Running Through January!!

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  • Hello ladies...glad to see so many new faces. Welcome, everyone! Sounds like everyone is off to a good start in 2010.

    I had my first run in (gulp) two weeks this morning. Way too chilly and rusty legs after being off for so long and eating crap for two weeks. Still, I feel OK about it. Will try between 6-8 miles tomorrow. I have a 10-miler race in Feb that is keeping a fire under my (cold) arse. Oh yah, and those half marathons....

    Anyone with the new Garmins having as much fun with them as I am?
  • Gosh, it feels so GOOD to be back on track! I never thought I would be affected by the holidays and eat all that crap but I did! Lol, I haven't even looked at the scale in 3 weeks. I'm just going to stay away from it for all of January and see what it says Feb 1st. I"m in a delicate spot and don't want to get discouraged.

    blue-I missed ya! I'm still rootin' for you, and saving you a seat in onederland!

    mk- that is awesome advice! I'm going to be looking up some hal higdon and a base building program.

    mbn- IDAHO! I'm in Idaho! lol which race are you thinking about running? maybe I will see you!

    Still waiting for my garmin....and too afraid to run cuz of my darn hip. I got my appointment scheduled for thursday.
  • Hello! I don't think that I have posted yet this year so I haven't updated about my Resolution Run.

    It was COLD!! Like, windchill warnings, exposed skin may freeze in under 10 minute, -45 Celcius COLD... But I ran it anyway!

    It took almost 40 minutes so more than 2 minutes longer than my first run but, the way I look at it, if I can run in that weather, I can run in anything LOL It was also very slippery in spots so that likely added a bit to my time.

    A friend ran it with me and we committed to making it an annual tradition. It really is a fantastic way to start off the new year. New Years Day 2009 I weighed 270 pounds and there is no way I would have believed that I would ever run this race. I couldn't run 60 seconds! To begin this new year/decade with this run was very significant for me!

    Quote: Anyone with the new Garmins having as much fun with them as I am?
    I am using mine and enjoying it...but haven't really used any of the functions other that HR monitor and tracking my time/distance. Have you tried any of the other things are yours? Am I missing something stupendous?
  • OK, so it's day 4 of the new year and I still haven't run. No more excuses - tomorrow morning, I'm going out and running, even if I only do a mile. I can't sit on my butt on the sofa every day and expect to be able to do a 10k or a half marathon this year. Sheesh.

    I've just added four races to my calendar as well - two 5k's in February (back to back weekends but I don't think that will be a problem as it's only 5k), another 5k in March, and a 10k at the end of May. Then I'll look for another 10k at the end of the summer - it's too hot here in the summer to run unless it's at 5am - and hopefully then I can get into the half marathon training to do the race in December. I figured putting races on my calendar will motivate me!
  • Quote: mbn- IDAHO! I'm in Idaho! lol which race are you thinking about running? maybe I will see you!
    Eve - I'm looking at the Salmon River marathon in September. It's a small race, limited to 250 runners I believe. Last year was only the 2nd year of the race, but the town was so welcoming (it was a BIG deal for them), that my sister really enjoyed it. She's done a lot of races, and this was her favorite so far. It's pretty much out in the middle of nowhere, a nice change of pace from South Florida! She lives in Montana on Flathead Lake, so I would fly into Kalispell and drive down with her and her running buddy.
  • Mbn, that race sounds lovely! It's about 176 miles from where I am. You guys will have a blast! Good luck!

    I'm going to try to squeeze a run in today between getting off work and going to my cardio class! There's a 2 hour gap where I gotta eat, but other than that I should be able to fit it in there. Let's hope!
  • momof5k - congrats on your resolution run! Sounds like it was a successful race! Did your Garmin come with the software? I'm a data nerd so it was really fun to upload my workouts, have it create a route from my run, and see all the graphs/feedback info/etc. But like I said, I have mounds of spreadsheets for tracking my weight, workouts, and so on just because I enjoy that sort of thing.
  • Evel- "I'm going to try to squeeze a run in today between getting off work and going to my cardio class!"

    Why? Im sorry.... i dont mean to be obstinate, and im the LAST person to offer advice abut this, but it was EXACTLY that kind of thinking/DOING that landed me where i am now. Seriously F'ed up. If youre going to do a one hour cardio class, why run before it? How bout instead of running for a spell and burning 300 extra cals, and putting unTOLD extra stress on your body, you just eat 300 cals less? or maybe stretch and relax?

    Please dont take that the wrong way.... but it was overdoing it like that that took away my period... GRRRrrrrrr............. once again, i apologize
  • momof5K - I think i know someone who ran that same run! how many -45 degree 5K's could there have been. Unless you are the same person, in which case you would know because my user name is the same!
  • Alright, I'll hop in here. I lurked around here in late December, but felt like I probably should just wait until the next month to hop in. Here it is, the next month... so here I am.
    A little bit about my running: I started running the beginning of November figuring it'd be my opted cardio and that I'd hate it, as I had at the beginning of the year when I hurt my back with it. Anywho, I LOVED it!!! So I am still running, working on my distance and my speed. I'm mainly TM, since where I live is SOOOO hilly. I figured I'll get to where I want to be on the TM and work it to outside. I do still do outdoor runs now, but I am most often on the TM. I will be signing up for a 5K taking place in April. It'll be my first race and I'm a person who is motivated by goals. So I want my first race time to be good. Not great, but good. I had originally thought I would eventually work up to a marathon, but I think I might go only as far as a half marathon - we'll see.
    Pleased to start getting acquainted with all of you!
  • Quote: momof5K - I think i know someone who ran that same run! how many -45 degree 5K's could there have been. Unless you are the same person, in which case you would know because my user name is the same!
    I don't think that I know you.

    The run was in Winnipeg. There were more than 100 runners that day (I am really bad at judging crowds but that would be my guess). It was comforting to see we weren't the only crazy ones that morning! In fact, there were others even crazier! Some did a Polar Bare Run (in their undies!!) that morning! People that I was crazy for running in that weather but at least I had clothes on! Lots and lots of clothes!!
  • mk, Don't apologize! Not only do I appreciate your concern but, I respect your opinion very much because I look up to you and am in awe of all your hard work! If you wanna point out anything, you go right ahead. I know it does sound like a lot of exercise....I also did Chalean Extreme (weights) this morning before work...heh...I just feel better when I exercise a lot...I'm not sure how to explain it. That and I desperately needed to run because the last run I did was my 5k on the 1st and I was feeling like a bum. It's just darn cold outside and the only time I can run is either at 3 in the am or after work at 3 pm so I have a hard time fitting a run in. Especially on days like today where I get to the indoor track, run for about 15 minutes and then a whole SQUADRON of like 30 guys come in for squadron pt. and take up the whole darn place. So I had a very short run.

    I'm rambling, I know....I guess I've just been freaking out lately because the scale hasn't been moving and I've been trying to get it to budge by upping my exercise and eating clean....maybe I am over doing it? I dunno....
  • Hello Everyone,

    I ran the Twin Cities Marathon in 2007. I would like to run another marathon within the next year. I tore my ACL and had surgery a year ago. Finally got the okay to run again and I have worked my way up to 3 miles. I am so happy to be back running! I really missed it and I can't wait until winter is over and I can get back outside and off the treadmill.
  • Merry Christmas!!!!!
    my new Garmin arrived last night and with a charge today it was in use tonight. My dh actually broke it in on his run, but he looked pretty cute when he asked. It might be the best present he ever got US. I ran a 3 miler because I was so excited to try it out, but I have a nagging super tight hamstring/ calf/ Achilles thing that makes going up an incline burn like fire. I could only run the flats and I had to walk the up's. Me thinks more stretching and swimming is in order.

    Hope everyone is staying healthy and warm.
  • momof5k Running in -45 is WAY crazier than jumping into a cold lake for 10 seconds. How do you even breathe?? 20 degrees had me gasping.