30 pounds by MAY challange

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  • I think I've gotten Christie's cold. Ick. There was a sneezing, snotty kid at a friend's house the other night. I'm pretty sure that's what it's from. Then last night, we were outside in the cold alot. Who knows, I guess I'll break out the Airborne. I'm 32, BTW. I've got a 5 year old son, Jake, my world, and my husband, Scott, my other world.
    I've been doing good since we kicked our bootays the other day. Journaling is ABSOLUTELY the key for me. If I don't do it, I don't lose...period. I don't know what it is. Even if I don't write the points down, I still do good. Just the accountability of it, I guess. We went to an art gallery opening down in Bloomington last night. I bought a cool outfit with it in mind. I felt really sexy. Sometimes you have to disregard the weight, focus on the positives, and just shine. Go shopping, girls. Buy something that you wouldn't normally wear. Break out of the box! Be good today!
  • Sorry to hear that you're sick now too Bombshell. That stinks. Good for you though buying yourself something. I am going to do that once I get down a couple of sizes. That will be my incentive. I love new clothes! Right now I'm in a 16 or 18 depending on the maker. I just want out of the plus sizes! That will be my first milestone, I guess.

    Anyway, I hope the rest of us are doing well. After my gain last week I'm really watching what I eat. I made some foolish choices. I was within points but didn't eat good things.

    Make good choices and have a great evening!

  • Christie, I'm so sorry you've still feeling cruddy. Since you're not up to cooking, some canned chicken soup? I hope you feel better real soon.

    Bombshell, I'm sorry you're sick too. Hope you're back in the swing of things soon.

    Molly, don'tcha love that older/younger gap with your children? The up-side with my tribe is that I have a built in baby sitter, the down-side is that the baby is sooooo spoiled by her older siblings. Ah, there are worse things. I love reading your posts. You're always so positive--you really keep me going. Hey, and congratulations on the new eliptical machine. That's fabulous!

    Allensmom, did I say I felt old? Heck, I feel like I'm a 20 year old most days. DH is 6 years older than me, and I'm the youngest of 7 children, so I'm surrounded by people who have a few years on me. Shoot, I'm just now really starting to bloom. The Bible says we're limited to 120 years, and I'm banking on that, so I figure 60 is the new middle-age (reading the news on modern longevity, it's doable!)

    I'm going to weigh myself tomorrow morning, and I'll let ya'll know how I'm doing. Hey, thanks so much for just being there and reading this stuff. I really appreciate your help.
  • better...but not great...
    Hi all!
    Well, I'm feeling a little better. Not totally back to normal, but better. I'm back at work today..Ick! Hopefully back to the gym tomorrow too.
    How was everyone's weekend? I didn't do great this weekend, but I didn't gain either. I'm back down to my tracker weight (151lbs) after my gain last weekend. Hopefully once I get back into the swing of things and get my energy back, I can get that scale to start moving down again. One step at a time (or one meal at a time!).
    I'm sorry about your cold too bomshell! I feel your pain!
    Hope everyone else is staying healthy!! Keep trucking forward all!
  • Mary Pat, I know what you mean about the age gap. Built in baby sitter is great but the man has s.b.s (spoiled baby syndrome). He's as bad as the day is long! lol Lovin the elliptical!!

    Christie, gald you're feeling better! Sorry you have to be back at work though (yuck!)

    Someone was asking me about the winsor pilates (don't remember who, think it was Libby). I got it today and I really like it. I didn't do it today. I watched it though. I don't like just jumping into those things. I get confused to easily if I din't have some idea what's coming next. Anyway I think it's going to be a good work out! Lots of cardio! Can't wait to do it tomorrow.

    Anyway, I'm off for now. Gotta put the man in bed. Have a great night all!!

  • Good morning everyone!

    I am down 2 lbs for last week.

  • Happy Valentine's Day!
    Hey, Chiarij, 2 pounds! That's fabulous!!!

    I'm back down to 175, feeling really good about that. I'm going to work hard to make that loss 'stick'. DH and I are going to dinner tonight, and I've already planned where we're going, and what I'm eating. DH knows not to buy me candy.

    How's this for funny? I bought a belly-dancing work-out tape. I don't figure it for a real hard work-out, but thought it'd be fun to learn. Wish me luck!

    I hope you all have a wonderful day, and remember to love and be good to yourself first!
  • chiarij, Great job on the loss!!

    Mary Pat, good luck on the belly dancing. Sounds fun!

    dh and I went to dinner for V day on Friday and I planned on where to go and how many points I was going to eat for dinner. I kept within except for the cheese biscuit (we went to Red Lobster). Those things are the devil! Soo good. But I only ate one and then put them at the end of the table for the waitress to take. 4 pts and yes it was sooo worth it.

    I'm off to work out now. Have a great V day everyone!!
  • Thanks for the well wishes, the cold's coming to an end, I think. I took Nyquil last night and am having a hard time getting going this morning...kinda groggyish. Won't be long now. An old friend came over with her kids last night for dinner. She's lost 30lbs. because she's getting a divorce (not from depression ...getting back in the game.) I'm so happy for her. Another friend is doing WW in a diligent way and has lost 15lbs. in about 1-1/2 months. ME TOO! ME TOO! OOOOH! OOOOH! ME TOO! I think I might be feeling a tinge of competitiveness coming on. That's what I need, really. I can be very competitive if I let myself. My cousin, the one with the treadmill that I use, has just built a workout room for a humongous piece of equipment. It's a weight station type thing that two people can use at one time. They just live 2 miles away, and I can theoretically use it whenever I want to...hmmm. Congrats on the two pounds, ChiariJ! Great job ! Belly dancing SOUNDS easy, but I bet it busts the buns! Oh, and Mamabear, Red Lobster cheese biscuits are DEFINATELY worth 4 points! Have a good one all! HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!!
  • Good Job!
    Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

    Nice going Chiarij!!! Keep up the awesome work!!
  • Thanks everyone for the support...Belly Dancing sounds FUN!, Mary Pat. Hope you feel better Bombshell2B. Off the subject...But I reside in Baltimore, Maryland and I will be glad to see the snow GO!!
  • Hi all....I know you all have a few weeks on me, but I'd like to join you with your challenge. I haven't had any luck with the scales thus far and I've tried everything I can think of so maybe this will do the trick.

  • Hey Everyone!

    How Are All The Little Cupids?

    I Know I Just Cant Seem To Stay Focused, A Friend Came Over Sunday With All The Stuff For A Shrimp Boil And Ny Resolve Went Out The Door, I Figured I Just Had To Make Beer Bread, Which The Low Cal Ladies Might Like But Doing Low Carb Not A Good Thing.

    I Started Over May Be This Time It Will Stick

    Healthy2b We Would Love You To Join Any New Inspiration Is Good Inspiration Welcome! And Good Luck.......

    Still A Half A Botlle Of Water To Drink So I Will Check Back Later

  • Can I still join this challenge? I know I am late. This is my first post on this site. I hope to make some new friends. Good Luck to all of you!

    Best Wishes,
  • Hello Everyone I got on the scales this morning and I'm down another two pounds I have been trying to lose weight for 7 months now, with no budge on the scales and have been sitting on 194 pounds the whole time until this month. I have lost a total of 4 pounds and I know it doesn't seem like much, but after all of my hard work these past months and not seeing anything, this is major for me. Don't get me wrong, I'm proud of the changes I have seen in my size over the last months but there is something about actually seeing a change in the scales that is so encouraging for me. I do have a lot more muscle than before, so that is a good thing also. I'll just keep on working and sooner or later I'm bound to end up where I want to be. Hopefully, joining this challenge will also give me the boost I need.