LAWL Losers & Friends - September 05

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  • Just curious - I spent a couple of days in Eureka Springs last summer - - didn't see it at it's best, since it rained the whole time I was there -- but thought the mountains coming down from Missouri were lovely.

  • TextJewel, you sure get around, don't you? It's too bad it rained so much while you were in Eureka Springs. It really is a pretty area. Our son and daughter-in-law got married there 3 years ago. It is quite a popular place for weddings. The mountains are very pretty. I can't get used to calling them "mountains" though, coming from the west coast and seeing the mountains there and in Colorado. LOL
  • Hey Chicks....
    Geez - This is no place for a bad mood, with all this inspirational stuff and now a frggin jumping rabbit Just kidding

    Busy at work Off a couple days and the whole place goes to pot.

    Anyhow just wanted to say "Hey"

    Welcome to all you newbies and oh-rah to all you losers
  • Mary:

    According to my guide, but I'm on Purple plan, 2 pieces of pizza counts as 1 protien on the Carb Cravers program... You can either have cheese or veggie.
  • You're only supposed to do carb craver meals if you're taking the carb enders-the point being that it "supposedly" blocks the carbs from being absorbed. That's why the meals count as one protein. I think it's bunk-the data on carb blockers is extremely underwhelming. The counselor's know that-they don't even try to talk people into it at my center. So if you're doing carb cravers and having trouble with weight loss that could be why.

    If it sounds to good to be true-it probably is.
  • I do carb cravers without the "blockers" and it doesn't say anything in my guide about using those with the meals. It just lets me eat my Cheerios or pizza and count it as a protien, though if I stop losing weight, I'll quit doing it.

    My guide also says that pizza is only supposed to be eaten up to once a week, but you're probably fine, Mary, counting it the way you are.
  • Jenn-

    I know it doesn't say it in the book-I asked about it after a couple of weeks cuz it didn't make any sense-5 pieces of french toast as I protein? crazy! Anyway-they said all carb cravers are supposed to be done with the blockers. Why it doesn't say it in the actually plan-I don't know. I think it's a ploy to get people to join.

    You can eat cereal, sandwiches etc on plan-just count it accordingly. Now if you're losing fine-but keep it in mind.
  • Quote: You're only supposed to do carb craver meals if you're taking the carb enders-the point being that it "supposedly" blocks the carbs from being absorbed. That's why the meals count as one protein. I think it's bunk-the data on carb blockers is extremely underwhelming. The counselor's know that-they don't even try to talk people into it at my center. So if you're doing carb cravers and having trouble with weight loss that could be why.

    If it sounds to good to be true-it probably is.
    They tell you that to get you to buy the CarbEnders. There is no proven facts that support this. The meals equal a protien because they are similar in calories. I was buying that stuff then found an alternative. When I ran out of the alternative and couldn't find it anymore, I stopped using it. There was no difference in WL and I have used CarbCraver meals the entire time at least 3 times a week.
  • On Blue plan 2T = 1 protein of peanut butter
  • I've done the CC meals once a week since I started and hasn't effected me at all. They also didn't tell me that I had to do the Carb Enders when they were explaining the CC meals to me.

  • Hi Everyone. I hope you all had enjoyable weekends. Just a quick check in and then I will go back and read the FIVE pages of posts since I've been gone. I love reading the posts and getting caught up!

    Anyway, my weekend was less than stellar. I got to ride in an ambulance on Sunday was me. I spent Sunday and part of Monday in the hospital because I thought I was having a heart attack. Thank GOD it was only reflux (really bad reflux), but now my poor DSs and DH probably need therapy. DH called my DPs, and now everyone thinks I'm on my deathbed. I still have a lot of pain in my chest, neck, shoulder and arm, but knowing I am going to be okay is awesome. I have a followup appointment at 4:40 today where they plan to run more tests so...wish me luck... Okay, back to reading...
  • Mary:
    Of course, I don't know about other plans, but on Purple you can have 2 soy burgers as 1 protein. It's probably 1:1 on the lower plans...
  • Carmen--
    So glad you're okay! I've been all hooked up to big machines on my chest thinking I was having a heart attack in the past too. Mine was also reflux. It's horrible! Thinking you're going to die and then being just fine is a little embarassing... I still get that everytime I have a margarita, but now that I know what it is, I just don't worry about it.

    Have fun with your tests!
  • Carmen.....
    Carmen - Hope everything comes out fine and your back to normal in no time - your too spunky to have a heart attack.....

    Here - this is for you
  • Thanks
    Thanks for the well wishes.

    Jenn - you are SO right! The embarassment is worse than anything else!! Imagine when I called in sick to work yesterday, having to tell my boss that I've been faking heart attacks. Then too, Monday when I was released my DPs insisted that I come over their house because all the family was gathering. I went against my better judgement. My mom had called just about everyone in the family and told them that I was "in the hospital," even though they were just keeping me for observation due to the pain in my arm.

    Well, since the episode, I have been off plan again, because the only thing that feels good going down is cold stuff. I had salads monday, yesterday and today, and plenty of water, but I keep craving dairy because its so soothing. I ate a whole pint of HC lowfat ice cream yesterday. NOT good. I will be glad once the pain subsides.

    WELCOME to all the newbies! I see we have ANOTHER Clevelander on the board. Wrigley, I read about your company's merge and the impending move back to Chicago. The paper said it really came down to a matter of where the executives of the company felt more at home. That's crazy! I hope things work out for you and your DH here in Cleveland.