40's SUMMER CHALLENGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • Wooohoooo It's Monday and I got My workout in Kept my Calories on track, took my supplements and I worked in the Garden this evening.

    I did good over the weekend too spent 3 hours in the Garden on Sunday.

    Saturday I joined a little gym on a one month trial, I sometimes will miss work outs when Hubby is home cause ... well he's home ... and somethings a husband is just not supposed to see... LOL .. worth a try!!

    Nat you are a machine, congrats on the .2 it all helps!!! I'm sure you do a bit of resistance training and you'll be at Goal.... ditto for you Zumba!!!

    Welcome Hydra!!!!

    Keep it up Delta Dawn.... your being consistant !!!!

    iaradajnos: Try weighing yourself first thing in the morning it will be much more accurate.

    Good Night Chickies I'm so happy this week is off to a good start !!!!
  • Monday: 1345 calories, 1 hr. body sculpt, supplements, fruit and veggies, water. No cardio.

    Good day food-wise, but didn't get any walking in at lunch. Rain all week here - we're being punished for the gorgeous weather last week!

    izza, great Monday! Hope your gym trial goes well. Take advantage of everything you can get there.

    delta, you're doing great!

    zumba, hope your visit to your mom goes well! ITU, my mom has some old-fashioned ideas, but then she'll watch Dr. Oz and call and tell me all the stuff I'm supposed to be doing that I'm not. And she's always trying to find out my weight, it's weird. Meanwhile my sister has gained a lot of weight again but she won't even try to talk to her because she doesn't want to upset her. Huh!
  • Too Funny Nat... My Mother in Law thinks my weight issues are hers and tells me what to do after she has gossiped about it to everyone.... Yet she has yet to notice I've lost 30 lbs Last week she told me I should go on weight watchers!!!
  • Hi everyone! Sounds like everyone is doing well! Getting to have company over tonight...need to go eat dinner soon.
    30DS done for the day and a couple of walks in. The kids wanted some candy at the store, so, I had some with them...not so great on the watching the sugar thing lately...
  • Delta I had some miniature chocolates the other night even though I'm on a no sugar thing, just go back on the no sugar wagon......it tasted super sickenly sweet, I guess my taste buds are more sensitive to it now...

    I gained around a pound back....not happy about that but I'm still down from where I was and just chugging along. Today is my day to do some kind of resistance trainiing...still not sure what i"m going to do ....
  • Tuesday: 1425 calories, no exercise, no supplements

    Stressful day at work and at home yesterday - ugh. Today should be better at work - we'll see about home. DH is being a PITA the last few...

    HAVE to get in a run today - 2 more days til my official weigh-in and my scale is back up a bit - really want to be under 134 for the week.

    zumba, hope your resistance work goes well. Let me know what you do. I know I should be using the machines at the gym but I keep putting it off. I'm trying to get more running in and I can't get motivated to do both on the same day.
  • 30DS done for the day...walk in.
    natamars - hope today is better for you!
    zumba - unofrtunately, my tastebuds thought it tasted just fine!
    Happy Wednesday everyone!
  • Wednesday: 1260 calories, supplements, jogged 3 miles

    I'm especially proud of dragging my butt out to the gym last night - DH didn't get home until almost 8, so I didn't finish my workout until after 9, which is very late for me.

    Woke up about 5 with a throbbing headache. I think it's the humidity or barmetric pressure or something. DH brought me my cure-all: toast with butter, black tea with sugar and milk, and 2 Advil. Could never have made it out the door otherwise.

    delta, I'm with you on the sugar - I keep hearing from people that when they cut it out or drop it down things taste too sweet and they don't like them anymore - I still do! I have been able to limit myself lately but I do have a little chocolate just about every day.
  • Hi everybody...i managed to get that lb. off so it must have been some kind of fluke....happy to see that scale go down and I'm hoping that it continues to do so.....just trying hard to keep away from sugar, bread, pasta and rice.....the only thing I still crave is bread so I'm trying not to buy really good bread and have it in the house.

    Nat I had a really bad headache yesterday and felt washed out..not sure if it is this rain and humidity or waht....SO no resistance training for me. I just can't get this resistance training thing off the ground...I'm doomed to be mushy and flabby forever!
  • Hi everybody. I had three days of below goal food (goal is 1500) so I'm hoping to see success. I have my niece in town for a week from yesterday (but is going away for the weekend to NYC). I made her and my younger son fried bread dough, strawberries and turkey bacon. I joined in. It was only a couple Tbsp of oil for the whole batch and still some let over. I think it was 600 cals.

    I'm back on track Friday and Saturday so this week should be a good one. I'm also measuring myself weekly from this past Sunday. If I recall my last odyssey of weight loss, there were weeks when I saw a change in either (sometimes both) the scale or measurements. It will helpfully keep me motivated. My super tight jeans are not fitting comfortably. I'm waiting to have them be loose!

    I had two little vanilla-like oreo type cookies yesterday. I haven't had such cookies in a while. They did taste super sweet--but I ate them. I do notice but still eat.
  • Was able to get 30DS done today, but no walking as of yet.
  • Thursday: 1275 calories, 1 hr Zumba, 10000 steps total

    No supplements or fruit

    132.8 this morning - yay! New low this year! Going to stick with what I'm doing for now - trying to keep my calories as close to 1200 as possible, minimum 5 workouts/week, no "outside food" - today is day 26 of this plan. Also need to increase distance on my jogging until I can do 6 miles straight - getting ready for my 10K in mid-September.

    iaradajnos, you're doing great! I need to update my measurements - thanks for the reminder.

    zumba, I am sure at your weight and activtity level you're not flabby at all! I bet you would see amazing results really quickly because you don't have that layer of fat over your muscles that I did when I started(and still have in many places, although the layer is slowly getting thinner).

    Happy Friday!!!
  • Natamars: OMGosh girl...thats a great number...you are almost there!!!! You are so sweet to say that I must not be flabby but I am...I'm what they call "skinny fat"....flabby although i'm not considered overweight on the charts...(depending on the charts, mind you)......hoping that resistance training helps with problem areas..especially my enormous saddle bags...i swear, I think my thighs are going to have their own zip code soon....

    Bunco tonight, have to try hard to keep things in check. I'm at the mercy of the hostess and what she makes...also there is candy on every table....ugh.....I hope I have strength tonight.
  • You are all doing so great!!!
    I have been keeping on plan and drinking lots of water, keeping up with lots of healthy food choices and walking too! The sun has been shining for a couple days so walking outside has been a real treat, stay away rain!
    I am down to 203 now and I am just one tiny little pound from losing a total of 50 lbs...wow, 50 whole pounds, kind of blows my mind, lol.
  • Friday: 1510 calories, 40 minutes in the pool(did some walking, swimming, just tried to keep moving)

    Bad on fruit and veggies, no supplements

    Crazy day running around yesterday - good stuff - massage, book fair at my son's school , etc., just busy and trying to work in between.

    hydra, 50 lbs. is a HUGE mmilestone! Do you have a treat planned for yourself? And right after that you'll be in onederland - wow!

    zumba, I am sure with all the zumba you do the muscles are there! My teachers tend to incorporate a lot of arm movements in the dances and I've come out of there with sore shoulders. Do you do much of the Zumba fitness stuff for your core and legs? Have you thought about seeing a personal trainer to get you going? I've done it in the past, can't justify the expense now though.