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Old 05-26-2004, 10:20 AM   #1  
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Default Slow and Steady Wednesday

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Old 05-26-2004, 10:40 AM   #2  
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Hello Amys

T.O. Amy: I was in Toronto this past weekend visiting my bro. He lives in the Annex and attends U of T! Good for you for going after your dream of singing, that's awesome! Toronto has tons of nice little cafes... so many more than Ottawa.

Jess: hugs, we've all been there I am sure. Does your work have any assistance programs or referral services? The one at my work is confidential and can get people in touch with counselling services. Another option is checking through your family doctor or even a walk-in clinic for that matter. I have been debating going myself a lot lately... I have been so down, which is completely unlike me, I also need to re-address an issue that I had addressed in counselling 2 years ago that went away temporarily, but has been in and out since then. You take care, we're here to listen.

Belle: The eating has been okay, but struggled a lot this weekend and Mon/Yesterday was a disaster... Today is a new day right? I have been a little sick too which isnt' helping.

Sorry to sound down, hope everyone is having a good day!

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Old 05-26-2004, 11:08 AM   #3  
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Default Thank You!

Thank you all so very, very much for your words of encouragement and support. I can't begin to tell you how much it means to me. Just reading your words improved my mood greatly.

I'm trying to pinpoint what exactly it was that I "had" when I lost the weight before. What was it that clicked and helped me to be successful? I'm still not sure what that thing is, but I am going to try to keep my eating half-way under control while mastering the exercise aspect of weight loss. When I very first started WW, I had been going to a gym almost daily and working out for two months. It was a habit that I had already established, so joining WW and adding the proper eating habits wasn't too tough. The other day, I said that I don't have the time to work out, but I'm going to TRY to force myself out of bed (really not a morning person) to do 1/2 hour of either the 2 mile WATP, or Firm Body Sculpt (upper one day and lower the next), or Firm AbSculpt. This morning I forced myself up for a 1/2 hour of Pilates matwork and nearly fell asleep on the mat. I think something a little more active may be the way to go in the mornings. I really want to get myself in the habit of exercising like that. Hopefully, getting my eating under control will follow.

So, enough of that weight-loss talk. Sheesh, you'd think this was a weight los board or something. I went last night to get my hair highlighted. It's gorgeous! I recently had this same lady cut my hair up to about shoulder length and was pleased, so I should have known I'd love the hightlights. She did the slightest change in color for the actual highlights, and then did a "toner" in an apricot shade that made my boring ol' brown hair just a tiny bit more gold. I'm thrilled. Of course, nobody here at work has noticed. Which actually might be a good thing--that means it's subtle (which is what I was going for).

Anybody planning anything fun for the weekend? I'm going to a bachelorette party that should be a fun time. The girl who's throwing it has rented a bus and I heard something about strippers. That's Saturday night. Friday night, Aaron and I will probably rent a video. I wonder what's coming out--any suggestions?

So, that's what I got going on here.

Kier--It's good to see that you're popping in when you can and that all is going well for you. Hope you're having fun racing The Bullet!

Loritl--Hello there and welcome to the group! Thank you for sharing your thoughts/suggestions. I'm going to have to try to use your idea for meal planning--just do it when I have a few minutes. I wonder if I can do it when I'm driving in the car. (Just kidding!) And you totally didn't sound like you were lecturing me in your response on Monday. Oh, and I totally understand how you feel-this forum is TOTALLY addictive.

Amy--Thank you for sharing your success with us, it is inspiring. You're exactly right when you say "if I can do it, anyone can". When I lost that 40 lbs, I remember thinking "that wasn't so hard" and feeling like anyone can do it. (Unfortunately, I'm not feeling like that now.) I'd love to see your before and after pictures!

Amy Jo--I LOVE your screen name and your avatar. Adorable!

Belle--I'm really toying with whether or not to keep the second job. I know that a week or two off from there would be a good thing for me, but my manager has the schedule made up for almost the entire summer! But you're right--I have to find the cause of my troubles and treat it, treating the symptom (eating) won't be enough in the long-term. How was WI?

KT--Way to go on the 3 lbs! That's wonderful! Your suggestion of taking a walk is a good idea. I thought a little bit about how to finagle that here and I think I know how I'll work it out. Now, if I can remember to bring some walking shoes to work...

JenL--Hi there! Welcome back! I really remember that incident you're talking about--I was hesitant to post for a long time because I felt like I had to carefully censor what I was posting. I didn't like that one bit. I'm glad to see that you're back and having success!

Ali--Yep, my work has a program like yours. I can call or visit and they'll refer me to someone. I'm a little bit scared to do it, though, for no good reason. I'm like you--it's not like me to be this down, that's not my nature. I hope you feel better--both physically and emotionally--soon! It's so hard to eat right when you're not feeling well.

Holy chatterbox! I'm going to get some work done and will pop in later when I can.
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Old 05-26-2004, 11:35 AM   #4  
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Hey Jess... I think I am in the boat as you. Twice prior I was able to lose weight so easily. Not fast, but I didn't struggle like this. After Emma was born I struggled slightly. But since Kate was born.. no way is there a groove yet. Maybe it is because I am so busy, I don't know. But I just wish there was a miracle answer. What can we do??

This morning I had to get a bump looked at on my arm. They removed it to do tests, but I am not worried about it. I am more relieved that it is gone. It was a reddish bump that looked like a mole, but may not be. It had a bump on it that scabbed over but wouldn't heal up, so they took it off.

I have a phone training to do right after lunch too. My job has taken on a huge new role. We hired a new person to replace someone who moved away, well she is a bumblebutt!!! She is in her 40's but does not get it. And I wonder if I just expect more from her since she has been in the world and should have more responsibility and drive than she does. I don't know, but I know that she is not being welcomed by the other staff because of this. And we are all having to pull extra duty because of this also. But you know, firing someone is very hard and tricky... so we have to suffer.

There is my whine for the day! Wish it was wine instead!
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Old 05-26-2004, 01:21 PM   #5  
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Morning!! The auditor is coming in late today so I have some time. I spent almost the entire day yesterday explaining something step-by-step to a student by e-mail and this morning I got an e-mail back from her that ignores everything I told her and I have to do it all over again. I hate it when people don't take responsibility for their own actions. But now that I'm on the board I feel better.

I went grocery shopping last night and stayed healthy and on-budget. I did buy fat free white chocolate pudding - that was a great treat with some strawberries after dinner. I might have some as a snack tonight but it's my crazy day so I might not get the time. It's so YUMMY! I also heard from the student loan people yesterday - I've been approved which takes a bit of stress away - I think I have my first year covered but it will be nice to have the loan to fall back on if I need it.

Strange thing - I was getting dressed this morning near a mirror (incidently something I don't reccommend) and when I looked at myself I saw "pudgy-face" - it was strange. I noticed a couple of weeks ago that my face was looking slimmer and today I feel like a quadruple chin and round cheeks have invaded my head. I wanted to step on the scale to see if I've really gone up that much in a couple of days but I stayed away from it. Telling you guys will help me stay away from it tonight too. AND - it will probably help keep me on track today.

Jess - Your hair sounds great! I got highlights put in but I wanted to tone them down a bit - maybe "apricot" is the way to go (I have 'boring old brown hair too)

Jen - you keep us up to date on that bump. Did you guys ever get rid of that person you were trying to get rid of at work before? Or is this the same one?

Ali - hope you're having a decent day!

I'll check back in later!!

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Old 05-26-2004, 01:58 PM   #6  
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Kt.. I don't remember who we were trying to get rid of. This person started in January, so if it was between then and now... Then yes it is the same person. She is very on and off. I was very apprehensive when we hired her, I liked the other person better, but the person that would be working more closely with her won out. Now she wishes she didn't make that decision either!!

I just got highlights in my brown hair. Auburn. I grew my hair longer, but it was getting droopy looking. I love it because it lightens me up.

As for weekend plans. None for me. I am on-call. And also will be gone Friday to my hubby's grandmothers funeral. She passed away after a long battle with cancer.

Jess... You know, I refuse to watch how I word things now. I figure, if people don't want to come here because we vent, then fine and dandy. Why should I be fake just to make others happy. So gosh darn it, I'm gonna do what I want to. Took me long enough to realize that tho.

I have to do a training now that I am dreading. 3rd one with this guy that talks 50 miles a minute and doesn't listen to me anyway. Normally I only do 1-2 with people. He stresses me out.
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Old 05-26-2004, 02:43 PM   #7  
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Hey all;

I just have a few minutes as I am rushing to get ready for tomorrow's open house in the field, and I have to get to a doctor - I think either my appendix is acting up or I have a bladder infection. Something strange is afoot with my plumbing.

You girls are making me want to go get some highlights! I DEF need a bang trim - I can put them behind my ear now. But no time. Maybe on Friday in between meetings. Sometimes being busy SUCKS.

Jen, I know how you feel (not the part about having 2 kids of course, which makes your life busier for sure) but I find I don't have time for exercise. I get up at 5:45am, leave the house at 6:30, get to work at 7:15 and work until 4:45. I get home at 5:45 ish (I usually wait for DF to finish, as he is almost ALWAYS running late) and I end up working through lunch, or taking like 10m in to post here...after work, I cook dinner, clean up and have about 2 hours to spend with DF. I guess the only way is to get up at 5am. I know Kirsty and others were early exercisers before - anyone out there??? I am sure it'll be more tough for you Jen with the girls - finding time to SLEEP is hard enough. Anyway, I figure that is my new mini-goal - to get my butt out and exercising. Cuz you know, I know my eating habits are pretty good - I need to get moving again. I haven't run in like 6 months!!!

KT I am SURE your face is not really pudgy. It's sometimes hard, but remember that our minds cause "circus mirrors". We are MUCH harder on ourselves. Resist to urge to be a scale-junkie and wait for WI.

Hey Ali - today IS a new day, and you are away from those TO cafes! I get to tackle eating on the road tomorrow- I HATE eating on the's really really tough to eat well. Open houses are the worst, they have old ladies make beef on a bun, salads (high fat) and dainties....yummers. Wish me luck (and above all, willpower).

Jess - so you can't request time off over summer?? That isn't fair - you need some time - even just a week - to yourself, no matterif you decide to keep the job or not. Try for some time off - it's well deserved.

Well this weekend my mom's fam is coming in. I only have three cousins in the world (on is adopted). I am going to have them at my new house for a BBQ. It's pretty neat that they are coming. I really don't much care for my cousin's wife, but oh well -I have to learn to tolerate her. They are all coming to my wedding too. It'll be big - mom, grama, us, 2 cousins and a bunch of kids - YIKES. I have my 2 neices (Carmy and Julie) over night and my mom and gram get to watch Genevieve after the BBQ.

Needless to say, Sunday night is going to be our "just us" day - I want to go hiking in Canmore.

Well, BBL - must get stuff done and packed for tomorrow's road trip.
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Old 05-26-2004, 02:47 PM   #8  
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PS - tonight is WI - thanks for asking Jess! Wish me luck - I hope the scale gods are on my side.
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