In like a lion, out like a cow

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  • Yessir, we'se very very proud of our little Kiwiette.

    Schatzi, what a lovely way to spend the day!!

    Whar's everybody else?

    Here's how adept I am: I've lost 3 tennis balls this week, and it's only Wednesday. The first one was one of those attached to a rope. The first time I threw it for the dog, it landed on the roof and is still there. The second one, a brand new one that came with the ball flinger went over the ravine into the woods below. Today I took Jet down by the river to let her chase the ball there and I managed to throw it into the woods and she couldn't find it. I'm demented.

    Think I should go out for softball this summer?

  • FIRST OF ALL THANK YOU DARLING COWPIES FOR ALL OF THE GLORIOUS GREETINGS!!!! MUCH APPRECIATED!!!! TURNING FORTY EFFIN NINE IS DIFFICULT,BUT MANAGEABLE-----GIFTWISE,THE DH AND THE DS GOT ME THE MOST GORGEOUS PLUM {EGGPLANT SAYS DS} LEATHER PURSE---IT IS DIVINE AND WHAT MAKES IT SO SPECIAL IS ===I HAD BEEN ADMIRING IT BUT DIDN'T BOTHER MENTIONING IT CAUSE OF THE PRICE---I CAN'T EVEN BELIEVE THEY WENT INTO THE STORE THAT HAD IT!!!----------wabby darling---and shatzi too--i am so JEALOUS Of all your gardening----{ and your recent menus!!!}the ground is still hard here and my garden is a disaster----what a mess-----------i wish it would warm up so i could start raking !!!!=====KIWI-----------I AM SOOOOOOOO HAPPY FOR YOU AND YOUR DARLING GIRL!!!!! SO EXCITING!!! AND EDIFIYING AND SHE SOOOOOOOOO DESERVES IT AFTER ALL HER HARD WORK AND DEDICATION!!!! YOU AND HUBBY MUST BE SOOOOO PROUD!!!!! can't wait to hear what school she picks!!!----and of course Peachboy will be cashing in as well ,but i am not sure if he is going to LCP university or not????------Sugar!!!! i was talking to a lady in the shop today who lived in Germany for ten years--she has a six year old boy---she says she really misses all the opportunities for kids-----but she said she found alot of her neighbours stuck up and very much into appearances----she lived in three different places but one of them i think was Munich--------she said she really misses Germany though-----the free wheeling booze and shopping!!!------i have to go get ready to watch American Idol and then Nashville Star so i will have to continue later=====i plan to get dh to push me around the yard in the wheelbarrow as soon as it warms up!!!!!
  • Oh My God Kiwi----is It Really Wednesday??? I Was Sure It Was Tuesday---call The Alzheimers Squad!!!!
  • Quote:
    ----- I know, it's the big 5 EFFIN O that will send us over the edge.
  • I'm not speaking to any of you until you cut this crap out.
  • what crap???? you mean swearing???? no can do--------it's part of my person-==aaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllliteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-----------------and it's too effin cold up here in igloo land to be pleasant-----------I AM FREEEEEEZING OKAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I'm offended because you said "crap". My mother woulda washed my mouth out w/ soap for that. One time when my mom was really mad she said "You kids quit fighting, d*mn it!" We were all shocked and shut up immediately.

    I don't use the Eff word - I work w/ men, you gotta keep some kinda control. This way they think they have to talk respectfully around me. Ha.
  • However, if anything deserves an Effin in front of it, it's the effin 5-0.
  • Here's one of the nice things about turning effin 50: You can't remember anything so you don't remember which of you cows is older and which is younger so it doesn't matter anymore.

    I just measured my kitchen. I'm making a floor plan. Then I think I'll burn it down.

    No Bags, you were right, today is Wednesday. Which just makes it worse. Can't remember what day it is or throw a tennis ball straight.

  • Crap is my favorite word, I use it all the effin time.
  • p.s. Kiwi, I vote fer SPAMALOT tooooooooo....
  • I have no opinion on Spamalot or any of the other productions because I'm out here in on the frontier and we don't know nuttin' about that kinda stuff.

    DD missed DS's birthday dinner because she had to work, so last night she cooked him another birthday dinner at his house. She made Chicken and Shrimp Shishkabobs, totellini pesto salad, garlic bread and coconut cream pie. She's quite the cook, my girl. ---- 'course she invited her mom and daddy too.

    Kiwi, is today Thursday?
  • sounds Yumalishish Wabby! You done taught her right. COCONUT CREAM PIE????? I useta love it!!!! do you have a recipe...fer like when I get down to my maintainence weight

    I am down 7 pounds since my last whine fest... my plan - it is workin... ! Been going to Curves and sweating like a warthog.. and watching my calories and no white crap.

    You would think that since I useta live so close to the city I woulda seen some of dem broadway shows... but the only one I saw (or have seen: Kiwi??? ) was Blue Man Group --but saw them in Vegas.. Quite bizarre and entertaining.
    Saw V fer Vendetta yesterday: Liked it . I think us Cows should all go to Vegas fer a womans "retreat" for some soul searchin gamblin, meditative drinkin and body nourishing eating.
  • Using quick reply...

    Excellent news about the scholarship, Kiwi!!! And nice not to have to worry too much about the finances.

    Bagzie - you're looking younger every day. I'd never have guessed that you're 40 effin 9. I'm only 6 years behind ya.

    Schatzie - 7 lbs is fabulous!! My couple have crept on again. Too much peanut butter.

    Wabs - not even close to gardening weather here yet but I keep looking longingly out the window thinking what needs to be done. And yes, I had a really good time with my friend despite the iffy hamburgers. Too bad she lives 2 1/2 hours away by train. Why can't the good people live closer???

    Peachy - Where are youuuuu? The other day at the supermarket the cashier gave me my change and after she'd put it in my wallet she said "Wait! Was that right?"

    We're having a mother of a side-by-side fridge delivered tomorrow. I may not be able to move in my kitchen but my fridge will be fantastic. I also need to make a kitchen layout plan and I don't wanna because I have NO spatial ability.
  • Schatzi, 7 pounds. wow. I'm so jealous. Not so jealous that I would quit stuffing my face, but jealous of your stick-to-it-iveness.

    Sug, nothing like a brand new kitchen appliance to make my heart race. I've always lusted after side by sides, but I don't have the room to fit one in my kitchen.

    Anyone try the new Wendy's spinach chicken salad? I think I may just hafta order one for lunch. Recently I've been on the Thai chicken salad binge - I get it at the local deli. It's delish, but too expensive, and probably not all that low cal.

    Can you tell I'm bored today? Nuttin' going on here.

    Schatzi, I'll see if DD has a recipe for her pie. I actually was so stuffed from dinner I didn't have any. Crazy, huh?