"JB" Blue Team Chat # 8

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  • sportmom, yes that is some kind of energy. I don't drink any caffeine and I usually go to the gym in the morning but I still can't sleep at night. I won't go to the extreme of vacuuming my lampshades though. I hate vacuuming. Speaking of it, I need to clean my house today.....ugh. i hate cleaning house because it never seems clean with 4 little kids.
  • I know, I used to watch in amazement how just my TWO could mess things up again right after me, way faster than I could clean. I felt like a waitress during the early years - seems no sonner than I could get the dishes, table cleaned and floor swept, 30 mins later they were rummaging for more food!

    Well, perhaps you should clean at nite when you have the energy and they're not awake to mess it up!
  • Quote: sportmom, yes that is some kind of energy. I don't drink any caffeine and I usually go to the gym in the morning but I still can't sleep at night. I won't go to the extreme of vacuuming my lampshades though. I hate vacuuming. Speaking of it, I need to clean my house today.....ugh. i hate cleaning house because it never seems clean with 4 little kids.
    Tawnya, is it possible you're working out too much? Here some links that might help you to maybe figure out why you're not sleeping well.





    http://www.helpguide.org/life/sleep_tips.htm (Tips for improving sleep)


    Hope this helps
  • Thanks Fran, I'll look forward to the email once the book is returned
  • pinto-thanks. I looked at them and they are helpful.
  • Quote: A COLOR: Juniper (green? ) JADE
    SOMETHING YOU DRINK: Kamikaze Julep
    This was tough for J! Anyone want to help me out on the three I fudged?
    Looking for a j flower.
  • jonquil.

    too many years of reading the hallmark flower and birthstone calendars, i think.......

  • Jasmine...smells wonderful
  • Good morning, Bluesers!

    Anna, Dee, Fran - I'm so sorry to hear that all of you have been sick. I hope you feel better quickly. FYI...there is a 24 hour bug going around. My youngest DD and my SIL had it this past weekend. They said it's nasty stuff.

    Anjuli - That is a long time to wait for an appointment when you're having an issue with dizziness. Can you call mid-morning every day to see if they have any cancellations?

    Sonja - I'm so glad to hear from you! I was hoping that you weren't another one of my favorite people who has decided to drop out of the challenge. I need you guys!

    Trailgroomer - Sorry about the game..I didn't know what it was. I'll post mine next.

    Zinke - I was thinking about you yesterday. So glad you're back with us. Just put the baby shower behind you and move on. What is your exercise plan for today?

    MJ - So sorry to hear that the knee is paining you again. I hope it eases up and you won't need another shot anytime soon.

    Dora - I love my steelcut oats! The ratio is 4 cups of liquid to 1 cup of oats. I usually use 3 cups of water and 1 cup of fat free half-and-half. I also add a tsp of salt and 2 tsp of vanilla. Cook on low for 7-8 hours. I refrigerate this and heat up 1 cup each morning. Yum! It's also really delicious with dried fruit and other spices. I experiment every once in a while, but the vanilla is my favorite.

    Well, some of you may have noticed that I've been a bit "grumpy" and negative lately. My glass has been 1/2 empty for quite a while now. I haven't been able to get back on track with the weight loss and I'm just disatisfied with my life in general. I've mentioned before that I struggle with depression, so I'm not sure why I'm fighting myself on this and trying to white knuckle my way through life right now. I finally got real with myself and admitted that I need to go back on some anti-depressants and get back on track. I called and made an appointment with my doctor for tomorrow afternoon. Why is mental health such a taboo or difficult subject? I almost feel like I shouldn't even admit my depression here on the threads....as if I have something to be ashamed of. But, I've always been 100% honest about my journey and I see no reason to stop now. Who knows...maybe this will actually help someone else. That would be a silver lining!

    Hope everyone has a great on-plan day.
  • YOUR NAME: Billie
    4 LETTER WORD: Brat
    BOY NAME : Butch
    GIRL NAME: Brenda
    OCCUPATION: Bass player
    A COLOR: Black
    FOOD: Black eyed peas
    A PLACE: Brooklyn
    REASON FOR BEING LATE: Broke down car
    A CAR: Bronco
    A FLOWER: Balloon Flower
    VACATION SPOT: Bermuda
  • Rhonda, it definitely isn't something to be ashamed of. I belong to a parenting email group; there are about 30 of us who have stuck together since posting together when we were pregnant in 1999. I would say that 1/2 to 75% of them are on meds for anxiety/depression. And if you looked at any who were on at one time, the number is probably closer to 85-90%.
  • YOUR NAME: Rhonda
    4 LETTER WORD: Roll
    BOY NAME : Robert
    GIRL NAME: Rene
    OCCUPATION: Realtor
    A COLOR: Red
    SOMETHING YOU WEAR: Rhinestones
    FOOD: Ribs
    SOMETHING FOUND IN A BATHROOM: reading material.
    A PLACE: Rio
    REASON FOR BEING LATE: run in my hose
    A CAR: Rolls Royce
    A FLOWER: Rose
  • Fran, Thank you!
  • Quote: Zinke - I was thinking about you yesterday. So glad you're back with us. Just put the baby shower behind you and move on. What is your exercise plan for today? I'm supposed to have a plan???? How come nobody told me that before? LOL

    Dora - I love my steelcut oats! The ratio is 4 cups of liquid to 1 cup of oats. I usually use 3 cups of water and 1 cup of fat free half-and-half. I also add a tsp of salt and 2 tsp of vanilla. Cook on low for 7-8 hours. I refrigerate this and heat up 1 cup each morning. Yum! It's also really delicious with dried fruit and other spices. I experiment every once in a while, but the vanilla is my favorite. I tried them in the slow cooker. I thought they turned to mush. I much prefer doing them the night before with a 3:1 ratio and adding them to boiling water and then turning the burner off and letting them sit overnight.

    Well, some of you may have noticed that I've been a bit "grumpy" and negative lately. My glass has been 1/2 empty for quite a while now. I haven't been able to get back on track with the weight loss and I'm just disatisfied with my life in general. I've mentioned before that I struggle with depression, so I'm not sure why I'm fighting myself on this and trying to white knuckle my way through life right now. I finally got real with myself and admitted that I need to go back on some anti-depressants and get back on track. I called and made an appointment with my doctor for tomorrow afternoon. Why is mental health such a taboo or difficult subject? I almost feel like I shouldn't even admit my depression here on the threads....as if I have something to be ashamed of. But, I've always been 100% honest about my journey and I see no reason to stop now. Who knows...maybe this will actually help someone else. That would be a silver lining!

    Hope everyone has a great on-plan day.
    I am very glad you have an appointment. You have nothing to be ashamed of.
  • Hi everyone! I so wanted to stay in bed snuggled up w/ dh this am!!!!

    Rhonda--I am so glad you made an appt for yourself! I know what you mean. Even working in the field and trying to help my residents deal w/ the stigma every day, I felt 'funny' admitting I needed help w/ my anxiety. Bottem line is, I do need help and it's ok! We deserve to feel good and if it takes some help w/ meds, then so be it! My knee feels better today, so I am hoping it was just the changing weather.

    Tonight my plan at the gym is arms/shoulders and cardio. I have to re-energize myself this afternoon and get in the mood to do a little cleaning when I get home. I just found out my mil is coming for a short visit tomorrow. The house should look at least presentable even though I'll be at work.

    Have a great on plan day!