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Old 02-10-2009, 03:07 AM   #586  
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Hi All!

Phew - survived a very rainy Monday here. I traded in my coffee for tea (meh), put my hair in a bun and braved the elements today.

For dinner I had szechuan beef and veggies. Quite pleasant. Kept me full enough for the rest of the evening though....I confess...I had one, warm, freshly baked chocolate chip cookie that was brought to me by a sweet little angel. I ate it in one gulp and refused a second. Victory!

Looking forward to the chicken satay tomorrow.

My next official weigh in is on Wednesday. I'm feeling good about it.....

Last edited by monanncel; 02-10-2009 at 03:08 AM.
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Old 02-10-2009, 10:06 AM   #587  
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mona - congrats on staying in control!! As we've all talked about, for most of us, Bistro isn't just a temporary 'diet plan' where we deprive ourselves short term to lose weight. Instead, it's a lifestyle change of how/what we eat. So it's got to be something we can live with in real life. You've just shown that you've gotten the hang of that concept.

The chicken satay is one of my favorite cut-up chicken meals. Enjoy!
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Old 02-10-2009, 07:59 PM   #588  
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Hi Guys -

The chicken satay is the BEST!

I had one of the newer meals in the black container for lunch; probably from a menu a few weeks ago. It was the moroccon warm lentil salad. None of that sounded appealing to me, but it was a nice change from the regular rotation. It had a large helping of lentils with raisens and some indian-type spices and a smaller chicken breast with more indian-type spices, maybe cilantro and coriander. I wasn't able to eat all of the lentils, though.

The WASA crisps might be good with laughing cow light cheese. If I recall, Oprah used to rave about them.
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Old 02-11-2009, 08:02 AM   #589  
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Jenny..... you know I find I like just about all the meals that I get from Bistro. I have been on them for 6 months and still find them tasty and filling. It still surprises me how full I am after eating their meals..
I think the lesson I have learned after all of this time is the meal has to been filling and satisfying at the same time. and that really can be done without stuffing it with high calorie , high fat products.
I really think the trick is the sauces that they use.. If you just take a plan chicken breast or salmon fillet......well it is ok but not very satisfying ... but if you add a bourbon sauce, peanut sauce, oriental sauce,...... you have a totally different meal that has that satiety value. When I finally lose this weight and have to cook more or less on my own my mission is going to be to find out HOW to make those type of sauces.

Mona... I second Kathys cudo's.. on control. That is really a great and a nice pat on the back for YOU.....
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Old 02-11-2009, 12:34 PM   #590  
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Well, Friends - it's mid week and that's my weigh in day.

And I lost one more pound!

I'm so thrilled since I thought my body had just come to a point where it had found it's "natural weight". Pshaw! I think it was my excuse to not try very hard.

Being on BistroMD has taught me some lessons in terms of portion size, types of foods that are filling, and regular meal times. Those are little nuggets I can continue with even after I lose the weight.

Also - the encouragement and tips from this forum and group are awesome! I think a little accountability goes a long way.

Thanks everyone! You're a part of my (slow but sure) success!

Edited to add: And WOW! The pot roast is fantastic!

Last edited by monanncel; 02-11-2009 at 12:35 PM.
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Old 02-11-2009, 01:49 PM   #591  
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Well Guys, this is confession time...... I have been DRAGGING with my weight loss since mid DEC..... I have blamed everything else but ME....... well...... I suddenly remember one of my most motivating things and the thing that kept me in line for all these many months.. Diary my FOOD........ well I got lazy and stopped or really slowed down doing the daily accountability...and you have no idea how quickly little things get slipped into the day that add up to a not very pretty number at the end of the day........30 calories here.. 20 calories there.. and before you know it ....YUCK.........
Well I am back on the straight and narrow......and diarying(sp) of my daily intake will take high priority for me. It only took a few days of writing it down to have it hit me between the eyes...I was depending too much on the bistro meals to keep me in line.. but no I have to stay in line myself.........

WOW.. how quickly we can move in the wrong direction. Glad to find this before the scale was moving in the wrong direct rather than just at a stand still.
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Old 02-12-2009, 01:28 AM   #592  
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I hear you, crenita!

I'm glad you found the source earlier on so you can tackle it and move in a positive direction!

Enjoy your happy reunion with your food diary!

You've done such a fantastic job so far - I know you will reach your goal!
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Old 02-12-2009, 07:51 PM   #593  
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Yay Mona And yes, you're right, the pot roast is fantastic.

Well I did my week of DTG low carb, and I'm glad to be back home. It certainly wasn't awful (the breakfasts were great) but it wasn't Bistro. On top of everything else, I was hungry all week long, even tho I was taking in more calories. Go figure. For those of you who are new to meal delivery, go try a week of one of the other guys, and you'll understand why those of us who started out on other plans went "you gotta be kidding me" when we got our first week of Bistro.

Renita, I'm glad we're both back on track!

Jenny, I LOVE Thai food and my favorite is chicken or shrimp masaman. I hated having to give it (and it's 9 jillion calories) up, but I don't miss it now cause of the chicken satay. I love that stuff. Renita says that you can use PB2 to make a peanut sauce. May try that on the shrimp.

They've started a 17 week Weight Watchers program at work. I'm gonna join, just for the camaraderie and recipe sharing part of it. They're waiting on a call back from the WW folks, to find out if I can join, since I'm on another 'diet program'. I explained that I'm not on a 'diet program'...I've changed my eating habits to a healthy lifestyle, but I'm cheating, cause I'm not having do deal with the work part of it...I'm paying someone else to do it. Out of curiosity, I'm going to calculate 'points' on the Bistro foods. The ones that I've done so far have been really low. I love it.

It's so good to be back.
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Old 02-12-2009, 09:16 PM   #594  
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Glad you're back, Kathy!
I've been tracking the DTG thread because I've been thinking about hopping over to that if I get bored with Bistro but that hasn't happened yet. They've been keeping things pretty interesting on my end with new meals.

I don't get any variety for breakfasts. I haven't had a waffle, cinnamon roll, donut or different kind of muffin in 4 weeks. And I certainly haven't been given cheesecake as a snack. But, breakfasts aren't where I crave variety so this is fine by me.

So, today was my delivery day (normally Wednesdays but it came on Thursday this week for some reason - no bigee). The weird thing was that the box wasn't packed well this time. The outer box they used was smaller than normal and they JAMMED the cooler and snack box into it. Normally there is some wiggle room and I can just lift everything out.

No big deal - I'm a problem solver. I just cut the other end of the box so I can easily slide it on through. But when I did that, all of my snacks fell out onto the floor. *sigh* Okay. That's okay. I need to do inventory, anyway.

I did my inventory, put my meals back in the cooler (which is still wedged in the outer box) and start to carry it to the kitchen. That's when the bottom fell out and all of my food fell on the ground. Again.

Between that and the FedEx guy putting my Welcome mat on top of the box on my porch(I guess to "hide" it...but seriously.....), I was laughing pretty hard. I mean, just bless his heart for trying to protect my food.

Happy almost Friday!
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Old 02-12-2009, 10:15 PM   #595  
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Originally Posted by monanncel View Post
Glad you're back, Kathy!
I've been tracking the DTG thread because I've been thinking about hopping over to that if I get bored with Bistro but that hasn't happened yet. They've been keeping things pretty interesting on my end with new meals.
If you do DTG for a week, don't do the low carb. Do the low fat, and get a loaf of WW bread, or the flatbreads to use instead of their big rolls. Every 2 months or so, I plan on doing that, just to give my system a jolt.

Originally Posted by monanncel View Post
I don't get any variety for breakfasts. I haven't had a waffle, cinnamon roll, donut or different kind of muffin in 4 weeks. And I certainly haven't been given cheesecake as a snack. But, breakfasts aren't where I crave variety so this is fine by me.
Anytime I get a waffle or a cinnamon roll, I'm tickled because I love them. I'm with you...I don't fret about variety with the breakfasts. But I do love egg dishes (and blinzes), and I haven't had the blinzes or frittatas, so I'm looking forward to that. But the fact that you haven't had a cheesecake is just brutal. They are just stoopid good. It doesn't matter if it's plain, strawberry, etc.

Originally Posted by monanncel View Post
So, today was my delivery day (normally Wednesdays but it came on Thursday this week for some reason - no bigee). The weird thing was that the box wasn't packed well this time.
This whole saga is mind boggling to me. After being on other programs, I was amazed at the intelligent, professional packaging that Bistro did (i.e. coolers instead of slabs of styrofoam, pizza boxes on top to hold dry goods, etc). Since I've quit getting snacks, my stuff has come in the shorter boxes (with no pizza boxes on top) but it's always been in great shape. You need to call them and tell them about the gotcha...if they're screwing up and don't know about it, they can't fix it.

Originally Posted by monanncel View Post
Between that and the FedEx guy putting my Welcome mat on top of the box on my porch(I guess to "hide" it...but seriously.....), I was laughing pretty hard. I mean, just bless his heart for trying to protect my food.
I was cracking up reading this. I've had Great Danes for over 30 years, and have always trained them with the 'go potty' phrase. I can't tell you the number of times that it's been raining, and I've put them out, saying 'go potty' and they'd stand behind a tree (so that their head is behind it, but the other 36" is hanging out the other side) and then come running back like they'd gone to the bathroom. There are just some things that are too big to hide. And it's not uncommon for me to wind up with one that is scared of thunder, and decides that it's safer to be under a coffee table or end table when there's a storm moving thru...and inevitably, they stand up afterwards... taking the coffee table or end table with them.

Anyhow, sorry you had a rough delivery, but glad that you're still enjoying the food!
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Old 02-13-2009, 03:33 AM   #596  
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Awww sweet doggies!
My large 19lb cat can hide herself about as well as your danes - she kind of tucks her head behind a pillow and calls it a day.
One time, the cats went a little haywire and each one was trying to find a good place to hide. Whoop! One was in the closet. Zip! One went under the bed. The one that wasn't allowed in the closet with her brother or under the bed with her sister ended up jamming her head under the dresser and getting stuck there.

I can't help it - I love her most.
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Old 02-13-2009, 02:52 PM   #597  
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You guys are toooooooooooo funny....... just the thought of those great big puppies trying to hide just their heads had me cracking up.

Now I am a kitty cat girl. and the big fluffy kitties are my favorite. I lost my little love almost a year ago and haven't had the heart to replace him yet. He was 18 years old. I went so far as to buying a new fancy automatic litter box that is still sitting in its box but no kitty to use it. some day..........

Well I finally did the good old Closet PURGE... I have been delaying this as the old feelings of ' just in case' have been hanging around.. but finally I have felt safe enough to let go........ and boy did I start flinging those tired old clothes around the room....... What a workout both physically and emotionally.
Well after I got done the closet was nearly bare....... but it was a relief to get rid of the stuff .... some still with tag's on that, I had grown out of before I could use them..
Well now I have nothing to wear......heheheheh...... but I do have a clean Closet...... and a lighter heart.

But don't ask me to go anywhere because I may be in my birthday suit !!!

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Old 02-13-2009, 03:47 PM   #598  
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Default Anyone ever try a savory oatmeal ??

I was reading an article online about a chef that makes a savory oatmeal using soy sauce and sliced green onions... making it like a brown rice sort of thing..
Have I been living under a rock or something ?? I have never heard of this.... and with my aversion to sweet breakfasts , could this be an alternative to my eggbeater breakfast ??
One guy even makes plain oatmeal and then pan fried an egg and put the egg on top of the oatmeal for breakfast ?
I never thought of oats as anything other than oatmeal cookies or breakfast stuff.
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Old 02-13-2009, 07:43 PM   #599  
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Renita, where do you come up with these things??? The oatmeal soy sauce thing sounds great. I'm going out this weekend to get the silicon muffin pans, so I can make up some of the egg muffins. Mushroom, onion and cheese in all of them, but I'm gonna do broccoli, zucchini and spinach separately, to see which I like better (may do some with all 3)...OMG I'm turning into Martha Stewart
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Old 02-13-2009, 08:17 PM   #600  
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This is what happens when you have too much time on your hands......... the guy was a NPR radio and was talking about how he now eats only healthy foods and the savory oatmeal was one of his new ' finds'.... apparently this is very common in Scotland and Ireland.. where oats are staples.
boy....... I really have lived a sheltered life. but if you think of it.. we use grits with cheese and garlic.. and cornmeal( polenta) with tomato sauce and cheese.. I guess oats could be considered just another grain..... and top it with other things...... never never would of thought of it ..

Well Martha Stewart...... I will be anxious to hear how your ' Baking' turns out......... hehehehehe

Last edited by crenita; 02-13-2009 at 08:19 PM.
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