300+ And Ready To Try Again...#607

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  • Good morning everyone. I am happy to report that I am FINALLY losing some of that weight I gained. Geeze... I hate losing the same pounds again and again and again.
    This is going to be LAST time I have to lose these pounds. I really am determined !!!

    MaryB ... glad you got the Christmas Challenge.
    The exercise for 20 minutes is DAILY. I know that some people only do it 3-4 times a week and that is fine... but you only get to mark your NICE list if you did it that day.
    Exercise does not have to be strictly workouts at gyms. It can include fun things like bowling, tennis, horseback riding, dancing, etc. You can divide it up into two sessions of 10 minutes , etc.

    I hope I don't offend anyone but I have to say something that may be unpopular again. During the elections of the last year.... our group did a GREAT job of keeping our own Political beliefs out of our thread. Many people have VERY STRONG political beliefs. But not everyone shares in the same ones.

    I feel that our religious beliefs are better served outside of this weight loss thread too.
    We all have them. Many have very strong beliefs. I think our group as a whole is better served if we keep the many different religious beliefs seperate too.
    I am not saying deny your beliefs... nor to never mention God of your belief.
    I am just suggesting we need to keep this thread focused more on our weight loss journey.
  • Good Morning Girls and Guy!
    DH finally arrived home from Boston last night around 11pm. It was so good to have him back after being gone all week. Well, that is until he started hogging the covers, sleeping on my side of the bed and snoring! Oh well - what's a girl to do? I am slowly getting my day started with a cup of tea and deciding what to do. I am letting DH sleep late and then we have errands to run and the tree to decorate.

    Skit - It's way too early for tears today. But you managed to bring them on - not too hard lately. THANK YOU for your heartfelt post! I am going to print it out and keep it nearby. Everything you said really hit home with me. I am so thankful to have the medical opportunity to try to have my own children, but we realize it may or may not happen and are open to adoption. We know that we have the love to give and it may not be a biological child. I loved the words you found in your post to me! The most difficult thing for me right now is the unknown --- There is so much waiting involved in these treatments. We agree that this is the option we want to explore first and if it's not meant to be we will move on, however it just takes so long to get from one point to another. I just want to build my family one way or another soon. Although if we are not meant to have a biological child I know there will be more waiting and heartbreak in the adoption process. There is so much to consider and we have also considered what our life would be like if we decided to not have children - so far I can't come to terms with that option, but it's out there as well. We know we would still live a happy life, just a different one. Ok - I realize I am randomly talking all over the place now and that my words are not nearly as eloquent as yours! Thank you so much for you prayers and support - they mean so much to me.

    Mary B. - Welcome back. Sorry things are so crazy for you right now. Good job on the 1 pound loss!

    Hello and Hugs to all my friends! I am going to get started on my day!

  • Kat... this is too funny. I was writing a post and the site submitted it before I was done and without me telling it to... and you lost yours when you tried to submit it.

    I think it is time to start a new thread. so...
    STOP !!! Do not continue to post here.
    Come join us in the next ongoing thread... # 608