300+...and ready to try AGAIN!....#510...

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  • God Bless America!

    We want to invite everyone to join us in our journey.
    We share laughter and tears.
    We share what works for us and what doesn't.
    We recently started a Topic of the Day.

    Monday........Motivation Monday
    Tuesday.......Tuesday Tips
    Wednesday.....Wednesday Weigh ins
    Thursday......Thankful Thursday
    Friday........Friday Facials, Fingernails and Fun
    Saturday.......Sit-up Saturdays - any physical activity
    Sunday.........Soup and Salad Sunday - recipes

    We are currently taking a poll regarding the best time for us all to get together and chat.

    These are not required topics ...just ideas to share. We have found them very helpful. We also share heartaches and fears...joys and celebrations.

  • Hello everyone.

    Miss Meliss... Thanks for starting the new thread. You need to go delete the chat portion of the opening. We are taking a poll on chat and when would be the best time and day. Everyone be sure to check out the poll and share your input.

    I can't post now. I was just checking in before I go pay some bills online before midnight. LOL I will try to get back but no promises. I have out of town company coming this weekend and I am NOT anyway near ready for them.
  • OH NO... I just heard from my doctor..... She got the results to my blood tests....
    Contrary to Barb who is trying so hard to get pregnant.... I on the other hand am a 53 year old GRANDMA. I am extremely obese... I can hardly walk.
    Well ... the doctor said that blood tests shows that I am PREGNANT !!!!
    This would be great if I were young and thin... but not now... I am a grandma.
    I can hardly believe it... I have not told my husband yet.
    I know all of the old timers knew better...
    I did this same line 2 years ago today. LOL

    I wanted to post my little story I wrote last year... but could not find it.
    I could not believe no one had posted yet today.
    I was not going to do it and let someone else do the first April Fools joke... but you guys slept in too late.

    Have a great day ... I just did.
  • Hi ladies!

    April's Fools Day!

    No time this morning - have to type quickly before the battery runs out.

    It's time to get the body ready for summer! Come join us on the challenge thread and work that body!

    Thin - Thanks for the sticky and yes, you can unsticky the old one.

    Have a great day everyone! Make it a OP day!

    I'm thankful to God for the life that I have including all the great friends here!
  • Hello Girls. I have been going to the doctor every two weeks. She ended up giggling at me because I was going to weigh. No other scale will weigh me due to my size. She laughed at me and told me I was welcome to come down once a week, and that I didn’t have to pay just to weigh. So now I am seeing her once a month instead and plan to go every Monday to weigh. I thought it was funny.

    I’ve lost a total of 21 pounds since March 7th! Pretty pleased with that.

    2Cute: LOL Good one. I was so shocked I didn’t scroll down until after I finished stuttering.

    Miss: I LOVE Salad. You should try homemade salad. They are never as good at fast food restaurants like MacDonald’s. I’ll give you my favorite salad recipe by prep.

    I shred these things so you can eat them in a salad. Generally it’s tough to eat them in a salad unless you shred them. Even sliced these things are tricky and tend to settle at the bottom so you don’t actually get much out of them.

    Mushroom (I like mushroom shredded because you only get a little bit of the flavor at one time, a whole slice of mushroom can be yucky)

    Chopped or sliced:
    Lettuce (salads with the lettuce being the only leafy vegetable aren’t worth much. Lettuce has almost no real nutritional value. All you get from it is liquid.)
    Fresh Spinach (unless you get baby spinach and then you just toss it in)
    Bell Pepper
    Egg (for protein, and you can also shred this as well. It’s good either way)
    Red Cabbage (this can actually be shredded too but it’s just as easy to slice it)

    And then you just toss in some bean sprouts.

    The cool thing about this is if you cant eat salads without dressing you can add fruit instead of dressing. Fresh Pineapple is best. It adds a great tart sweet flavor without adding a lot of fat. Oranges or strawberries can also make it good. You can also change up the recipe. Put in just the baby spinach, chunk chop some avocado and add granny smith or golden delicious apples squirt lime juice over the top…and you have an apple avocado salad. If you like spicy food, chopped jalapeño can also be a substitute for dressing.

    Barb: You are one tough lady. If it hurts, or gets frustrating, or you feel like giving up just think about it like child birth. You’ll forget it all the minute your kid gets here. Good luck, God Bless.

    I meant to get everyone. I am sorry I didn’t. I am running a garage sale and it’s 7:30. I have to get outside.

    I hope you girls are all doing great. Thank you all for your support and great stories. Enjoy April Fools!

    Big Hugs,

  • Nice ideas about salad, there Blue! I just wanted to add my two cents...there are lots of decent low fat salad dressings out there....lots of people just can't eat them without dressing, so don't miss out on how good salads are for you because dressing is high cal. Moderation is always the key. Also, salsa is a great dressing too...no points either! BTW, congrats on the 21 lbs...AWESOME!

    Meliss...Re: Yoga. I'm certainly not able to do all the Yoga moves perfectly, (very few can, though!) But you just do the best that you can. I've seen all sizes and ages in the classes I've taken. At some point I just had to decide what's more important? Participating in something that I enjoy AND is good for me ~or~ staying away because I think I'm too fat. So much of this struggle has to do with attitude. I'm learning that I'm certainly entitled to join in things not normally associated with FAT people!

    I've got to get moving...lots to do today.

    Hubby is coming home tomorrow!!
  • hey!
    Duckie & MISS MELISS.

  • hi chicks
    just finished a very stressful week at work. state was there to check us. stayed op tho and lost 6 lbs, i have been in a slump.

    anybody do tae boe? i can get the tapes for $11. are they worth it?

    blue 21 is awesome.

    2 cute- good joke. i was really feeling for you.

    duckie & miss meliss- happy birthday. pat
  • Hi Gals!!!
    I hope you are all having a good day. Mine has been rather nutty. It started with getting to work this morning and my desk being gone - No, it wasn't an April Fools joke. My company is very interesting - we have a "campus" of about 6 buildings. No one has an office, no cubbies, all the furniture (desks, file cabinets, bookshelves) are on wheels. All the network and electric cables drop down from pythons in the ceiling. The president creative this open environment to promote teamwork, everything is portable so that moves are easy and everyone can move themselves. So, today we were scheduled to move. I got to the office at 8:30 thinking I'd get some work done and then move. I walked over to my spot and someone had already pushed all my stuff aside. It was rather frustrating. Then I had a co-worker in all day that I had to work with. Then meetings and what not. Now I am just taking care of a few things before getting ready for Survivor night!

    Yoga went well last night. I had no idea what to expect from it. What I found was a group of 10-15 men and women of all sizes and ages. One lady befriended me and helped me feel more comfortable. The instructor was amazing. The most soothing, relaxing person I think I have ever met. He warmly welcomed me and made me feel comfortable. Was I able to do everthing? NO WAY! I tried though. I have a few sore muscles today. He did a lot of things that involved sitting on your knees - what an uncomfortable position. But, I did it, enjoyed it, and I'll do it again! I also picked up a couple yoga tapes at Target.

    Jennifer - WELCOME!!! Congratulations on your loss thus far!! You seem to have a positive attitude!!! I hope you will join us often for support and friendship! This is the best bunch of women I have ever met!

    Terri - Yikes - yesterday sounded like a long day! I hope today was better and you weren't up so early!

    Mellisa - I hope you had a good day at work. Sounds like you've been busy.

    2cute - MEAN, MEAN, MEAN!!!! But very funny! You had me for a minute!!

    Blue - That's very nice of your Doc letting you come in to weigh! It's great that you have such a supportive Doc. Congratulations on your loss!!! Thanks for the salad ideas. THANK YOU for the kind words about my baby mission! Actually my brother is calling it our "Little Project". We were on the phone yesterday and he said, "so how is your little project" going on?" I just found it amusing!

    Kat - I agree, I can't eat salad without dressing, but luckily there are some good low-fat ones out there no! I hope all is well with you!



    Hubby is on his way home. Gotta Go!

    Hi to everyone I missed!!!

    Love Ya!
  • Thanks for the congrats Kat!

    WOW Right on Barb! Yoga is definitely cool. I’ve wanted to try it but I live in a tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinny town. No yoga instructors here. I think I’ll stick to the simple stuff and move on to yoga when I am in a place where I can have an actual instructor. Anyway, congrats! Glad you enjoyed it.

    Paper Doll: I really wouldn’t recommend Tae Boe to anyone who is overweight. I found I couldn’t do it very long without risking sore muscles and I do not work out if my muscles are sore. I was listening to a trainer talk, he was great, really straight forward. He said that there is no use in the ~no pain no gain~ philosophy, think about it more like, ~muscle pain means no train~. I agree. I focus on workouts that will simply keep me loosing weight. I like Richard Simmons. It is simple and it is easy to gauge how much you are doing, and how much is too much. Sweating to the Oldies is my favorite. Disco Sweat is ok. I can do the whole thing but it’s really not very fun as far as I am concerned. I also like belly dancing for fun and fitness, though it isn’t my most practical exercise. Most of the time I walk. I also find just getting out of the house and doing extra cleaning, arranging, and the such is good exercise. We’ve been cleaning out our garage. I am dragging my mom tooth and nail into the de-clutter stage of our transformation. It’s definitely been a work out.


    Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday to you
    Happy biiiiiiiiiiirthday girlies
    Happy birthday to you

    Ok gotta go…taking my aunt on some errands.
    Big hug guys!
  • Hi ladies!

    I'm going to sneak in a post here while DH is making dinner and I'm sitting on the couch waiting for Survivor. Then The Apprentice.

    DH and I moved the refrig out tonight and did some cleaning. Then we drug the airdyne stationary bike upstairs. Its for him to use to exercise. Now he can't use the excuse that its too hard to negotiate the stairs.

    Tomorrow I go to the foot doc to see how my foot is healing. I am Sooo ready for this thing to come off.

    I've requested the second Stephanie Plum book from the library! Right now I'm reading What Looks Like Crazy on an Ordinary Day. Really good.

    Happy Birthday Duckie and Meliss!

    Barb - Good job on the yoga. I have an old tape that I drag out now and then and it feels so good. That's funny about how your desks are set up.

    Blue - I ditto the thanks on the salad ideas. Great ideas for my lunch next week! I may have to try the ideas about the fruit instead of dressing. Although, I usually require dressing. on your loss!!

    Pat - for your loss as well! Good job in spite of a tough week. I have had tae bo tapes for several years and love them. I think it depends on how strong your legs and knees are. I have been biking for a number of years and have a lot leg muscle which helps with the endurance and avoiding injury. I personally love the arm moves because it works the kinks out of the back. I wouldn't recommend it as a beginning exercise though.

    2Cute - Now the real joke would be if you found out your were. Did you see American Idol this week? I can't believe that redheaded John is still around. Although he's only a kid so I'd feel sorry for him if he got voted off.

    Hello to everyone else! Have a great evening! Time for din-din!
  • Hey everyone

    I've been going through massive emotional upheavals in my private life. I desperately need to share them with someone, but I'm not quite ready to be that open yet. Last night it was so bad that I spent at least 4 hours sobbing and finally managed to fall asleep for a whopping hour and a half. Today it all came about, but I still feel so drained.

    The good side of all this is that I am still OP. Sometimes staying OP is the easiest when things are insane around me. It is like sticking to a plan gives me some measure of direct control, and I find myself hanging on for dear life. I also hopped on the scales this morning at Curves and am down 4 lbs. from Tuesday.

    I went in to the specialist today and got my breast biopsy appointment scheduled. It will be the 12th. The nurse writing all my info down goes to Curves with me, and she was so sweet to tell me that I've lost 22 lbs. since my last visit to this doctor. And... someone start a drum roll for me, please?! You know the blood pressure cuffs? Well, for the first time in at least 9 years, the regular size fit me! She knew that was a huge accomplishment for me and we both did a high five.

    I'm still way behind on reading posts and have 3 articles to work on writing tonight. I'll try to get back to doing replies soon!

  • I'm still around and still not feeling really good. The meds seem to be clearing the cough and conjestion, but make me feel drained. So I have nothing to say except Hello.
  • Hello again!

    Andria - I'm sorry to hear that you're going through a difficult time. Feel free to share if and when you're ready. You know we care and are here to help. I must have missed that you needed to have a biopsy. You'll be in my prayers. Get some rest. Good job on making those improvements in your health; its always feels great to see those kinds of rewards.

    And a to you too, Barb.g. I'm sorry to see that you're still not feeling well. Take care of yourself and don't try to do too much until you're feeling stronger.

    I've missed the first 15 minutes of CSI so have no clue what's going on. I'm taping the Trump show to watch tomorrow.
