Approaching Onederland and Beyond! We did it; you can too!! (next chapter)

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  • Well, it has been a few days since I've last been on to chat with you ladies, but I am back! :-)

    Last weekend my boyfriend and I celebrated our third year together which ended up being two nights of going out to eat. (eek) so the scale is still rolling over from that one. And I am sitting at 256.0 since yesterday.

    Speaking of Yesterday! I was just hired for the General Office Assistant position with the community college and I start on Monday! Good-bye old job, hello new job! I talked with my assistant manager at my old job and let him know what is happening and I will finish out my last few days over the weekend at this job and then be done. (I have a phobia of talking to people in positions of power, ie managers. My old self, I would have just done a no call, no show... but Today I turned over a new leaf and actually went in to talk to the manager. I survived!)

    I go in for a drug test and a physical exam today and then finish out a partial shift at my old job tonight.

    In celebration, I bought a few new tops for my new job. I need to wear more dressy clothing... most of my wardrobe is t-shirts and jeans haha

    They are also offering me about 50 cents higher than the initial rate which they were first going to give me. :-)

    So woo! I am thrilled

    Also, my little Etsy shop is doing pretty good. I've had quite a few buttons and some jewelry sell in the last few days. :-)

    I hope everyone else is doing good and staying cool!
  • hello chick back from the afternoon shift! exhausting cause 4 new ppl came in and i didnt knew them and learn everything about them in little time. ohh well i survived.

    i wont enjoy my dad's visit cause i will see him 2 full days. because i do mornings , afternoons ,. nights soo be with him a full day lol 2 of them but well i will enjoy the half days with him.

    how are u chicks? i hope u all are allright .
  • Packgirl - have a great trip to the beach! Sounds like fun!

    Laifierr - howdy! A HUGE congratulations on scoring the new job!!! I'm smiling from ear to ear for you. Glad you were able to find the courage to give notice to your old job - always best not to burn that bridge. Don't worry about the uptick after eating out...water weight I'm sure.

    Irina - sounds like another busy day. Glad you survived it.
  • hehe lol survived barely but i think they are testing us(the new workers) to see if we can do it stress and all.
  • Hi everyone!!!!

    Lai- congrats on the new job! so excited for you

    packgirl- the beach vacation sounds great

    dogdays- how's the knee doing?

    star- how's school going?

    jen- you must be so busy with the new job. how are things going?

    irina- sounds like such a busy place to work... at least you won't get bored

    Back from California.... it was such a busy trip. Tons of fun... San Diego beach and zoo, Universal Studios, and Disneyland. Taking today off to regroup and let my feet rest.
  • Lai - Congrats on the 3 yrs and no worries on eating out - you were celebrating and life needs to continue even with us being careful

    Irina - You survived... yay

    Dogdays - How is your recovery? I think of you when DD and I are working on her PT

    Teacher - Welcome back and so glad the trip was so much fun for you! That's great!!! A well deserved trip for sure!

    Been doing Insanity now and hanging in there. I am up at 3:30am, driving to work by 5:30 after getting kids' meds and such ready (and myself)... work til 4 (5 last night), home around 5:15ish... then it's supper in front of the computer while doing schoolwork, then after schoolwork it's Insanity.. cool down, shower, bed by 10-11pmish. This is pretty much my normal weekday, so not much to tell. Have a great day all!!!
  • Hi everyone!

    I'm not a 30something but I'm trying to get closer to onederland everyday. So I thought I'd give myself a bit of accountability and join the thread I don't remember ever seeing onederland as an adult so I really need to do this.
  • Soul- WELCOME!!! You're getting very close to ONEderland. Keep up the good work!

    Teacher- glad you had a great trip! I'm heading to CA for work on Monday time for fun though. That'll come the day after I return from CA...when we leave for our Disney World vacation.

    Itsmy- your days sound packed but structured within a solid routine. Good for you.

    My knee is doing well. My body absolutely refuses to go back below 119 so I assume there's still a lot of healing going on in there. I've been on plan with eating and have been increasing my walk distance each day. I even started a bit of cardio on my elliptical last night. Got 15 minutes in and felt good about it. The joint is still swollen a bit and stiff but definitely improving every day.
  • yes i surived but my wight loss didnt. i was at 266 and now am 269 all due to the night shift i do and it messes up with the dinner hours. like instead of eating dinner at 6 or 7 pm (due to the fact that i begin the night shift at 6 pm) i eat it at midnight and from there it all messed up. dunno what to do.

    happy to have a job but it messes up my diet.
  • Soul- welcome!!!

    dogdays- have a good work trip. Where are you staying at Disney World? We have time share at Old Key West. Disney World is my favorite vacation spot. We go on May 22. So a long time away but plane tickets are bought Glad to hear good things on your healing process

    star- such a busy woman!!! your schedule makes me sleepy just reading it.

    irina- I think you just have to give your body time to adjust to your new work schedule. Then the scale will start moving.

    I ran errands this morning then headed to the ymca water park with my brother. So no formal workout but had fun swimming around and relaxing in the lazy river.
  • ty i really needed to hear that teacher1 cause now i am a little down cause the scale i going up

    ohh well i shall expect the miracolus day the scale will go down again!
  • Irina - night shift is tough on diets. My DH struggles to stay within calories (he's not dieting but he logs his calories to maintain his weight for the hardcore road biking he does) but if he plans his whole day of food ahead of time he finds it easier to stay within his goal while he's at work all night. It helps too that he packs his own dinner so once he's out of food, that's it for his eating.

    Teacher - Your YMCA has a water park?! And a lazy river?! I'm crazy jealous!! I'm a water/theme park junkie. We too have an obsession with WDW. I went several times as a child. DH's first visit was our honeymoon and we've been taking the girls nearly every year since they were born. It's embarrassing, the number of times we've gone, but we do try to do cultural vacations too in an effort to broaden their horizons - they're good travelers and enjoy it very much. For this trip, we're staying at Beach Club. We've never stayed at any of the EPCOT resorts so I'm pretty excited about staying there and walking to the park. Plus the pool has a lazy river, LOL, so you know where I'll be!
  • hi everyone!!!!

    dogdays- yes, our ymca right by our house is about 4 years old. So it's got the water park with lazy river and 2 water slides... very cool. Sounds like you have a very fun trip planned

    Got in a home workout... busy day planning my mom's bday celebration tomorrow. My brother who is off at school is surprising her tonight because she thinks he can't come. So it should be an exciting night.
  • star- love the new picture... beautiful couple
  • Hi everyone!!!! Have a great Saturday! Anyone have fun weekend plans?

    Heading to my parents later for a swim and BBQ for my mom's bday She turns 60 on Tues. My brothers are home to celebrate! It's going to be a great day!