Steel Magnolias -- #346

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  • "Gma" -- No, we don't have air conditioning at the high school . . . well, sort of. They have put air conditioning in the computer labs and the media center but the electrical stuff wasn't big enough so none of it is hooked up; the electricians are doing whatever they have to do to make it work. The principal said that perhaps it will be done by Christmas! They are talking of doing classrooms, one by one, eventually. Our middle school is air conditioned and it is so cold that the teachers wear long sleeves all the time. We have our workshop meetings there and everyone brings sweaters and jackets. Something's wrong with that picture. All of the administrators sit in air conditioning of course! Two of our elementary buildings are the old two story style and the newer one is on one level but it is also outdated. They are going to present a bond issue to have one large grade school built across the street from the middle school. I personally doubt that it will pass; it took our middle school bond issue 7 tries before it passed and that 14 years ago. How do you know how much of what to take for your natural remedies? I would like a cure for hot flashes!!!!!!

    I am ready for another shower as I just finished watering flowers outside. It's cooled down to 81 degrees with a heat index of 90. It is so very dry here; the yard has turned brown and I'm about ready to give up on my flowers. They are looking good for this time of year, but I have to water them every night.

    Have a terrific Thursday, Flowers!

    Jean -- from Iowa!
  • Friday

    Not much out of the ordinary happening around here happening. I got the new WW magazine and will read it cover to cover today.

    JEAN our flower also need lots of loving care. We deep water some of the plants every few days and that seems to keep them going.

    FAYE when we go to NM in October we are going to go to Gallop and maybe Shiprock. We don't have enough time this trip to go to Santa Rosa or Taos.

    Everyone have a good day and a lovely and safe weekend.
  • Good Afternoon, Flowers!
    It is Friday and I am a happy camper! We had a full day of school today; the morning wasn't too bad but the afternoon got a bit sticky and hot. The roofers leave at noon on Fridays so it was peaceful and quiet this afternoon! All of the pounding sounds like they are tearing the building apart block by block. Every once in a while they drop something and I swear it is going to fall on through.

    Maggie -- I picked up an 'O' magazine but haven't had a chance to look at it. Last months issue had some good diet and exercise stuff in it. If I could only find someone to do my cooking for me, I would have it made!

    Have a nice weekend, Flowers! Where is everyone?

    Jean -- from Iowa!
  • Happy Saturday!
    The kid across the street evidently got a new stereo system for his car and I can hear the bass pounding clear over here. Not my kind of noise!

    Hope you all are having a nice weekend!

    Jean -- in Iowa!
  • Saturday

    It is a great day here for top down driving. We went to the coffee roasting place where we love to buy our coffee. He roasts it special for us and we get it so fresh and warm from the roaster that way. My favorite is Hazelnut and he roasts it better than every I had before. He sells it in the market also but then the market has to tack on it's profit so we just go to the source since it is a great drive through the moutains that we love.

    JEAN does your police department ticket people that have excessive noise polution like those boom box kids with those blaster systems in their cars? They have really shut down on them here for sure. Today there was a guy following us in the mountains with such loud music it seemed to shake my little convertable. We pulled over and let him speed on past to the waiting officer around the bend. Life is good. I don't know if he got stopped for his noise or his excessive speed but he needed a talking too none the less.

    I don't know where I got this but it just happened today. Probably came from those critical downloads Microsoft had to insert into my machine after I had to do a "restore" on this baby. Anyway what happens is when I read your posts some words are underlined in brown. They will take me to a web site that deals with that subject. Like on yours today the word "car" was underlined and if I clicked on it it would take me to a place with discount rates for them and also the "stereo system" was underlined and would take me to another web site for discount equipment. Interesting. All those critical downloads that I have put on this computer since I got were wiped out when I did the "restore" to get rid of a problem I was having. The problem is gone and with it lots of my downloads. This interesting little addition came from one of the Microsoft goodies that automaticlly got downloaded. Do you also have this feature? Freaked me out when I saw those words underlined in brown. Computers are amazing things. I won't go into what all I had to do for that "restore" ~ I am so glad it wasn't a virus or a worm or a bug. If I was a hair puller I would be bald is all I will say about that experience.

    Hope everyone is having a nice weekend. We are going to grill some steaks on the barbie this evening and have a nice green salad with them and green beans. Ya'll come!
  • Good Evening, Flowers!
    It is still 92 degrees as I type, with 60% humidity. It was supposed to cool down into the 80s tomorrow but the TV and weatherbug both say 90+ again. We'll see -- I could use another early dismissal day tomorrow!

    Maggie -- Our local PD does a lot of traffic checks around this town simply because of who is living here. All warnings/tickets are now labeled WM or WF (white male, white female), AM or AF (Asian), or HM/HF (Mexican) and we (whites) are being stopped for really stupid things like dim tail lights or dirty head lights then given a warning. That's in case there is ever any question about discrimination. SL has one less police officer than Fort Dodge and we have about 20,000+ less people than they do. We have seat belt checks every weekend and sometimes during the week if there is a holiday or special event going on. I wouldn't be surprised if they give tickets for noise but I've never heard of any. So far I have been lucky and avoided any of the new worms and viruses out there. I'm glad you were able to restore and fix it. I do have the automatic Microsoft download.

    We spent most of the afternoon visiting grandchildren and their parents. Madaline isn't too exciting yet except when she opens her eyes which means she's about raise a stink because she's hungry. She is the wiggliest baby when she sleeps! Ian is taking more steps all the time and is so proud of himself. His parents want to go to Maui in March and have asked us (me) to babysit for the week. They have access to a time share there but I just hate to see them leave him for so long. I initially said "no" and now I feel a little guilty. I would have to take the time off from my job and I'm not sure that would go over too well as long as it is not an emergency. Their other option is their sitter who lives right across the street and has a little boy 6 weeks older than Ian plus a 2 year old and 2 middle school aged girls.

    I need to get my ducks in a row for tomorrow so better get going. Have a marvelous Monday, Flowers!

    Jean -- from Iowa!
  • Well, dh and I are taking dgs to see Monsters Inc on Ice at the incredibly disgusting price of $152 for the three of us. Have you ever heard of anything so awful! Sheesh! You even have to pay full price for dgs and he is three for heaven's sake. Oh well, the price of being a grandparent! (he gets dinner out too!)

    Pool was closed yesterday so I did 3-15 minute routines on my glider. I only have one week left before the pool closes so I want to be able to get in it everyday, but for some reason it wasn't open at all yesterday. I am getting ready to go check in just a minute.

    Our power went out this morning so genius that I am thought, "Well, you can't see to read, can't watch tv or post so why not exercise." BIG DUMB MOVE! It is very hot, very sticky here and I was drenched in sweat but I got 15 minutes in so I only have 2 more to go. If my feet didn't start hurting so badly from standing still, I could do more because I am not tired and the hips aching have subsided now too.

    Well, girlies, better check the pool availability.

    Have a nice day!

  • Good Afternoon!
    It's hotter than hot here again today . . . 97 degrees. Even the kids were too hot to act up in class . . . we got out at 1:00 again today. The teachers are in hopes that some parents will start complaining and maybe we will start after Labor Day like the law says we should!

    "Gma" -- I take it that "Monsters on Ice" is for kids, right? I agree that the tickets are a bit pricey. But if you only get the chance once in your life, go for it! I sure would. I hope your power is back on . . . it's much too hot to be without air conditioning! Does it get so cold that the pool water would freeze? Guess I need to go check the map. Our pool is supposed to be open over the Labor Day weekend but only if they can get enough lifeguards to work.

    Have a nice day, Flowers, and stay cool!

    Jean -- from Iowa!
  • Howdy out there! We did some shopping today for Will's birthday party on the first and thank goodness for air conditioning. There will be upward of 25 people coming and what fun! I bought little bottles of bubbles to give one to each person.

    JEAN I didn't have a virus or a worm ~ this computer has been having a glitch in the windows system since I bought it. I think I finally got it figured out though. But just in case ~ since it is still under warrantee ~ they are sending me the "restore" cd set from the factory. I made restore cds when I first got this but if the glitch was there from the beginning than ~ DUH ~ they would have the glitch in them. I finally convinced that fact to a nice person I talked to in Nova Scotia. The lady I talked with in India was most helpful in helping me with some of the settings also. You just never know which country you are getting help from when you dial the 800 number. I find it quite interesting to talk with people from other countries.

    FAYE OUCH that is quite spendy to see that ice show. I think I might have just bought the DVD if they make one. But that is so nice of you to take your little tyke to the show. Hopefully he will remember the occasion. I still have memories when I was that age so chances are he will be making fond memories with your excursions.
  • Hi All,

    No, I'm not dead, but if this puppy doesn't grow up soon, I may be She's wearing me out. Actually I shouldn't complain, as I took her to be spayed last Mon., and they had to keep her until Friday because she kept opening her incision. I noticed today that there's about a 2" opening in the incision, so off we go again tomorrow.

    I go to the doc tomorrow re: my stinking shoulder. Everyone says it sounds like a torn rotator cuff.......I thought my only option was surgery, but my neighbor the PT told me tonight that PT often will fix it as long as I"m not planning to be playing pro hockey or something. This is the reason I haven't been on line. It hurts to type, for whatever reason.

    Jean, I'm sorry you're back at school. Our Jr high was airconditioned, but was regulated from the state dept of ed in Charleston.........if that isn't a crock! Last week they had a county wide meeting at our school, since it has AC. The gal in charge had called Charleston two weeks in advance to be sure they had the AC wasn't, and my friend said it was unbearable. My cousin, who also is a retired teacher, called this AM. We were commiserating for you poor folks who are back at school,, and revelling in the fact we're not.

    My shoulder is saying to go to bed.
  • Good morning ladies!

    Maggie: When we bought our computer it was installed with windows ME and that is the absolute worse one. It locks up our computer we get weird error messages and have to restart, etc. We just need to go out and buy a new windows version and install it. Thomas has the DVD of the movie and songs but also indulgent grandparents!

    Jean: Man, your town sounds like it is locked down tight as far as the police are concerned. We're lucky around here if we ever SEE a police car that isn't at the donut shop. An off duty policeman on Sunday hit a driver head on and killed him here (he had been drinking and lost control of his truck). Where are the friendly cops on the beat of the old days that KNEW their job?

    Bubbles: The dog will get the hang of it sooner or later. Take care of your shoulder. My dh dislocated his years ago playing baseball on the air stations team and ended up finally having to have surgery because it would pop out in a variety of situations. The last one was when we were at a friends house swimming and he was in the pool when it happened. Their pool only had the metal ladders so getting him out was awful so we went straight to the emergency room!

    I am getting an hour in the pool now and 3-15 minute glider routines. Countdown to the close of the pool has started. Boy am I going to miss that come Tuesday.

    I am entered to walk a 4.7 mile walk for breast cancer on Oct 4 with dd. I do not think I can walk the whole thing, but I am going to give it the ole college try.

    Have a good Tuesday ladies and stay cool!

  • Good Afternoon, Flowers!
    Another early dismissal today and the temperature is even a bit lower. The humidity is up though and the building was like walking into an oven this morning. The roofers are back banging around and stinking the place up. One of the teachers had a good idea . . . they should take their weekend during the week and work when we're not there. Then we'd only have to put up with them for 2 days instead of 4!

    Maggie -- We are having Jason's 30th birthday party this Saturday. Actually, Amanda has planned it and is using our house because we have more room. His birthday is the 3rd, the same day as our anniversary. When I had my first computer, Beth was working for Gateway's security dept. As I visited with the tech. support lady, I mentioned that maybe she would see Beth walking around the department. That lady was sitting in Arkansas while Beth was in N. Sioux City, So. Dakota! I just assumed I was getting a "local" 800#! I don't think I've ever talked to anyone outside the U.S.

    Bubbles -- Sorry to hear about your shoulder! My dad had a torn rotator cuff and the doctor told him he couldn't do any more damage to it and surgery wasn't an option. My FIL had the surgery and never did get the full range of motion back. He just wanted to be able to play golf and he could do that so he was happy. Good luck! This "No Child Left Behind" is proving, daily, to be more and more of a farce! We had one kid say he wasn't gonna read and no one was gonna make him! Out of 5 days, he's be in class 2! He has a trial date coming up so we are in hopes they will ship him off somewhere else!

    "Gma" -- In the paper today, a person driving in a neighborhood reported a body laying in the yard. When the police investigated, the guy was drunk (standard procedure for that area of town) so they took him to the hospital and then to jail for public intox. It's never dull around this town and that's why I don't go out after dark (alone)! Isn't it too hot to be in the pool? Good luck on the cancer walk -- I don't think I could do it because since it's been so hot we quit walking. Have to get back at it again!

    Have a nice "rest of the day" Flowers!

    Jean -- in Iowa!
  • Just pulling this thread up. It's another hot day in my corner of the world. We need rain badly but it is too late to do any good for any of the crops around the area.

    Hope you are keeping cool!

    Jean -- from Iowa!

    Well, I posted last night and had a great long post.....then poof!!!! It disappeared!!!!! Well at that point I just said wait until tomorrow.

    MAGGIE: Hope you are having good weather for your Labor Day party. It sounds like you will have a good time. Also congratulations on your latest loss at the iron monster.

    JEAN: Enjoy your party and I know it is a birthday party but I am sure you are more interested in the youngest members of your family. Hope they get your school roof done soon so you won't have to live through that smell when you start having classes.

    FAYE: It's too bad that they won't keep the pool open longer, even through September would be nice.

    BUBBLES: Take care of that shoulder...I never had a rotator cuff problem but had bursitis in my shoulder and that, too, is a pain.
    Don't let your dogs pull at you when you walk them or do you let them walk off leash. Here it is leash walking only.

    Today was a great weather was sunny, warm..low 70's and no humidity. It felt so good that I even washed my kitchen floor. I had planned to do it last week but we had DD#2's dog last weekend and then it was too hot to even consider it. It is done now and looks great. Remind me why I ever thought a white floor was a good idea.

    Gloria in MA....enjoying the cooler weather.
  • Friday

    I still am stunned that I lost a pound at weigh in yesterday because I totally expected a gain. OH MY ~ it may come and haunt me next week after a good week. Got the new WW material and it is so much like the Wendie plan I have been following that it is bound to work for folks. I am going to give it a go like it is written before I tweek it to fit my system. It may just work for me the way it is written. I bought the new calculator and it is super!

    We got all the stuff for the huge BBQ on Monday in celebration of Will's umpteen yesrs of his 39th birthday. We got huge number candles to put on the which is a baseball diamond including players. We got a 39 and a ? to go on the cake. This birthday isn't even one of those numbers which adults usually celebrate like this. Not one of those 5's or 0's years.