What do you do with the bad food in the house

  • What do you do with the bad food in your house? I've just started and for the most part all of the bad stuff is gone except for a few items. For example I still have a frozen pie crust. I was thinking about using to make a victory dinner like beef wellington after I lose 30 lbs but I'm not sure it's a good idea. Should I just though it out or do I have the right to have a naughty dinner after I've reached a mini goal.
  • Pie crust can be used for a low fat quiche with lots of veggies and egg whites. Use low cal cheese in moderation, 1% milk, and you have a great breakfast for a week. Done right you could have a 300 calorie breakfast ready to eat so you aren't grabbing junk.
  • i dont like using food rewards, i personally feel like it's a bad system. i think it would be rather kind of you to bake a pie for your neighbor, the place you work, etc. that's what i've done. =)
  • I like the term food rewards. It makes it seem a bit more dangerous for me and I will be more reluctant to do it. Thanks for you're input.
  • I didnt throw food out.. I just cant see waste. I just simply told my BF that I wanted to eat better, so He'd quit buying the junk food I like. As bad junk food gets used up, its just simply not replenished.
  • There are lots of food banks for people in need. See if you can find one near you that takes donations. You can give away the foods you won't be eating anymore, and add a few cans of good stuff too..like tuna, or peanut butter and jelly.
  • Quote: There are lots of food banks for people in need. See if you can find one near you that takes donations. You can give away the foods you won't be eating anymore, and add a few cans of good stuff too..like tuna, or peanut butter and jelly.
    Ellen: Excellent idea. With so much hunger and food banks not able to keep up, it would be sad to toss good food away that is still fresh and hasn't expired. I'd check with my local food bank to see if they accept frozen foods, however.

    Selca: When I was in my weight loss phase last year, I continued to make my husband apple pies, but didn't have any. He loves them. I use cortland apples and only add a mixture of 2 tablespoon of sugar, 1 tablespoon flour and 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon. Now in maintenance, I enjoy a small slice. I have even made them without sugar.

    You can always make something with that pie crust and eat only the filling.
  • Thanks everyone! What great ideas. That's why I love this website and all of you!
  • For me I toss it if it is bad for you and opened. If unopened donate. If you have others in the house who aren't dieting and still eating the bad food, maybe put it in a cupboard you don't use so you won't be tempted. I often throw junk food on the top shelf of my pantry because I can't see it or reach it without a stool. I had to clean it out the other day because I forgot what was up there.
  • I always got rid of the food when on a diet, but this time around, I am not throwing anything away. I am working on dealing with food as a it is in reality, ALWAYS there and available. But this is just where I am at at this point in life, it would never have worked in the past when I felt so vulnerable to bingeing.

    I like the idea of donating food. I also like the idea of baking a pie for some one else. I also agree on not using food as a reward for dieting well. Seems contradictory in my old ears. lol. I'd rather have a new outift to dance in!
  • I'm not sure what beef wellington is- can you tell me please?
  • Quote: For me I toss it if it is bad for you and opened. If unopened donate. If you have others in the house who aren't dieting and still eating the bad food, maybe put it in a cupboard you don't use so you won't be tempted. I often throw junk food on the top shelf of my pantry because I can't see it or reach it without a stool. I had to clean it out the other day because I forgot what was up there.
    I do keep foods around for my underweight 5 year old that are things that I don't want to eat. While I do have to go into the cabinet to get them for him, I still find that I do MUCH better when they aren't somewhere I look regularly. Definitely "out of sight, out of mind" for me!

    I also try to buy things for him that I don't like, so I'm not tempted at all, even if I do look at them.
  • Make a pie, donate to a homeless shelter or a friend. I make things for my choir.