300+ Weekly Thread #1128

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  • OMG< OMG< OMG!!!!

    My next door neighbor just came over~she is 24 and I have known and loved her since she was 8~ and she brought me the sweetest surprise!!!

    I am a true beliver in spirits and I have had experiences too many to list. I have ALWAYS wanted to meet with him and see if he can tell me anything, but have never pursued it because I was scared of what I would find out. I was toying with the idea and unsure once again, and now I really will be going!

    Have a great night!
  • Wow, this place has been really busy... there's no way to catch up, so I'll just
  • I'm with Heather - I'm so far behind I can't catch up with you all.

    I put my shoes on and got back on the treadmill - that's not a lesson I will have to learn twice. It's starting to feel better - just hard to push myself onto it. I'm really motivated to reach my goal before our cruise to Mexico in December - it makes it easier - plus I want to have some strength and stamina to do all the things we have planned.

    I had to look to see what Slammy was - how cool is that. You guys have such great ideas. I only think about walking or DVDs.

    It's really cooled off here which is dangerous for me - makes me want "comfort food" - tonight though my comfort food was grilled chicken salad. I'm off work for 4 days now - I will stay busy and focused.

    Hope you all have a wonderful day.

  • Oh wow Donna!! Way cool! I've seen his show. I haven't seen it on recently.

    Too cool!

  • Hi Everyone~~

    I'm also with Heather in that there is no way I'll be able to catch up. It's been so busy here in the last few days--which is good --unless you've fallen behind like I did.

    Oh yeah--I looked at your pics RK--you do know your butt looks big because the pants you're wearing are all bunched up and way too big right? I figure that someone must have mentioned it, but I'll do it again for you. Now go to WalMart or something and buy a couple of pairs of pants to wear while you're at this weight. You deserve it and if you go there you won't spend a fortune on pants that you won't be able to wear for long.

    Donna--I love John Edward! You have to make sure to tell us how it goes. Did I mention that I will be going on a ghost hunt soon? There is a prison up here in Massachusetts somewhere that is supposed to be haunted and some people I know are planning on going there. They've been to a few places already and one of them can talk to spirits. I can't wait. I'm really a believer in a lot of stuff--but I am also very pragmatic so I'm thinking that I'll actually end up being the one who must be convinced that the ghosties are real. I'm excited and I'll let you know how that turns out.

    Hi Ammi--I'm planning on writing to you soon. I've just been really busy with getting back to work so I'm kind of beat. Also the reason I haven't been able to post for a few days.

    I've been doing really well with my diet plan and I haven't cheated. However, I have to find the time to exercise somewhere. I'm really frustrated thinking about it right now. I've been on the go for the past 2 days and literally haven't had the time to walk. Meaning that I have other things to do too, because of course I have 24 hours in my day just like everyone else does. I'm just getting up at 5 a.m. and getting home from work after 6 p.m. so I'm beat and I've got to make dinner and such. Once I get back into the swing of things I'll be okay, but right away it's a little overwhelming. I guess it doesn't help that I'm helping to cover someone's vacation either, does it?

    I've got to get to bed. to the Newbies, to everyone else. I'm thinking of you.

  • Annie - really its just the frosting, the cake is pretty good. if you can come up with a better sub for regular frosting (or eat them without like i have been) they are actually pretty good.
  • Just a quickie, Battle (I'm NOT putting the 'axe'in so there!!lolxxxx) I missed your post about your name but found it today, I totally understand, sometimes I worry if people who know me in 'real' life ever read my posts, but wth odds are against it, at least here in the UK. I'm sorry to hear of your allergy/reaction, that must be so scary, at least you have an epi-pen in case. Do you carry one of those bracelet thingies which has your medical details on too? It's sometimes hard enough to psych yourself up to do exercise without the added worry of having an 'attack' GOOD FOR YOU not letting it stop/spoil your healthier lifestyle.xxxxxx
    Zelma, never knew you sang,I hope it all goes well, I miss 'seeing' you.xxxxxxx
    Dolfin, I too sort of believe in spirits, but try to think of alternatives to why things happen, being sceptical is a pretty sensible thing in these cases. My parents lived in an old house & some pretty weird things happened, there weren't explainations for a couple of them. (Believe it or not my bed used to move, shake, lift up & generally scare me to bits, my 'understanding' parents said I'd be locked up for being crazy!!! I shared my room with my sister & she saw it too.)xxxxxxx(ps luckily as I got older it stopped but the loud bangs, things going missing & 'cold spots' remained) Hope I don't sound too crazy!!!!
    My sad/depressed mood has lifted, I'm sure it's hormonal, my boobs are very sore like TOM is due, but it isn't for two more weeks. I have to have a scan on Monday to check for fibroids as TOM is so bad my Dr thinks it might be that, though as I have no pain at other times I doubt it.(my mum has them & they caused her a lot of pain all the time) Anyway...I gained 5lbs, I felt so low & ashamed but I'm feeling better, OP, drinking tons; my eyes & body parts are so swollen with water, I hope it will go with the water intake being upped as I look like I have no eyes! On a positive note on Saturday or Sunday we are going to the Robin Hood Festival at Nottingham Castle (10 miles away from us) there will be jousting, jesters, sword fights, a 'camp' offering sword making, armour repairs & manufacture, roast pig, as if we were reall in those times. It's so much fun, Steve & Gareth both won awards for their archery skills last time we went, shame I couldn't 'beam you up' Nancy I bet you'd love it.xxxx
    Ammi, BIG HUGSXXXXX Steve saw the pics & he was aghast at the fact you can't see a specialist, he thinks you should go & sit in his clinic & refuse to move til he sees you!xxxxxxx
    Valerie, have I said HOW JEALOUS I AM??? lol Yes get some pics done, I'm sure with all the gentle handling you did with him he will accept you on his back.xxxxxx
    Annie, I hope you get the job, it shows how special you are that they offer you ANOTHER job, fingers crossed for you. How is the eating going are you on 'solids' yet? lol Sorry about your dad, at least he had Joel with him.xxxxx
    gotta go & get stuff done, sorry I can't remember or reply to everyonexxxxxx
  • Sorry too much to catch up on so i'll just say hi to all and share my good news. I had a pretty good night last night. I stopped when i wasn't really full which is like a big deal. I think i may have lost a little becuase one of the desks that i sit at didn't hurt as much today. I will have to check. I jave to go to class now but i will be back later.
    p.s. i am thinking about trying penny's low fat cookies and muffins. Has anybody tried them?? and if so could you tell me how they were.
    Bye for now.
  • Sharon – My fibroids caused lots of bleeding, but almost no pain. It really depends on where they are in the body. I hope you doctor has some answers for you. The Robin Hood festival sounds awesome! I am jealous!

    Luan – Have you heard of Television Without Pity? They do great full recaps of the shows they cover. You can find last week’s TBL here: http://www.televisionwithoutpity.com...+Biggest+Loser

    The movie last night was. . .odd. It was definitely the kind of film you normally see as a student, not as an entertainment seeker. It was from the 1920’s and there was no sound. That was so weird. I don’t think I have ever seen a move with absolutely no sound before. I wish they could have put some music in the background, even if it didn’t entirely fit.

    I totally scored yesterday at Costco and got both persimmons and Asian pears, along with Boca burgers and Laughing Cow cheese – both staples for me.

    I was somewhat disappointed this morning to see no movement on the scale, but I do feel somewhat bloated. Oh well – hopefully it will all show up next week and I will hit my goal.
  • Yes, I finally got my package. To say I made a scene yesterday is an understatement. After staying home for 3 days (I was sick and not going anywhere, but still), they were going to deliver it, or else!. They even tried to tell us they couldn't deliver because of construction in the area. The closest construction has got to be 5 miles away. Every time I called they had a different reason why they just couldn't deliver it. I finally called Dell, and had them call Purolator. That worked, plus a lot of screaming on the phone. In the past when they have refused to deliver, we had to just bite the bullet and take the bus out there because we were expecting tickets that were time sensitive. This time, I had all the time in the world, and wasn't going to drag a big box home on the bus just because they refused to do the job they were being paid to do. I got a nice email from a regional director this morning that I was so pleased to return to explain exactly what happened in detail this time and previously. I told her in my best lawyer voice that had they been working for me, I would have fired them long ago. I still don't know what their freaking problem is, other than not wanting to be bothered to actually deliver packages. Maybe they are afraid of the neighborhood, and that the boogie man might jump out and get them.

    I do love my new computer. It's himself's graduation present for me. I don't graduate for two more months, but I was actually, physically, wearing out my old laptop from the amount of typing I have done on it. It's white mostly and silver, which is kind of weird. I was used to my old black one. The worst part is transferring everything over. I use firefox for my browser, and they have this new thing where you can synch your bookmarks between more than one computer, so all my bookmarks/favorites were transferred between computers in 2 seconds. That was the easy part. Now comes music, photos and documents. I think I'm going to thumbdrive those. It will be basically like backing up stuff, but then I'll transfer it to the new computer. I guess I don't have any excuse to not do his typing for him now. I think he had an ulterior motive.
  • Heather: Hi back to ya.

    Carol: Good for you getting back on the treadmill. I'm glad you were able to and your feet are okay.

    Luan: I would be making the cake for my DH and my Dad to have so I guess that "normal" frosting would be okay. I may give it a go.

    Sharon: Sorry that you were so upset at gaining. I know how you feel. When I would gain on the liquids I would be sooooo upset. I'm sure for you it is TOM approaching. I hope your Dr. has good news for you and not that you have fibroids. Hugs. I hope I get the job too. lol. My Dad is okay today. He and my DH are gone hunting again today. They leave at the crack of dawn and come home after dark but at least they come home every day now.

    Midnight: So glad that the desk isn't hurting you so much now. I used to have to work in a place where the chair squeezed my hips so badly that I had bruises. I was too ashamed to say anything about it and I would be near tears sometimes from the pain. Hugs to you sweetie. I've been in your shoes almost and It isn't fun. Keep up the great work and soon you will have tons of room to spare around you in the desk.

    Nancy: Sorry that the movie wasn't the best. I have been wondering about laughing cow cheese. My mom used to eat it when she was dieting and I never tried a piece. Is it spreadable? It looks like Jack cheese right?

    Well, I am feeling good enough and energetic enough today to go work out at the regular gym. I am going to head out there then I have to see my surgeon for my 6 week check up. I hope their scale is happy with me today. I will post my weight when I get home.

    Blessings to you all,
  • Catherine: I am so happy for you that you finally got your computer. Yeah for using your best lawyer voice too. Have fun with it. How are you feeling now? I hope much better.
  • Hi everyone,

    I did really well yesterday until a demon took over and bought a huge chocolate chip cookie for dessert at dinnertime. Oh well. Tonight is Girls Nite, and it's my turn to host. I'm making Butternut Squash and Sage Orzo. I'm trying to do my usual eating lightly during the day so there is more flex room for our get-together.

    Yesterday I had a blood pressure and heart rate check. Resting heart rate was 60, and BP was 110/78. Not bad, not bad. My resting heart rate has gone down since increasing my exercise level. I'm sure you can all understand breathing a sigh of relief when any type of health check turns out positive. I've dodged another bullet.

    Ammi: How is your infection? I'm concerned about you. I hope you get some relief soon.

    Donna: Let me guess, you are excited about seeing John Edward hehehe. Enjoy it! I saw him about 10 or 11 years ago. There were hundreds of people in the audience. It was really something. I was praying that he would pick me out of the audience and deliver some messages, but alas, that was not to be. He was quite the cocky young feller at the time, but amazing all the same.

    Gggirls: Yeah, shoes are a good thing! Have a great workout. You can make really satisfying low-cal soup for comfort food.

    Vicki: sometimes life gets in the way. There are days when all you can do is tread water and wait for the schedule to calm down. You're doing well staying OP, and that is something to celebrate.

    Luan: The cake recipe sounds good. For me the problem comes in at stopping with just one piece. If the whole cake is there, it calls to me until it's gone.

    Sharon: No, I don't wear the medic alert bracelet. Maybe I should. The Nottingham Robin Hood Festival sounds like fun. Wish I could go! I hope your problems with water retention and TOM are solved soon. It's awful to feel bloated and yucky.

    Midnight: good job on doing well yesterday. I hope the scale shows a nice loss for you.

    Nancy: I am eagerly awaiting your news of passing the 100# mark. I bet next week will be a good week for you. This delay is just to keep you motivated. : )

    Sorry to hear the movie was weird. TBH I am not that appreciative of most of the ahh...avant garde entertainment.

    Catherine: You are a force to be reckoned with! I have no doubt they've made a note in their computer to not mess with you. What is their problem! Anyway, congrats on the new computer. Enjoy typing with abandon.

    Annie: Have a great workout. I'm looking forward to your weight loss report.

    Heather: Hi!

    Have a great day, everyone
  • annie - its really moist. and holds up for a few days pretty well. im sure you could do a regular frosting, or even use whipped cream.

    battle - well 24 cupcakes is 48 points, so i would presume that would be what a whole cake would be, but at least youre getting some veggies too... lol
  • Hi All!

    Just wanted to pop in this afternoon and tell everyone to be encouraged today.
    Don't give in!!! As much as you may want to. DON'T! Just imagine yourself at your GOAL, and posting your before and after pics and being so proud of the person that you've become despite all of the obstacles.

    We can do this ladies... if for no other reason than 'they' think we can't and that we won't

    ok have a good day.