***Weekly Chat 24 January - 30 January***

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  • Hey ladies..another week. Don't have anything inspirational to say or anything haha...hope you all had lovely weekends though and are ready for a whole new week!!
    Some personals from the end of last week's chat:

    Lawgirl Well done for hanging in there while the WW site wasn't working for you! I know sometimes my calorie-tracker site doesn't work and I stress out a bit haha.

    krampus I also failed at the not smoking thing on Saturday night. I think I almost feel worse about that than my high calorie day...bleh. You can make it, I'm sure. Don't worry too much. In my opinion you look amazing already

    Kawaii I am being good with the candy so far. I opened one bag of sour patch watermelon candies..had one.. meant to save them, and when I went back to have another, my boyfriend and his friend had devoured them all haha. I guess I'm annoyed because it wasn't even food that took me way over on Saturday! I think I'd almost have rather have eaten lots of fries and stuff...not just alcohol, but it's ok. Your weekend in Tokyo sounds super fun, yay for your new bag! You look so great in your photos as well!!

    ~As for me, work was hard yesterday with my still-feeling-drunkeness which then turned into a kind of super sleepy hangover. I managed to keep within my calorie goal for yesterday even with ANOTHER meal at a restaurant - that is 3 nights in a row guys...haha.
    I guess my fail on Sat wasn't that much of a fail in the end - weighed this morning at 66.1 kg/145.7 pounds... so maybe I should do that kind of thing more regularly? Haha no, I won't, I know it's not that healthy.
    Watched "The Last Airbender" last night with my boyfriend, I can usually cope with most films and give them a chance...but this was not a great movie at all. We lasted til the end, but it was kind of a waste of 1.5 hours..
    Got a nice sleep in today as my work days have changed a little, I'll be working only half days on Mondays every second week...kind of appreciated the sleep in after Saturday's super late night!
    Hope everyone is good
  • rainbow, i watched that movie too when i was at home! my friend was like "don't rent it! it's so bad!" but i wanted to see it anyways. i kept in mind that it was a nickelodeon movie so i could enjoy. the special effects were really beautiful i think, but the acting wasn't that great... although there is no movie in the world that could be worse than Dragon Ball, in my opinion (as far as manga adaptations by americans go....)

    at work now. soooo sleepy. it's like my tiredness from not sleeping (much) on saturday night is all surfacing today, eheh... got two classes this morning, thank god that's all. i fully intend to spend all day staring at my computer like a zombie... lol.
  • Rainbow - good job on the loss. I wish I could eat out & still lose. My weight is so up & down everyday depending on my water & salt intake.

    Boring weekend. Stayed home & cleaned ALLLL day yesterday. Staying OP today, but struggling to care today. I thought about cheating, but the mere thought of seeing a 18-something on the scale was enough to scare me straight. I never want to see that 10s spot again. One great thing about this weekend is that hubby & I decided to be more active. We want our kids to be active & we want to be active with them. Colorado is beautiful & there are so many great places to be out & doing healthy activities. I'm really glad he felt the same, so now I just have to find stuff for us to do

    Off to make BFL French Toast & scrambled eggs for dinner. Have a good Sunday night, girls!
  • Kawaii You're right, there were some cool effects. And that blonde girl (the princess) was super pretty haha. But yeah, there was also some terrible acting. I'm about to make like you and stare at a computer for a while about to go to work for 4 hours.

    Madison Cleaning is good though, I need to take some time out to clean up! I have various messes! Hope your dinner is good
  • rainbowstripe I definitely feel worse about the smoking than the eating. I can lose the weight in a week, but smoking just jump starts the cycle of craving and self loathing all over again. And I feel like every breath is a huge effort.

    MadisonAvePhoto That sounds really nice actually, I would trade the world in a heartbeat to have had a healthy and productive weekend. There are so many fun active things you can do with your family - I'm sure you'll have no trouble thinking of some!

    KawaiiCandie I've been fantasizing about going back to bed since 7:25 am and I'm sure I will continue to do so all day. So sleepy I can't even see the screen.


    Just kill me and let it be bedtime already please. Thanks.
  • krampus I haven't been for a run since December 30...I think when I finally decide to go again it's going to be ridiculously hard. Hope the day isn't too bad for you.

    ~I bought some stupid flavoured water. The whole bottle is 115 calories. Whyyyyy did I buy it! Seriously... it tastes gross, I'm going to throw it away. I wasted my money and... I dunno how many calories because I can't figure out how much of it I've had. I'm going with around a quarter. Bleh.
    My boyfriend's sister goes back to Australia today, I have to take her to the airport after work. Dinner on Friday was awkward because of the fact it was meant to be her and her boyfriend - and they were running late, which turned out to be because they'd broken up while over here and she had to take him to the airport before dinner so he could go back early...I guess it would have been super awkward otherwise.
    I want sleep and stuff. Feel weird this week.
  • hunnngggg overrrrr!!!
  • Linds Hope you're feeling better.

    ~Succumbed to McDonald's temptation. Still only at 1338 calories. In bed already and it's not even 8.30pm yet...hah.
  • 1040 calories for today and I'm done. My stomach feels weird from drinking so much coffee earlier. There's a flu going around - hoping I won't catch it!!!
  • I def. took a "sick" day from work. I've been dragging my a$$ in there all month and have been thinking about taking a day since the beginning of the month. I finally bit the bullet. Too bad I have a million things to do around the house.

    I need winter to go away.

    Krampus- I hate when I get that weird over caffeinated feeling!
  • Kawaii – My trainer and boot camp kicked my *** to make me so sore and as for that boy yes he does suck very much!

    Rainbow – hmm I never even hear of the movie, then again I’m so out of the loop at home no cable or computer but I’ll be sure to never watch it.

    Madison - I cleaned my place yesterday to and did all my laundry I was amazed at how much I can accomplish with no distractions!

    Krampus – I hate that feeling!

    Linds – Sick days are good, once in a while we need to take them from work that’s for sure!

    I’m back down to 158! After month of working out and watching what I’ve been eating I’ve finally lost the stubborn pounds that came to me over the Christmas holidays!!! I’m so happy! My weekend was good I fought with my guy friend, we made up, then we fought some more. It was wonderful! (and apparently were in a relationship but I've been the only person not willing to admit it...bleh)Now I’m back to work. I only worked out 2 times last week which I’m cool with because the two days I did workout I was sore for three after, but it’s all good because at least it keeps my body guessing. I’m back at the gym today and I’m going to try to work out 5 days this week.
  • Hello everyone.
    I have been MIA because it's been crazily busy with my work and school.
    But I've been okay with staying on track, though.
    I saw 1.4 lb loss this morning... now I'm 0.9 lb away from seeing Onederland~
    And I get to give myself a dancing carrot too! woohoo!!

    I will be back later for some personal...
  • I know you guys must be extremely tired of me saying this but, I'm STILL sick, still tired, and my TOM still has not arrived. Grr.

    Just declare me miss grumpy pants and ignore me. I think that's what my husband decided to do this past weekend.

    I took two extra days off exercise last week which helped a little. And on the up side my weight is almost back to 166 (167.4 this morning) and I got back on top of all of my housework and back into a routine. I just wish I would feel better!

    I'm not going to take anymore extra rest days, but I might not push as hard as I had been. I'm planning to begin P90x (and TurboFire hybrid) in February and I don't want to be already burnt-out at the start.
  • I poked my 4th wisdom tooth lots yesterday and now its sore xD Supposed to heading off to my personal trainer now so I'll do some personals later, just wanted someone to know my pain xD
  • krampus Hope you don't get sick!

    Linds Hope you managed to get some rest on your sick day as well as some stuff done around the house. I wish I could take a sick day but I guess I shouldn't need to given I don't work fulltime...just some mornings I REALLY don't want to go to work.

    MiZ Congrats on getting back to your pre-Christmas weight

    tara So close to onederland! You will be there in no time! YAY YOU!!!

    TheBunneh Have you been to the doctor? I hope you feel better soon...but maybe it would be better to go to the doctor? Definitely don't push yourself too hard if you're not feeling great.

    Icon Haha maybe you shouldn't have poked it so much :P Hope the pain subsides!

    ~Getting out of bed this morning was horrible. My boyfriend's mum always says if you have a late night on Saturday, it catches up with you on Tuesday and I guess she was right, at least this time - the first thing I said to my boyfriend when I woke up this morning and got out of bed was "I hate this routine so much" - and I basically meant the getting up to go to a job I don't enjoy that much. It's ok once I'm here at it gets to like.. 1 or 2 pm and I only have a few hours left...but I hate getting here in the morning. Anyway, enough complaining.
    I'm finally 66kg / 145.5 pounds so I get to move my ticker!
    Zumba after work...just as well, haven't exercised since... last Wednesday :/ Not good...but I guess it's ok ish.
    Going to go to the movies with my sister tomorrow! Probably out for lunch somewhere toooooo...not sure where though yet.
    Hope everyone is having good days/nights - don't drop cake servers on your bare toes, they are painful (just learnt this while serving a customer).