2012 Between Challenges Combined Team CHAT Thread Week 3 (04/16-04/29)

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  • whoooo Hoooo, im ready! Go RED Team!
    Gotta get with it and Lose that 20 im holding on to.

    Lets do it girls! YES we can !!!!!
  • hi all go red ......really looking forward to this challenge and cant wait for first weigh in
  • Well I've logged my meals and planned meals for the day to make sure what I have planned for the day supports my goals for the day. Also will get up right after this post and take a quick walk up and down the stairwell at work (before lunch is over). Next goal is to spend at least 30 minutes in my workout room this evening. I get home before my husband today (doesn't happen very often since normally we carpool) and that always helps me walk into the workout room before anything else calls my name.
  • Sounds like you've got a great strategy in place EofAZ
  • Whoohoo, can't wait to start!!!
  • Individual team thread have been posted.

    Blue team chat thread

    Red Team chat thread