CC Labor Day Challenge Part 2

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  • Don't you guys hate it when you start your walk/run and your mp3 players dies on ya good grief!!!

    So i headed to the park today for a 45min run, i too 3 45second breaks but ran the rest of the time. My pace is slow, about 4.5 on a treadmill(to give you an idea) but i was running Burned 462 calories...

    KD-Glad to see you back, wtg on your workout!!!

    Northern-your so close to onderland!! Any special plans to celebrate? I went out and got me a new pair of snazzy running shoes when i hit onderland

    bigmamatexas-love the will power dust..keep it coming, i think its working for everyone

    fruitlady-yay on the water weight loss

    Lori-how you feeling today?

    Jiggle, JD, Love, envelope, dcapulet, KarenBee- How are you guys doing?

    Hello to everyone i missed Have a fabulous day today!
  • Misspriss - I'm good. How bout you?
    KDM - How was your break? If you aren't gaining you're doing a fine job!!
    Love2be - If you start 30 day shred, you will get addicted. I LOVE IT. I just have to switch up or I'll get bored.
    Bigmama - I hope you get your walk in because they are so relaxing outside.
    Northern - You are going to have some progress for this challenge. I seem to be stuck. Hopefully by the end of these two weeks I will be able to say I made my challenge goal since I didn't make my birthday goal.
    Fruitlady - I did the something similar to that. I signed up for a model on and created one of myself at my goal and it's all over the house. The fridge, the bathroom mirror, closet doors and the the television in our bedroom...I like looking at where I'm going.

    I will be going to the gym after work and am so looking forward to it. I'm really hoping I loose a total of two inches by Saturday.
  • Hi Guys! I have been mostly lurking the last few days since I am back at work.
    I am so exhausted when I get home. You should see my house--it's a total mess. I lost 1.2 this week. YAY! My neighborhood is having a block party this weekend and there will be lots of yummy treats there. I am planning on working out on Saturday and saving calorie space to have a treat. Homemade brownies here I come....

    Keep up the good work everyone and have a great weekend.
  • ughhhh~I can not get with this new getting up early crap for school~my hubby totally got them ready this morning~ he woke me up like 3 or 4 times & I Just could not Get up~I felt so worthless....I went to another ob gyn today a new one for a second opinion on the surgery of having my uterus removed ~he placed me on Birth control for my pain during my "TOM" And he said to try new positions during the wild thang with the hubby~LOL & if nothing worked then we would see but he said it wasn't that bad ~UGHHHHH ~Does he feel my pain? NO! Anyways I am *****y & depressed a bit....Had a 6 day Period this month~Hoping tomorrow aint day # 7~LOL ~Anyways My son got to be on safety patrol something he was really looking forward to doing but they had limited spaces... So He was so happy! I am proud of him..Of course I am proud of all of them for various things. ~My hubby washed dishes today too & Did laundry~I yelled at him~cause it made me feel worthless~I know it was mean & I think he was just trying to be helpful ~but I felt like the laziest lady in the world...Proboly my emotions from my "TOM" still getting to me.Anyways~pray we have a better tomorrow cause I love my man & was pretty hard on him for helping me out~& That totally is not me. I am nuts when "TOM" arrives! I turn evil & crazy I hope the Birth control pills they placed me on work~I have my tubes tied ~So I just need to take them to try to regulate my hormones. ~I am a mess tonight~Emotionally so forgive me for not keeping up better With this challenge & Doing very many one on ones with people....Please keep me In your prayers ~I am sick Of being sick.
  • p.s. I hope that wasn't depressing to anyone I am still on plan as always~Just having major Hormone or some kinda issues! Had to get it out to my friends here on 3FC To make me feel better! Y'all always seem to cheer me up when I am down. I hope I do the same for y'all when I am on here.
  • Lori259 sounds like you could use a . I was just checking this thread out. I hadn't joined, even though I am a calorie counter.
  • ((( Lori )))
  • Lori- I'm praying for you!

    I lost another .5 lbs. of water, usually at this point I'm ready to indulge in some crappy foods. But my plan is in effect as of today, I am allowing myself anything I'm hungry for in moderation, not a binge. I was hungry for some of the low cal, low fat chocolate chip cookies I made, I ate 4 small ones( 140 cal.), then I wanted a little more chocolate, so I had 3 mini chocolate rice cakes( 23 cal.) there called Quakes and there quite good. I ate 1450 cal. today because of the extra treats. I see it as worth it because it will help me in the long run and I didn't go crazy with my calories. My daughter even took me out to the buffet for my birthday tonight, I had salad and a little fruit a total of 176 cal. Dinner was only 176 calories!! When I walked out of there to leave I felt so proud of myself. I mean a buffet is very tempting and dangerous for me, I have a huge control problem and I won over the food, that's progress. Good luck to us all to have a great weigh in tomorrow!
  • Lori will be praying for you! Hi everyone, still dont know how to do the tracker so guess i want have the pretty art work of course I guess I could make me one lol well just counted my calories for today and it comes to 646 I feel that is good but says its not enough. Oh well trying to lose a 1 lb a week by the end of the year so I'm praying cutting back will help
    Have a gn and will post again tomorrow.

  • Lori: Hugs!

    Fruitlady: yes, those quakes are good, aren't they? They have so many different flavors too.

    Vickie: we welcome lurkers to the challenge too

    jiggle: I know what you mean about switching it up. My basement is an exercise "arsenal"....wii fit, elliptical, yoga videos, biggest loser video, WATP, hand I might look into trying 30DS after I get back from Colorado. Would be a nice way to kick off the school year!

    Priss: I haven't thought about a onderland reward yet...but I should! hmmm....

    saggzz: congrats on the loss!

    As for me: I am down 2 lbs since my unofficial weigh in on Monday (some of it is probably just TOM whoosh...but I'll take it!) I have met my first goal for the challenge! According to my Wii fit, i've actually been under BMI 35 for a little while now, but now that I'm past the 216 mark, it feels "offical" more "morbid" in my obese! LOL. One more pound until I hit that psychological 60 pounds lost mark, and a new avatar. I think I can do it
  • good morning just thought i'd drop by just got through weighing and i weighed this morning 262.2 so looks like its going back down. It time for me to get ready and go to the gym for my workout so will drop by this evening. have a good day everyone.
  • Hello Everyone, Happy Friday to ALL

    MissPriss I think I'm gonna indulge in a good ole PB2 and apply jelly sandwich for lunch 260 calories but so worth it.

    KDM, is that how you're supposed to do 30DS? I have only seen and done L1 because I figured until I mastered L1 I shouldn't do L2. My son told me to go to the next level, LOL

    , I do want to go but not fond of flying so I don't want to go alone. Congrats on the 2lbs down and meeting your first goal for the challenge

    Jiggle I started it and couldn't do it at first, I got a little better but still couldn't complete each set near the end. Then the weekend happened and I haven't done it since. I want to try to get up earlier and do it, but I love my sleep. I'll start again

    Hi Saggzz, I'm in the process of getting our house in order. Enjoy the block party.

    Lori, I hope the BC pills regulate your TOM. I am with you regarding pain ... he doesn't know. What are you supposed to do turn upside down? I pray things get better for you. And trust me, hubby understands. I'm sure more than you know and he just wants to make you happy as you well know. He knows you love him and this too shall pass, prayerfully soon.

    Happy Belated Birthday FruitLady Good for you on resisting the temptations of the Buffet

  • Lori- I hope your new meds help with the pain. Please don't be so hard on yourself Im sure your hubby thought nothing of it. Yay for you son, that is awesome!!

    NorthernExposure- wtg on your weight loss!!!

    Fruitlady-Congrats on turning down the buffett! That is hard to do! And Happy Belated Birthday to you!

    bigmamatexas-have a great workout at the gym

    Hello to everyone I missed

    Today i did a 45min power walk with the doggie then came home and did a full body heavy weight lifting workout for 45mins. My legs were so tired during the squats and lunges, I thought i was going to die no more cardio before my weight workouts

    ok, later gators
  • Amelia my sandwich only came to 215 calories. I don't know why I thought I was gonna make two servings of peanut butter LOL.

    OK time to finish the laundry, BBL
  • Hello everyone!!
    I got my midday workout done and it felt great. I have been so busy at work today that I'm just getting to post. I'm excited about measuring in the morning. I know I've done well this week. I feel it in my clothes.

    Looks like everyone is having a great week. I will be checking tomorrow after I measure to report my success!! Let's rock this weekend!!