Sarge's No Excuses & No Whining Boot Camp #14

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  • Sew, Tate and KK

    Your gonna love it here!!!

    Dreamer - Glad to see you. I missed you!
  • heck Jeanetty, I decline the baton because I cant wait to do something called boom shacka lacka.

    Maybe once I have been around long enough to get a feel for what the challenges are like I'll submit a few.
  • Hey all you pro runners,

    I have a question. I just committed myself to a 3 mile Race for the cure October 1st. I need to be able to finish the 3 miles and since I walk slower than my friends I want to be able to walk faster than I do now.

    I have 3.5 weeks to train. My question is,

    Is it better to concentrate on going the distance first and then build up my speed or work on my speed as I work up to being able to complete 3 miles?

    Obviously I have no idea how to train for something like this so any help would be appreciated.
  • Jeanettey -- Don't worry about finishing! You'll be able to complete 3 miles... Have you been walking any distance at all??? If not, start out by simply circling the block and build up from there. Don't worry about completing the distance before race day if it's a real problem because you'll find on the day itself there are so many people cheering you on that there is no way you're gonna quit! Is there a time limit on the race? Even if there is, there is no shame finishing right in front of that sag van! That's where I've finished on a couple of races and I "double dog dare" them to kick you off!

    Also, re: weekly challenge. If no one takes up the baton I'd say go with Boom chacka or assign one from Sarrge's favorite sweatshop site: My pick for the week, "Armageddon" ...
  • Quote: Welcome!! I think we should call you Earl, so as to not confuse you with KittyKat or KSquared (KK) or K3 (K3LL3Y).

    What's that? I'm only funny in my own head? Too much time with MadamB??
    Peanutt, you can call me Earl... but you might have to remind me that you're talking to me.

    Actually, as the youngest in my family, I learned to answer to pretty much anything. If Mom was looking at me she was addressing me, no matter which one of my brother's or sister's names she used!
  • Hi, everyone! I just signed up, and this is my first post. Just weighed myself a couple hours ago, sans-clothing, and I was 251 lbs. According to MetLife, I should be less than 200. Yikes. Time for Boot Camp for me.

    I don't know how well it's going to go this first week, and it's already Tuesday, so I'm pledging to lose two pounds by the end of the week.

    Tonight I did a little weight lifting, a 5-minute run & a half-hour walk, ate steak and a baked potato with a small amount of BBQ sauce. There's ice cream in the fridge, but I'm planning on having a protein bar and a diet soda instead.

    Wish me luck! Thanks much.. —Darel
  • I'm a little embarrassed to admit this, but I just got excited to see another man in our midst. Welcome, Darel!
  • Jeanetty - you have only a few weeks. Just get out there walking and or running as often as you can and dont stress about it too much. If you have time once a week to get out for a longer walk or walk jog do so.

    Caveat - I couldnt tell from your post... If you plan on mostly fast walking then practice fast walking. If you want to do walk/jog intervals then practice that. Fast walking doesnt prepare your body for running but neither does running prepare your body for power walking. Your cardio system will adapt to either but the motion is VERY different for the leg muscles. I can run for 3 hours comfortably, I cant power walk more than 20 minutes without my shins cramping.

    K3, Ksquared, KK, KittyKat, Kitkatt




    This is my brother daryl and this is my other brother darel . . . LOLOLOLOL So funny in my own head


  • Thanks for all the welcomes. I will probably just lurk around for awhile until I figure stuff out. Did get 1.5 hours at he gym this am before work, so I can add 3 miles to 'round the world.
  • Welcome to all the new recruits!

    Jeanettey - I am fine with the boom shacka lacka challenge since I missed it last time. But anything is fine with me and I am looking forward to your challenge!

    Today I went to school and sat their for about an hour before I realized my classes don't start till tomorrow (yes it took me that long to figure it out). But since i didn't have school I went and bought a gym pass... yes I finally committed and signed my money away on the dotted line.
    Now that I have signed up I just have to go. After dinner I plan on going for a swim because as silly as this sounds I find the gym very intimidating. Little things like now knowing where to lock up my stuff/ change freaks me out. I took swimming lessons at the YMCA as a kid so the pool is not as scary and is a good way to ease myself into it and after my swim I will scope out the upstairs.
  • Loving the chuckles that I get from reading all the posts.

    Thanks for the calve advice. For any Calorie counters out there,do you track calories consumed or net calories? Just asking.

  • Welcome DarelRex-- Sarge added you to the board back in post #341.

    Platoon....we're up to 40 members in various stages of undress...Darel "sans-clothing," Pokey usually pantsless, many losing so much weight that "pants on the ground" moments have been reported in the trenches!

    Keep those endorphins flowing. They ward off the cooties and Sarge won't have to fumigate again.

  • Oh bloody **** and a fudge stick.
    School - work - read - tests - cram - rinse - repeat

    At least I can do the SHRED every night even if I deprive myself from 30 minutes of precious sleep time. As for "cooking" I've began eating fruits, raw veggies, fast made sandwiches, thrown together salads and cereal... ><
    Today I made fish though. Was amazingly delicious.
    Salmon fillets, baked in a wine/butter mixture drained then broiled with mustard and brown sugar (lightly spread then broiled into the fillet). I made some spicy rice to go with it, but that was for my room mates because I avoid white rice and didn't want the extra calories. Instead I had steamed broccoli with curry and lemon zest. Pretty good actually.


    Thank you for everyone whom gave me ideas to speed the weight loss along. Monday the gym was closed (Which is the most annoying thing to discover when you wake up at 6:00 AM to walk down to a gym all sleepy eyed while listening to Oren Lavie and hopes of gaining fitocracy points). SOOOO I'll be increasing weights on Friday instead. Shred Level 2 is in a day or so (I forgot what day I was on... second time running through it and sometimes I replace Shred with something else like kick boxing or a class).

    Sorry for the rather large update, I just don't get a chance to hop on as often as I like. I mostly read text books, take notes, and go for walks these days. At least I walk in my spare time instead of eat or gather at a coffee shop with fatty pastries.

    Rated Gyms intimidate me as well. I feel like everyone there is watching me and secretly plotting things. I just have to force myself into those doors and start using the machines while secretly wishing someone decides I'll be a good work out buddy. Hopefully someone who looks like Commando Steve, is unattached, and completely straight and kinky and twisted like I am (I can dream). Good luck with the gym!

    DarelRexWelcome! We could certainly use more testosterone here. Starting is the hardest part. The rest is just pushing through. If you can get through the first 2 weeks, I think you can get through the rest if you stay diligent with it.
  • Quote: Welcome DarelRex-- Sarge added you to the board back in post #341.

    Platoon....we're up to 40 members in various stages of undress...Darel "sans-clothing," Pokey usually pantsless, many losing so much weight that "pants on the ground" moments have been reported in the trenches!

    Keep those endorphins flowing. They ward off the cooties and Sarge won't have to fumigate again.

    Fumigating is bad!!!! Let's hope it doesn't have to happen again.

    Boxing this morning was extra tough after 4 days off. I'm pretty sore already, can't wait to see what it's like in the morning!

    Welcome to our newcomers!