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Old 12-06-2004, 10:32 PM   #1  
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Default Newbie And Proud Of It!!!!!

I am so glad that I have stumbled across this forum. I had previously been on a pregnancy forum where I have posted for several months. I had been trying to conceive but have decided to lose weight first but I have never been on a diet in my whole life!!!. – I will just start out with how I got here today….

1999 Graduated from High School – weight 115

2000 Married my HS sweetheart after finishing my first year of college. Weight 140

2001 (fall of 2000-2001)Started Sophomore year of college – began marital problems with cheating, abusive husband. Weight 155

2002 (fall of 2001-2002) Started Junior year of college – In July I left my husband and in November we were divorced. (should have listened to my grandmother about weight 165

2003 (fall of 2002-2003) Started Senior year of college – Graduated May of 2003 – but due to the college error didn’t receive my degree. Oh, and I had started dating a new man – a police officer to protect me…lol! November 2003 I was diagnosed with cervical cancer at age 22.

2004- (fall of 2004-2005) Started back to school after a year off to fix the problem that my school did not calculate. (I graduate for real next week with a b.a. in history and political science – pre-law) Had surgery Jan 20, 2004 weight 170. Jan 22, 2004 me and my police officer were married. July 27 first time tests came back cancer free… Summer of 2004 weight 180 – started having severe edema in my lower legs and was tested for hypothyroidism where I have yet to get medicine for…I have an appointment with a endocrinologist in January and my liver functions test was high also my menstrual cycles have been messed up since gaining weight and I have lost at least 50% of my hair –no balding it is growing back but it just falls out in my brush…my pony tail isn’t as thick and I am getting it cut up to my chin before Christmas to keep the rubber bands out of let it heal and grow back. . Started back to school end of august….work full time and carrying 18 semester hours of college. Attend college 3 days a week drive 610 miles each week to school 119 each week to work. I work 1st shift and husband works 3rd. -----But through all of these obstacles I have finished school and I am the first one in my family to finish college-----I am officially done with school December 18th and I am free of the fast food crisis due to always being in my car!!! I am beginning to hate McDonalds.

weight today December 6, 2004 200.5

I have never been on a diet before in my life. I am out of HS for almost 6 years now. In HS I had earned a varsity letter in 5 sports. My favorite being Swimming team –no access to swimming pool anymore until summer time. I have an outdoor pool where I live and I was on the Gymnastics team. I can’t even touch my toes now…actually having a hard time even seeing my toes.

I had been trying to conceive a baby this year because my doc said it was ok and 2 because I want to be a mother so badly. (my husband is 31 and we both want to have kids young) But after not being able to conceive. I have decided to get my body in healthy shape…then get fat again. LOL I don’t want to be burdened with gestational diabetes or hypertension because I was too overweight when I got pregnant. I want to have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. And most of all I want to lose weight for ME and for no one else.

My husband is so sweet and always tells me how beautiful/attractive/sexy I am…but I saw a picture of myself a few weeks ago and I was SHOCKED at what I saw. I feel so much different than I look. I feel beautiful. But I am getting unhealthy. I tried to start running again last week. That lasted at 8 seconds..and I gave up! I could feel the fat on my back and butt jumping up and down and was quite painful! A feeling that I have never had before.

One month ago I had to get new clothes because I literally couldn’t get any of my blouses for work buttoned…none of my pants fit…and my new suits for work I can’t even get on my leg. Not to mention I cannot afford to by business suits everyday. Finally enough is enough. I have to take control on what I am doing to my body. I need a lifestyle change! And my husband wants to lose weight too…but his method doesn’t work for me. And we don’t eat or cook our meals at the same time. I am down to one pair of jeans, 1 pair of khaki’s (sz16 which are starting to get tight and they are new) and 1 pair of black pants that I just bought from Lane Bryant. My new FAVORITE store…everything fits!! Its awesome. Because even when this I had problems fitting pants on my legs..(the whole gymnast thing from the past)

So anyway…This is my first REAL diet…Lifestyle change that I have ever done…and I AM DOING IT ALL FOR ME!!!!!!! For me for me for me…that is an awesome thing to say. (I briefly ate Atkins diet with my husband but it didn’t work for me)

I have no idea how to do it – and I don’t want to pay membership fees somewhere unless it is to a gym. So I am asking for you help to help me

I have a wonderful husband who loves me no matter what…but helps contribute to the problem because he loves fatty foods and we eat out a lot. He loves cookies. I do too…and I bake them too much. When I met him he was like 245lbs 6feet something tall…and now he is at 300lbs. and we want a new mattress.. (500lbs on it everyday has to be hard) We want a memory foam bed. And When we reach our goal we will buy it!!! YAY my back won’t hurt anymore.

So now that I have told you ever so personal information. I am ready to begin my life overhaul and I have a pretty good attitude about it to get my body healthy again and acknowledge that my body is the only body that I will ever have. And take care of it. My goal is to lose 58.5 lbs. to put me at a healthy weight of 140 I am 5 feet 3 inches tall and I am 23 years old.

In January I have an appt with endocrinologist for thyroid. I am getting a full hormone workup done. Liver test again. And an all over physical. Plus it is my 3 month check up with my OBGYN for my cancer visits. Sorry for the long entry. And thanks for your support! I am so excited to be here.!!!


Last edited by wishingforyou; 12-06-2004 at 10:37 PM.
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Old 12-06-2004, 10:41 PM   #2  
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Welcome! Thanks for sharing your story. I'm a newbie too, so I'll be learning (and leaning on folks) right alongside you!
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Old 12-06-2004, 10:52 PM   #3  
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Thanks... I know it was long...but -- I am an upfront honest person.

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Old 12-07-2004, 12:49 AM   #4  
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HI, LIZ, my name is JULIE I,m from downunder I was just reading your story , you certainly have been in the wars for such a young age, I have a daughter your age I,m 47 myself , you sound very positive in your outlook , and because you are doing this for yourself I,m sure you will succeed, your lucky to have a wonderful husband who loves you just the way you are, but sometimes words of love and caring are,nt what we need sometimes we need someone to give us a kick in the butt to motivate us , well I just wanted to say hi and welcome, if your interested why not come and join us at DAILY CHECK IN , you,ll find us under support groups there are some lovely ladies there and I,m sure you would be most welcome bye for now, BLESSED BE , JULIE
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Old 12-07-2004, 11:05 AM   #5  
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Liz, a couple of things you can do together for this diet for both of you. First, take long walks together. Set aside a time to get out and walk as often as possible. Walking is good exercise and good companionship.

Secondly, experiment with some food ideas. I once made cookies using multi-grain oatmeal, Splenda and applesauce. No butter, no fats. I would cook all day on Sunday and freeze the stuff for the week. I used things like chicken, turkey, long-grain brown rice, and whole wheat pastas. I read labels all the time now, trying to keep the sodium, fats and carbs lower, while increasing the protein and fiber.

You can substitute items and feel like you're having a nice fattening meal while not really doing so. LOL I love stuffed green peppers, but they were off my list because of all the fat. So I revised my recipe. I use whole wheat bread, long-grain brown rice and ground turkey rather than white rice and hamburger for the filling. I also use the no-salt added tomatoes to keep the sodium content lower. They're just as good and much better for me. Coat a turkey burger in dry onion soup mix. It's good, and much lower fat content than hamburger.

Experiment and you can find foods that will be much healthier for both of you while still feeling sinful.

My only concern is the hypothyroid. That will cause you to gain weight and may hinder successful weight loss. You may try to diet extremely hard and get discouraged because you're not losing like someone else might. But that can be the thyroid. My hubby has the opposite...hyperthyroid. And no matter how much he ate, he kept "losing" weight. It's not something one can control. He actually drank two Ensure 350 calorie drinks a day to try and gain just a few pounds. The doctor was amazed he was able to gain at all. Once he was on his meds for awhile though, the weight came back on. So if it does turn out to be hypo, and you get on the meds for awhile, you may be able to lose the weight more easily. But don't get discouraged if it doesn't come as quickly as others. Remember that everyone else doesn't have hypothyroid to contend with.
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Old 12-07-2004, 09:58 PM   #6  
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Thank you both...

JULIE: Yes, I do want a kick in the butt every once in a while. I was already diagosed with hypothryroidism I have gained 28 lbs since august. It really stinks. But I have had enough. I had an insurance lasp and Do not have coverage until after the first of the year. The doctor wouldn't give me medicine until I have seen a specialist first. We both know that is very costly. So, I already have an appointment and I trust that they will get the correct dosage of synthroid for me to take so that my thyroid will function. Also, thyroid can contribute to my hair loss and to the fact that I had not been menstrating. Thyroid can interupt fertility...and since I have been off b/c for one year and not pregnant yet. I am pretty sure that has something to do with it. Thanks again for your reply and your food recommendations.

I'm LIVING: Thank you as well for your reply. I have been though so much for my young age...but everything is a learning experience. My husband tells me all the time what an inspiration I am to him. I have the biggest heart and I am very determined. When I set goals... I DO NOT FAIL! Ever. Sometimes, the goals are delayed... (like graduating from college... a 4 yr degree in 6 years...not too bad for divorced and cancer though) but I have finished it. So... I have given myself a deadline for the weightloss. If I don't give myself a date...then I will be more likely to be too laid back. If everything goes well with adjusting my thyroid then my goal is by May 31 to lose 58 lbs. Otherwise I can push it back harm. My husband and I would like to start trying for a baby again next summer..but only if I lose the weight. As for my husband...if he wants to continue the diet with me...then great but I am not going to force him. He keeps saying he wants to a police officer...he is always stopping for pizza. (everyday... no kidding) I have got to figure a way to get him to eat better while he is away from me. He eats in his car and most things spoil or are messy...I haven't figured this one out yet. But thanks for your reply as well

Cheers to new friends...and new beginnings!!!
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Old 12-09-2004, 10:23 AM   #7  
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Thanks for sharing your story. I appreciate hearing everything. I am with ya on the whole school thing. It took me 6 years to get my BS as well...and I didn't have cancer or divorce to delay me. All things in due time.

You sound very determined and it's inspiring. Don't give up. I have a metabolic problem as well - poly cystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and I've gained about 80 pounds in the past 8 years since high school. It's hard...a nurse told me that because some of my problem is metabolic, I should deal mostly with being "fit" instead of focusing on numbers and it gets so hard. I seem to be exercising all the time. Well, ten pounds down, one pound at a time. I have a great hubby too, and he is also six feet something and around 300 pounds, up from about 250 when I met him. He used to be around 350 and lost about 100 pounds shortly before we started dating, and then in the military he got down to around 220 and now that his enlistment has been up, he's gained! I need to get him to eat better when he's at work too!

I'm a part of a really great thread that's been going on for a while...come join us. It is called The Race to 199, we are under "Support Groups". Look for us. Although you are close to 199, we are all different weights and I know the girls would welcome you.


Last edited by Girlie; 12-09-2004 at 10:28 AM. Reason: edited the location of support group
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Old 12-09-2004, 11:45 AM   #8  
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Welcome Liz!!!!! You will find tons of support here. I found what helped me was knowing exactly what a portion size was and sticking with that. Just the basic stuff... lots of water and walking. I am in Ohio too!! Do you know where Cedar Point is? (Sandusky?) Its hard for me to get motivated when its so cold outside but I'm trying! Again glad you are are gonna do great! Hugs Kelly
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Old 12-09-2004, 02:05 PM   #9  
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hi Liz!

We are the same age! Congrats on finishing school! what an accomplishment!! I graduated in May 2003, which seems like forever ago now. And, more importantly, congrats on your health. I think it's great that you want to lose weight before you get pregnant. Part of the reason why I am getting healthy is because I want to have kids SOMEDAY (i am nowhere near married, lol) and I don't want my health/weight to be an issue.

I know how it is to live with someone and have different schedules. my boyfriend and i have really come to know and love our microwave (we cook and then heat up leftovers all the time). We have different eating habits, too, but I try to either (a) eat less abd/or (b) substitute. So, if we are having grilled chicken and mashed potatoes, i'll have brown rice instead of the potatoes. If I don't feel like making brown rice, I'll eat just ALITTLE of the potatoes. That kind of thing. I try to not let what he eats affect me, but it's hard.

Since you've never really been on a "diet," I'd just suggest evaluating your diet and then making small changes, which, over time, will lead to big changes. Just substitue stuff, like mustard instead of mayo, water instead of soda, whole wheat bread instead of white, that kind of thing. I like to eat 5 small(er) meals throughout the day instead of 3 which helps to keep me satiated and hunger-free.

The best thing in my life is the gym. I have a really busy work schedule (including an hour commute to and from work each day) but my time at the gym after work is "me" time and I love it.

I post mostly in the 20-somethings group, which I think you would fit in great. Good luck!!!!
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