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Old 04-14-2012, 06:48 PM   #61  
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Thank you. I was stacking some wood with the kids kind of helping and I went into the basement and got a 35# weight and showed it to my two oldest. I asked them if they could pick it up. No go for my 6 year old. My 9 year old did then put it down quickly. I told them that's how much weight I've lost in the last few weeks. Their eyes got big. It was pretty cool.

My wife is upset I did not talk to her before deciding to start IP. It all happened pretty fast for me. I saw a friend at training on a Wednesday and told him he looked great and asked how he'd lost his weight. It was IP. On my way home I called the local IP clinic and had a call back. There was an ifo meeting that night. Sounded like it was meant to be. I went and joined up the following day. I have tried LOTS of diets over the years. WW worked a bit, Atkins helped me lose weight but neither lasted. My wife just told me I'd never stick to this, IP. That was like a kick in the gut. I need to make this work. I don't want to die any sooner than necessary! I know none of us make it out alive but I'd like it to be a long time from now! =) I don't want gastric by pass but that's what I was looking at about a month ago. Then I found IP. I've not cheated at all on this diet. Something I have never been able to do with any other diet. IP is expensive but it is working for me and clearly lots of you.

Got to go stack some more wood!
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Old 04-14-2012, 06:49 PM   #62  
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Originally Posted by CassiR View Post
Morning all,
A bit disappointed from my WI today. Down 0.6lbs. I know, I know, a loss is a loss but lately all my losses have been low. My coach said to limit myself to 2 TSP of WF products per day and NO egg whites. I told her I thought egg whites were free and so i've been using them in recipes but she said if I have egg whites it will count towards my dinner protein. UGH Normally I have 1/4c of WF products (mostly syrup for my zucchini french toast or rhubarb) and 2 egg whites (I use liquid egg whites) the zucchini french toast. I wouldn't even consider having 2 eggs or egg whites for my dinner protein over an 8 oz turkey or chicken breast. I never use splenda or stevia packets and don't even use the allowed 1oz of milk. I only have my one restricted bar per day, 1.5 tsp EVOO and stay away from all of the restricted veggies for the week. I'd like to think i'm following the sheet to a T.
I've been eating only every 4-6 hours and that seemed to help this week with cravings and hunger. Seemed like the more often I ate the more I wanted.
the low loss this week?
You are in the same spot as me. I am starting to think the last 10 lbs might just be slow and hard . I've switched lots of different stuff around, no cheating. Nothing seems to make a difference. I'm phasing off next week and hope to lose a few more lbs on my way out.
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Old 04-14-2012, 06:51 PM   #63  
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Those last pounds are always tough. Sometimes it is trying to lose too much...otherwise it's just the struggle to remain op while so close to goal...
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Old 04-14-2012, 07:06 PM   #64  
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Originally Posted by massconfusion84 View Post
I was only down .5 lbs this week too. It just put the fire under my butt for this week. No fooling around now. Im happy as long as the scale doesnt go up!! 6 weeks until summer...yikes!
You're right. I feel so much better about my body being so close to summer than I would have! It kind of put a fire under my butt too! Really watching, weighing, and measuring EVERYTHING I have. Of course with the exception of packets. I'm also watching my sodium. Struggling to get in a gallon of water per day but I get close. We'll get there!
Originally Posted by DanafromAustin View Post
You don't have a lot left to loose, so you can expect it to go slow toward the end. Make sure you are drinking all of your water too.
I'm almost 10lbs to goal so I suppose i'm getting to the end of the road... didn't really realize that! I still feel there is fat and rolls in areas that shouldn't be there but they are definitely getting smaller. Thanks for putting it into perspective.

Originally Posted by efrikanprincess View Post
CassiR and doublebaby: perseverance is key! Your body is reorganizing on a cellular level, stick with the program and you will see results
Thanks for the positive comment! I'll just keep on keeping' on!

Originally Posted by deelee10 View Post
I know it's disappointing when you don't lose as much as you would like or even gain. Someone from this IP list wrote up all the stats about water retention and that kind of stuff. I don't have time to look for it now but it was very informative. Just hang in there. You'll probably have a bigger weight loss next week.
A bigger weight loss next week would be amazing! I'm going to stay positive and buckle down to lose the last pounds!

Originally Posted by artflunky View Post
You are in the same spot as me. I am starting to think the last 10 lbs might just be slow and hard . I've switched lots of different stuff around, no cheating. Nothing seems to make a difference. I'm phasing off next week and hope to lose a few more lbs on my way out.
Let me know how phasing off goes for you! I hope you're very successful with it and lose more. I may consider it in another couple weeks. Right now I'm not happy enough with my body to do it quite yet. Good luck!

Originally Posted by Momto2cs View Post
Those last pounds are always tough. Sometimes it is trying to lose too much...otherwise it's just the struggle to remain op while so close to goal...
You're right. Struggling to stay OP is actually harder than it has been this entire journey. I'm trying to spread my meals apart 4-6 hours because I noticed that when I was eating every few hours I always wanted more and it increased my cravings. Time to buckle down and lose the last 10!
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Old 04-14-2012, 07:14 PM   #65  
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Originally Posted by Cole3 View Post
Happy Saturday !!! Have to share ... I was already to cheat ... you know how we convince ourselves "Just a little bit" and added some sugar free french vanilla creamer to my coffee (Yes I did quite a bit of justifying before I decided to to it). But I sat down here ... read some of your posts and realized it really wasn't worth it and dumped it right back out Ended up mixing half of my chocolate mix I was having for breakfast anyway with the black coffee - and it was so much tastier anyway!!
Good for you! I had my first sip of diet coke in 8 weeks today thinking it wouldn't be a big deal. Best part of it was, it tasted like syrup. Didn't want any more! I give you cudos for stopping yourself!
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Old 04-14-2012, 07:26 PM   #66  
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Originally Posted by Cole3 View Post
Happy Saturday !!! Have to share ... I was already to cheat ... you know how we convince ourselves "Just a little bit" and added some sugar free french vanilla creamer to my coffee (Yes I did quite a bit of justifying before I decided to to it). But I sat down here ... read some of your posts and realized it really wasn't worth it and dumped it right back out Ended up mixing half of my chocolate mix I was having for breakfast anyway with the black coffee - and it was so much tastier anyway!!
CONGRATS!!! Those little cheats add up AND ARE NOT WORTH IT!!! I never cheated and got to the end as quick as possible. Now I'm nearing maintenance and I know I couldn't have gotten here any sooner 'cause I followed the protocol to the t!!! Keep up the great work! You are worth not cheating...soon enough you'll be able to have everything...just not now!

Again, way to go and keep it up!!!
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Old 04-14-2012, 07:38 PM   #67  
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Originally Posted by usmcvet View Post
Thank you. I was stacking some wood with the kids kind of helping and I went into the basement and got a 35# weight and showed it to my two oldest. I asked them if they could pick it up. No go for my 6 year old. My 9 year old did then put it down quickly. I told them that's how much weight I've lost in the last few weeks. Their eyes got big. It was pretty cool.

My wife is upset I did not talk to her before deciding to start IP. It all happened pretty fast for me. I saw a friend at training on a Wednesday and told him he looked great and asked how he'd lost his weight. It was IP. On my way home I called the local IP clinic and had a call back. There was an ifo meeting that night. Sounded like it was meant to be. I went and joined up the following day. I have tried LOTS of diets over the years. WW worked a bit, Atkins helped me lose weight but neither lasted. My wife just told me I'd never stick to this, IP. That was like a kick in the gut. I need to make this work. I don't want to die any sooner than necessary! I know none of us make it out alive but I'd like it to be a long time from now! =) I don't want gastric by pass but that's what I was looking at about a month ago. Then I found IP. I've not cheated at all on this diet. Something I have never been able to do with any other diet. IP is expensive but it is working for me and clearly lots of you.

Got to go stack some more wood!
I know what you mean about this diet. It is like no other I have done and I have stuck to it to a T....and not wanted to cheat once. I have had maybe 3 days of cravings, but I was able to control them.....seems crazy to me. Good for you for sticking with are doing fantastic!!!!!!! This is the place to come if you are struggling.....everyone is a great inspiration on here and can help get you thru tough times.
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Old 04-14-2012, 07:52 PM   #68  
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Originally Posted by kellycg102 View Post
Hi all!

Sorry Lettuce for your loss

WUV you look so great, I will say it again..........crazy the physical change in you.

Not feeling well today, it has happened twice this week, where mid morning I just get feeling nauseated and have to lay down. The other day it past, today it has not.......feels like a big knot in my stomach.....hard to eat and drink. I took a gravol to see if that would help the sicky feeling, but now I have a knotty stomach and drowsy:S.............and I have to work til 8pm!

Hope everyone has a great weekend, have to go back and read yesterdays post, I didn't get to read everything last night.
I don't know if you've had issues with blood sugar or blood pressure in the past, but it might be worth checking. They can cause nausea. Also, a bit of protein might help - take some from your dinner portion and spread it out during the day if you need to. Seems to me that Wuv's hint about putting salt on your hand and licking it can help with this as well.

Hope you feel better. Nausea is a tough one...
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Old 04-14-2012, 07:53 PM   #69  
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Originally Posted by usmcvet View Post
Thank you. I was stacking some wood with the kids kind of helping and I went into the basement and got a 35# weight and showed it to my two oldest. I asked them if they could pick it up. No go for my 6 year old. My 9 year old did then put it down quickly. I told them that's how much weight I've lost in the last few weeks. Their eyes got big. It was pretty cool.

My wife is upset I did not talk to her before deciding to start IP. It all happened pretty fast for me. I saw a friend at training on a Wednesday and told him he looked great and asked how he'd lost his weight. It was IP. On my way home I called the local IP clinic and had a call back. There was an ifo meeting that night. Sounded like it was meant to be. I went and joined up the following day. I have tried LOTS of diets over the years. WW worked a bit, Atkins helped me lose weight but neither lasted. My wife just told me I'd never stick to this, IP. That was like a kick in the gut. I need to make this work. I don't want to die any sooner than necessary! I know none of us make it out alive but I'd like it to be a long time from now! =) I don't want gastric by pass but that's what I was looking at about a month ago. Then I found IP. I've not cheated at all on this diet. Something I have never been able to do with any other diet. IP is expensive but it is working for me and clearly lots of you.

Got to go stack some more wood!
I did not tell my husband when I started. I just needed to prove to myself that I could do this before I got him involved too. My start up was the same way, I talked to a friend,called her coach and started IP all within a couple of days. You are doing so well, you can do this! I am new to this too but think it is the best thing I have ever done. And this site is great for support. I look forward to reading your posts filled with all your sucess!
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Old 04-14-2012, 07:59 PM   #70  
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We sold our home two years ago before moving to Texas. We purged SO much stuff. It was one wild garage sale! For us it was either keep it and pay to have it moved, or donate or sell it. We decided to go with the second option. We now feel very free by not having "stuff."

Me too...I figure on getting a studio or 1-bedroom apartment, something small. All I need is room for my sewing, music and a place to sleep, and of course, a kitchen. I've owned 6 houses now and with what miniscule energy I have, I'd rather devote it to other things than cleaning or fixing a house. I'm getting rid of everything that is not a family heirloom, and even some of those are going to family members. It really feels like a fresh start. At least it will if I get this bloody house listed and if it sells....
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Old 04-14-2012, 08:13 PM   #71  
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Originally Posted by usmcvet View Post
Thank you. I was stacking some wood with the kids kind of helping and I went into the basement and got a 35# weight and showed it to my two oldest. I asked them if they could pick it up. No go for my 6 year old. My 9 year old did then put it down quickly. I told them that's how much weight I've lost in the last few weeks. Their eyes got big. It was pretty cool.

My wife is upset I did not talk to her before deciding to start IP. It all happened pretty fast for me. I saw a friend at training on a Wednesday and told him he looked great and asked how he'd lost his weight. It was IP. On my way home I called the local IP clinic and had a call back. There was an ifo meeting that night. Sounded like it was meant to be. I went and joined up the following day. I have tried LOTS of diets over the years. WW worked a bit, Atkins helped me lose weight but neither lasted. My wife just told me I'd never stick to this, IP. That was like a kick in the gut. I need to make this work. I don't want to die any sooner than necessary! I know none of us make it out alive but I'd like it to be a long time from now! =) I don't want gastric by pass but that's what I was looking at about a month ago. Then I found IP. I've not cheated at all on this diet. Something I have never been able to do with any other diet. IP is expensive but it is working for me and clearly lots of you.

Got to go stack some more wood!
You WILL succeed! I can tell by what you wrote how much this means to you. It may be hard for her to believe now, but keep sticking with it and she'll come around. The only thing I'd suggest is to be sure you work with your doctor, especially if you are on any meds.

Good luck!
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Old 04-14-2012, 08:14 PM   #72  
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The one piece of advice that I kept reminding myself of throughout my IP journey was "This diet works"'ll have good days and bad high as your highs are, you'll have lows that are really low...expect them and be prepared. You'll get through them, with your own inner strength and support from family, friends and this site. Keep focused on your WILL reach it! Time DOES fly! Trust me. I can't believe I'm sitting here at my computer at GOAL! It's unreal. I stayed 100% OP, focused and committed. Was it always easy? Heck no! But was it always hard? NOPE! Trust yourself that you can do this!!!

So, just remember if you follow the protocol this diet really does work! Muah!
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Old 04-14-2012, 08:21 PM   #73  
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Originally Posted by usmcvet View Post
I have tried LOTS of diets over the years. WW worked a bit, Atkins helped me lose weight but neither lasted. My wife just told me I'd never stick to this, IP. That was like a kick in the gut. I need to make this work. I don't want to die any sooner than necessary! I know none of us make it out alive but I'd like it to be a long time from now! =) I don't want gastric by pass but that's what I was looking at about a month ago. Then I found IP. I've not cheated at all on this diet. Something I have never been able to do with any other diet. IP is expensive but it is working for me and clearly lots of you.

Got to go stack some more wood!
IP does feel different and I can relate to your wife's lack of confidence, my husband has lost all faith in me sticking to a program. I've tried everything, lost the weight a time or two only to gain it right back, but this time does feel like no other. For me half the battle will be getting the weight off and the other half keeping it off. When I told him I wanted to do this he said "well are you actually going to stick to this or is this just going to cost us a bunch of money" so I don't have a lot of support on the home front right now but I can't really blame him. Way to go on your 35 pounds your off to a great start!
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Old 04-14-2012, 08:32 PM   #74  
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Originally Posted by Spring chic View Post
IP does feel different and I can relate to your wife's lack of confidence, my husband has lost all faith in me sticking to a program. I've tried everything, lost the weight a time or two only to gain it right back, but this time does feel like no other. For me half the battle will be getting the weight off and the other half keeping it off. When I told him I wanted to do this he said "well are you actually going to stick to this or is this just going to cost us a bunch of money" so I don't have a lot of support on the home front right now but I can't really blame him. Way to go on your 35 pounds your off to a great start!
Follow the plan to the letter and the pounds will come off. Take the opportunity during this phase to evaluate yourself and your motives, weaknesses, emotions. The beauty of IP is that is does all the thinking for you, so it frees you up to really dig deep into your heart and figure out why you gained the weight in the first place. For me, that has been a critical part of the whole thing. I desperately do not want to ever go back to where I was, and so I work every single day on recognizing what I'm feeling, thinking and doing so I can truly change my life. I know spouses are an important support person, but my hope for you is that you find your own inner strength to do this, for YOU!

Good luck!
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Old 04-14-2012, 08:48 PM   #75  
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Sewmam, that is a great way to look at this. I hadn't thought of that. This is a great opportunity to work out some of those things with myself and find my inner strength. Today I noticed I kinda had an easy calm feeling and I think it was because my mind wasn't going crazy either berating myself for my latest failure or planning my next attempt. I am going to use this time wisely. Thanks for that!
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