SUMMERTIME mini-goals!!

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  • Hello all!
    I tried to find the mini goal thread and couldnt for the life of me, so I am starting a new one if that's ok. I like posting a goal and also reaching them!
    I am closing in on my cruise goal of 50 pounds. I have 12 days until I leave and only 1.3 to go so unless I lose my mind I should reach it!
    After the cruise, I will have to lose any gained weight. Hopefully I wont gain too much but I hear that most people gain a few pounds due to all the buffets, midnight buffets, chochoholic buffets, etc. I wont sweat it since I have been planning this trip forever it seems!
    Then... my goal is to get to 253-60 pounds! by Labor Day

    How is everyone else doing on their summer goals?
    313/264.3/263 june 12th goal
  • Well I'm on my way as well to my mini goal. I think I wanted to be at least 260 lbs that would leave me with 12.5 lbs in 4 weeks. I don't know if I'll reach it but I am sure going to try!!! And with my new WOE I am at least on my way.

    lorelei, Good for y9ou. I wish I only had 1.3 lbs left for my goal. But I will get ther someday. And someday soon I hope.

    Good luck to all the goals.
  • Boy, one day my mini goal looks totally reachable, then the next, impossible... blah! Still hanging in there, but after my gain last week, it seems not so easy... need to do something... NEED to make that man of mine stop bringing home ice cream don't know about the clothes yet, my measurments seem to be going down, and finally have lost inches on my belly... so we'll see
  • My next mini-goal is for the 4th of July. I'd like to be at 217.

  • Bella- Hi! I think 12.5 pounds may be a lot in 4 weeks unless you are super dedicated to exercise and watching every calorie. But, hey it IS do-able! Is your goal for July 4th? let us know how it's going.

    PNG-What is wrong with that man of yours? LOL I have it in my house too (the icecream) but I keep telling myself it's not worth the calories. I can eat two cups of strawberries with some low fat coolwhip and still have half the calories as ONE cup of icecream. I guess if I was really craving it then it would be ok. Lately I am on a fruit and veggie kick so I am sticking with them for now! I wish my tummy measurements were going down more. It is definately my problem area. It is going down some but it seems I have lost more in my hips, oh well!!

    Jennelle-I think 10 pounds is a great goal! keep us informed on your progress!

    I have lost another .3 since Friday so I am officially at 49 pounds down and one to go for my trip goal!! yeah!!

    313/264/263 mini goal=50 pounds
  • 199 is still my mini goal. Not sure of when I could reach it..

    Lorelei..Enjoy your cruise with your 50 lbs off!!! Don't stress over the food there. Your right, you will come home with a small gain. The food is amazing there, enjoy! Just keep your water increased and you'll be okay.
  • Mini Summer goals.. I love this topic!

    weight wise:

    reach my weight watchers 10% goal by 4th of July - going to be a bit tough - but if I stay OP.. I have 12 lbs to go for that goal (plus my weigh in is tonight)

    by labor day I want to be at 200 (199 lb would be even better - even felt good to type 199!!! ) that would be 24 lbs in 12 weeks.. going to be tough

    non weight goals:

    eat min of 4 fruits/veggies every day. Most days I reach 5 - but not every day. I have noticed the days I don't are the days I'm over in points too.

    exercise min 4 times a week - this is new for me.. I am currently doing 3 times a week - this needs to be pushed.

    I hope to reach these non weight goals by the end of the summer.

    235/224/212 10% mini ww goal - hopefully 4th of July
  • Hi guys!
    Like I stated on the weigh-in thread I weighed in after doing well and I was up a pound. I was floored until I remembered it was getting close to my period time! I toughed it out and didnt get depressed and a few days later the pound is gone with another half!
    Now I am 49 1/2 pounds down. I will reach for the big 50 by Wednesday!! I am so excited about this trip-you wouldnt believe it.

    Jenniffer-You are right! I know I will gain some. I plan on walking a lot, swimming, etc and not try to focus on food or deny myself either. The whole "healthy balance" thing! I would make 199 a goal for Labor Day which gives you the whole summer. You will probably be there before then since you are having to watch it with the diabetes and all. Thats even better b/c you get the satisfaction of making and REACHING
  • woops! what happened?? lol!
    I meant to say reaching your goal which is a great motivator instead of making it impossible. take care!!

    Dana-You have some great eating and exercise goals. I hope you make it for July 4th, even if you dont you will still be psyched if it is a week or two later, right??

    happy weekend!
    313/263.5/263 cruise goal for 6/12
  • I have a goal-setting question...what do you find works better for you - setting goals one at a time, or making up a whole list of goals to reach, even as far out as "I will reach my goal weight by such-and-such a date?" I was going to set a labor day goal, but I started thinking that maybe, for me, it's better to focus on one goal at a time. I think it might keep me from getting frustrated.

    I'm interested to see if anyone else struggles with this.

  • Jennelle..

    for me its' a little of both. My mini goal is my 10% (212 lbs) by the 4th of July. My longer term goal is 199 lb by labor day. I am not sure of what I want my final goal to be.. ww says a weight that is so out of sight for me right now.. like 128 lbs!! And I have no idea when I could reach my final goal... even if it was 150 lbs.

    I do like to do a mini goal (something I see results quicker) and a longer term one (labor day) this way I know that this is a long term project. I realize that I can't just do this diet for a few months -

    In the back of my head, however, I am hoping that I would be on maintence in about 18 months - but this is too far away for me to even think about.

    Do what ever makes you comfortable....
    sometimes my mini goal is to just get through the day!

  • Let's see, summer mini-goals.

    I'm new here, but I've already lost 44 pounds over 17 months. My big goal is to lose a pound a week until I reach a healthy weight. I've never been thin, so I have to guess at what that weight will be. I'm guessing I probably have about 61 more pounds to go, but that's a guess.

    I have a couple minigoals. My first mini-goal is to make it to 202 lbs. by July 2nd. At that weight, I will be technically overweight instead of obese by the BMI scales. I will leave obesity behind me forever I hope.

    My second goal is to make it to 200 pounds by July 16th. At that point, I will have lost an even 50 pounds.

    My third goal is to make it to 199 pounds by July 23rd. It's been at least 6 or 7 years since I've been on the other side of 200. Maybe more. There were a few years where I did not want to know my weight.

    My third goal is my end of summer goal: to have made it to 194 pounds by the end of August. That will make my total loss 56 pounds. My hope is that I will have lost enough weight by then so I have to go shopping and get myself some new clothes!
  • JML - I really like your goals! I like the one when you talked about leaving the world of obesity - great idea.

    Welcome to 3FC ! I read your "diet/lifestyle" plan - makes sense. Slow and easy - I am really beginning to believe that - good for you!!

  • My first mini goal is to lose to 289 (marriage weight) by July 4th.
    As it is the beginning of June thats a mere 9 lbs. Anything more than that is gravy.
    By Halloween I am shooting for 250 if I fall short in this time, then by Christmas!
    By my Birthday at age 49 I want to reach 238 which is the lowest weight I have been since an adult.
    Then I will be streaching for below 200 Wow what a great thought!!!!!!! Below 200 and you know in increments it is just so very possible! One goal at a time. Kbowing it is not only possible but probable is just to cool for words..... and so exciting!!!!

    Yea, For the small goals........a little at a time and you are there!!!!!!!!!
  • I thought of more mini-goals:

    1. 202 by July 2nd. I'm one pound away from that right now, so that seems very attainable. At this weight, I will leave obesity behind and be overweight instead.

    2. 200 by July 16th. That will mean my total loss will be 50 pounds.

    3. 199 by July 23rd because it will feel good to be on the other side of 200 for the first time in I don't know how many years.

    4. 197.5 by August 2nd. I'll be exactly 1/2 way to my goal. 52.5 pounds lost, 52.5 to go.

    5. 197 by August 6th. I'll be over the hump with 53 pounds down, and 52 to go.

    6. 194 by the end of August for a total loss of 56 pounds.

    Reward: The weight loss itself, and I think I'll go check out the Labor Day sales and maybe pick out a new outfit.
