*Weekly Chat 19 to 25 March*

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  • I want to try the Reebok Easy Tones too so if you get them or if anyone else here has them please let me know! At Christmas time I was looking at them on Amazon and people were mostly complaint(y) (haha not sure what word to use) about them. I'd like to get them anyway, especially since they're coming out in cuter colors.

    I have a questions ladies.....
    Has anyone ever been prescribed weight loss pills? My doctor suggested phetermine (sp?) and said she'd go over it with me my next visit (in 2 weeks)
    Just wondering everyones thoughts on this. I'd really like to go healthy all the way but she said this isn't unhealthy and would really help me. Opinons!?
  • Kelly - I've heard good things about those tone sneakers from nurses - they're on their feet all day so they really help.

    Is phetermine what came after phen-phen? I just don't like diet pills, even the prescription ones. My main reason being - you need to lose weight the same way you will maintain. This is a life style change, not a diet. So yes, the pills may help you lose weight, but what happens when you're at goal and you stop taking them? Will you gain it back? Will your metabolism be shot for life?
    Many of these prescription diet pills are new to the market (they come out fairly often) and haven't been around long enough to study the long term effects. Phen-Phen was on the market, and people lost so much weight on it. Then they started having adverse reactions and I believe a few of them resulted in death.

    Its a personal decision, and I wish you luck with it, but I think you can be just as successful, for now and long term, if you just keep on plan and avoid pharmaceuticals
  • Stella - I agree. It is definitely a personal choice, but the idea of chemical weight loss scares the heck out of me. A friend of mine in high school started taking an over the counter product to get slim for his senior year. He ended up having a stroke during football practice and was in the hospital for months. The combination of the dehydration from the drug (no matter how much water/gatorade he drank) and the heat pushed his body over the edge...impacting his blood pressue along with other problems. Scared me enough to stay away, no matter what they say it's made from.

    The idea of prescription drugs often gives us a false sense of security. Doctors cannot possibly know just how your body will react to a given medication. There is always some "risk" involved, even if that means it did nothing for you. I wouldn't want to be the one person to act as example to others via adverse reaction or death. I'll stick to eating less and exercising more! lol

    As a funnier rule of thumb, too, I look to Oprah. The woman has more money and power than anyone and also has a weight problem. If there was something perfectly safe and 100% effective, don't you think she would have been all over it like yesterday?
  • I agree.

    I was suprised she even suggested it.
    Now I keep thinking about it over and over in my head.
    I guess I should just wait until May 4th and hear about it.
  • Doctors are funny, they're just like the rest of us - some buy into prescription meds, and some don't. After my mom died, my doctor was ready to put me on some anti-anxiety medication like that /snaps fingers and was actually surprised when I was hesitant.

    I think the common trend is that people want a quick fix in the form of pharmaceuticals, and a lot of health professionals operate on the basis that that's what we all want. The general public is pretty uneducated about prescription drugs, they just want them, and want a fix, and want it now.

    If you talk to your doctor, and say your hesitant, etc. I'm sure she'll try and steer you in the right direction, and should really champion your efforts to do it the "natural way" if that's what you decide. In most cases, its just better to try and regulate yourself without the medication.
  • I agree with everyone else. I'm really weary of those. My friend was actually put on one and lost weight. I don't remember the name of it but if you want I could call and ask her. I know it was something in the phen-phen family (whichever one wasn't taken off the market or something like that). I don't know if she's still taking them or not. She had also had a baby the year before so I'm not sure if it had to do with losing baby weight or not.

    Regardless - I'm of the school of thought of how you lose it is how you keep it off. If it was that simple all of us would be skinny!!!! And Lauren that is a GREAT rule!
  • Isnt phetamine related to amphetamine, ie speed? Lol doctors are funny
  • It is, Icon. It's actually the Phen in Phen-Fen
  • Dinner was yummy squash stuffed shells one serving a little under 300 calories and i'm so full after eating only 3 shells.
    So this after noon between turbosculpt and a good walk in my sketchers my legs and but are getting sore. I like it
  • Hello lovely ladies

    I tried flatout wraps for the first time tonight... um amazing....why didnt someone tell me about these guys sooner?

    I had the light italian herb one and it was soooo yummy with grilled chicken, lettuce, red onions, green onions, turkey bacon, and two tablespoons of guacamole...omg sooooooo yummy... I also made oven baked french fries with ranch seasoning mix

    I really want a food scale I think it would help with my neurotic behaviors lol...

    I haven't weighed myself in two days... maybe I'll hop on the scale tomorrow if I feel like it
  • Jess - iron girl: http://www.irongirl.com/Events/Del_Mar/Event.htm
    i convinced my mom to walk the 5K!! i'm excited. I'm doing the 10 k tho Which one do you think would be better for July 4? What distance i mean. Keep in mind, running a half marathon aug. 15th. hmm...
  • Hey Sam - Thanks, I am feeling a little better, it was +8 today so I got alot of fresh air being outside and some warmth so things are coming around and really I think MMA last night sweated the worse outta me....I still feel like crap but not soooooo bad!! I just wanna make it through the week - of all weeks to be sick, its the one where I can't miss even a minute of work!

    Hey Haley! I also heart flatout wraps, I tried them for my first time when I went to Boston a few weeks ago...I brought home about 8 packages!! yummy! Great for little pizzas too! oven baked fries with ranch mix??? sounds yummy..just coat them and bake?

    Can't chat long, sorry girls. More personals later.

    oh right - Way to go Feral!!!! That .5 will be gone before you know it!! Can you believe how far you've come lady!! So proud of you
  • Haley - I think those are the things I just discovered. I got the honey wheat ones
  • good morning breakfast today a sausage patty, egg white and low fat frozen waffle. as i'm eating my waffle with sugar free syrup it reminded me of something i saw of the weekend that struck me. I took my hubby sun morning to a breakfast buffet for his bday i picked one that i knew had healthy options ans huge fruit bar now across from us was a family a mom dad and 2 girls about 7 yr old one was like a stick the other was a little chubby( i too was a chubby kid) but what i noticed her eating shocked me she had a large bowl of syrup and she dipped i know 6 pieces of bacon in the syrup before eating it. I over heard her say that she puts syrup on her eggs and grits too. as we were leaving she was returning to the buffet with another plate of bacon. This really saddens me that the parents werent helping her make good choices and setting her up to go thru such a hard thing as she gets older especially with a stick skinny sister, i wish someone had told me to eat broccoli rather than fries. It really broke my heart for this little girl and i hope she doesnt eat every meal like she did breakfast that day.
  • Sooooo close to Friday...this week is totally dragging a$$ for me. I was bad and didn't do any extra exercise last night. :/ The rain/gloominess had me in a moody way and I just wanted to be warm and relax.

    Does anyone watch 16 and Pregnant on MTV? For whatever reason, I am all about this show, last season and this one. It kills me how stupid the guys (and some of these girls) can be, but I think that it does such a great job of being "real" for teens. I know so many girls who, for whatever hairbrained reason, thought that a child was likened to a fun accessory. This shows the truth to the best extent I've seen, in a format that I really think could make a difference. Very cool.

    I'm also eaten up with the Tudors, but I'm a complete history nerd, obviously. Even though I know the facts, it's still fun to watch his psychosis progress. Little Queen Catherine (Katherine) is on her way out fast...as the 5th wife, you would think these chicks would get a clue with this stuff. As with those who cheat with someone and then are surprised when that person cheats on them...why did you think it'd be different with you? lol

    Looking forward to a nice jog with the hubby tonight. There is a farm auction a few days this week, so he took a few days leave. I have him home for four nights in a row, so he gets to be my workout buddy! I'm sure he's overjoyed.