Some mini-goals are more exciting than others

  • I've had such a thrill this morning, and my first mini goal that is a really important one to me (I made like 40 mini goals because crossing things off a list feels like I'm getting somethign done hehe). I've left the 300s! When I woke up and weighed myself at 298.2 I finally really felt like the lifestyle changes I have made this year are really panning out.

    Do you have mini goals that mean more to you than others?
  • Congrats Pacifica Bee!!

    I guess every day is a mini goal, making it through and staying on target.
    They all have meaning, somewhat of a different meaning, but they are all important in their own right.
  • I'm just starting out and just starting to think about setting mini goals for my journey, but a HUGE milestone for me will be getting to 199. Onederland AND 75 lbs down from my starting weight.

    That's still a ways off (*sigh*)...but I can't wait!
  • I just hit the 50 pound mark this morning, and that felt like a big goal to me. When I leave the 300s, I will be sooo excited! Good for you!
  • That's wonderful! My mini goals right now are getting to onederland and fitting into size 14 jeans! I have ONE pair that fits but it's tight and it's my largest size 14 so it doesn't really count to me lol.
  • Quote: I've had such a thrill this morning, and my first mini goal that is a really important one to me (I made like 40 mini goals because crossing things off a list feels like I'm getting somethign done hehe). I've left the 300s! When I woke up and weighed myself at 298.2 I finally really felt like the lifestyle changes I have made this year are really panning out.

    I just recently his this mini goal myself, so I know exactly what you mean. It feels wonderful to be free of the number 3 staring back at me when I step on the scale. It was a very psychological thing for me. This had been my 2nd mini-goal and it has really boosted me to kick it in gear because I didn't want last week to be a fluke and get back on the scale on Monday and see that stupid 3 again.
  • Congrats!!!

    I did have a long list of mini-goals like that. I have about 3/4 of them crossed off now. It's always exciting to cross a new one off.

    Next one is: 179 no longer Obese

    A few of my non-obvious favorites:

    Weighing less then my drivers licenses (230)
    Weighing less then my husband (210)
    Weighing less then my entire adult life (was 217 then 186 after I backslid a bit)
  • Quote: Congrats!!!

    I did have a long list of mini-goals like that. I have about 3/4 of them crossed off now. It's always exciting to cross a new one off.

    Next one is: 179 no longer Obese

    A few of my non-obvious favorites:

    Weighing less then my drivers licenses (230)
    Weighing less then my husband (210)
    Weighing less then my entire adult life (was 217 then 186 after I backslid a bit)
    HA! I have all of these as well That's so funny

    The next two for me are second 10% down, followed soon after by weight according to the doctors chart 4/8/08. I'm actually hoping to hit both of those next week (2 lbs to go!).
  • Go Bee! Let us know when you rock those goals too.

    Guess we think alike. I had the 10 percent goals too. I think I'm about to hit my 5th 10 percent. Woot!
  • Congratulations!! We have the same mini goals----if I can get out of the 300s, I will feel so much better and so much more in control of my eating.
  • Congratulations! that must feel wonderful!
    Hooray for you!
  • i have a long list of mini goals too. i haven't reached my first one yet, but there are certain ones on my list that i think will have more of an impact than others. Congrats on reaching your first one!
  • oh yeah! That's great!
    Yes some mini goals are more important. A big one for me is getting below 330. That is what I weighed right when I became pregnant with my 4 year old... so I have been bigger than that for almost 5 years!! That will finally feel like I am really hitting new ground.