30 Day Shred...Chat and Support #2

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  • I just bought the video online tonight, I have a question though, what do you need other than weights and a exercise mat??

    What are your reasons for doing the video, to tone, lose weight or both? I'm wanting to tone mostly...

    Those that have finished 30 day shred, what have results been like??
  • Hi everyone - so I've been MIA this week. I did the shred Monday and then left it at a friend's house and didn't have it with me. I did some long walks at a good pace but a part of me misses having soreness in my quads and shoulders and arms...does that sounds crazy?!? But I've got the DVD back and want to get back to L2 this week.

    Lwclec - I'm wanting to both tone and lose weight, and wanted to do something to mix up my usual workout routine or walking or elliptical and weights. I've only been doing it for 2 weeks (and not every day) but I did manage to get out of a plateau that I was at for 3 weeks and make my first minigoal of 10% loss.
  • blueridgegirl - congrats on your mini-goal, sounds like you're making great progress!

    I really look forward to receiving my video in the next week or so! i've heard so many good things about the video on sparkpeople.com there is a lot being said about the video over there which is what got me interested in it to begin with, i have trouble sticking w/ a workout routine because I get bored and so discouraged easily so i'm hoping this will help me stay motivated and once i start seeing results that will be even better.

    btw, not sure if you all knew but on youtube they have the full video posted, so if you leave it at a friends again or lose it you can always view it on youtube, i previewed it on youtube but havent worked out to the video on there.
  • Even though yesterday was the 4th I got up and did L1D5 then did 4mil watp dvd..it was really hard to get through both of them.

    Today I am still tired but my goal is to workout later this evening. I am still struggling with the first round of cardio (jump rope) and the squat/arm raises and side lunge/arm rasise are still hard for me to complete and I have to rest a beat or two.

    When did you all notice you could complete all of level 1 without pausing?
  • LW To lose weight, to feel strong.

    I can relate to you about missing the sorness, I was just think about how I need to kick it up a notch, as I believe I have adapted to it. There is that feel good pain which I enjoy, as well

    Well MNacy still working on it, The girls are just not to keen on jumpimg, so we do the anita version of one foot to the other jumping, my greatest strenth are the weights, my weaket are the push-ups and stretching, and jumping.
  • Azulfire I know what you mean I think we all have some weakness and at times it is hard to push on. Tonight I did it again and made it through the cardio (anita one foot hop to the other) but still had to pause on the over head and rasies even though I am only using 3lb weights. I am proud I can do the grily push ups and even tried (2) on my toes before starting --not ready for those yet. After I was done I rested for 10 min then did watp for the 4 mile walk

    I too hope to lose weight but as I lose I also want to be tone. nothing is worse to me than seeing any person jiggle when they move.. small or large
  • Happy Monday Ladies! I kind of disappeared from the forums for the weekend, my bad.
    I did my 30-day shred every day. So that makes it 15 days in a row yesterday, haven't missed one.

    I will be on L2D6 tonight when I get home. There is so much plank-work in this level, it's not even funny... but I sweat like crazy for this level! I don't feel it as much as I did with level 1, but I expected that as I hadn't been working out before I started (back injury back in January and just got the clearance from the doc to work out again). I can feel my body getting stronger though, which is super good. So far, I haven't lost any numbers on the scale, but my body is toning a lot! Hope everyone's weekend went well! Stick with it ladies, I love hearing your updates and how things are going for you!

    My favorite thing Jillian says: "I want you to feel like you're going to die." It reminds me that I am NOT going to die even if I work it harder.
  • Hope everyone had a great 4th! I went out of town, and used over 10% of my weight allowance to take my 3 lb weights with me! For me, that's a sacrifice. Then I really worked out 2 of the 3 days! Unfortunately, I didn't get back until 1 am this morning, and I just couldn't get up in time to work out this morning.

    Think I'll go 2 more days on Level 1 then try Level 2. The only parts of Level 1 that are challenging now are the jump rope, and the arm raises that go with the sideways lunges.
  • Hello all.

    I had planned to start this workout months ago, but a back and hip injury has kept me from it. Until now. I JUST finished my first workout. OH MY! I can feel it in places I never thought I would. lol. I have Power Sculpt so I thought I would at least be prepared a bit for this one. Not even close. I have to say though, I do love it, and am looking forward to doing it again tomorrow.

    I am doing this video because I adore Jillan, I want to lose weight, but I also really want to tone up as well.

    Push ups = kicked my butt. Side lunges with arm raises = kicked my butt... I am thinking upper arm strength is not my strong point.

    So glad this thread is here and we can share the experience.
  • Well tonight would have been L1D7 but I just did not have the energy to do both this workout and watp...I think what will work best for me is if I alternate between cardio, and weight training.

    Tomorrow I am going to concentrate on the weights not sure if I will keep up with shred or do something along the lines of 'the firm' they have one I enjoyed that did upper and lower body total 75min of killer weights and it gets the cardio going

    but I have to say the shed really got me through the push ups at least girlie ones
  • Just did L2 day 9 1/2 ( i got interrupted half way through yesterday )
    And i'm planning to go on a brisk walk later on today
    Food-wise I haven't been great this week so I need to step up the 30DS! I've been skipping days! Any spare motivation anyone??
  • Jelder – You are so awesome in my book for the sacrifice of taking the weights with you instead of something else!! Way to be!
    SweetCurves – Don’t feel bad about your upper body strength, it was super hard for me too! I did a lot of the exercises for upper body without weights even, for a few days in the beginning.
    Nancy – What is watp?
    kk140 – I have been doing the 30day shred for a total of 16 days now… 17 will be tonight after work. I haven’t taken a day off yet, because as Jillian says, YOU CAN DO IT! She says in the video that she’s had 400+lb people doing some of those exercises. When I hear that in the video, it reminds me that I can do it too! So, you can do this! Just stick with it and before you know it, it will have become a habit and you’ll be excited to pop in the video every day!

    I completed L2D6 yesterday. I have been doing the thrust thing one leg at a time instead of both and the plank jacks one leg at a time as well. However, I tried the plank jacks full out last night and… I did it! I was so excited that it’s got me wanting to try doing the thrust things full out tonight. After I get those down full out, all I have left to master is the military press – I have trouble keeping the weights in my hands.. I can do the first set with them, but usually don’t pick them up for the second set. Is anyone else on Level 2? What most difficult for you?
  • Quote: Any spare motivation anyone??
    I need some to get up in the mornings! I work out first thing usually, and since I got back from Colorado I'm oversleeping. I keep telling myself that 3 days CAN'T throw me this much off schedule. But it is. If I don't get up tomorrow, I'm going to have to start working out in the evenings, which I don't like.
  • Personally, my best motivation for getting up to work out in the mornings is the reminder that the sluggishness in my brain means that I'll be mostly done the workout before I'm mentally awake enough to register how hard it is
  • stargzr watp is Leslie Sansone walk away the pounds. I do the 5 mile burn and 5 mile adv which used weights. but most of her dvd are for beginers or if you are short on time and can only do 1, 2, or 3 miles at a time. The 5 mile burn you are walking/jogging at a brisk pace (12min mile) wile using your arms.

    It is just another workout but I have to say I really like it and have seen some changes in my body shape and I have been doing it now for 5 weeks. I just added 30shred to get a bit more tonning