When asked how much you've lost

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  • So i work next to a super market that i go in daily. Well people see me as well as my clients every 4-6 weeks and since my loss is more noticeable I get asked how much I've lost... So what does everyone say when asked? Do you answer honestly with a #? Or do you give a vague answer? Ive been telling the number bit today I answered the question around 4 times to different people (I've lost 62) and I feel kinda ashamed cause of how high it is... Hah what am I gonna say/do when it's over 100lb??
  • When I feel like being a wiseass, I say "a lot" when asked. People usually push for a number, though 8D

    Most of the time I just answer honestly. I've had some great conversations about fitness, weight loss, etc. just from my loss getting mentioned at some point.

    I wasn't always comfortable doing that though, so I used to just say: "oh..I don't weigh myself." You people all know that is a BIG GIANT LIE since I was a daily weigher...
  • I answer with the number and I generally include jean size as well. My weight loss is impressive, my size loss is even more impressive because I lift weights. I love using that to try to encourage more people to lift, especially women who think they need to stick to light weight or they will 'bulk up'.
  • Quote: I answer with the number and I generally include jean size as well. My weight loss is impressive, my size loss is even more impressive because I lift weights. I love using that to try to encourage more people to lift, especially women who think they need to stick to light weight or they will 'bulk up'.

    I mention that along with my weight loss too I love seeing people's reactions to the fact that I lift weights.

    I get a lot of compliments on my arms, especially at my gym. When people ask I always mention that it was diet and lots of heavy lifting!

    Usually people assume I run for hours and hours, but I tell them I hate running so I don't do it! I just lift weights and take spin classes
  • I don't give a number. I'm often asked and it's usually not because anyone wants me to help them lose weight or get healthy; it always feels like they're asking for the "wow" factor and I find it intrusive. I answer "a lot", and I don't feel obligated to give more information if pressed. I just try to change the direction of the conversation to saying that I'm happy to be active, fit, and healthy now.

    I just had this happen on Sunday. A woman from our congregation asked for a number because she was telling her daughter-in-law about my weight loss (ugh, bugs me when people do that) and wanted to report back with more details. Grumble.

    It's your story, not theirs. If you don't feel comfortable sharing, then don't feel pressured to give details you're not ready to share.
  • I got away with, "It must be at least 30 pounds" - choosing a number that wasn't a lie as well as one that people ignorant enough to ask such a question would be satisfied with. That worked for me even when the exact figure was 81 pounds. Go figure.
  • I revel in it. Today I was all "9 POUNDS BABY!!!" to my coworker who I haven't seen in a while. LOL!

    then she slipped up and said "and you've lost 8 pounds" and I interrupted and said "um, 9 pounds not 8!!!"

    I have worked SO HARD for every pound - I will keep doing this if anyone asks me until I get to goal!

    (p.s. I realize you were referring to losing 62 pounds, and at one point I was 200 pounds and lost 40 and still said 40 and was proud of every pound)
  • I am proud of the number. It's not a secret I was fat... people ARE surprised at the number, but mostly because people aren't honest about their weight, I think. I wasn't fooling anyone.

    But you could be vague... "over 20" or whatever you're comfortable with saying.
  • i dont think ive ever been asked for an exact number...but i KNOW i'm not comfortable sharing that...im not sure how i'd answer that if cornered but i know i wouldnt give out real numbers lol
  • I give the number and I'm proud of it.
  • It's really interesting to see how everyone has responded on how you all react to questions, I guess I'm ashamed more in myself as to how much I left myself go.
  • I always answer with the exact number. Nothing to be ashamed of -- on the contrary!

  • I used to be exact when asked, but I got more than a few reactions that really surprised me like "I had no idea that you were that heavy" to people actually saying "You were that fat?" So these days I take the vague route... I'm polite.. I just smile... and deflect the conversation to something along the lines of... Oh, yeah... I'm running more"... or whatever... and that's pretty much the end of it
  • No one's even noticed I've lost weight...wow..thats actually really sad and depressing. But I don't know how I would respond if I was asked.
  • owlsteazombies - I wouldn't be so sure that nobody has noticed. Many people don't want to bring it up because they think it would be rude. You better think of a response though, because eventually you'll make them not be able to help themselves.