkins bar in afternoon
    Supper: wonderslim bar
    Evening Snack: chocolate pudding yogurt, 1/2c almond breeze with 2tbs whole flax seed and a sprinkle of ground flax.

    1128 calories, 148 carbs, 48 grams fiber. 72 oz water I did one hour of walkitout

    whoosh. down solidly 2 pounds this week. The scale is weird

    It looks like everyone is winning some very big battles. I am so tired tonight. Forgive me for not doing personals.

  • Another bad day today...I think around 2230 on calories. My bs was good this afternoon but I'm sure not now as I must have had about 18 carb servings today mostly tonight. At least I did work out today 15 min stationery bike at 7, treadmill 15 min at 3.2 and incline at 4. Used three weight machines for two reps of 12 each and had plenty energy today.
  • Lucinda, very cool that you drove the waiter crazy. If restaurants made their food with the health conscious in mind we wouldn't have to tailor all our orders.

    Since apparently I didn't post yesterday or Sunday, my cals on Sunday were 1414 and my cals yesterday were 1404. Clearly I can see why that dam scale decided to increase my weight .6 yesterday and .4 this morning. Evil beast. But that beast will never irritate me enough to surrender. Never, ever.

    Tera, if you're going to overeat, at least it was fun and delicious. You are so much wiser than me as I'd be riddled with guilt and there would be no fun. I'm glad you enjoyed it because it is life being lived and I need to learn how to do that without guilt. BTW, the snow is getting old. One week is more than enough.

    Rie, WOOTS on kicking a$$ on the plateau!

    Mary, I'm sorry you're struggling with the BS and cals. I hope that returning to the gym will help jump start those endorphins and make you kick the carbs to the curb. I know you can do it. I know it because you did the MediFast and I could never, ever do that. You are strong, you are woman - time for you to roar.

    OK, back to work. I'm on track at 120 cals this morning but alas it is only 9:30. As long has defeat my morning munchies, I will be in the good zone. Now my big dilemma of the day is for after work - biking, HIIT or a double Zumba workout. Ah the choices.
  • Today's total cals were 1660 and I did 60 minutes at the Y for weight training.

    Rie-Your patience and perseverance has paid off. Congrats!

    lucinda-Good for you for making it work at the restaurant.

    maryea-Sorry about your bad day. Tomorrow is a new one. It really is worth the effort.Good for you for getting the exercise in. That is moving in the right direction.

    marie-I bet you are still losing weight, it just takes more than one day to add up is all. Your exercise plans sound fun.
  • Hi Everyone!

    I made it through a really difficult day today at work and I managed to keep my eating at bay. It feels really good that I don't generally turn to food for comfort/pleasure these days.

    Marie, what excercise did you choose? I won't comment to you about water weight and all the possible reasons for a little weight gain. I will just and mentally kick your scale with you. Oh, and finger waving here, also.

    Terapet, you are certainly the steady one! Go girl!

    Lucinda, good for you at the restaurant. It is so frustrating that ordering a healthy meal is so complicated

    Mary, you can do it. And we all love you whether you do it or not.

    Here is today's menu:

    Breakfast: 1/2c fiber one, 1/2 unsweetened almond breeze, a little flax, one apple with pb2
    Lunch: green salad, 2 large strawberries
    Supper: cod fillet, broccoli, 1/2 c polenta
    Evening Snack: chocolate pudding yogurt, 1/2c almond breeze, 1/2 c fiber one with 2tbs whole flax seed and a sprinkle of ground flax.

    1042 calories, 150 carbs, 48 grams fiber. 48 oz water


  • Another bad eating day. Lost track of calories and carbs. Will try again tomorrow. Ate out twice today.
  • Great news everybody!! Today is a new day!!
    lets put our faces toward the future and celebrate all of today's winning possibilities!
    I had a crazy day yesterday. I yelled at my daughter who then fell on the way to school on our ice covered driveway. she missed the bus so i had to drive her to school. Usually I would have turned to a bagel with vegan butter spread and orange marmalade to calm myself down.
    But not yesterday. I ate a delicious breakfast of a mega green and colorful salad w/ one tablespoon of my son's homemade hummus.
    the only downside was that the hummus had lots of raw garlic in it and DH was not pleased w/ my breath.
    "Hey you no what, DH, you can't have it all. I can be healthier w/ garlic breath or gassier eating my usual binge style."
    The rest of yesterday i watched my food intake, I avoided all sugar and gluten and i ended the day w/ an apple while watching the state of the Union address.
    as I have said before, my dd2 is serving in the Navy! So Gd bless America!
  • Rie and Lucinda, great job on not turning to comfort food when the day stressed you out.

    Mary, there's always another day to get on plan. And, if there isn't, at least you enjoyed your food on the last day.

    Actually, I've thought about that a lot. That if I knew I wasn't going to live long, would I just eat my way to contentment? To be honest, the answer would be undoubtedly YES. I love food so I would. But if I could extend those days for many extra days if I ate well, then the answer would be NO. It is something I ponder in my more nutty moments. And if I lived in a society where fat was revered, would I eat? That one isn't resounding, more like a maybe.

    Anyway, food yesterday was a hair over 1300 cals and I chose to do that 45 minute Intermediate zumba class. It was fun. This morning I did the elliptical and am on track for a good food day.
  • Today's calories were 1580 and I went to the step class at the Y. Another good day.

    Marie-You have been thinkin' about this! I simply want to eat healthy and feel good and be able to buy cute clothes in a small size. Strangely, I crave all kinds of bad food that gets in the way of my nice plans. That and my weak nature are a constant challenge.

    lucinda-Good for you for sticking to your plans.

    Rie-You are in the zone girl!

    maryea-Have you considered planning what you could eat at the restaurants that would be in line with your bs and calorie needs? Would that ruin the experience for you?
  • Today was far from perfect but I did a little better. I didn't track well but estimated about 1943 calories and way over on carbs still. I planned my meals again tonight but not much good if I don't stick to them. But I will keep trying.

    Ter - I usually do plan before going to the restaurant if I have time and know the restauant and can access the info. Not easy to order anything to fit my small limit of calories and carbs but I usually either share with dh or take home at least 1/2. Almost always still go over, but I try. When I go to our monthly brunch I have no problem because breakfast isn't usually a problem for me. I can usually even get fast food and do fine, but I do notice after eating it I will eat even more later..I think the starchy white carbs do that. But really despite all that, my problem is more my evening snacking than anything. The restaurants are not every day but the evenings are. You all have given me good suggestions but I know I just have to learn to say no to myself and fill my time with better activities than eating.

    TV is a big trigger for me to eat. I'm realizing that more and more. Tonight I was able to stay away from it most of the evening and that helped. But when I did watch (one hour) I ate plenty! Should have just walked away from it but it was the CSI's last show with Catherine (in case anyone watches). And it's hard to give up this time of sharing something with my dh. So much of the time we do separate things and he enjoys me being there 1-3 hours most nights watching with him and I enjoy it too. When I'm on the computer I rarely eat. I used to eat when reading but I don't do that as much anymore as about the only time I read these days is in the bath tub..LOL I also snacked too much this afternoon for some reason but that doesn't happen too often. It's at night usually that I feel like I simply can't go clear til morning on only one carb snack...I know it's silly but I feel that way! And veggies and meat don't cut it for me in the evening! So you see, it's a mental thing, I have to work through. But don't worry, I won't give up. As I've said before I figure even continuing to try I will be healthier for it even if I never reach my goal. If I let loose and ate whatever I wanted (like I used to!) I'd probably be over 200 lbs by now. I used to stuff myself but I almost never do that anymore. So I have improved even though I'm far from perfect.

    Lucinda - Congrats on the NSV! I too have often turned to food for emotional reasons so understand. I don't do that as often these days but do still sometimes.

    ETA: BTW, thank you for the kind words and I do appreciate your support.