Monday Weigh-In's Here

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  • I just wanted to wish everyone a wonderful weekend. Good luck to everyone on WI on Monday. I can't weight. I'm excited. I have not weighed myself yet this week. I am hopeing for a wonderful weight loss. I feel really good this week. I have worked out twice this week. 50 minutes each time. Good luck to everyone this week. Later.
  • Just checkin out the thread where i will be posting my weigh in on monday.Good luck everyone,see you on monday!!
  • AMY- you found us! yeaaah I am so glad!
  • Thanks Jodi!!!
  • Yes!! Good bye 230's!I am down 4 lbs this morning.I am so happy to be out of the 230's.I am half way to my march goal already!How is everyone else doing.I will check back later to see how everyone did.Hope everyone has a great weigh in.
  • Yeah its a MONDAY weigh in!
    Beginning weight: 205.5
    Todays weight: 197 (lost 5.5 from last week) ~ I was up .5 today from yesterday
    Small Goal: 189
    Final Goal: 132

    Had a really good week. I've been so motivated.

    Amy ~ GOOD JOB! Keep setting small goals and they seem easier to achieve. I do the SAME thing.
  • Tina- your plan seems to working out GREAT!!! Way to go- we are at the same spot, only you got there a heck of a lot quicker. Though now my dr seems to be leaning toward my weight being a symptom of a medical problem. Hopefully if it is, when/if I start on medicine for it, it will help me lose!

    Amy- You are doing great! She's in the 20's whoowhoo she's in the 20's whoowhoo

    Ok, I am just being silly! I am so happy for you girls. I am the same this week. But that is something! No gain is good enough for ME!!!!
  • Jodie ~ i'm sure that your medical worries have to do with your weight as well. my mom wants me to go see a dr. that takes blood tests and he also can tell alot about a person by the areas they gain the weight. For example people (like me) that gain it mostly in their midsection are producing too much insuline. So these people need to eat more protein and often. And sugar is like poison for these people. So it goes along with what i'm doing pretty much.

    Let me know how the drs. results go? Does your Dr. believe in natural remedies? I hope he doesn't put you on a bunch of medicine. I believe we respond better to natural stuff usually...but there are times that we need to take certain medicines. Well, have a great week....and Jodi see you over at the chit chat!

  • I weighed in today and I am down 5.2!!! I'm glad I did so well, but I do know that next week when it's the second week, I won't lose as much. I'm a veteran of WW so I know the cycles in which I lose weight. I just want to make sure I go to the gym so that I can lose inches as well :-)
  • Hey Everyone!
    Well I'm back from Portugal, was really active over there, surfing every morning and a bit of mountain biking..but I also ate and drank with abandon so was a bit worried having not weighed in for 2 weeks!
    I lost 1.5!
    So so pleased.

    I hope eveyone is doing well, I have so much work to catch up on so will have to read all your news later.
    Hi to all the Newbies too! I'm Caro, 28, longterm WWer but on the wagon again and doing well!

    Have a great week
  • Caro- You did great! I just knew that you would do well since you would be doing so many activities. See, you had nothing to worry about.

    Cyntheria- WTG! you had a great week. Just keep pluggin away and it will come off. I know this time around my body just isn't doing what it did before in WW, but I think there may be a medical reason for that.

    Tina- I have a small waist (a huge difference between hips and waist- even when I was thinner that was the case). My fat is in my upper arms and my lower gut. My grandma was built like that too. I also have bigger hips.I know the waist/hip ratio is supposed to tell drs something too, maybe about the heart? Do you know?
    Honestly, I haven't seen my dr much. She was getting onto me that it had been 3 yrs since she had seen me and 2 yrs before that. But from her treatment of my hubby she goes with medicine, not natural.

    It's funny how I haven't been to the dr for so long and now I am anxious to find out my results. I let it all go on so long cause I would rather not know, but now that I have taken the blood tests, I am ready to know. I went back this morning to have additional tests the dr ordered. The dr had faxed paperwork to the hospital so I didn't get to see what the paper said, I did only see one box checked, but couldn't see what it was for.
  • down 2... yippee.... great job this week everyone!
  • great job on the 2 lbs down!
  • Hello everyone!!! Congrats on everyone's loss'. I didn't lose anything this week. I remained the same. I am perfectly happy with that, considering I ate out all weekend. And not the good choices for doing that either. Anyway's, just wanted to check it and congrat everyone for their wonderfull loses. Here's to another wonderful week. Good luck everyone. Later.
  • Shanell- you know I was told the other day that staying the same is as hard as losing. So I think you need to be congratulated too! 1/2 of our weight battle is won between our ears, and I think your mindset is really good. You will get there!!! We all will.

    I hope you are having a good week everyone!