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  • Question for everyone...

    Do you count points on Holidays?

    My meeting leader said she wasn't really expecting everyone to count points on Thanksgiving. But she gave us some tips to help not go crazy. She said the average person consumes something like 4500 calories (about 1.6lbs...and about 82 points) during the holiday.

    She said to avoid foods you don't really care about- For me...mashed potatos...we eat them all the time. Why waist points on them.

    For me...I love sweet potato, Turkey, stuffing and gravy.

    I plan on making a WW friendly stuffing...same thing with Gravy & pumpkin pie. I want to count my points. It doesn't make me NOT enjoy the holiday. It shouldn't be about food.

    What about you?
  • This year, we're celebrating in Canada as Americans and their Thanksgiving was in October. So, we've already celebrated and this was before I started ww. I started ww after that weekend of the 10th of Oct. We had stuffing, turkey, cheesy potatoes, apple crumb pie, coca cola, ...............oh boy. I have never had gas as bad as I had it that night. I know...tmi. Does this happen to anyone else? I didn't even eat THAT much-it's just the food choices. Maybe that will help some of you stay within points that day. So, we might make a turkey-just to take the meat off of and freeze for pot pies, turkey sandwiches, soup, ect. For what it's worth-I never take a free day-I would feel so bad about it the next day, but if I save up my points (flex) I don't.
  • I'm not super worried about going over my points. I was just surprised that so many people seem to not be worried about going over, so I was wondering how everyone here felt about it.
  • I don't think I am going to count points for Thanksgiving, maybe try to figure a rough estimate. I am going to make an effort to save all my flex points but it shouldn't be too hard because I restart on Mondays. I figure it is one day and I am going to say no to leftovers besides maybe some turkey. I always make a Pumpkin Cheesecake, this year I'll make is with all low fat cream cheese and more pumpkin.

    Part of the many reasons I love WW is because there is room for indulgences as long as you get right back on track. WW has been such a catalyst in that realization for me. The old me would let one day start a downward spiral, not anymore!
  • I am kinda worried about Thanksgiving. There is always so much good food, that is hard for me to resist. My adult son's birthday is on Thanksgiving, also. I have lost 16 lbs. but have a very long way to go. Have a super Thanksgiving, all.
  • I figure, my plan is, I'm going to pass on: Mashed Potatoes, Rolls, Corn, Green Bean Casserol (I'm not to crazy about it anyway)

    I love turkey & gravy. So I'll have that, we're making a WW Stuffing, I love stuffing so this will be a better alternative and Cranberry Sauce ( I LOVE the canned stuff...which is weird, I know. lol).

    I'm making a WW pumpkin pie with Philo dough instead of regular pie crust. This way I can enjoy things I like, but not go overboard.
  • I usually use all of my Flex Points for occasions like this but I'm going to do my best to count and make smart choices. I'm even bringing my food scale and measuring cups! Sweet Potato Casserole is one of the dishes I could go crazy with but I'm making the potatoes this year for everyone and am going to make a Weight Watchers friendly version along with a crustless pumpkin pie. It's only 1 point per slice or 8 points for the entire pie!

    Hope everyone has an awesome and very Happy Thanksgiving next week!
  • First make sure you have breakfast this way you won't be overly hungry when it's time for the main meal. What I intend on doing is having a little bit of everything I love and count the meal as my leftover points from this day. Also, I will throw in some points from my weekly allowance.


  • i just figured out what i'm making. we already celebrated thanksgiving here in canada in october, but we're americans living here and we want to do it again. my hubby has to work, but for dinner we're making turkey meatloaf muffins: if you want the recipe i can post it tomorrow...i'm using hubbys computer...but it consists of ground turkey, onion, egg, ketchup, a whole box of stove top stuffing, chicken broth (or water)-i think that's it? and you put it in a 12 top muffin pan. 3 points a serving.
    then as a side we're doing the plain, but wonderful and fantastic green bean casserole-green beans, mushroom soup and fried onions. low in points and reminds me of the holidays back in america.
    and weight watchers pumpkin pie
  • the muffins sound fab!
  • I'm from Canada so we celebrated in October. I ate a healthy snack right before dinner so I wasn't as hungry as I normally am for dinner. I went super light on the gravy, had lots of steamed veggies and white meat. Some stuffing but not my 'usual' amount and no buns. I also passed on the pumpkin pie, I think my leader said it was 9 points a slice, no thanks. No piece of pie is worth 9 POINTS to me!
  • I'm making the pumpkin pie so I can make a WW recipe. We're also making some stuffing. I may also make some gravy for myself so it's not as high in points.
  • I never count points on Thanksgiving but watch what and how much i eat.
    I am making the pumpkin pie and will make it very low fat. (No one ever knows.)
    Since I don't care about the mac n cheese or the mashed potatoes, I concentrate on the turkey and dressing.

    Always have a veggie tray!

  • Oh, I for sure will be counting, this will be my first big test since I started on 11/12.
  • Quote: Oh, I for sure will be counting, this will be my first big test since I started on 11/12.
    That's how I am thinking too! I have always been so tempted by yummy treats and meals during the holidays and I think to me, to pass on it, will be a huge motivator. I would LOVE to be able to enter the new year and work on FINISHING my goals whether than starting them like most people do, you know? I completely understand not counting on Thanksgiving though. It is just one day, really.
    turkey meatloaf muffins:

    Stove Top Meatloaf Muffins
    -1 lb extra lean ground beef (i'm gonna use lean ground turkey)
    -1 package stove top stuffing
    -1/2 cup chopped onion
    -1 egg (recipe actually called for 2 egg whites but it didn't change the points value any)
    -1 cup water (i decided to use FF chicken broth)
    -12 T ketchup (optional)

    mix everything but ketchup together. divide into 12 muffin tins (spray tins with cooking spray) and then put 1 T of ketchup on top of each muffin. bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes.
    3 pts
    I will double check the points when i make them. 3 pts sounds low to me for even lean ground beef? but then again i'll be using turkey, not beef.