March Weight Loss Challenge

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  • March 1 - 158.6 - after treat day so up a bit
    March 2 - 158.6 - TOM
    March 3 - 158.1
    March 4 - 159.1 wrong direction...
    March 5 - 158.1 better
    March 6 - 156.4

    March 31 - goal 149.9
  • Quote: Mar1: 206.8
    Mar2: 205.8
    Mar3: 205.6
    Mar4: 205.2
    Mar5: 205.2

    Stomach flu is a crappy weight loss plan, pun intended. Should have known I couldn't avoid it 2 yrs in a row. Up most of the night. Ugh.
    Me too soon2be! I've had it for a few days now. Ugh. I was up last night too....thinking I had to pass gas but....... This sucks.
  • SW (Feb 28) 141.6
    GW: 137.6

    March 1: 141.4
    March 2: 141.4
    March 3: 140.4
    March 4: 139.4
    March 5: 139.4
    March 6: 139.4
  • SW 320.4
    GW 299
    Goal -21 lbs

    03/01 - 320.4
    03/02 - 316.8
    03/03 - 314.0
    03/04 - 312.8
    03/05 - 312.6
    03/06 - 311.4

    Hope you feel better soon soon2beskinnyCarma and Olivia7906!
  • Gw: -15 lbs

    3/6:296.5 (woooo!!!)
  • 03/01: 141
    03/02: 140.4
    03/03: 139.8
    03/04: 139.2
    03/05: 140.4
    03/06: 141.4
  • 3/1 - 155.9
    3/3 - 158.2 Beer and pizza night with Oscar's and Walking Dead...Damn!
    3/4 - 156.4 I did my Turbo Jam last night.
    3/5 - 155.9
    3/6 - 155.
    GW - 150

    Carma and Oliva - Get better soon!!! That stuff is yucky this year!

    183 - A regular diet is something that has eluded me for years and will definitely be something that has to be developed once I reach goal. I feel that I am eating closer to a regular diet now....more fruits, less junk and moderate portions. Lent - I feel like the past 4 months have been lent. Haha!

    Turtle - Three days in a row....yay!!!

    kelijpa - You are dropping back down...we'll get there!

    Looking good, Joy!!!

    Woodstock - Let me know how you like that bootcamp. Good luck on your goal! I'm rooting for you!

    Lisha - Way to drop back into the 200s!!! Keep it up!

    Skettihead - WOW! You are on the move!

    I want to respond to everone, but I am so short on time!!! Darius, Sum, tinajayne, seemyfeet, rsadler...EVERYONE...Hope you all are kind to your bodies and souls today and stay OP!!! Happy Thursday!!!
  • Ok March Challenge!

    Start: 215
    Current: 201
    March Goal: 193

    Come on 8 lbs!!

    3/3 201 lbs
    3/4 202.6 lbs (could be the weekend catching up?)
    3/5 201.8 lbs (my actual weekly weigh in.. up from 201)
    3/6 201 lbs

    Did my hour walk at the indoor track last night...feeling much better! If I didn't have blisters on my feet, and was able to walk better (sore after a hard walk) I woulda done more exercise when I got home! haha
    Next Wednesday makes my month marker.. I wanna get the heck under 200!!
  • SW: 166.4
    GW: 159.x

    3/1: 166.4
    3/2: 164.6
    3/3: 165.8
    3/4: 167.4
    3/5: 165.2
    3/6: 165.8

    Add me to the ranks of the sickies. I've had a chest/head cold for three weeks now. It was getting better last week, but it seems to have refreshed itself overnight. Sigh.

    tinajayne - I know what you mean, it is hard to keep working hard when the scale isn't showing it. Stick with it, though! It'll give eventually if you're eating right.

    183StGB - I know from previous experience that counting calories is the ONLY way to keep weight off for me. I know there are a lot of people who can maintain without it once they relearn how to eat, but for me, the second I stop the weight starts creeping back. The good news, though, is that maintenance calories are a fair bit higher than weight-loss calories, especially if you add some muscle, so it's not too bad at all. And nothing for Lent here - I'm not a fan of self-denial, haha!
  • 183StGB - I'm not very religious, but I'm going to attempt to fast for the duration of Lent. Meaning, one small meal in the morning, one full meal and nothing else. I was inspired by my 92-year old aunt who continues to fast even though she isn't required to.

    Lately, I've been following a plan that amounts to "how much can I eat/cheat and still lose weight?" and I'm sure that's why my weight loss has slowed so much. I think this will get me back to a point where I'm mindfully eating and not just grabbing stuff when I walk by.

    I kind of think that "fasting" is a first-world luxury when you consider the many inhabitants of the world who really don't have a choice in the matter. So, for the next 40 days, I want to use my minor suffering as a reminder to appreciate what I have and to contemplate ways I can help those who don't.

    One day down - I'll let you know how I fare!
  • March 1 220
    March 2 220
    March 3 219
    March 4 218
    March 5 218
    March 6 220 (Ate too much yesterday. Trying to be discouraged)
  • Starting weight: 150.7
    Goal weight: 142.7 (-8)

    Mar 1: 150.7
    Mar 2: 151.0 +.3
    Mar 3: 150.1 -.9
    Mar 4: 148.3 -1.8
    Mar 5: 146.6 -1.7
    Mar 6: 145.9 -.5

    Delta from start -4.7

    boatingmommy - The bootcamp is great for burning calories, and for that reason and for the group mentality, I'm enjoying it. I'm a bit weary of the approach, because at the end of the day, they are throwing lots of body weigtht exercises like push ups and squats and lots of plyometric stuff over and over until everyone wants to die. Form suffers and even though there are 2 coaches trying to make sure everyone is working properly, i know these activities are high risk for injury... that aside, i think its really going to help accellerate my progress this month! I'll keep ya posted!
  • Sw: 160.4

    3/1: 160.4
    3/2: 160.4
    3/3: 162.2
    3/4: 162.2
    3/5: 161.8
    3/6: 161

    Gw: 152
  • March On!

    03/01: 219.8
    03/02: 219.9
    03/03: 220.6
    03/04: 218.8
    03/05: 218.9
    03/05: 218.8
  • Hello everyone it is Friday weigh-in day.
    Not much progress this week.
    Thank you very much kelijpa, boatingmommy and gardener joy for the words of support this week.

    March 2014 Weight Loss Challenge
    Goal: 10 lb

    02/28 .... 124.4 kg .... Start
    03/07 .... 123.9 kg .... -1.1 lb
    03/14 ....
    03/21 ....
    03/28 ....
    03/31 ....

    - 1.1 lb TOTAL
    11.0% of goal reached