Core Board 13 Because We're All Losing Queens!

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  • Hi all --

    Frouf - it sounds like you visited paradise! Try not to worry about the weight. I think it would be worse if you denied yourself the wonderful food and drink and sat in a corner with your salad and ff dressing. Feasts are part of celebrations, and everyone should be able to enjoy themselves for a period of time. Now that you're back, the weight will come off.

    Vickie - I had Pella over to estimate our windows and the salesman seemed kinda slimey. You know, like he was selling used cars or timeshare (no offense to honest, reputable people who sell used cars or timeshare ). We opted to wait on the windows, but we're not gonna use Pella.

    Ya know what's kind of odd? I find myself spending more time getting ready for work. I'm trying to dress a little more professionally, bought some new makeup, and stuff like this. I think it's odd because I just started with WW, so I don't look any different weight-wise (still a very, very large woman). Today I'm wearing boots with a heel for the first time in a really long time, instead of my wide flat comfy shoes. I don't know why suddenly this has become important to me. I'm even considering buying some skirts instead of wearing Dockers every day. Did this kind of thing happen to any of you? Will I wake up next week and think 'what the heck was I thinking' ?

    -- Terry
  • Is This A Long Day Or What???
    Back at work (UGH!) and took all morning to get thru my emails and messages - now I have a headache (again) - had a half decaf/half regular coffee this morning to work on the caffeine withdrawal - and it is obviously not good enuf??? Also started drinking more water and back to the vitamins, etc.

    Terry - you look fabulous today? ...and is that a new hairstyle or something? I think it's great you are paying more attention to your looks cuz it indicates a certain pride in your appearance -whether or not you have lost weight. I think this is not uncommon - I notice people that lost weight start sporting different styles of clothes as well as new hairdos!

    Vickie - sorry to hear about your door problems - I hate that when you buy something expecting a certain "quality" and spend more time having it fixed than it was worth! Hope your tummy problems disappear and you do know those 2 lbs are not food related? I hardly think you have consumed an extra 7,000 calories to explain the gain - just hang in there!

    Lisa - congrats on all that water consumption! You are my IDOL for today and I will try and follow in your footsteps! (to the washroom..ha ha ha)

    Linda - I am looking to you for exercise inspiration - I know I have to begin moving this body in order to lose weight - I was doing not too badly before the sciatica hit and now need to get out those walking shoes and plug in the treadmill!

    Deborah - I too am going to brush up my resume and have started searching out some gov jobs as well considering the job classification they promised me is not going to happen - not sure if I will "accept" their offer or move on - so in the meantime I will see if anything interesting is available and will apply!

    Just having my lunch now - trying to keep up the protein so I don't get too hungry - but I can see how easy it would be to slip into those bad habits (as I bought coffee today at the shop downstairs I was busy eyeing those amazingly large cinammon buns, but managed to resist!). Made some roast chicken breasts last night (in my lunch today) and a roast beef as well for dinner tonight so no excuses not to eat right when I get home!

    Scale already down 2 lbs from original weight so this is a GOOD SIGN - and I tried to "foil" my period into taking a vacation as well (by continuing my bc pills instead of taking that "week off" to get my period), but alas, my body was not very cooperative and have been spotting for the past few days - what a bad idea that was - so not sure if I'm pmsing or bloated or just plain fat! So do I have my period now??? and then again in a week when I finish this round? What a bummer!!!!

    So can I lose 4 more lbs this week? Can pigs fly?

  • Okay, Froufie, it may not look like it but that little piggy is flying! If you lost 2 pounds in one day, the other 4 may disappear just as quickly. I'm sorry about the bc pills decision backfiring ... what a drag to have 2 back-to-back TOM's!

    Thanks for the kind thoughts, Vickie, Lisa, and Froufie. Unfortunately, we are completely on our own as far as finding a replacement job. If we don't find one to our choosing, they'll find one for us ... somewhere in the middle of nowhere. That's the thanks I get for 19 1/2 years, right?

    Terry, I am all about comfort first, appearance second so I admire you for taking extra time and effort in your appearance at work. If I ever willingly wore a dress to work, there would be a swath of dead bodies all around me from the sheer shock of it all! I think it's wonderful that you are feeling positive self-awareness and pride in your appearance. Those can be as motivating as lost pounds in their own way!

    Lisa, way to go on getting that 2-mile WATP over and done with! I hope you have a terrific WI tomorrow!
  • Is it a bird? Is it a plane?
    No, it's a flying pig!
  • Good Lord Lisa, you were a women on a mission this morning....whoo hooo.
    And all by 10:30!! What an inspiration!!!!!!!!
    Deborah.....doing resumes....ughh!! been there, done that....but I have my fingers crossed for for and those affected by all that is happening. Stay strong!!
    Frou I'm thinking pigs can fly too In a few days all that holiday weight will be a memory !!
    Vickie there is NO way you are two pounds more than Frou said you in no way ate 7,000 calories worth of food. So not to worry.
    Don't be discouraged!!! You know better!! I have a great article called Why the Scale Lies, but have no way of putting it here, it's too long....if I figure a way, I may post it. Interesting, very interesting!!
    Angela you are one busy "Chick" hope your day was great!!!
    You should be @ goal, I bet next weight in, right???
    Terry GOOD for you on wanting to look your best!! That is the best thing we can do. When I was way over weight I never did that, but others I know did and they felt so good about themselves. Even with this blasted 10-12 lbs I now have to lose I don't dress my best, but you have instilled a new thought in me.
    And Frou has a point about people changing themselves....with me, when I lost my 55 lbs, I had my hair highlighted blonde...What a difference since my hair is naturally dark brown. Now it's like I've never not been blonde. I have to get my before and after picture on here...Before dark hair, after blonde hair. I am, however, considering going back to my natural color, too much work this way and such an husband tells me "you work so hard every day, you deserve it!! He likes my hair either way. Me, I'm not sure. I guess I equate blonde to thin, which I am not right now. Well enough of that, didn't mean to babble.
    Well Lisa......I am in too!! But.....tomorrow I'll take a break, only because Wednesday at my job is absoulutley the worst! I come home mentally exhausted and am good for nothing!!
    Monday and Tuesday are as bad but I made the committment this morning.... So Thursday is it for me. I have all of her tapes and I HAVE to agree with I think it was Deborah.....listening to them bores the **** out of me. I know all the conversations by heart....and a few on the people on them I actually don't like, can you imagine that.. but I turn the volumn down....I did hear that George Foreman has a walk tape, and heard it's quite good. I'll try and check it out this weekend.
    Kathy how are you doing?? Sure can use some of your motivation!!!
    Well, I am off......I am beat.....have a great evening......Talk with you all tomorrow....Linda
  • Here's a link to that article Linda mentioned:

    I'm at work til 7 tonight and won't be turning on the computer when I get home -- have to cook dinner and clean it up, then get ready for tomorrow because I have to be back at 5 in the morning. I'm already worn out just thinking about it.
  • Thanks Kathy.....I didn't think of doing it the way you did!!! Good thinking!!!
    It's very interesting...and may shed some light for some of us!!
    Hope you have a good evening.....I think you and I work the longest damned work day hours....ughhhhhh. I know for me I feel like I am always there, if not actually there then I am working from home some nights and weekends.....what is wrong with that wonder my sync is off.......
    Till tomorrow...........
  • Kathy and Linda, GREAT article. Thanks. I needed that. Don't know why I'm punky these last couple of days. Don't want to plan or cook. Gotta go force myself to do some of both now. Maybe I'll watch Idol.
  • Neat article. I saved that one...

    MUST DRINK WATER!!! MUST DRINK WATER!! I think I don't drink as much as I should because it's just so annoying to make all those trips to the bathroom. Like it's a whole 50 feet away, and then there's the whole pants down and up thing. Geez!

    I'm going to my second guitar lesson tonight. I'm getting callouses on my fingertips - I must be getting good, right?

    Better go do the dishes and make dd's lunch for tomorrow.

  • Vickie so glad you enjoyed the article....good thinking on Kathy's part. I didn't even think of doing it that way.....I printed it out a long time ago and read it every now and then, as well as the one Angela posted on platues. Especially # 1 Journal, Journal, Journal..... I am one of those who has to.

    So.....Vickie hang in there......after doing the program for so long and being so good, I understand why you feel as you do. But knowing you, you'll be fine later on or tomorrow and right back in the swing of are a strong person, with the will of 100 people. I admire your strength and look to you for security and stability in my program weakness. I was ok today but could have been 100%. That will be my goal for tomorrow. I already have my can of Progress Beef Barley ready to take with me in the morning.....
    Have a great evening Vickie and everyone else. Till tomorrow....Linda
  • Linda, thanks for referencing and Kathy, thanks for finding ... the article about the scales. It's nice to put things in perspective. I weigh daily ... whether it's good for me or not ... but it's still nice to know that when the scale shows a 5 pound gain in one day, it's not for real!

    I'm also sorry y'all are both being worked to a frazzle. It would be very hard for me to make time to plan, shop, cook, etc. for a successful Core day if I were working 12 hours a day every day of the week. Heck, I don't do it very well now and I don't devote nearly the time either of you do to the job. I don't know how you both eat as well as you do. Just take good care of yourself and try to make the healthiest choices that you can, while your schedules are so hectic.

    Vickie, I'm sorry you still aren't feeling yourself. Maybe a good night's sleep will be just the ticket to put you back in the Core groove!

    Lisa and Angela, I'm sending good WI vibes for you both!
  • Morning all!
    Don't have much time here. Must get DD out of bed so she can go to school, then it's off to WI. I'll check back after that.

    WATP - yes they do get boring and so I don't listen to them. I turn on the radio or put in one of my DD's cds and TURN LESLIE DOWN. I figure as long as my legs are in time with hers, I should be good. This way, every workout is different if you keep changing up the music.

    Wanted to get on here last night., but MIL decided to come over to watch American Idol. Actually since she's been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis she become depressed (no relief from the pain) and doesn't like to be home alone. So, she finds an excuse to go to one of her kids houses, and then it gets too late, so she sleeps over.

    Here she comes. bye.
  • Morning Ladies!
    I'm in an Amazing mood! Its gorgeous out!!!!! Im not wearing a coat!!!!!!!!!! I hate coats
    I don't have alot of time to reply to everyone but
    Lisa: How open would MIL be to Acupuncture? I ahve chronic pain (I have cerebral Palsy and Fibromyalgia) acupuncture is a great relaxer and it has helped me in the past
    also maybe she should check with her doc about supplements. Omega 3 fatty acids are supposed to be great for pain in joints. . .If i can drag my buns to the drugstore I'm going to grab some another thing Wet heat is very penetrating for pain.
    One thing that also I've noticed. When I'm depressed I hurt more. maybe your husband and his siblings can work to remind her that she's still a vital woman she has more life to lead. Also physical therapy a yoga for seniors class most importantly some friends her own age. . .I don't want you to lose your life with your family because of this.
    I had made a core quiche last night when we got home from MIL's I went to bed and DH took it out of the oven . .. .not being skilled culinarily he didn't know it needed to stay in another 10 minutes so my core lunch got side tracked
    So I brought oatmeal a banana a cup of kashi and in case a granola bar
    I'm going to hit the grocery next door @ lunch for some emergency supplies
  • MIL is going to physical therapy, but doesn't really think it helps. Chiropractor didn't help much, but she did ask me last night what I thought of acupuncture. Maybe she should try that. I think it's mostly her hands that bother her., they are swollen and lumpy and she can't make a fist. Can't even do her own hair. She does also have fibromyalgia, so I'll mention the acupuncture.

    quiche sounds good - Is the recipe posted somewhere?

  • Morning All! Poor Kathy, you must feel like you are living at work. Hope these horrible hours will end for you soon.

    Angela, it dawned on me when you said WATER WATER WATER that I have been slowly but surely slipping on my water. I'm still getting 6-8 glasses every day but some days only 6 and hardly ever more than 8. I do better when I drink at least 8-10. So I'm going to be better at that today. At least 10 for me today. The two pounds are still there on the scale. Nothing I can do but keep eating right, exercising and drinking water. Thanks for the sanity check from all of you. I know that I did not eat an extra 7000 calories even if I did let my portions get large! I haven't been bad so something is just a little freaky going on for the moment.

    It looks like it will be rainy here today but still near 70. I'm happy for that. I'm going to exercise at 8:15 and get my day rolling. The patio door is finally DONE! Pella sent me a questionairre which I'll be completing. I'll also be giving them a rating on Angie's List which is a consumer rating group that I belong to. I'm not trying to hurt Pella, just to make sure that people know what they might run in to if they deal with them.

    Lisa, I'm sure sorry to hear the situation with your MIL. Who wouldn't be depressed if they had chronic pain? I sure would try anything to make the pain go away. Kierie sounds like she knows what she is talking about so I'd definitely suggest her remedies. I'd also try some water aerobics. I've heard this is very good for arthritis sufferers. I did laugh though when you said you had to leave the computer because she was coming. Did you feel like you were 12 again? Hiding from the parents?! It made me LOL!