Sugar Busters Weekly Support Board 11/12-11/18

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View Poll Results: Which statement below best describes what you would say about TG dinner?
I WILL stay OP 100%
I'm PLANNING to stay OP 100%
I'm GOING TO TRY to stay OP 100%
I DOUBT I'm going to stay OP 100%
I KNOW I'm NOT going to stay OP 100%
I PLAN on having a little of everything I like, then go back OP next day.
I THINK I will eat whatever I want and not worry about it.
I have NO PLAN, I don't know how I will eat that day.
I MAY go into a feeding frenzy and not stop!
Voters: 22. You may not vote on this poll
  • This is the SUGAR BUSTERS WEEKLY SUPPORT BOARD where all of you who are following this WOE, or are thinking about doing so, are welcome to come join in and be a part of our wonderful group.

    Other than finding support and friendship on this board, we also try to do something during the the week to add a little difference to our board.


    Please visit our LATEST BIO BOARD where you can learn more about everyone who is on this board:

    Please make sure you post your BIO on the LATEST VERSION of our BIO BOARD everyone!!!!

    Our NOVEMBER 2001 RECIPE BOARD can be located at the link below:

    We have SEVEN INFORMATIVE BOARDS!!!! Please take a few minutes to visit them! New information is continually being posted, so please make sure you visit them often-make sure to visit our newest board, MY FAVORITE SB LEGAL FOODS at the link below:





    and our newest board MY FAVORITE SB LEGAL FOODS

    We also now have a SB WEEKLY EXERCISE BOARD that you can log your daily/weekly exercises on:

    WANT TO POST YOUR WEEKLY WEIGH IN INFO?? Go to the WEEKLY WEIGH IN BOARD below to post your stats!

    VISIT OUR NEW SUGAR BUSTERS 2001 PICTURE GALLERY at the link below. You can upload pictures or post links to pictures on this board

    NEWBIES! (aka new members) If you would like to REPLY to any of our threads, please hit NEW REPLY not NEW THREAD, then type your message in and hit SUBMIT REPLY. If you need to edit your reply, just click on edit located in the body of your post and make changes as you need to, then hit SUBMIT NOW.



    Will post my usual morning post sometime later, got up late due to the holiday, but wanted to make sure I got our MOTIVATIONAL MONDAY done before I head out for my walk, so here's my contribution for MM, there's two for you today:


    Doubt is nothing more than a thought, a thought over which you have complete control. Doubt is a thought which you can dispose of whenever you choose to do so.

    One very effective way to dispose of those thoughts of doubt is to replace them with thoughts of power and faith. If doubt is holding you back, then choose to push its thoughts out of your mind with more positive, empowering thoughts.

    If it's possible for you to think that you cannot, then it's just as possible for you to know that you can. It's simply a matter of replacing one thought with another. Thoughts of doubt will hold you back. Thoughts of confidence will push you forward. It's easy to see which thoughts will be more beneficial to you.

    Is it really so difficult to transform "I can't do this" into "I will do this"? No, it's not difficult at all. It's a matter of choice. And that choice can make all the difference in the world.

    Push the doubts out of your thinking. Fill your mind with so many thoughts of confidence that there's no room left for doubt. Free yourself of doubt, and you'll be free to achieve whatever you decide to pursue.

    -- Ralph Marston



    There is enormous strength in patience, because patience enables you to achieve the most effective results, not just the most immediately available results. When you act out of haste and shortsightedness, time can work against you. When you are patient and diligent, time works in your favor.

    Patience is more than just waiting. Patience is having the faith and the confidence to act over the long term, beginning now, and steadily continuing day after day until the goal is reached.

    Patience expands your options. If you insist on immediate gratification, your choices are severely limited. When you are willing to work patiently and steadfastly toward your goals, those goals can realistically be just about anything you choose.

    The greatest achievements are those which are built day after day, month after month, with one effort on top of another. When you can be urgent about the effort and patient about the reward, anything is indeed possible.

    -- Ralph Marston

    Have a wonderful day and a fabulous week!

    SB since 3/22/00
    Reached goal 6/10/01
  • Monday Morning
    GM all,

    I was not so good this weekend and I could tell it yesterday. I had a terrible headache and I am coming down with a today it is back on the band wagon. Can you all give my wagon a little push??

    Deb.........Cameo is a breed of horse called Paint. They are white horses with either brown or black places on them that look painted on....hence the name PAINTS. She is a beauty and I will try to get some pictures of her posted soon. We will leave her there till we get back from our Thanksgiving camping trip. Yes we have a nice barn and some good fenced pasture so she is going to love her new home.

    I will be checking in later....I am off today .....that is why I am the first one to post after DEB. I am ususally on the bus at this time of the morning.

  • Good Morning Guys
    Well good morning everyone,
    I dont know where to start ..... so I will just start fresh
    I have been following the low cal low fat plan off and on for about a year now and WELL it just doesnt work as well as I thought it might PLUS I seem to be gaining weight again, and not eating much SO I am gonna have to just start fresh and start back on the only program I ever used that I got good results and that of course would be SB I am a little rusty on what I can eat seeing as it has been over a year now but I am looking though the information board and legal foods today to refresh my memory, first things first though... is (Uncle Sams Cereal) legal??
    I had that and a 100% grape juice box and half a pear for breakfast and am so hoping that it was legal LOL, I will also have to go through the recipe boards too, it has just been so long since I was on this plan, I cant believe I left it in the first place... I guess loving sugar was my biggest problem, But now I think I will be ok.... The other reason I quit was that my dad had a massive heart attack a few years ago and they recomened the low fat and low cal plan for I thought if they wanted him on it that I had better use it too...well I can still be low fat on this plan I think...I bought a bunch of legal foods last night and am really gonna try to do better..... I hope you will all forgive me for running off in the first place... and thanks for listening to me ramble
  • Morning Again!

    Got in my 4.5 miles this morning, only walked, had no energy to go out, much less jog. Didn't sleep well again, shoulder and neck still stiff and bothering me. Hopefully it will be better come tomorrow.

    Scale is up, but it's to be expected, smack dab in mid-cycle for me today. Should see a downward trend towards the end of the week, or at least I hope!

    Hope those of you who are lucky to have the day off for the holiday are enjoying your "free-time." Kids are still sleeping, Eli's at work, not sure what the plans for the day will be.

    ZSU, WELCOME TO THE BOARD!!!! We're so happy you've decided to join us and BIGK. It was nice to read more about you on the BIO BOARD You definitely sound like you can motivate not only BIGK, , but us here on the board as well. You are making great strides (pun intended) with not only your walking, but your wonderful results so far with SB! 50lbs is awesome!!! I know what it takes to do a 10 mile walk and it takes a lot of commitment, time and desire. It really sounds like you're on the right track. No wonder BIGK is doing so well, with you there, how could she not!!! You truly sound like an inspiration. Don't worry about the plateau-I was on one for a month as well, and then finally, I moved mountains. I always say, patience is one of the keys to being successful on this WOE. I hope you will come with BIGK to Orlando the weekend of Jan 5-6 to meet us, we'd love it! The marathon you're doing-is it benefiting a good cause? Where is it being done? I'm thinking about doing the AVON 3 DAY in April, a 60 mile walk-going to try to get some info sent to me to see more about it. Again, we're glad you've joined us and WELCOME!!!!

    BUSDEB, sorry you had a tad of a bad weekend. It's Monday, back on track. I don't think you fell off the wagon that bad, it's been moving slowly, so you should be able to hop right back on Thanks for the horse explanation, can't wait to see the pics! Have a good day off!!!

    CHRISTIAN, WELCOME BACK it's been a while You seem to be doing well, being 4lbs above goal is nothing, I can gqain 4lbs overnight without eating anything off plan-but ultimately, it's how you feel that's important. Watching fats and calories is good, but you don't want to go too low without a Dr. overseeing what you're doing. Maybe you've slowed your metabolism down too slow and that's why you may be gaining a bit, and then again, it just may be a fluke-but it's good you are aware of it now, before it gets worse. The juice for breakfast I wouldn't repeat that, very high in sugars. Try to get some protein for breakfast if you can, something that will sustain you. Dig out the SB BOOK a brush up on it, that will help. Looking forward to see more of your posts again!

    Just put on the boob-tube and heard about the plane crash-not the kind of news you want to hear, esp that it's in NY! I guess we will find out more as details come forth.

    I'm outta here for now. Please remember, TOMORROW IS CHAT AT 9:15PM EST hope you'll be able to join in!


    SB since 3/22/00
    Reached goal 6/10/01
  • Today's thought is:
    "I get a massage almost every week no matter
    where I am, eat a healthy diet, schedule time alone,
    and if I get to a point where I feel I need a block of
    time...I,ll cancel."
    --Anne Wilson Schaef

    Do we love and care for our body as well as we love
    and care for our home and car? Do we feel our body
    deserves full attention and a loving maintenance

    Taking our body for granted is easy because of its
    remarkable durability and regenerative power. We
    may get lulled into a false sense of "nine lives"
    body security, believing our physical being will fix
    itself no matter what.

    Self-care takes time and priority planning to be
    successful. We may find we put off our exercise and
    nutritional needs, saying, "Tomorrow I'll start
    taking better care of myself." But sooner or later
    tomorrow comes, and our body produces symptoms
    that demand attention.

    Learning to love and nurture our body brings
    rewards without measure. We deserve to reap the
    benefits starting today.

    Today let me realize that respect for my body builds
    a healing temple in which the rest of my life can
  • hope I have it right this time...
    When I first posted here I recieved replies that I was in the wrong place so I have just lurked since then, but have enjoyed it.

    I am not sure how motivating this will be for others, but I am definitely a happy woman. I finally located agave nectar! I have been trying to find it around home for about 2 months. I live in a large city with many health food stores and called every one from the last years phone bk. Then we got the new phone bk and a new hf store that carries it and at a very reasonable price. SB's are correct it is great! Even DH likes it.

    A bonus while there, another patron told me there have been 2 "Trader Joe's" that have opened in the city. Does anybody shop there and have any recommendations for products they carry that are great and useable by SBs?

    After following SB! for about 2 months(very happily I might add) I have finally gotten my weight below my setpoint weight(I know not all experts agree that people have a setpoint, but from my own experience I am a believer) so I feel like my goal weight is a possibility now. Anyway, I feel so much better with each pound lost.

    I had lost 15 lbs. on Suzanne Somers plan then seemed hopelessly stalled so I switched to SB! because it is a little more practical for me and it apparently is working!
  • Monday
    Oh well, not a good start for me - I spilled a whole-big cup of hot coffee on myself right off the bat this morning!! I had to run out to WM to buy me a new cheap pair (saved me from driving 30 minutes home). I am soooo sleepy today - there was a fire in the field next to my house last night so I kept getting up to check and make sure it wasn't getting out of control and moving toward us or anything. I didn't know that cotton bales could just catch fire. They say it has something to do with moisture and heat and sometimes when the mix is just right (wrong) it will just combust! I guess you learn something new every day!

    I'm extremely upset with my Dr. I went and picked up the prescription he called in for me on Friday. It was generic, so I didn't know exactly what it was right away, but was suspicious that it wasn't what I wanted when I only got 12 pills w/no refills.... I got home and looked it up and it is Xanax!!! Here is part of the warning - "The habi-forming potential is high. It is possible to become dependant in the first few days. Do not stop taking abruptly." I was and still am furious!!! I specifically asked for something to get me through the holidays that was not habit forming!!! 12 pills with instructions to take every 8 hours as needed that are extremely habit-forming doesn't fit the bill. If I had asked for this, they probably wouldn't have given it to me!!! I'm calling them to let them have it right now!!

    UPDATE - No one had posted since I was here earlier so I'm just doing an edit - I just spoke with the nurse and we talked about what I want/need. She is calling in a 2 month supply of wellbutrin (equivalent of Zyban, which I took earlier in the year to stop smoking) for me to take on a daily basis. I can still use the Xanax on days when I know its really gonna be an extra emotional day, like Thanksgiving day, in addition to the wellbutrin. I like this idea because I really feel like being on the Zyban when Daddy died helped get me through much easier and Wellbutrin is the exact same drug. It just has to be marketed as Zyban when prescribed to help stop smoking. It also has some good side effects like the ability to control things, like eating - which is a definate plus when trying to lose weight. I feel much better now and think this might be just the answer I needed!

    You know - I don't think these docs like the fact that us patients can get on the web and research these things ourselves. They want to be the "authority" and when we have access to the internet and can look things up and asked pointed questions, they tend to act like they feel threatened or something. Like this, the nurse said to me after I told her that I found documentation of the Xanax being addictive that "if you look up everything on asprin, then you would even be afraid to take 1 pill" - I thought, give me a break - I'm not a freak, but I just don't want to replace one problem with another and I have every right to research what goes into my body!! I have seen too many things go wrong in the last year to take anyone's word for anything!! They could have gotten the wrong message, gotten people mixed up, or the pharmacy could have messed up. I guess they expected me to just take it now and ask questions later! Not me, not anymore and if they don't like it - I'll gladly pull my records and find a doctor who is glad that I am concerned about things like this!!!


    Oh well, I got what I wanted and only cried once during the conversation so I'll just try to be happy with it. I think I will take one of those Xanax pills today! My research did also find that it is given for extreme PMS!! How ironic?!?!

    Hope everyone is fine and having a much better day than I!!


    I know just how you feel..

    That's right.... BOB got her some PAXIL...
    My Dr is POLISH and speaks broken english..She's a sweetie, and I'm so glad that I picker her. She said I have a bad case of "WORRY..WORRY" and that this would help me. I didn't even have to ask for it! She told me that if I wanted have my stomach restapled she would arrange it, but that she would rather I just get focused, lose weight and then she would arrange for me to have a tummy tuck
    She decided to leave me on my current restless leg medicine and my acid reflux medicine. She wants me to have a GASTROSCOPY to see what my stomach looks like on the inside since she just cant get a vision of what is going on in there since I've stretched out my stomach.
    I have lab work for everything imaginable...she is testing EVERYTHING ...can't wait to see the results...I'll let you know..

    She gave me a 2000 calorie a day eating plan where have I heard that before DEB????

    She is starting me on 20mg...sound right?

    CHRISTIAN WELCOME BACK...I love UNCLE SAM'S, so you've already got a friend in me...I constantly push that cereal...I should get a kick back from the company!!

    ROSE What do you mean we told you that you were posting in the wrong place? I've never known anyone here to do that...I'm sure that you might have taken it the wrong way..
    Glad you're here....right or wrong...We welcome you with open arms...get settled in and join on in...

    BUS UUGH....UUGH....I'm pushing with all my might...are you back in yet????? Hope you're feeling better...

    Well gals...I'm off to lurk in other places...I'll check in later..

  • Evening!

    Not much going on here, Eli's due home later, Mom just left from a quick visit and I'm going to cut up some chicken breast I bought in a few minutes.

    I ate a persimmon today, ate 2 yesterday-I had NO idea they were so high in not only calories, but carbs! Oh my goodness, one 5oz persimmon is 180 calories and 47 carbs! I won't be touching the other 4 sitting there-let them rot if no one else wants them!

    LDBLOND, thanks for posting that motivational thought-it's good, and makes one think. What are your plans for your birthday? My Grandpa's bday is the same day Have you and NANCE decided on when you two can get together next?

    ROSE, yep, you are in the right place now You seem to be doing very well on SB, CONGRATS! That's great you found the agave syrup, using it opens so many new opportunities to eat healthy delicious foods and still stay OP (okay, BAKED GOODS, there, I said it!). I am green with envy to anyone who's lucky enough to live near a TJ's-I LOVE THAT STORE! Ask NANCE just how many times I hit it when we stayed with them in August! They have great WW PITA BREAD, CRACKED WHEAT SOURDOUGH BREAD, wonderful low fat cheese, including my fav. Cabot 75% reduced fat, SWEET POTATO FRIES (I actually brought some home from Las Vegas, but haven't tried them yet), some good SB LEGAL CHOCOLATES (but I suggest staying clear of that until you are close to goal), nuts there are good, some dried fruits (some has sugar, so check the ingredients), I hear the mayo is good, but I didn't buy any. Their EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL is delicious, as well as MARANTHA PB-and both are cheap. They have good WW PASTAS, I could go on-just go when you have time to mosey slowly through each aisle. Store isn't big at all, but I could spend a lot of time and do a lot of damage in one!!!! I think you should print a picture of my face, plaster it to the front of the cart and take me with you!!! LOL!!!

    TV, I hope you didn't burn yourself with the coffee! I can see why you are upset with your Dr., hope he comes up with a better solution. Have you ever tried something natural, like that St. John's Wort? Let us know what you find out!!

    BOB, sounds like you're going to get a good checking out by the Dr.-sounds good-at least you can get an insider's view! PAXIL? Have you checked out the side effects of the drug-weight gain could be one of them. Don't want to burst any bubbles, just make sure you are informed Hmmm, 2000 calories a day, sounds like a smart Dr. to me! You constantly PUSH Uncle Sam's, yeah, push it out your rear-I couldn't resist!!! I think what ROSECAL meant was she posted on the wrong board, not on the weekly board, but it seems she's found her way now.

    I'm outta here for the evening, may check back later, otherwise, tomorrow after my walk.

    Have a wonderful evening.

    SB since 3/22/00
    Reached goal 6/10/01
  • Happy B-day! LDBLOND

    TV - I know how you feel. I've alienated many a doc with my questions. But on the other hand, at my clinic, we get lots of patients who cruise the web and get Misinformation. No one's patrolling the web for crackpot sites. A lot of the times, something doesn't even apply to a patient, but she wants to do it anyway. So, I can see both sides of the coin. It's so hard in the HMO world to even talk to a doc, and then for more than 5 min! So, good for you for double-checking!

    Debelli & TV - re: St. John's Wort, I think it might affect the birth control pill, so double-check that w/ your doc. BTW, Debelli you've got me going to TJ's to check out those items you mentioned. I need to try them out!

    Bob - good luck to you! Isn't it wonderful to have a sympathetic, understanding doc!

    Welcome ZSU! Congrats on the loss!
    Hi Christian! Nice meeting you!

    Rose -I love TJ's too. I go there for the frozen soybeans (edamame), flash-frozen fish (usu Ahi Tuna), and coffee. I used to get their RSBT free milk (non-hormonal) but I got used to FF milk, and their FF RSBT free milk is much creamier. Weird huh?
    Anecdotal info re: SB and other diets. The person who told me about SB, said she did SB and lost 30#, then stalled, then added Blood Type diet to it, and lost 10# more.
    Yay for reaching your setpoint! I heard a doc talking about that once. It seemed a very discouraging idea. Am I thinking about the same thing? Is your goal weight lower than your setpoint?

    Debelli - StPats considers the agave nectar an extract. like malt extract and honey. So I guess they add the vodka to all their stuff. I didn't see anything different in my bucket. I did add 1/4oz (that's only 1/2 Tablespoon) Vodka to the surface of it. We don't have much humidity, but I don't have the time I thought I would to bake. I was afraid it might grow before I got to it. I think the dark tastes more like molasses except milder.

    BusDeb - I found a wagon!
  • Monday evening
    Good evening all,

    I had an ok off day. Spent it doing things around here. Now I am just waiting for it to get bed time so I can hit the hay. Not sure why I am so tired but usually when I get out of my routine I am like this. That is why I am such a good busdriver because I love that continuity of getting up every day at the same time...leaving with my bus at the same time and then doing the same thing in the afternoons. Keeps me sane or maybe not......LOL

    I talked to the wonderful gal that I am getting the horse (Cami) from today. She is so sweet and loves her babies so I know this beautiful animal has not been neglected. Anyway we are leaving her at thier home till we get back from our trip next week. It will be so much less tramatic for Cami if we are here as close to 24/7 as possible for a good while. I also asked for some pictures and she said her hubby works the computer in her family and he is in Atlanta and is not sure when he will return. She said she would email them as soon as he gets back. She also said for us to come over anytime and get to know Cami better so Sara and I will be going by after school tomorrow for a little while. I am also inquiring tomorrow about some lessons at a horse farm near our school for Sara and a refresher for me. It is going to be so much fun messing with horses again.

    BOB .......good luck hon with all your tests. Go easy on the drugs.....j/k

    TV......I am so glad that the doctor wants to change thier thinking about the meds. I hope things get straightened out for you. Not having TOMS anymore I have forgotten how quick those things roll around. I hear you and DEB talking about it being almost time for my TOM and it seems like yesterday that you just said that in a post....but was a month ago.... how soon we forget. Good Luck hon. I was in Athens on saturday....thought about you.

    rosecal....welcome and agave syrup is one of my fav things about SB's. I use it in my coffee and without I had just as soon do without my coffee.

    Christian .....welcome back....nice to meet you.

    Deb .....thanks for the thoughts on patience .....I need that and I need it now....LOL. So you have never spend much time on a farm huh? Well come to Alabama and stay a few days with me and we will teach you some new things. LOL

    Well I will run....we have a birthday breakfast in the morning for one of our bus buddies. I will see you all after that.

  • Another week for another opportunity for success!

    BOB--I think only you got it! Perhaps I need to post my creative "thoughts" on Mondays because Sundays no one reads the board in the afternoons or evenings. This fall weather has been getting me all excited: think I'm gonna try some new recipes this week. Might try some indian pudding this weekend when I have the time for it. Hope it comes out just right!!!

    I lost 2 pounds last week, so hope I can lose a pound or 2 this week too. Thanksgiving will be a little bit of a challenge, but I am planning to stick to plan. The fats will be a big problem, because there is just extra fats when you bake a turkey. I have a recipe around somewhere for low fat gravy. I normally make stuffing with wild rice and brown rice, so that won't be a problem. Pumpkin pie might be a bit of a temptation. In fact, I would still not have any problem returning sweets to one of the basic food groups. Another problem is amount of food. SB presents a pix of a plate with little dabs of food, not lapping over onto the rim of the plate. Normally, Thanksgiving dinners have plenty of food on the outside edge of the plate, and we go back for seconds. So that might be just one of the difficulties: to break out of the pre-formed idea of what Thanksgiving dinner is supposed to look like. Eating like a thin person would result in a plate with those little piles of food, separated neatly on your plate and not smushed all together because you need to cram so much of the good stuff on there. Hmmm. I'm gonna work on mental imaging of what my Thanksgiving dinner plate will look like. A nice sane amount. And if I can do that, then I can reward myself with a sliver of pumpkin pie.

    Welcome newbies!

    I have a busy week ahead. Meeting every night, and then we are going to be out of town this weekend. My tentative menu for our tailgate picnic:
    Cold poached salmon with lemon paprika sauce
    Grilled vegetables
    Toasted WW pita "toasts" with hummus or caponata
    Fresh tossed salad
    Fresh fruit salad
    Other assorted odds and ends

    The game is a night game, so we plan to take a candelabra and candles to light our picnic table. Might as well go totally gourmet!

    Got my weight lifting in today. Miss seeing you, SolShine, at the gym. The trainer there now has me riding the bicycle, where he times me and has me riding both in and out of the saddle. He adjusts the resistance and makes it pretty challenging. Normally I hate biking, but with him coaching me through, it is not as bad as it could be, and it definitely is a good workout.

    Gotta go. Want to check out the lastest news before I hit the hay.
  • NOw don't die of shock, I am still here!

    I know that it has been awhile since I've posted anyting here. But
    things have been very crazy, and making choice on how to spend my time means that surfing the web, and posting got up at the end of the list.

    THings here are going real slow, painstakingly slow, BUT I will not give up!!!! I lent out my book and have a couple of quick questions. Have we decided if Special K cereal is legal or not.
    And how about NON Fat Yogaurt with friut ( I now the sugar listed is high- is that from the fruit??)

    I am still working on the step aerobics- going a couple times a week plus a couple of days of water aerobics. Plus walking. I almost have to talk myself into taking a day off once in while.

    Now that everyone has been talking about drugs. I had been on Paxil for while, and discussed the choice with my Dr and counselor and we decided that because of the side effects like weight gain-. BUt now on the other side of this, I was on Pakil for the last year and managed to lose 80 pounds. So I think that it is just up to how you body responds to it. I am now on Buspar which doesn't have side weight gain side effect.

    BOB- get you stomch checked out- it is a real easy procedure- that is what I do all the time. Assist the Dr with EGD's -esophagastroduodenoscopy. ANd you might find out that things are better and you might not need the reflux drugs.

    Well, I am getting really sleep and the day starts early tomorrow. I hope everyone has a great day. I will be back soon.