April Chat

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  • Quote: Just wanted to tell you that you aren't alone. The same thing happened to me a while ago, for some reason my DPA did not update from 180lbs to 166lbs (I forgot it changes as you lose) and I still lost consistently up until about 2 weeks ago (probably because I was dipping into my weeklies more than before.) I would have probably never realized it if I didn't receive an update for my phone app and had to re-enter my info. At least that will not be an issue for me anymore since I won't be going any lower than 26. Honestly if anything, you probably maintained at the most, no biggie! BTW, your pasta salad recipe sounds divine!!!!
    Thanks. I was really frustrated last night. I don't think I would have been if I hadn't eaten so many of my weeklies already. Then I was thinking, I lost 5 lbs with 37 PP, so many I will still lose. I was going to WI this morning before eating, but I completely forgot. Two more days until my official WI.
  • Hi gang. I've been away from checking 3FC for more than a month and i've been slacking ever since. For the past 6 weeks I really haven't lost any weight. I seem to be content at 177. People have noticed the weight loss and I feel better than ever. But I really want to push myself to lose the last 15 that I set out to. I realized I can't go this alone. Today, I am recommiting, retracking, and recharging. Thanks for being there along the way! Happy Sunday!
  • Quote: Hi gang. I've been away from checking 3FC for more than a month and i've been slacking ever since. For the past 6 weeks I really haven't lost any weight. I seem to be content at 177. People have noticed the weight loss and I feel better than ever. But I really want to push myself to lose the last 15 that I set out to. I realized I can't go this alone. Today, I am recommiting, retracking, and recharging. Thanks for being there along the way! Happy Sunday!
    Welcome back!
  • I am surprised to be down 1.6 lbs this week... after Subway, pizza, Winking Lizard, Chipotle... I did do my best to order veggies instead of fries, limit myself to 2 pieces of pizza instead of 3, a burrito bowl instead of a burrito....but that is way too much eating out and I ate ALL all my weekly points and a few activity points (and either the rest of my activity points saved me or my gain will be showing up in a couple days!) I need to focus on filling my plate with veggies this week and trying to stick to my 27 daily points for at least the few days (I would prefer to eat around 32....which I can do if I don't use so many weekly points on splurges!).

    Suds - welcome back!

    Damiere- cool! I will have to check that out in the magazine

    I hope it turned out ok, MrsD!
  • The BBQ was fabulous! My strategy worked, I let all the hungry FF get in line first so there was little left for me. I did one hot dog in a bun, 9PP and fruit salad. I was tempted by my favorite BBQ chips, cheesecake and the pasta salad I made. But I knew I that if there was leftover pasta salad I could take some home for lunch tomorrow. I did end up making brownies and cookies, but I left them up there so they didn't come home with me. The fruit salad was wiped clean and there wasn't enough pasta salad to take home, yay! I really wanted a piece of that cheesecake, but I could tell it was laden with so much fat and calories. I told my husband I would make mini cheesecakes and only keep a few for home and give the rest away. Smart thinking and I'm so proud of myself!
  • straightahead That is awesome. I have found that eating out is always the kiss of death for me. Even if I choose healthy options its still like a salt bomb went off inside of me and I bloat like crazy.

    MrsD OMG I had some delicioud BBQ the other day and i definitely didn't have a strategy about it. My fiancee has a really bad habit of making cookies and leaving them sit on the counter.... just ASKING to be eaten. The control part has got a lot easier, but still every time I see them I want to eat them. I just don't.

    WOWIE. I am UP UP UP this morning. I had a heck of a weekend. Since I had such a big drop this week, 3.8 lbs I went a little overboard. First, I had a little party on Friday night at my house and probably drank an entire bottle of wine. CLASSY. Saturday I was ok. But SUNDAY. My fiance found out he got an awesome new job!! YAY!! And one of my very good friends is done with grad school and moving for a new job, so it was a lot of celebrating. I ate PIZZA. I ate two whole slices of pizza, and 2 whole beers. I was so full. It was an extreme dinner. I am up 2 solid lbs this morning. I have 4 days to work my butt off and try to get back down by Thursday. I don't want to see a gain, but... ya know... Sometimes I can eat pizza. It was worth it.
  • Weighed in on Saturday and I've maintained for the last two weeks. I would typically be upset and while I'm frustrated, I get it. I'm stupid stressed with this whole house situation and the stress seems to be just piling up.

    We put an offer in on Friday and we negotiated back and forth and on Saturday they finally accepted. Said send everything over and they'll sign. So, we send everything over, but no signature. Last night at 6pm they said they were still showing the house and would let us know by 10am today (2 hours away) if they would sign. They verbally agreed to the terms and told us they accepted our offer, but then decided to wait. WTF? I am SO angry. It's SO dishonest. Ugh....We even went out and celebrated Saturday night since they said they accepted Saturday morning. So upset... 2 more hours...
  • Good morning everyone!

    SoMuchFattitude, I would be going out of my mind. I just can't imagine how they could be playing games like that. When we bought our home there were specific rules of time limits between offers and counter-offers. I hope it works out for you.

    This last Saturday was mine and my husbands 8th year anniversary of the day we met. Yeah, we keep track. Anyway, I wanted to be good so we went to Applebees and I had the 13 points sirloin and garlic shrimp with veggies and potatoes. It was crap!!! I will never go there again. I will either cook at home or figure out another place where I can eat well without blowing the points to smithereens.

    We did spluge and went out for frozen yogurt. I stuck to mostly fresh fruit for the toppings with just a little chocolate add on.

    And of course we had another rep on Saturday with a huge spread from Panera. There were sandwich, bagels and cream cheese, fresh fruit, yogurt parfait, O.J. and coffee.

    Will I be down tomorrow? I don't know!!! Going to be super good today and tomorrow before weigh-in. If I'm not I have only myself to blame.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Made it through my last weekend away for a few weeks! While I didn't officially weigh in on Friday, my weight this morning was enough to put me a 5% lost!

    Now, I've got to scramble into work after a week off. Boo working after vacation.
  • Teresa:Ruby Tuesdays is a good restaurant with low cal, low point options. I like them better than Applebees and the staff is friendlier in our experience. I usually get the Petite Sirloin w/out butter or oil and it is 5 PP. If I want oil or butter, it's 10PP. They have a lot of veggie sides and they'll cook them in little to no oil/butter on the grill if you ask. Our location has a salad bar (which I think they all do). Most meals come with a salad bar and one side, or two sides. When I do the salad bar I stick to just lettuce and veggies, none of the extras. I do a little lite dressing.

    If you go to their website, they have nutritional information for all their offerings. Many restaurants do this, you just need to look on-line. Some have the facts in the restaurants so you just need to have your calculator handy, but don't bank on that!

    I check out the nutritional facts before I go to any restaurant and I write down names of the meals and the points plus values for at least 4 dishes. Then I pick when I get there!

    Jilu: Yay on 5%!!
  • SoMuchfattitude one of my best friends had a similar situation. They got a lawyer.
  • Hi everyone!

    Smashlers - I know that pizza is one of the foods that will cause me to retain a lot of water (due to the sodium, probably). Hopefully, that is what is going on.

    SoMuchFattitude - sorry about the sellers playing games with you. I think house buying is about the most stressful thing ever. Its fun looking at houses, but once you start thinking about and making offers - its pure stress.

    Not much for me to report. I'm still a little bit in mellow-dramatic mode regarding my health issues. But I started the week off with logging in my food. And Sunday I got major Activity Points from gardening. It was cool to see my Active Link flashing at me as I went to 150% of my goal.
  • Mrs. D, I like Ruby Tuesday. Just wish they had one in my town. I told hubby that my next splurge is going to be Jason's Deli. Or maybe we will skip dinner and just go to the yogurt shop.
  • Teresa--There is NOTHING in our town, haha. We have to drive 1/2 an hour one way to even get to a grocery store or pharmacy. The other way is 40 minutes, but we like that town better. I don't complain often because I love living in a rural town. I just wish that if I forgot some ingredient I could just run down to the store and back in 15 minutes!
  • Quote: They verbally agreed to the terms and told us they accepted our offer, but then decided to wait. WTF? I am SO angry. It's SO dishonest. Ugh....We even went out and celebrated Saturday night since they said they accepted Saturday morning. So upset... 2 more hours...
    That's cr@p!! I am hoping for good news for you.

    I swear, I eat so much, but the scale has been down so far, WI is on Wednesday, I hope I lose!