^*^September Daily Accountability Check-In Everyone Welcome^*^

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  • Hi Girls!!!!

    Geez, I'm gone 1 day and I have missed so much! My scale was up 3 pounds to 236.4 on the day after the fair. So I'm ending my month yesterday with my new low of 233.4!!!

    My eats are good for today. I will be 100% on plan today.

    cincimini!!! We're glad to have you here! I post my planned meals usually so that it helps me stick to it. Everyone here has their own tactic that works for them.

    Diana: My goal for October is to hit 229.4. That would be a nice loss of 4 lbs to get me to 20 lbs lost and get me started on the 220's. That would be so great! So that's what I'm going for.

    Dallas: This: Whole grain Bread w/turkey, hummus, red peppers 400 DELICIOUS by the way. That has my mouth watering!!!

    Roxanne: No dizzy spells here either. Be careful. We don't want you getting hurt or anything. Best of luck with that pup. You sure you can't keep just ONE more?! (puppy dog eyes. lol)

    Lauren: Thanks for posting that recipe. I copied it and cannot wait to make it. It sounds soo yummy!!!

    Stacy: Welcome aboard. We're glad to have you here!

    Penguin: Welcome back!!

    Dallas: I like to progress the same way you do. That is a really great line up. I find that I need to do the same thing. I am just recently getting back to the gym after injuries so I am focused on cardio right now. And then, like you, I begin to add in strength and core training, and then this time I have decided to add the running in last. We have really close numbers, it will be great to go on this journey with you.

    to anyone that I missed! Ill check back in a bit.
  • I posted this in my weigh in thread that I wanted to put this tidbit in here for those of you who won't see it over there. It's just something I am feeling really strongly about today. Bear with me. LOL My thoughts on the fair yesterday.

    I thought of you girls ALL DAY yesterday!!! you should have SEEN some of that food! It was revolting. Deep fried pb&j's. deep fried snickers bars!!!! I wish I was making that one up. I have to say that it was gross. And also seeing the people. I am a HUGE people watcher. I love it and can do it for hours. The average weight of the people I saw yesterday was 200+. Grouping everyone together, there were more people there that were overweight. Many of them severely overweight. It really made me sad. That was also a time that I thought of you guys. Just how strong we REALLY are to be on this journey when we are faced with the fact that deep fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches are becoming a norm. It's all around us, all the time! We are such strong people to resist temptation THAT big.

    I realized where once it felt like we were on the outside for being fat and trying to get to the norm of being skinny...it's completely reversed itself now. We ARE the norm in being fat desperately trying to get to the outside of this so that we can be healthy (skinny). That hit me like a ton of bricks yesterday watching everyone at the fair. I am proud to stand with you girls (and our guys out there too)! I am proud to fight this battle alongside of you.
  • Vixsin - Thanks for sharing - it's amazing how you view the world now eh
  • I can hear a gal I work with on the phone ordering pizza. There must be people coming in here today. 1 party size combination and an additional large cheese pizza.

    I'm going to stick with my chicken breast and black beans with my pesto green beans, string cheese, and an apple.

    Lauren: Amen to that. I'll take this new outlook over the old behaviors any day of the week!
  • Good morning all!

    I anticipated the scales dropping a couple of pounds today but it didn't happen. I know it's about there, but it still made me sad. I have such a big day ahead of unsure eating... World Equestrian Games (WEG) this afternoon and then Big Bad Voodoo Daddy and a philharmonic orchestra tonight... I wanted that motivation.

    Lauren, I'm in on that *group hug* to everyone!

    I've had smart start cereal with banana and soy milk and an extra long twizzler that some students came in excited about.

    Ironically, my dept. chair who is out at meetings left me and a couple of others $5.00 to buy bake sale items to support a student organization she's involved with. lol Really?! I'm trying to avoid that end of the hallway and you've given me $5.00 to buy sweets with?! lol

    Of course I will. Anyway, this is my less than positive post.

    And Tony Curtis died?! That made me tear up. I've been a fan and I met him a few years ago. Such a nice guy.

    Hm, happy thoughts! WEG! Concert! Nice weather! Woo hoo.
  • vixsin - I think your pre-packed lunch sounds better than that pizza anyway

    dallas - Wow, a busy day for you eh ... sounds like fun though
  • LOL shells I must and I will try it with the other ingredients Have a great weekend. Gotta tell you we went on our first cub scout camp out when our little one was in diapers. She was the only one that slept through the night, I was up 4 times (too much tea). But it was definitely a lesson learned. Can't wait to hear about your weekend when you get back.

    Hi Lindsey

    Hi Penguin

    Hi Diana I can't wait until the long weekend ... still trying to get back on track from our weekend away

    Lauren Thank you ... so far so good today. I haven't had one thing I'm not supposed to ME that I stay OP Sorry you aren't feeling well. I'm glad to know that when I say I can taste a stinky smell I'm not the only one. My daughter and husband always say I need to stop complaining. I don't know how much longer you can take the smell but I do know the two are really bad together. Maybe you could talk to some of your other co-workers and see if it is bothering them and you all could talk to her together. Just a thought Hope you feel better soon

    Hi Vixsin, you did great that 3lbs will be gone in no time Your lunch sounds great ... no grease, like the pizza

    Dallas sorry about the scale this morning Give the $5.00 to them as a donation don't even touch the sweets, let them pick out something they like, less temptation, just a thought Enjoy your day ... glad the weather is nice, it's raining here but no flooding yet

    So far today I have had ...

    Breakfast (280)
    n/s apple sauce, 3/4c skim, 1/4c 2%, plain nutri grain whole wheat waffle, V8 fusion light

    Snack (160)
    cup of grapes, cheese/cracker stick snack

    Lunch (326)
    salad w/ croutons, beets, light Caesar, albacore w/light mayo & relish

    I will back later with the rest. Have a great afternoon Everyone
  • Wow, guys- I got so busy yesterday that I didn't have time to check in. Yesterday was a good day for me... until dinner. My husband has been off work for a few days and when he's home, it's so much harder to stay OP. He wants a home cooked meal sometimes, or rather, go out to eat. So that's what happened last night. I had a burger and fries. Do you know that it wasn't even as good as I remembered it being? That has happened each time I've cheated on my diet. I order something I'm craving, and it's not as good. It's almost like my taste buds have changed. Needless to say, I gained back up to 201.4 this morning and I deserved what I got. Is it wrong that I don't want to make that change on my ticker? LOL

    My goal for October is to lose 10 more lbs. It's definitely do-able on my plan if I stop cheating. So maybe, rather, my goal should be NO CHEATING! (Except for the fair when I go in a week and half, of course - I promise I will resist the fried oreos and candy bars- I want a corn dog!)

    vixsin: I am soo proud of you! You are doing so great on your weight loss! And your experience at the fair- fried snickers and pb&j's sounds so gross! That's just gone too far. And your pesto green beans sound so much better than that pizza!

    lauren: Hope you get to feeling better! And good luck with your perfume situation at work! I wonder if any of your co-workers are also tired of smelling the perfume? You might have to round everyone up for an "intervention" for this person! lol
  • Lindsey: Congrats and welcome!

    Lauren: It seems to be pretty random, some days are worse than others. Today so far no dizzy spell. I hope you feel better and so sorry about the perfumy girl. Never had to deal with that. Sorry

    Vixsin: Congrats on the new low!!! And I want to keep that pup sooo badly. I totally did the same as you and people watched at the fair...and yeah I saw the deep fried snickers and twinkies. I also just did a paper on obesity. In 1985 not ONE state had an average BMI over 15% by 2009 not one state has an average BMI that low. EVERY state has a BMI that is classified as overweight. Nine states also have a BMI of over 35% classifiying them as severely obese. The trend is scary. The leading cause of death in the US...heart disease. People that have obesity are 50% more likely than their skinny counterparts to get heart disease.

    Here is the link for the obesity trends...take a look at it, it is an eye opening sight: http://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/trends.html#State

    So my goal today is to get 60 ounces of water in. I decided that in the morning, I'll just get a 20 ox bottle and drink it. Same in the afternoon and evening. My stomach feels stretched but I am starving. Only had an apple for breakfast but it was a large one. Gonna eat an early lunch and then take a nap. The puppy kept me up for quite a while last night and then had to get up early.
  • Cinciminni and Lindsey - Always glad to have new folks come aboard

    Dallas - I usually make pesto with my basil (and put it on pasta, or on homemade pizza in place of tomato sauce), but you can also cook it with tomatoes, peppers, onions, garlic, etc to make a homemade marinara sauce. Also, I know thai food sometimes uses basil (seen it on menus) but I've never tried using basil in thai cooking myself.

    Roxanne - interesting research...yes, the increase in obesity is super-alarming, isn't it? Just goes to show that the standard American diet (acronym: SAD) and typical American lifestyle of sedentary jobs, lots of driving, recreation that's not active etc is a toxic combo. I can't wait to get to 191 and have BMI under 30 so I'm no longer that part of that statistic!

    Penguin - welcome back, glad to know you're getting back on the wagon after your sister's visit.

    Vixsin - thanks for your encouraging words. I, too, am proud to be part of this tribe.

    Lauren - sorry to hear about perfume situation...I'm really sensitive to scents, too, that would drive me crazy. If it's bothering you it's probably bothering other people, so hopefully action can be taken. I work with one guy who has a problem in the opposite direction - when I get closer to him I occasionally catch a whiff of BO...so a bit of cologne in that case would be welcomed.

    Didn't get a chance to post yesterday. Tuesday I was OP all day and then went out to dinner with a friend - I had a hamburger with extra lean ground beef topped with veggies on a whole grain roll, and sweet potato fries. Healthier than it could of been (sweet potato healthier carb than potatoes, didn't add bacon or mayo or anything like that to my burger) and portion was reasonable (not a 7 oz burger or anything) but you know what? I still felt yucky afterwards, too full and too heavy. I just can't do fried foods. Okay, not going to that restaurant again. Then yesterday I baked all day and didn't eat much of the finished project but was nibbling as I went - licking the spoon, tasting the crumb that was left in the cake pan, you know the drill. So last two days haven't been great but so far have been on track for today. Not weighing b/c it is TTOM, but that's no excuse to slack.

    Happy Thursday! It's almost the weekend!
  • Hi ladies! Thanks so much for the warm welcome. And great job everyone !!! (I think this is my new favorite emo )

    Well, today was a tough day. I was out of town for a job interview, so when I got up at 6, I was way too nervous to eat - not a bad thing I guess . Of course then I was exposed to the smörgåsbord of bad food at the train stations - McD's, BK, Starbucks (those muffins.... )...
    Anyway, I think I did okay all things considered. Here's the intake:

    B - apple
    L - 1/2 whole wheat bagel with cream cheese, lettuce, tomato
    S - small cup of low-fat yogurt with fruit (it also had some bulgur in it, which I didn't notice until after I bought it - didn't taste bad at all though!) and the rest of my lunch bagel
    I did break down and had a Starbucks latte with skim milk, but it's better than a muffin...

    I wasn't planning on having dinner at all b/c I snacked around 4:30pm. Of course, I got home at 8:30 and I'm starving . Planned to have salat, but the lettuce in the fridge is rotten. So I had to improvise

    D - 100 g (about 3 oz) chicken breast and tomato/basil salad

    Work out: None other than walking to and from place, plus my car was parked about half a mile away from the station

    I'm really hoping to see some lbs come off soon. I've done WW for 3-4 weeks plus the gym and I thought I had dropped about 10 pounds... until I bought the new scale and I'm now heavier than I was before I started. I guess I still did lose some, but it's still frustrating to see that number up again . Oh well, back to the gym tomorrow morning!

    Hope everyone is having a great day. Btw, I love reading what everyone eats - it gives me lots of good ideas, especially for snacks! So thanks
  • Wow, I'm having a hard time keeping up with y'all!

    cincimini--Welcome to our group!! My mom is German, so we used to live in Germany until I was 5.

    Blue--Hey, slacker! I'm such a taster too when I'm cooking. I try so hard not to, but sometimes I do it without even thinking!

    Roxan--Those stats are so sad. And it saddness me that I'm adding to that statistic! But, at least I'm doing something about it!

    Raven--I'll be cheering you on as we both try and lose 10 pounds this month!

    love2b--I'm trying to keep an open mind about the wilderness adventure, but am secretly dreading it.

    Dallas--Aw, man!! You're trying to be good while there's a bake sale AND your boss gave you money for it?? You poor thing!! I'd totally get something. Just choose wisely.

    Vixsen--I agree with the others, your lunch sounded yummy! And I'm proud to be fighting alongside of you too! (and those fried foods honestly sounds gross. Dh used to buy battered/deep fried sausages in England. That made me eeeeeeeew!!)

    Lauren--I'm so sorry you're not feeling well. I hope you feel better soon and it's just a quick passing thing. And UGH, I hate it when people wear a lot of perfume (my mother does that and she doesn't smoke!).

    LittleLindsey--That is awesome!!! Great job on the loss!!

    Diana--You've done so great, I bet you'll meet that goal!

    So, quick question...what are you guys doing for clothes? My jeans are starting to hang off me and I really don't have money to keep buying new clothes. As thrilled as I am to have this problem (*happy dance*), I still need to figure something out. What do you guys do? Just buy a belt? Let it be baggy? Splurge?
  • For today:

    Weigh-in: .2 loss
    Breakfast: 3/4 Kashi GoLean cereal, soy milk, coffee
    Snack: 1 serving whole grain cheez-its
    Lunch: Lean cuisine Tai Shrimp with extra shrimp
    Snack: V8
    Dinner: Turkey burger on a slice of flaxseed whole wheat bread topped with mushrooms and onions, side of baked butternut squash fries (really yummy!)
    Total Calories: 1,406

    No exercise yet, but I'm hoping to still get a chance to do it tonight. I've been rearranging furniture all day, so that should count for something....right?
  • Shells LOL I know the feeling. Luckily now there is another scout that our boy goes with so we don't have to go anymore. It's not as much fun as it use to be for us but he still enjoys it. I go to Goodwill, someone around here must buy new clothes and not like them because I get lucky when I go. At other stores I search the clearance racks.
  • Raven I need to make NO CHEATING a goal of mine also I think our taste buds do change while on our journeys ... that's a good thing

    Roxanne have you decided to keep her? Good job on the water planning. I have to try to drink mine all at once or I'll give up here lately

    Blueridge, good job on only nibbling and not eating your baked goods. I made that pound cake Friday before last and had a piece or two everyday, so glad it's gone

    Cinci great job avoiding all of the train station foods and the muffins at Starbucks. I love their lemon pound cake, so delicious