The Chat Check In, July 16 - 31, 2007

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  • Quote: Lydia – Perhaps you could post you-tube videos of each of you running “styles”. I’d love to see how you can run without bending your knees!
    Uhm. No. I'm a dork when I am running and I will freely admit to it. But, I enjoy almost every minute of it.

    Shan, I am glad that you are beginning to gain more muscle control since the virus. My gosh, that sounds really scary. Something like that would send me into a tailspin too. It certainly is good news that you are recovering so quickly.

    Mel: How many strawberries are you eating?! I'm a fruit bat. I know they are extra carbs but, take away my fruit and things will get ugly. I'll go into this whole "I'm feeling deprived kind of thing and take a nutritional nose dive. Really, it happened in the past over one piece of fruit while "dieting" in my twenties.

    I do hope you are less fatigued for your next leg workout. I had one of those today too and I really needed to get a good leg workout in. I kind of anticipated it though, recovering from a cold, but it still bummed me out that the drive for the squats and step ups just weren't there. I had to pack it up and go shower an hour early. Wednesday I'll give it another shot and I'll probably be back in good form again. I'll also remember not to run first before I lift. Might just make a difference.

    Pat: That's the whole point in adding all the stuff to the cottage cheese. I can tolerate it plain too but to eat it everyday, I just couldn't look forward to just that lonely scoop of while goo on the plate.

    Elisa: The Pilates class sounds like fun. I've been thinking of adding something different to my routine as well. I would like to find something to do in the evenings once a week just to expand the "fit" experience a little bit. I could not see myself adding a Pilates or yoga class in place of my cardio/lifting right now. Maybe once I'm maintaining at goal and I'm no longer lifting to "fix" things.
  • Okay, I did it! I managed to get up and run to work this morning! And it wasn't even too hard. I think it had been over a week since I ran and the run to work is a bit longer than my usual run, so I was worried but it was really not too bad at all. I didn't even need to take any walking breaks. I hit a couple of red lights along the way for a forced break but otherwise it was good!!

    Lydia - I'm with you on both the fruit and workout thoughts...I could never give up fruit, no matter what anyone says. I know it's got carbs and sugar but really, there's something wrong when you can't even enjoy some nice summer fruit. And as for the pilates, it's my thought too that it might fit in better when I'm feeling more "at goal". I really liked it but, like I said yesterday, when I had the choice of burning some spinning calories or doing pilates, I chose spinning. I'd still like to see if I can fit it in occasionally.

    Off to start my work day....

  • Great Job on the run to work this morning! Now your coworkers will have to find another excuse to Oops, wrong one, you over the head today. You know they were waiting for you....

    The knee is a little touchy today after yesterdays pitiful run on a very small indoor track. It's all elliptical for me today and then upper body.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • Hello all,

    Well I can tell that I'm not going to be terribly reliable on posting here! I'm sorry, I am interested in everything you all get up to but I might not get here too often!

    I hope everyone is well, I'm still doing BFL although I had a couple of eating slip ups last week. There's times when I just can't eat any more chicken breast or tuna . Last week was one of them. Today was a good day at the gym though, I did UBWO and realised that most of the lifting felt too easy, so I'm going to increase the weights next week. Tomorrow is HIIT, which is rough but something I have to get used to. The scales tell me that I haven't lost any weight yet but my pants are feeling a little loose around my waist so maybe I have lost a fraction of an inch or so. My butt, belly and hips are still snug but I'm not surprised, my waist has always been the first place I lose.

    Have a good Tuesday everyone.
  • Good to see some of you other LWL interested in the yoga and pilates! I did a yoga session last Saturday and tried out a new pilates DVD yesterday. I forgot how much I enjoy yoga, I just need to find the time to get it in more regularly. I tolerate pilates, I love the way it makes me feel but there are times during those exercises by core wants to collapse! Good challenge though. I love using my ball, makes exercise seem almost like playing sometimes.

    Screwed up my meds somehow, the new prescription has a more complicated schedule than the one the other doc gave me. Took a bigger dose closer to bedtime than I should have, ended up with insomnia. No problem rolling out for my 5 am run, I was up since 3. I’ll probably be groggy by afternoon, but at least cardio is out of the way. Hoping to get a quickie UBWO in tonight, if I have time after dinner I have to go shopping for groceries. Need supplies for my fiance’s birthday cake and cupcakes for his office. I don’t even have white flour in the house, and as much as I would like it, I don’t think he wants a birthday cake made with whole wheat pastry flour, ground flax seed, applesauce, and sweetened with brown rice syrup or xylitol. He makes fun of my “health nut” baking all the time, but he sure eats the banana bread all the same.
  • Hey all. Today was weigh-in day. I posted about it in featherweights and also on my 3fc blog, "16 by 40" so I won't here. Suffice it to say I'm reasonably pleased, but don't get to move my ticker.

    Mel: I'm still hitting the gym. Yesterday was leg day, which right at the moment looks like this (don't believe I posted this workout before; apologies if I have):
    • front squats
    • stiff-legged deads
    • lunges
    • calf raises
    • ab work OR variable hip machine
    I do ab work at the end of every other workout, and yesterday wasn't it. So, I instead made myself do some exercises on the hip machine that a physical therapist once prescribed for my bum hip. I hate the exercises, not because they hurt but because I just can't get into high-rep, low-weight lifting, even if I know it's good for me!

    Off to get breaky-fast. We seem to be getting something of a slow start around here today. DH and The Boy (age 5) are both still snoring away, at 8:45.
  • Hey sounds like a lot of us are doing UBWO today! My back muscles are feeling rather ache and raw today. I added a new machine into my routine that hits like everything in your back as well as your biceps and triceps a little. Its the Hammer Strength Iso Lat Low Row. I can really feel everything in my back when I bend down and stretch. : How did I ever live without this?!

    Shan: There is a yoga studio about ten minutes from my home that I think I may join. They have classes in the evening shortly after my sons go to bed so it's doable. A friend of mine also teaches a QiGong class there too. I'm going to just show up for the class and not tell her I'm coming.

    Lynne: Congrats on increasing your weights for UB! Sometimes the clean eating can be a little boring but hang in there. I often use very lean turkey as a substitute for ground beef in things like tacos and meatloaf. But you have probably already thought of that too. Yeah, and I don't do tuna either.
  • Hi! It feels like fall already here. Overcast and cool. I left the house in shorts and a t-shirt as I was going straight to physical therapy, and I wished for sweatshirt! It's better now at work where I have on long pants and a sweater over my t-shirt!

    Knee is coming along, but man some days it seems like I make no progress. I go back to the doc on 8/9 and I'm hoping the x-ray shows some improvement. It does feel better, but I still can't squat more than about 6" and that's a nuisance when you need to get something from the back of the lower kitchen cabinet (which is where I keep my crockpot and I wanted it this am).

    I don't do tuna much either, mostly because we have salmon. I do get tired of chicken, and I occasionally buy 7% ground beef (can't get the 4% here) but I'm always leary of ground beef given all the recalls, etc. I often use a soy crumbles product (brand escapes me) for spaghetti sauce or chili. It's a little bland but DH never realizes until I tell him.
  • I'm doing heavier and heavier weights now after about two months, I've lost 11 pounds - and I'm going to rev it up for 15 or so more here in the next few months. I think weight training has really helped, I think it ups the metabolism. Now I need to go buy 20 and 25 lb dumbells! YES

  • Well, I can show my fridge today, yesterday I cleared it out. LOL. And did some shopping. Right now, it has some FF plain yogurt, left over steak, lettuce from the garden, and puddings for DD and DH. Oh, and berries from the farmers' market. yeah. LYDIA - love the Beck's Dark. Healthier right?

    My exercise was on the low side last week, mostly due to crazy work schedule and getting to bed too late. I work out first thing in the am, so if I don't get to it by 5 am - it don't get done. Maybe trying to get into a routine for the fall would work to rekick the motivation.

    I found some WW bread with double fiber that I like, because it is already sliced, it helps me with my portion control. If I am slicing the WW stuff from the bakery, I get out of control.

    I do head out to RI for a while to visit mom, and will be stopping at Daddy's Bread, great stuff, very wholesome, but again, back to the portion control. I will be getting only one loaf for the 6 days I hope.

    LYDIA has a great suggestion on mixing the CC with yogurt, probably better than the fruit/CC combos.

    SHAN - Nothing like a wedding to put everyone into diet overdrive. Glad to hear the recovery is going well. Yoga journal had a nice long article on yoga for people with larger bodies, they actually put it very nicely, anyway, the article stressed that like everything it is a matter of working into it. I find the yoga does make my whole day more smooth. I have found a Whole Grain white flour, King Arthur makes it, maybe it can help make the transition a little easier.

    Right now I seem to going for the upper body all the time, skipping the leg workouts, and of course the ab workouts don't seem to be so tiresome for the first 20 minutes. But the legs are just boring the heck out of me right now. Well, need to cull something new onto the cards and mix it up and get it moving. I know that it is because of the lunges, just do not like them at all.

    ELISA - No smacking heads please, glad to see you were up and about.

    I am in the midst of a fruit vs. veggies deliema now, though tomatoes are fruit technically, I need to keep on track with the fruit, I guess I just need portion control, no matter what I am having.

    LYNNE - A few slips on BFL are better than no BFL at all. Who knows when the whoosh will come off of your waist.

    Off to finish off the day, would love to get out early but was late with DD's dentist appointment. It is so quiet here today with everyone on vacation.

    Speaking of which - haven't seen my intern.
  • Quote: LYDIA - love the Beck's Dark. Healthier right?
    Liza: Well, no, the Blue Moon Belgium White Ale is healthier, you serve it with sliced oranges.
  • Hi everyone,

    Summer has made me a bit frazzled but I had to come by to check in with everyone.

    Shan, wishing you a speedy recovery.

    Elisa, way to go on the run to work.

    Fran, I am loving your fridge. Its so clean! And I can't wait for the video.

    I have to admit that I am faltering myself a bit. Food is still decent minus a couple of errant glasses of wine here and there. But the workouts are not as much work as I probably should be doing. The heat really zaps me (and the wine too probably). I am kind of at the point where I am trying not to loose "too much" muscle.

    Runs are great I am keeping up with about 20 or so miles a week which is really quite good for me. But I need to kick my butt in gear on the lifting. I get maybe 3 half hour workouts in a week and I ought to do more.

    Still it is so much better than what I was doing last year at this time (that would be nothing) so I have to give myself a little credit for how far I have come.

    I bought 2 watermelons the other day. I love fruit! My kids are big fruit fans and at the store they bug me more about berries than ice cream. This is good I think.

    Though I can't do the fruit-cottage cheese thing. I can't get my brain to say that is OK. I tend to mix cottage cheese with salad greens and garlic salsa and maybe a few onions or carrots.
  • Wow- everyone checked in! (almost)

    I mix cottage cheese with just about everything My usual 10 am meal is 1/2 cup ff cottage cheese mixed with psyllium husks, glutamine, a 1/2 cup Danon non fat yogurt (sometimes the atificially sweetened! don't tell when I post on the Whole Foods forum), and some berries. I mix it up the night before and the psyllium changes the consistency to a firmer pudding type theng. Really hard to describe but it tastes great and isn't messy to eat.

    I've found that the salty taste doesn't always correlate with the actual amount of sodium. The one brand I really don't like is Penn Maid (maybe it's local, do ya think?). It tastes really salty to me, but has no more sodium than ones that tastes completely unsalty. For a while I was on a kick with Friendship brand cc which has a much more ricotta like taste and consistency, but it's really hard to find around here.

    Congrats to everyone who is losing pounds, inches, centimeters I'm doing well with food and exercise, but my elliptical is not going to live much longer I don't think it was actually made to be used Repairing it costs almost as much as a new version of it- so I guess I'll just beat it into the ground and save my pennies for a better one.

    Lydia- have you ever been to the Irish Dubliner Festival? DD asked me if I wanted to go. I'm thinking it's not going to be real "clean food friendly", but sounds fun I'm headed out your direction in a week and a half. Can you refresh my memory on the name of that state park where you went bike riding along the river? Thanks!

    Gym today was chest and funky balance while doing chest exercises. My abs are permanently sore!
  • Mel: I've been to the Irish Festival a few times. I know Dublin really well...DH graduated from Dublin HS and Mom lives a block over from the park/rec center in which the festival is held. Its been almost five maybe more years since I had gone to one of the festivals. Its usually just so darn hot and I really don't like crowds. I do remember having a nice time and a lot of craft/arts vendors. The music is a great time too. As far as clean eating...I did not eat my meals there even back then. I went only for the entertainment so I really can't help you there. I did find a link to their list of food vendors this year. Good Luck Sister!

    If you do indulge may I strongly suggest in Jenni's ice cream. I don't know which flavors she will have there but I can endorse the Thai Peanut Chili. It has coconut, peanut butter and chili heat at the end...mmmm. Not that I've ever had it or anything.

    But hey, there is a 5k you could run on Thursday if you want an extra workout.

    The town we went to for the biking trails is in Yellow Springs Ohio. It's a rails to trails program and does pass through some really nice properties.

    The park that we went hiking in is right outside Yellow Springs.

    If you are looking to spend some time in the parks I would suggest either one of these locations. Both are great fun. And I"m not even going to tell you about Youngs Dairy....

    And if you are able to bypass all of those ice cream traps while visiting DD you can always hit Greaters in Upper Arlington on your way out. I won't tell anyone. Swear.
  • Wednesday
    LYDIA - I ordered a Sam Adams Summer Ale last week, it came with a lemon wedge, oh, I say to myself, Vitamin C, now if it came with a lime I could fight off scurvy, which of course is why I drink G&Ts. Quinine and all.

    Walked in from DD's summer camp. We are downsizing to become a single vehicle family, and there isn't really any need for me to be driving in the city. With a little planning we can make this work plus I will have the added benefit of the increase in walking between places and bus stops if nothing else.

    Woke up with a very sore back, not sure why, but took it easy on the workout this morning.

    Portion control is working on the scale, of course.

    MEL - We have the Friendship CC here but I haven't tried it yet. I am on the local Cabot Farms, with lots of live cultures and stuff and like the taste now that I have gotten used to it. Funny how some equipment was not designed to be used, just to look good or maybe your elliptical was made to be a clothes horse.

    This coming week at my mom's I am going to the beach at least once and plan to take the cooler with me for clean eating, none of that fried dough at the beach for me. Also, been reading the water reports, I know my city water is one of the best as is Boston in general. I think I will treat myself to a new water bottle while in the square for lunch today. Back on the water is a great feeling. I need to back off of the iced coffee, even decat makes me look at the pastry case.